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[题目1 ]

We each have a memory (记忆力) . That's why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again.

Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.

A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day, In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.

But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.

1. What can a memory do?

A) It can help us learn new language B) It makes our body healthy C) It help people remember things D) It can do more exercises

2. ―Many of the great men hare got surprising memories‖ here ‖surprising‖ means A) bad B)frightened C)big D)very good

3. Why do the student hare a lot of trouble a foreign language? Because A) they can‘t hare enough time and chances to practice if B) they don‘t study hard on it C) they are not in a foreign country

D) the foreign language is too difficult for them 4. From the passage we know A) We can‘t learn mother language and foreign language at the same time B) good memory can help people a lot in learning a language C) the great men are successful because of the surprising memory D) exercises can help memory little

【趋势预测】科普性文章近年已成为中考题中必考题目,它涉及的内容陌生,表述多用术语,与学生的日常生活及文化知识的储备之间距离较大,这也成其较为艰涩难懂的主要原因;同时,由于理解不畅而影响了学生做题情绪,也是对学生心理素质的一种考查,故此题材倍受青睐。 【解题关键】本文以科学的态度论述了人们的记忆力以及培养好的记忆力的方法,并谈及语言学习与记忆的关系。 解决本题,要时刻紧扣文章内容本子,不可根据自己的经验轻率论断。 【答案解析】

1、C 本篇文章前两句是中心句、概括句是对“memory‖一个概括和定义,由此容易得出,其余三项太片面 2) D本题属于词语断义,此种题一方面掌握本意,同时又要放到具体语境中引出恰当的引申义,“surprising‖即令人惊喜的引申出出奇的好!

3) A 本题与学生自动体验有密切关系,其余三项不全面

4) B 运用排除法,A项在第二段描述“双语学习”中可找到反面证据 C项太片面,伟大不仅仅有个好记忆,而好的记忆只是感动的一项条件 D由于后一句可推翻

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[题目2 ]

Many places in the world need more fresh (淡的) water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh.

Why aren't there many factories like the Symi factory?

In some places, the sun is not hot enough, or it does not shine every day.

In such places, other ways of heating(加热)sea water can be used. These ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun. By boiling(煮沸) sea water with high heat, a lot of fresh water can be made quickly. But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water. Other ways are tried.

One way is freezing(冷冻). The fresh part of salt water freezes first. To get fresh water, the bits of ice are taken out. Which way is best? The one that gives the most water for the least money. It may be a different way for each place. Symi's way seems very good for small, hot places. It does not make very much water at a time. But the factory is easy to build and costs little.

That is why people in many dry places talk- about Symi!

1)Fresh water .

A)can be used in many ways B)can be found in many factories C)is needed in every country D)is very important for rectories 2)The symi factory .

A)is a fresh water-making factory B)doesn‘t need sunshine every day C)is a salt factory D)can be built everywhere

3)When we get fresh water from small and hot places, we can choose A)Boiling or heating the sea water B)the way in hotter and drier places C)The symi‘s way D)Freezing the sea water in cold places 4)This passage is mainly about .

A) hot places and dry places B)the ways of making fresh wafer from sea water

C) how to make good use of the sun D)water-making factories in different countries

【趋势预测】环境及环保的话题不仅是当今热门的关注焦点,而是在学生教科书中都得到了充分的体现,人口、风沙、水源、大气污染等各种主题均在考题中频频出现,这也是最应该提醒学生关注的题材之一。 【解题关键】


关于“water”方面的话题,同学们都有感性认识,但究其当中的科学、专业的道理就显得认识不足或不准确,故做这种题材的题目应将自己的认识与文段中科学的阐述结合起来,才能得到最准确的答案。 【答案解析】

1) C 由第一句“many places need more fresh water‖可知 2) A 本文重点读了symi factory的制水方法

3) C 最后一段“symi‘s why seems very good for small hot places‖得出

4) B 本篇文章说了很好,但主要(mainly)读的是“the way to make fresh water from sea water‖

[题目3 ]

Water can be a liquid ,a solid or a gas .When it is a solid, it may be as hard as rock(岩石) .When it is a liquid, you can pour (倒) it out of a container(容器) .When it is a gas, you cannot see it or feel it. When water changes to water vapour ,we say that it evaporates(蒸发) .When water vapour changes to water ,we say that it condenses(凝结) .

Water can change from one form, to another easily. This is why we always have fresh supply (供给) of water .Now let us find out how this is possible. The heat of the sun evaporates water, from the oceans(海洋), seas, rivers and lakes.

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The heat also evaporates water from the ground and from plants and animals. Water vapour is formed. This rises and forms clouds in the air.

When the clouds come near a mountain, they are forced to rise. As the clouds rise, they are cooled. The higher they rise, the more they are cooled. This causes (引起) more and more water vapour to condense . In this way, the tiny(微小) drops of water in the clouds get bigger and bigger until they are heavy enough to fall to the earth as rain .

Some rain water which fails on the earth is again evaporated by the sun's heat. Some of it sinks into the ground. It may be used up by thirsty plants. It may reach a well (水井) or a spring(泉) . Most of the water goes back to the rivers, seas and oceans. This process(过程) then starts all over again . This process is called the water cycle.


1) How many forms does water have?

A) Only one B)Two C)Three D)Four

2) Which of the followings shows the wafer condenses? A) A liquid changes to a solid B)A solid changes into a gas C) A gas changes to liquid D)A solid is heated 3)The tiny drops of water are called rain when . A) water vapour condenses B)water vapour forms clouds

C) they are in the clouds D)they are big enough to fall to the earth

4) The rain wafer that sinks into the ground is than as that goes back to the rivers, seas and oceans. A)more B)less C)the same D)as much

【趋势预测】本篇阅读材料是一篇纯科普性的物理知识,里面的专业术语比较多,这正是中考题中逐渐尝试使用的一种考查方法。但专业术语,有绝大部分可以在上下文中语境暗示中找到较为合理的解释。本篇文章讲述了“水循环”这一物理知识,学生们对此基本有了自己的认识,理解起来应该不太难。 【解题关键】




2) C 由 ―when water vapour changes to water we say that it condenses‖这一句得出,但要搞清“gas‖与“vapour‖,“ water‖与 ―liquid‖的对应关系。

3) D 第三段最后一句“‖until they are heavy enough??”可知 4) B 最后一段“some of it sinks?”“most of the water goes back‖两句,对此“some‖与“most‖的量的区别,不难得出。

[题目4 ] When you cut your skin(皮肤), you bleed(流血). If a person loses a lot of blood, he will become ill and may die. Blood is very important. People have always known that. At one time, some people even drank blood to make them strong!

When doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. This is called\输血)\

But there are two problems. First, it does not always work. Sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion.

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Later, doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood. There are four groups ( 类 ) --O, A, B and AB. We all have blood of one of these groups. They also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB. But they find that they must give A-group blood to A-group people and B-group blood to B-group people. I have O-group blood and the doctor told me that I could give blood to anyone else safely,

There is another problem. To give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group(血型). Often they can not find a person in time. If they have a way to keep the blood until someone needs it, they can always have the fight kind of blood. At first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. They do this by making it very cold. Then they find how to keep it longer. In the end they find a way of keeping blood for a very, long time.

We call a place where we keep money a \when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a ―blood bank‖. In this way you may stop someone from dying. Or perhaps one day you may become ill. You may need blood. The blood bank will give it to you.


1) ―Some people even drank blood to make them strong‖, It shows that . A)they had no enough blood B)they hare known that C)they were ill badly D)they lost a lot of blood

2)From the passage, we learn that sometimes people die when they hare blood transfusions because they . A are sick people B)they hare lost a lot of blood

C)are not given the right kind of blood D)are AB-group people 3)People set up the ―blood-bank‖ so that they can .

A)give the right kind of blood to the people who need it in tine B)keep different groups of blood as much as possible C)make much money by selling blood D)keep blood warm for being used

5)If a man is one of AB-group people, How may kinds of blood can be given to him? A)1 B)2 C)3 D)4 【押中指数】★★★★★

【趋势预测】本篇文章涉及医疗、生理等方面的话题,叙述严谨,内容陌生,这正是中考题所要考查的重点,几乎各省市,中考对此均有涉及。 【解题关键】


解决此类题型的关键时,在阅读时不可时断时续,要一气呵成且对材料中所提及的各种名称,术语要谙记在心,即使不能准确译制出汉意,也要脉络清晰,并相互兼顾,彼此联系,才能最终锁定答案。 【答案解析】

1) B从文中第一段得知人们已得知血液重要性,并且曾一度 ―at one time‖认为饮血可以强身。 2) C 注意文中也出现“sometimes‖一句紧扣材料,是指在输血过程中的死亡,故C最恰当。 3) A第四段明确表述,建血库是为及时供给方便而为之。

4) D 四种血型均可给AB型血供血,原句“they can give any kind of blood to people of group AB‖

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[题目1 ]

First, the young dog lives with a. family. They leach the dog about travelling on buses, in cars and on trains without being scared(惊吓). The dog also learns about busy streets and the noise of cars and markets. It learns to keep calm (平静的) when it hears loud noises like firecrackers(鞭炮). If a dog lived with your family, it would watch you cooking and eating, reading, playing, packing your school bag and many more things. Dogs can also go to school to learn how to help people who cannot hear. If a person cannot hear, we say he or she is deaf.

Dogs who help deaf people must learn many different sounds. Then they must be able to show the deaf person what is making the sound. When they hear a visitor at the door, the dog learns to walk to the deaf person and then walk to the door. And if a telephone rings, they walk to the deaf man or woman and then walk to the telephone.

These dogs can also help deaf mothers. If a baby is crying in another room, the dog walks to the mother and then to the baby. These dogs wear a yellow coat to show that they are special dogs that are helping a deaf person.

There have been many times when these dogs have saved a life. You may see in a newspaper that a dog heard a fire alarm and lay down near the deaf person' s feet. That is the sign for danger. The person knows that something is wrong and can go away from the fire.

Special dogs can also held people who are disabled (残废) in various ways. For example, dogs can pull off their gloves or socks! Think how difficult your life would be if you were blind, deaf or disabled! But if you had a special dog like this to help you, your life would be much easier.


1) If a young dog lives with a family, it will be taught .

A) about traveling on buses without any fear B)about the noise of markets C) to be calm when if hears lord noises D)All the above

2) Which of the following things is not done by the dogs who help deaf people? A) showing what is making the sound B)Telling that someone is at the door C) Showing there is a telephone call D) Finding ways as people‘s eyes 3)When there is some danger for a deaf man ,the dog will . A) bark loudly B)pull off the man‘s gloves or socks B) walk to a telephone D)lie down near his feet 4)This passage is mainly about how dogs help .

A deaf people B disabled people C blind people D women and children

【趋势预测】中考题中经常会对人类与动物之间故事的话题进行考查,它涉及的内容比较单纯而有趣,这类文章在教科书中选用不少,同时,它又具有较强的思想道德方面的教育,培养学生人与动物的和谐统一的思想认识,故其考查指数也非常高。 【解题关键】


解决此类题目时,要根据具体内容而定,若是以记述为主的故事性文章,则要紧扣故事进展顺序;若是以科学分析为主的纪实性文章,则要紧扣文字叙述的本身;本篇文章属于后者,所以,要严谨扣题,如实作答,不可按自己认为合情合理的臆断做题。 【答案解析】

1) D 从开篇的四句话中可找到标准答案。

2) B文章中整个第二段叙述了“how the dogs help deaf people”只有“B”(当作人们的眼睛)这一项没涉及。 3) D文章第四段“??lay down near the deaf person‘s feet. That is the sing for danger‖可得出。

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4) A 综合全文考虑,本文主要论述是狗是如何帮助聋人的,故选A。

[题目2 ] Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to (接近) someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.

No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don't get along well. That doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time, they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away. Then we feel very sad. We miss them very much. But we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again. And we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to \their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.

There's more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends. Why? Because they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.


1)Everyone needs in all his life.

A)friends B)to be alone C)neither friends nor to be a lone D)A and B 2)Which of the following is right?

A)More than two people are the same in the world, not two

B)Because friends don‘t like each other, they can‘t get along well C)Not all the friends get together all the time

D)It‘s not polite to name the children after a close friend

3)People who have friends live longer than those who have no friends. Because . A)friends can take good care of them B)they enjoy themselves with friends C)they can give with their friends D)None of the above 4)What‘s the best title for the passage?

A)people Are Different B)How to Name the Places C)Friends D)How to Live Longer 【趋势预测】关于“做人处事”“人际交往”等处事文化方面的内容是英语学习中的时髦话题,在中考题中常出现“manners‖ ―making friends‖ or ―story between friends‖等方面的考查内容,本文是一篇优秀的论朋说友的小品文,寓说理和议论于一身,比较适合中考阅读训练。 【解题关键】



【答案解析】1) D这种第一段,讲述了人们既需要朋友亦需要独处时的思考,二者兼顾。

2) C 答案A曲解了“No two people are the same‖的意思,B前后没有因果关系:即使不相处,也并不表示者互不喜欢;D用朋友名字给孩子取名更是外国人表达亲密的方式。 3) B因为有朋友就快乐(Happy)过得舒心(enjoy themselves)。 4) C统篇关注仅此一种话题。

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[题目3 ]

When you sit and watch TV hour after hour, do you ever think of what it may be doing to your health? More and more teenagers(青少年) are becoming overweight(超重) and near-sighted(近视) because of the large amount of time they spend in front of the TV. Plus(因此),

they are growing less and less creative(创造性的) since watching TV doesn't need any active thought. (积极思考)

Last week, the TV- Turnoff Network began its ninth TV Turnoff Week in the US. The organization(组织) encourages people to play games, read books, lie under a tree, talk to family members and friends or do something else but watch TV. American school children spend, on average(平均)l,000hours a year watching TV. That is to say they sped more time on TV than they spend in school. Doctors in both China and the US worry that sitting and watching TV has replaced the physical activity (体育运动) that is necessary, to keep children healthy Experts (专家) say that the longer children watch television, the more weight they are likely to gain(得到). And the food children eat while watching television adds to this weight problem. To keep mentally (精神上的) and physically (身体的) healthy; kids need to exercise, talk with friends and family; read, and explore the world around them..

Could you go a week without television? It might be difficult for many TV lovers, but why not give it try?

1) More and more teenagers ____________because lf watching TV.

A. become over weight B. become near-sighted C. grow less creative D. all of the above 2) The TV-Turn off Network in America advises people not to________.

A. play games every day B. read more books C. watch TV too much D. talk to family members and friends 3) It is very difficult for the children to_________.

A. sit without activity B. watch TV C. eat while watching TV D. to take more 1) Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Children can think deeply and actively while they are watching TV. B. Watching TV too much is bad for our health. C. Many children like dating while watching TV. D. Physical activity can keep children healthy.

【趋势预测】社会问题是中考常常涉及的话题,如污染、疾病、青少年网瘾等,本篇文章中的电视痴迷问题可以说是社会上最大的问题之一,无论成人还是学生,由此造成的社会问题早已引起人们的普遍关注,中考题涉及到这样的问题则是情理之中。 【解题关键】


紧扣原文,对电视痴迷这一现象所造成的后果要以文中的科学分析作为标准,虽自己有亲身体会,也不可按自己的想象盲目判断。 【答案解析】

1 D由文中第一段内容综合得出。 2 C通过第二段进行排除法分析得出。 3 D答案A“不活动”,B看电视,C“吃饭看电视”,这对电视痴迷者来说却是最准确的描述。 4 A由第一段中“??Sine watching TV does not need any active thought.‖得出。

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[题目4 ]

One day James Watt was sitting at the fire in his grandmother's home. He was watching the fire and thinking about things. A teapot was over the fire. Soon the lid (盖子) began to move up and down.

\\more. And what makes the lid move up and down? \蒸汽) \\hot water. The hot water makes it. \stem must be very strong to make the heavy lid move up and down,\comes from a lot of water it must be much stronger. Why can't we use steam to work for us? \he grew up. He tried out his idea and failed, then tried again and failed again. But each time he learned something new. Some people laughed at him. \愚蠢的), \and gave the world the first steam engine(蒸汽机). Questions:

1) What was Watt's puzzle when he sat at fire in his grandmother‘s home?

A. The things he was thinking about. B. The water in the teapot.

C. Why the lid moved up and down. D. His grandmother‘s home.

2) Watt thought ________. When he talked with his grandmother.

A. his grandmother knew nothing

B. there was something more but hot water C. something was wrong with the teapot

D. his grandmother was pleased to answer so many questions

3)Watt had a strange idea that he wanted to ________.When he saw the team.

A. find something strange under the lid B. use the steam to work for people C. make the first steam engine

D. have more water to make stronger steam

4)We can learn that Watt was ____________.

A. bright B. so foolish C. a man who never gave up D. not very polite to his grandmother

【趋势预测】以故事形式写的人物传记文章,在教科书和平时阅读训练中有很多。这种题材能使学生更深地了解他们所熟知的伟大人物;同时,在这些伟人身上也非常充分地体现了各种向上、积极的精神,对学生是一种很有效的德育渗透。故在各地考试中也多选用这样的题材。 【解题关键】


这种题材故事性比较强,在做题时一定要把握故事情节进程,初步整体地把握大意,然后,跳出文章,更进一步地进行思想文化的升华,如本文中发现壶盖跳动,追根寻问,都是文章本身的事实叙述,而瓦特锲而不舍、永不服输的科学精神则需我们细心体会才行。 【答案解析】

1) C 其余之项均为干扰答案,只有“壶盖的跳动”也是他最为关心和不解的

2) B从与祖母的对话中可知,他怀疑还有其他什么东西在里面,D)项,从“too many questions‖这一句可看出祖母显得有些不耐烦

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3) B 这是瓦特最想做的事情,而C)项只有发现以后,才会出现“蒸汽机”的发明。 4) C 他契而不舍永不放弃试验的精神正是我们要学习的。


【2011连云港】(选择型)(C) Toys Anno… FREE service for all young people The world‘s smallest, but the most beautiful exhibition space for aged 8—16 old-day toys. ● Homework staff(工作人员) on hand to help Opening hours: you. Monday—Friday:10 a.m.—6 p.m. ● Space to work Sunday: 9 a.m.—1 p.m. ● Books & revision guides National Museum, London ● FREE Internet use Bus 26/91/206 ● FREE printing Manchester Library & Information Service Learning from poo (粪便) 1:30 p.m. 2:15 p.m. & 3 p.m. July It might sound terrible but archaeologists (考古学家) can find out many things from poo—like how people in the past lived and what they ate. If you have interest, come and join us to watch some samples(not real poo!) and see if you can recreate the diets of our Escape(逃脱)from the Mummy’ Tomb! ancestors(祖先). Let our new online game take your to an old Pick up a free ticket from the World Museum welcome desk. Egyptian tomb(埃及古墓). Become a brave explorer and collect wonderful things thousands of years old. But be careful—there‘s a mummy(木乃伊)going around the tomb. Can you bring the wonderful things safely back to World Museum without being hurt by the mummy? Visit www.liverpoolmuseum.org.uk/mummystomb and find out!

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38. What service does Toys Anno give?

A. Offering latest toys. B. Making beautiful toys. C. Showing old-day toys. D. Selling smallest toys. 39. A boy aged ten CAN‘T ______ with Homework Support Service. A. ask the staff to do his homework B. print without paying

C. search for information online D. review lessons with guides

40. Escape from the Mummy’s Tomb is a(an) ________.

A. guide book B. online game C. science fiction film D. popular magazine 41. What information can we get from Learning from poo?

A. Archaeologists can learn what people ate in the past by studying their poo. B. The activity is open every morning in June.

C. You can have a chance to watch the real poo of our ancestors. D. You must buy a ticket to join in this activity.

【主旨大意】本文用了四个框,分别介绍了―Toys Anno‖、― Homework Support Service‖、― Escape from the Mummy’s Tomb‖和―Learning from poo‖。

38.C 细节题。在第一个框―Toys Anno‖ 里―but the most beautiful exhibition space for old-day toys.‖可知。

39.A 细节题。B、C和D在―Homework Support Service‖有意思相近的。A的意思―叫工作人员做作业‖与文中―Homework staff on hand to help you‖的意思―工作人员教你做家庭作业‖不同,故选A。

40.B 细节题。从―Escape from the Mummy’s Tom‖框中―Let our new online game‖可知。 41.A 细节题。从―Learning from poo‖框中―It might sound terrible but archaeologists

(考古学家) can find out many things from poo—like how people in the past lived and what they ate.‖可知。 【2011连云港】(选择型)(D)

Robots have come a long way since 15th century. We‘ve got robots to build cars, carry heavy things, work in dangerous places and explore planets. But things haven‘t stopped there.

In1986, Honda made a robot called ASIMO. And now, it has been developed greatly. Standing at 130cm and weighing 54kg, ASIMO is very much like a small astronaut wearing a bag on the back. And he can walk, fight, climb and run fast. Isn‘t it wonderful?

The world‘s first robot teacher is Saya. With her human-like face, she can show expressions like happiness, surprise, sadness, dislike, fear and she can even smile or show anger at students, which look much like a real teacher‘s. To do this, her rubber skin is pulled from the back with motors inside. And her eyes and mouth have wires(电线) too. She can also say some simple words like ―hello‖or―thank you‖.

In the UK, the development of robots is exciting. The mini-robots will send food, clean floors, collect and throw away waste. These robots can open doors by themselves and stop if anything or anyone is in the way.

These mini-robots are very useful for controlling infection(传染).Usually clean and dirty work is done by the same person, but here, you‘ll have robots that do―dirty work‖,like collecting dirty sheets, or taking away hospital waste; and you‘ll have robots that do―clean work‖,like bringing meals or clean sheets to patients. The robots have separate work so there‘s no way for infection, which is great. But of course, robots would not take the place of humans, but would free up more time for nurses to be with patients.

But if this is what it‘s like in 2011, what‘s it going to be like in 2021?

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42. In the following, which is ASIMO‘s behavior? A. Smiling at people, saying ―hello‖.

B. Sending food or opening doors by himself. C. Fighting, climbing or running fast. D. Collecting waste for patients. 43. What makes Saya look real?

A. Her face and rich expressions. B. Her clothes and shoes. C. Her walking and running speed. D. Her rich knowledge. 44. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Robots have come a long way since 1986. B. The first robot teacher was made by Honda. C. Saya looks like a small astronaut.

D. If anyone or anything is in the way, mini-robots will stop. 45. The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that _______. A. nurses would have more free time with patients B. robots would not take the place of humans

C. dirty and clean work is always done by the same person D. mini-robots are useful for controlling infection 【主旨大意】本文介绍了机器人的发展变化。

42.C 细节题。由第二段的倒数第二句―And he can walk, fight, climb and run fast.‖可知。

43.A 细节题。由第三段―With her human-like face, she can show expressions like happiness, surprise, sadness, dislike, fear and she can even smile or show anger at students, which look much like a real teacher‘s.‖可知。

44.D 细节题。A与第一段第一句―Robots have come a long way since 15th century.‖不同。B与第三段第一句―The world‘s first robot teacher is Saya.‖不同。C与第二段―ASIMO is very much like a small astronaut‖不同。D与第四段最后一句―stop if anything or anyone is in the way. ‖意思相近,故选D。

45.D 主旨大意题。第五段第一句为主题句。下文举例说时。故选D。

【2011广西百色】 A

Alan worked in an office in the city. He worked very hard and really looked forward to his holiday. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an ad. in a newspaper ―Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at William Farm. Good food, fresh air, horse riding, walking, fishing…‖

―This sounds like a good idea.‖he thought, I‘ll spend a month at William Farm. I‘ll go horse riding, walking and fishing. It‘ll be different from the seaside.‖ Four days later, he returned home.

―What‘s wrong with William Farm?‖His friend Jack asked him.―Didn‘t you enjoy country life?‖ ―Country life was fine,‖Alan said.―But there was another problem.‖ ―Oh, what problem?‖

―Well, the first day I was there, a sheep died, and we had roast(烤肉) mutton for dinner.‖ ―Fresh meat is the best.‖

―I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.‖ ―Lucky you!‖

―You don‘t understand,‖Alan said,―On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.‖ ―A different roast every day.‖Jack said.

―Let me finish.‖Alan said,―On the fourth day a farmer died and I didn‘t want to stay there for dinner.‖ ( ) 46. Alan saw ________ in a news paper.

A. an ad. B. a letter C. a story D. a report

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( ) 47.Alan usually went to ________ on the vacation.

A. the mountains B. the countryside C. the seaside D. William Farm ( ) 48.Alan spent _________ at William Farm.

A. four days B. three months C. a month D. a few weeks ( ) 49.Alan had roast _______ for dinner on the third day.

A. mutton B. pork C. beef D. fish ( ) 50. From the passage we know that ________. A. Alan left the farm because he missed his family

B. Alan left the farm because he had four dinners at the farm C. Alan left the farm because he couldn‘t go fishing at the farm D. Alan came back home because he was afraid of the fourth dinner

【主旨大意】文章讲述了艾伦盼望假期,在报纸上发现了一则广告,决定去一个农场度假。第一天吃了烤羊肉,第二天吃了烤牛排,第三天吃了烤猪肉,第四天一位农场主死了,因害怕而返回的故事。 46.A根据―but one year he saw an ad. in a newspaper…‖可知。

47.C由―He worked very hard and really looked forward to his holiday. He usually went to the seaside ‖可知。


49.B根据―on the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner.‖可知。

50.D四个选项的意思分别是―因为他想家‖、―因为他在农场吃了四顿饭‖、―因为他在农场不能去钓鱼‖、―因为他害怕第四天的饭‖, 根据文章的意思,故选D。 【2011广西百色】B News 1

Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, won the World Food Prize on Monday. Yuan developed the world‘s first popular and widely known hybrid rice. Hybrid rice plants can make more rice than regular ones. News 2

Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Don‘t worry, things will get better soon. Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and children‘s books all over the country. The government said the results of the check would come out at the end of June. News 3

People will see a new ―star‖ in the sky soon. China plants to send a satellite into space by December 2006.It will stay in space for one year. It will go around the moon and take pictures. It must be very expensive, right? That‘s for sure; 1.4 billion yuan! News 4

Have you ever thought of being able to fly around the world in a few hours? One day, maybe you can. Last Saturday, the American X-43A airplane made its first flight. It reached a speed of 8,000 kilometers per hour. This makes it the fastest plane in the world.X-43A is only three to four meters long, but it‘s very heavy. It weighs 1,270 kilograms. ( ) 51.The satellite sent by China will move around ________.

A. the moon B. the earth C. the sun D. the mars ( ) 52.The speed of the fastest plane in the world is ______.

A.1.4 kilometers per second B.43 kilometers per minute C.1,270 kilometers per hour D.8,000 kilometers per hour

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( ) 53.The checking of textbooks, dictionaries and children‘s books will __________. A. make a lot of money B. make the children sad

C. make sure there are no mistakes in them D. make sure the books are not too expensive

( ) 54.Which of the following statements about the new star is NOT true?

A. It will go around the moon. B. It will stay in space for two years.

C. It costs a lot. D. It will go into space by December 2006. ( ) 55.Yuan Longping won the World Food Prize because ___________. A. he likes to eat hybrid rice B. he is a successful father

C. he grows more rice than others

D. he developed the world‘s first popular and widely grown hybrid rice 【主旨大意】

News 1介绍了杂交水稻之父袁隆平这所以获得世界食物奖。

News 2介绍了关于不用再对课本、字典、儿童用书中的错误感到生气,中国将对全国的课本、字典、儿童用书进行检查,以纠正其中的错误,结果将在六月末揭晓。

News 3介绍了中国将向太空发射一颗卫星,它围绕月球拍照,它将在太空一年,以及它的造价。 News 4介绍了世界上最快的飞机的速度、大小和重量。 51.A 由News 3―It will go around the moon.‖可知。

52.D由News 4―It reached a speed of 8000 kilometers one hour. This makes it the fastest plane in the world‖可知。 53.C由News 2的第一句和第二句可知。

54.B 由News 3―It will stay in space for one year.‖ 可知。 55.D由News 1的第一句和第二句可知。 【2011广西百色】C Earthquake safety tips

On April 14,2010, a big earthquake hit Yushu,Qinghai.Over,2,000 people died. Many people were hurt. Why are there earthquakes?

The surface of the Earth has many pieces. These pieces are always moving. When two pieces move past each other, there is an earthquake.

Scientist are working hard to find out more about earthquakes. They try to predict(预测) them, but it‘s very hard. Do you know how to get ready for an earthquake? Do you know what to do during an earthquake? Here are some things you should know.

What to do before an earthquake

Make sure you have two bottles of water, a packet of biscuits(饼干),a clean towel(毛巾),a few band-aids(创口贴),a radio and a flashlight(电筒) at home. What to do during an earthquake If you are inside: ★ ★ ★ ★

Stay where you are. Quickly move under a strong desk, or along a wall. This will protect you from falling things. Don‘t stand near windows. Turn off the lights.

Don‘t get into a lift during an earthquake. If your are in a lift, get out as quickly as possible. If you are outside: ★ Don‘t stand near buildings. Things may fall on you. ★ Lie on the ground until the shaking stops.

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( ) 56.An earthquake hit Yushu _______.

A. on April 12,2010 B. on April 14,2010 C. on May 14,2010 D. on May 12,2010 ( ) 57.You need ________ at home before an earthquake.

A. some water and biscuits B. a clean towel and a few band-aids C. a radio and a flashlight D. all of the things above ( ) 58.You must protect yourself in an earthquake by ________.

A. keeping you from falling things B. turning on the lights C. standing near the window D. getting into a lift ( ) 59.The reason why an earthquake happens is that __________. A. the surface of the earth is thin

B. the pieces of the surface are moving slowly C. two pieces of the surface move past each other D. there are too many people on the earth

( ) 60.Which is TRUE according to the passage when you are outside in an earthquake? A. You can play under a big tree. B. You can‘t stand near the buildings.

C. You can lie on the ground until the shaking stops. D. Both B and C.

【主旨大意】文章讲述了玉树地震的伤亡情况,地震的原因、预测地震的困难、人们在地震前应该做好哪些准备以及在地震中应该怎样做。 56.B由文章的第一句可知。


58.A由在地震中应该怎样做可知在地震中保护自己必须远离往下落的东西。 59.C由文章的第二段可知。 60.D由文章的最后两句可知。

【2011广西百色】 D

We all know the dangers of fires. It‘s good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.

Put a smoke alarm(火警) in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.

Make escape(逃脱) plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.

Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them. Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules: ★ ★ ★

Don‘t open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The floor because smoke rises.

the door.

best air is near the

What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Don‘t run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will

the fire that may make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from

still be on you.

There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, don‘t forget to call 119 for help.

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( ) 61.When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _________.

A. you have to get up B. water is running to the floor C. something is burning D. someone breaks your window ( ) 62.The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire except that _________. A. we practise for a fire B. we make escape plans C. we buy fire extinguishers D. we use electrical cookers ( ) 63.When a fire happens,____ if you open the hot door.

A. the door will soon be on fire B. the electricity will be cut off C. the fire will grow more quickly D. the house will fall down ( ) 64.What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire? A. Stop, run, roll. B. Stop, drop, roll. C. Run, drop, roll. D. Roll, drop, stop. ( ) 65.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Be Ready for a Fire. B. The Causes of a Fire. C. Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher. D. The Dangers of a Fire.

【主旨大意】文章介绍了一些关于家庭防火的建议,包括设置火警,制定逃脱计划,购买并学习使用灭火器,进行防火逃生演练以及火灾中逃生的方法。 61.C由文章的第二段可知。

62.D 根据文章的内容,作者建议我们做好火场逃生的准备,并没有提到电器炉具。 63.C由文章的第六段可知,当火灾发生时,如果打开门火势会漫延的更快。

64.B 由文章的倒数第二段可知,当你的头发和衣服着火时,应当按―停下来,放下身体,就地打滚儿‖来做。 65.A 根据文章的内容,最好的题目应是―为火场逃生做好的准备‖。

B【2011?广西柳州】(选择型) Happy Time Park Location Getting there Opening hours Attractions 1. 2. west of the city No.16 bus 8:30-16:00 on weekdays,8:00-18:00 on Saturday and Sunday Plant Garden: thousands of kinds of plants to see Sports Center: ball games, rock climbing, swimming and many other fun games to enjoy parking places, public toilets, public telephones, barbecue places, medical care station and shopping centre at your service Facilities 根据文章信息,选择正确的答案。(5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 66. The park is in the ______ of the city. A. north B. east C. west 67. You can take a ______ bus to get to the park. A.No.16 B.No.6 C.No.4 68. There is ______ in the park. A. a zoo B. a cinema C. a plant garden 69. If you visit the park on Wednesday, you must leave the park ______. A. before six o‘clock in the afternoon B. between 16:00 and 18:00

C. before four o‘clock in the afternoon

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70. Which of the following is TRUE according to the advertisement? A. You can do sports in the park except swimming.

B. If you feel ill or get hurt in the park, you can find doctors for help there.

C. You can have a barbecue in the park if you buy something in the shopping centre.


66. C 由west of the city可知应选C。

67. A 由Getting there, No.16 bus可知应选A。

68. C 由Plant Garden: thousands of kinds of plants to see可知应选C。 69. C 由Opening hours, 8:30-16:00 on weekdays可知应选C。 70. B 由Facilities后的medical care station可知应选B。 C【2011?广西柳州】(选择型)

Who do you admire(崇拜)?Different people may have different ideas.

If you‘re a sports fan, perhaps the person you admire most is a great basketball player, and Yao Ming is probably the one in your mind. If you study music or play an instrument, perhaps the person you admire most is gifted musician like Mozart, who began to write beautiful music at a very young age. Or maybe you admire great scientists, for example, Yuan Longping.

We have many reasons to admire famous people and we often give much of our respect to them. However, we shouldn‘t neglect those who are common, such as nurses, train drivers, firemen, cleaners and so on. They may be working in a corner of the world without being noticed, but all these people spend their working days serving the public. They show great dedication(奉献).However, what they do is often unnoticed by us. Have you ever thought of what our life will be like if they stop working?

So next time when you appreciate famous people, don‘t forget those who are common around you.

根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 71. Yao Ming is a great ______. A. pop singer B. actor C. basketball player 72. Mozart began to write ______ when he was very young. A. music B. letters C. books 73.The underlined word―neglect‖in Paragraph 3 means______. A. give comments on B. make fun of C. care little about 74. In Paragraph 3,the writer mainly points out ______. A. the reasons why we admire famous people B. the importance of common people‘s work C. the places where common people are working 75. What‘s the main idea of this passage?

A. Famous people are admired by most of us in our life.

B. Common people should also be given respect as the famous ones. C. Common people should be given the most respect in our society.

【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。主题是崇拜名人的同时不要忽略身边的那些默默奉献的普通人。 71. C 由第二段的前两句可知。故选C。 72. A 由musician like Mozart可知。故选A。

73.C 根据上文有很多崇拜名人的理由,然而不应该忽略那些普通的人。根据句意可以猜到。故选C。

74. B 纵观第三段可知作者具体事例说明了普通人的默默奉献社会的重要性,而不是崇拜名人的原因,也不是简单说普通人工作的地点。故选B。

75. B 作者阐述了普通人也应当像名人一样给予尊重。故选B。

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Venice is an attractive city in Italy. Tourists throughout the world love traveling to Venice. But sometimes you‘ll have such strange experiences. One moment you walk across the Rialto Bridge, and there‘s nothing special. Unfortunately, when you come back to the bridge an hour later, it‘s underwater and everyone‘s wearing rain boots.

That‘s just the way it has always been, which may be considered seriously by Italian government. Before the sea comes to Venice, the government has decided to build the MOSE gates. Actually(实际上), there were many kinds of gates that were built to stop the floods, but all the gates were just built on the ground. Besides, the flooding was becoming worse. Industrial(工业的)factories built nearby on the mainland also made the condition get worse, causing the city to sink about 0.75 feet in the 20th century.

So the Italian government asked some of Italy‘s biggest construction and engineering companies to build the MOST project, which was planned to be built under the sea water to stop floods. Now the government are using 3 000 people and expect to spend nearly five billion euros(欧元) on it. The MOSE gates are being built at the inlets(海湾).Each MOST gate is 197 feet long ,28.5 to 37 feel tall, and weight up to 22 tons. It‘s nearly the size of a 20-story building. Before the gates are in use, under the sea full of water. When the flood comes, the water in the gates will be poured out, and then the gates will be filled with air. So the gates can go up with the sea water. Once they‘re in the right place, they will stop the sea water pouring into Venice. These gates will be able to deal with floods up to 10feet,and as long as the sea level(平面)rises no more than two feet in the next 100 years, the MOSE will work as expected.

The MOSE project is now two-thirds done. The head engineer, Giovanni Cecconi, said, ―This is a war. During the war, it‘s not important that you win. It‘s important that you‘re alive. We‘ve alive.‖ Anyway, this project is saving Venice from falling.


46. The underlined word ―construction‖ in the passage means ―_______‖in Chinese. A.建筑 B. 农业 C. 交通

47. Before building the MOSE gates, the Italian government _______ to stop the floods. A. never built gates on the ground

B. built many kinds of gates on the ground

C. built some gates which were under the ground

48. When the flood comes, _______ can describe the working steps of the MOSE gates.

49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Italian government ate using 3000 people and expect to spend nearly five billion dollars on the MOSE. B. The MOSE project is half done now.

C. Each MOSE gate is 197 feet long, 28.5 to 37 feet tall, and weighs up to 22 tons. 50. The best title for this passage should be _______. A. The Journey to Venice

B. The MOSE Project in Venice

C. Several Kinds of Floods in Venice

【主旨大意】本文主要讲述了意大利的威尼斯为了阻挡洪水而建立―MOST Project‖的情况。

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46. C 词义猜测题。由文章可以看出,―MOST‖作为一项工程,应该是由建筑和工程公司来兴建的。

47. C 细节理解题。根据第二段句子―Actually(实际上), there were many kinds of gates that were built to stop the floods, but all the gates were just built on the ground.‖可以判断。

48. B 整体理解题。根据文章第三段可以看出:―MOSE gates‖修建在水下,当洪水来的时候,大门里的水被倾泻出来,然后大门里面就充满空气,这样大门就能竖起来挡住洪水。

49. C 正题理解题。根据句子―Each MOST gate is 197 feet long ,28.5 to 37 feel tall, and weight up to 22 tons.‖可以判断。

50. D 主旨大意题。根据文章我们可知本文主要是说明了―MOSE Project‖。

【2011哈尔滨 选择型】 ?(B)


51. As one of the largest museums in the world, British Museum is in _______. A. Beijing B. London C. New York

52. New York Museum is America‘s largest museum on American _______. A. buildings B. collections C. history

53. The Palace Museum, which is in the center of Beijing, is also called ―Forbidden City(紫禁城)‖in China. It lies in _______.

A. Chang‘an Street B. New Oxford Street C. Chestnut Street

54. According to the form, if you want to see ancient Chinese collections, you can visit _______ at most. A. one museum B. two museums C. three museums

55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A. Each ticket for the Palace Museum costs the same in the whole year.

B. You don‘t have to pay for tickets if you visit New York Museum on Monday. C. British Museum lies in Chestnut Street, London. 【主旨大意】本文通过表格的形式分别介绍了―The Palace Museum‖、―British Museum‖―New York Museum‖的情况。 51. B 细节理解题。根据表格中―British Museum‖可知它在伦敦。

52. C 细节理解题。根据表格中―New York Museum‖可知它是美国历史上最大的博物馆之一。 53. A 细节理解题。根据表格中―The Palace Museum‖可知它在长安街上。

54. B 推理判断题。根据表格我们可知:在―The Palace Museum‖能看到; ―British Museum‖有世界上任何时代任何地方的冲藏品。所以,有两个博物馆能看到中国古代收藏品。

55. B 细节理解题。根据表格中―New York Museum‖可知在周一是免费的。

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【2011哈尔滨 选择型】(C)

A principal decided to honor the teachers in his school to show his appreciation(感激)for their hard work. He told them how they made a difference in their jobs. Then he gave each of them a blue ribbon(缎带)that read, ―Who I Am Makes a Difference.‖

One of the teachers wanted to take this idea into her students. One day the teacher noticed that a boy in her class was unhappy. She went to him and asked him the reason. The boy told her that his father had been worrying about the job and often punished him for some little things. Hearing what he said, the teacher decided to give him the ribbon to cheer him up. She said, ―Dear boy, what your father has done doesn‘t mean the lack(缺少)of love for you. He needs your understanding. You‘ve been a kind boy. Here‘s a ribbon for you. Would you like to take this ribbon and pass it on? Let‘s keep this ceremony going and find out how it affects people.‖

That night the boy sat beside his father and said, ―Dad, today my teacher gave me a blue ribbon for being kind and asked me to find somebody else to honor. I‘d like to give the ribbon to you. I want to let you know how deeply I admire you and how much you mean to me. I love you!‖ 根据短文内容判断正、误。

(注意:考生将答题卡相应位置涂黑。正确的涂―A‖,错误的涂―B‖) 56. All the teachers took the principal‘s idea into their students.

57. The teacher gave the ribbon to the boy because she wanted to cheer him up. 58. With the teacher‘s help, the boy showed his admiration and love for his father.

59. The father wasn‘t surprised or moved at all when he received the ribbon from his son. 60. From the passage, we know only encouragement brought the father‘s confidence back.


56. B 推理判断题。文章第二段只介绍了一个老师。

57. A 细节理解题。根据句子―Hearing what he said, the teacher decided to give him the ribbon to cheer him up.‖可以判断。

58. A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句话―I admire you and how much you mean to me. I love you!‖可以判断。 59. B 细节理解题。当他收到儿子的缎带时感到了。

60. B 细节理解题。根据文章可知不仅仅是是鼓励把这位父亲的自信找回来,还有关爱。



61. The city of Miramichi is in the _______ part of New Brunswick.

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A. eastern B. southern C. western

62. The map shows there are _______ cities that have both harbors and airports in New Brunswick. A. three B. six C. nine

63. From the map, the distance from Boston to Bathurst is _______ that from Boston to Saint John. A. shorter than B. longer than C. as long as

64. New Brunswick is in _______ according to the information above. A. the USA B. Brazil C. Canada

65. Which of the following is NOT true according to the map above? A. There is only one transportation style in New Brunswick.

B. If you travel from Moncton to Edmundston, you can go there by plane. C. Washington D. C. is to the south of Ottawa.

【主旨大意】本文通过地图详细地介绍了几个城市的位置和交通运输方式。 61. A 读图题。根据地图我们可知Miramichi 在New Brunswick的东部。 62. A 读图题。根据图示我们很容易找出有三个城市有港口和飞机场。

63. B 读图题。根据图示我们能够看出Boston 到 Bathurst的距离比到Saint John距离要长。 64. C 读图题。从地图上看出New Brunswick是在加拿大。

65. A读图题。根据地图上我们能够看出在New Brunswick并不是仅仅有一种交通方式。


A man came home from work late, tired, to find his 5-year-old son waiting for him at the door. ―Daddy, how much money do you make each hour?‖ ―If you must know, I make $20 each hour.‖

―Oh,‖ the little boy answered, with his head down. He thought for a moment, looked up and said, ―Daddy, could you lend me $10?‖

The father was furious, ―If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, the go straight to your room and think about why are you so selfish (自私)!‖

The little boy went to his room no words and shut the door. After a short while, the father calmed (平静) down, and started to think, ―Maybe he really needs to buy something and he didn‘t really ask for money very often.‖ So he went to the little boy‘s room.

―Sorry!Maybe I was too hard on your just now.‖ said the man, ―Here‘s $10.‖

―Oh, thank you Daddy!‖ he said happily. Then the boy took out some coins. When the father found that the boy already had money, he got angry again.

―Why do you want more money since you already have some?‖ the father shouted angrily.

―Because I didn't have enough, but now I do.‖ The little boy replied, ―Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you. ‖

36. How much does the boy‘s father make one hour? A. $10 B. $20 C. $30 D. $40

37. In this passage, the underlined word ―furious‖ means . A. very angry B. quite happy C. too excited D. a little nerous 38. At first, the father refused to lend the money because . A. he thought the boy wanted to keep the money for himself. B. he did not have enough money at that moment

C. the thought the boy would buy something of no use D. the boy always borrowed the money from him 39. The boy wanted to buy with twenty dollars.

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◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

A. a new novel for himself B. a nice present for his father C. a toy for his own birthday D. one hour of his father‘s time 40. From the passage, we can infer that the boy‘s father .

A. often played with his son B. spent little time with his son C. didn‘t love his son at all D. often came home early


36. B 细节理解题 由 ――If you must know, I make $20 each hour.‖‖

37. A 推理题 由下文爸爸的问话―If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, the go straight to your room and think about why are you so selfish‖ ―如果你想要钱买玩具或无用的东西,你直接去房间去考虑考虑你为什么这么自私‖ 可知爸爸对孩子要钱很生气。

38. C 由If you asked for the money to buy a toy or some other rubbish, the go straight to your room and think about why are you so selfish‖ ―如果你想要钱买玩具或无用的东西,你直接去房间去考虑考虑你为什么这么自私‖,可知爸爸意为孩子要钱想买玩具或无用的东西

39. D 细节理解题 由 文章最后一段可知,孩子要钱想买的是爸爸的一小时的时间,来与他一起共进晚餐。 40. B 整体理解题 有文章大意可知,由于工作忙, 父亲经常很少与孩子待在一块儿,孩子希望买回爸爸的一小时时间来陪陪他。


Monkeys are clever and lively, but they are naughty and greedy (贪婪的) as well. Whenver they find delicious food, they will eat enough. What‘s more, they will take it when they leave. They have suffered (吃亏) a lot because of this. But they never change this way.

In India, people use monkey‘s greed to catch them. Do you know how they can catch monkeys? Here are some instructions.

Make a hole in a big pumpkin (南瓜). The hole must be just right ----neither too big nor too small. Put some jujubes (枣) in the hole. Leave the pumpkin under a tree. Make sure there are some monkeys in the tree. Hide yourself and watch the monkeys.

As soon you leave, the monkeys can‘t wait to come down to the pumpkin. When they find a hole in the pumpkin, they don‘t know what‘s in it and one of them can't help putting its hand into the hole to find what on earth there is. When it touches the jujubes, it will clench (攥紧) some of them in its hand. As a result, it isn‘t able to take its fist (拳) out of the hole. You can‘t come close until this time. Will the monkey drop off the pumpkin? Don‘t worry. It prefers the pumpkin than its life. It will run with the pumpkin, clenching its fist more tightly. In the end, it is caught helplessly. 41. Monkeys haven‘t changed their way of doing with nice food because they are . A. clever B. lively C. greedy D.naughty 42. ―The hole must be just right‖ means it is . A. big enough for the monkey to put its hand in B. smaller than a monkey‘s hand C. bigger than a monkey‘s fist

D. bigger than a monkey‘s hand but smaller than its fist 43. Seeing the hole in the pumpkin, a monkey will . A. be interested in B. be afraid of

C. run away at once D. take the pumpkin away in arms 44. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Indians often catch the monkeys in this way.

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B. sometimes monkys are stupid.

C. as soon as the monkeys comes to the pumpkin, you can rush to catch it. D. In India,monkeys like pumpkins every much. 45. What should we learn from the passage? A. weshould catch monkeys in this way. B. One mustn‘t be greedy.

C. We should protect monkeys.

D. Come up with another way to catch monkeys.


41. C 细节理解题 由文章第一段可知,猴子可爱、淘气,―Whenever they find delicious food, they will eat enough. What‘s more, they will take it when they leave‖,可知猴子对美食有贪婪的习性。

42. D 整体理解题 通读下文可知,洞必须够大让猴子的手进去,但不能太大让它的拳头出来。

43. A 细节理解题 由下文―When they find a hole in the pumpkin, they don‘t know what‘s in it and one of them can't help putting its hand into the hole to find what on earth there is‖―他们不知南瓜的里面有什么,他们迫不及待的把手伸进去,来看看里面到底有什么‖。

44.A 整体理解题 通读全文可知由于猴子的贪婪不改,印度人经常利用此法来逮猴子。 45. B 归纳总结题 猴子由于贪婪,而招致被捉。喻示人们不能太贪心。 【2011呼和浩特】(选择型)(C)

I felt very sad not to be able to get the ticket for the film Titanic last Friday. I learned in the newspaper that ticket could be bought at the cinema box office (售票处) in Richland Hill every day between 10:00 and 4:00. Because I work from 9:00 to 5:30, the only time I could go to the cinema was during my 45-minute lunch time. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round(往返) trip in 45 minute.

Last Monday I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes, waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip---- so I had to go back to the office. The same thing happened on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed, I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man say he had been waiting in line for fifty-five minutes. I found that I would not have enough time to wait in line, I caught the next bus and went back across the town.

By Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. it was not cheap, but I felt it would be worth to see the film. The trip by car only took 10 minutes, but it felt like one hour to me. When I reached the cinema, I was delighted to see that nobody was waiting in line. But quickly found out that it was because they had already sold all the tickets.

46. It seems that the writer of the story works . A. in a small town B. in Richland Hills

C. on a farm near the town D. at a bus service Center

47. He tried to go to the cinema to buy a ticket but really got there . A. five times B. four times C.three times D. twice 48. The underlined word ―delighted‖ means .

A. sure B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased 49. Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. The writer was too busy to have time for a rest during the day.

B. The buses running between his office and Richland Hills were always on time on Thursday. C. He could buy the tickets neither before nor after work hours.

D. It always took him about twenty minutes to get to the cinema by bus.

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50. What‘s the title of the story?

A. How to Get a Ticket B. Tickets Sold out

C. A Wonderful Film D. The Way to the Cinema

【主旨大意】由于工作地点和交通的不便,―我‖为了弄到《泰坦尼克号》的电影票,费劲周折。结果却竹篮打水。 46. A 细节理解题 由第一段―I work from 9:00 to 5:30, the only time I could go to the cinema was during my 45-minute lunch time. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town, and the bus service between my office and Richland Hills is not very good‖可知。 47. D 细节理解题 通读文章可知,星期一、四由于汽车晚点,不能在上班时间赶回来没去成,星期四乘汽车去成,星期五乘小汽车去成。

48. D 推理题 由于―看到售票处无人排队,当然非常高兴‖

49. C 整体理解题 通读文章可知结合第一段可知作者在9:00到5:30上班,二售票的时间是10:00到4:00.。可知在上班前和下班后都不能买到票。

50. B归纳总结题 由于工作地点和交通的不便,―我‖为了弄到《泰坦尼克号》的电影票,第一次到达售票处但排队的人无功而返;第二次到达,却票已售完。因此用Tickets Sold out做文章题目能按时作者的失望心情。 【2011天津】四、阅读理解 (本大题共10 小题,每小题2分,共20 分)

阅读下面的材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A

(Megan and Kyle are talking before class begins.)

Megan: Hey, Kyle, are you ready for the big test today? I studied that list of words and the definitions (释义) for two

hours last night.

Kyle:Oh, but I don‘t study at all. I just wrote all the answer on the palm(手掌) of my hand, see?

Megan: Kyle! You can‘t do that! That‘s cheating(作弊)!

Kyle:Hey, don‘t worry. I won‘t be caught. Mrs. King will never know. (Mrs. King comes in and passes out the test papers.) Mrs. King: Okay, no more talking. You may begin.

(Kyle looks at his hand when the teacher isn‘t looking.)

Joe: (raising his hand) Mrs. King, may I get a drink? I have the hiccups(打嗝)。 Mrs. King:Yes, you may.

Kyle: (raising his hand) Mrs. King, may I get a drink, too?

Mrs. King: Kyle, what is that on your hand? I think you had better come to my desk. Kyle: Oh no…

(After this, Kyle realizes his mistake and never cheats in exams again.) 56. Where did the story possibly take place? A. In the classroom.

B. In the library.

C. On the playground. D. In the reading room.

57. Where did Kyle write the answers? A. On his desk.

B. In his notebook.

C. On the palm of his hand. D. On a piece of paper.

58. What happened in class at last? A. Megan was caught.

B. Kyle was caught.

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C. Megan told his classmates everything. D Joe told Mrs. King about Kyle‘s cheating.

文章大意:这是一则对话,讲述了一个学生考试作弊被抓的过程。 56. A 推理判断题 整个对话都是关于考试的,应该是在教室里。

57. C 细节理解题 从对话中的 ―I just wrote all the answer on the palm(手掌) of my hand, see?‖可得出答案。 58. B 推理判断题 从后面的对话可知 Kyle作弊,被老师发现了。

【2011天津】 B

Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.

The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, ―I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes along time. What do you think?‖

This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!

The second question is about speaking. Sam, form Suzhou wrote, ―Our school has a foreign teacher. But I‘m shy and can‘t speak to her. What should I do?‖

When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, ―Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?‖ These are good questions to start a conversation. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take s deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.

The third question is about vocabulary. Oliver, from Anhui wrote, ― I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?‖

Try to remember eight or ten words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when you‘re shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?

59. How many basic questions do the students often ask?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 60. What should you do if you are shy to speak English? A. Watch English films.

B. Write down the words first. C. Listen to real English songs.

D. Take a deep breath and smile before you begin. 61. What is Oliver‘s problem?

A. He‘s too shy to talk with others.

B. He‘s not able to count English words. C. He can‘t remember new words. D. He doesn‘t know what real English. 62. What‘s the best title of this passage? A. How to learn English.

B. Talking about English films. C. Advice about English writing.

D. The way of beginning an English conversation.


59. B 细节理解题 从文中的第一段的 ―There are three basic questions.‖可得出答案。

60. D 细节理解题 从第二个问题的回答 ―Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take

s deep breath and smile!‖可得出答案。

61. C 细节理解题 从对第三个问题的解答 ―Oliver, from Anhui wrote, ― I want to remember all the new words. I

write them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?‖可得出答案。

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62. A 主旨大意题 通读全文可知,整篇短文就是谈论如何学好英语的。

【2011天津】 C

Is it a tree? Is it a bear? If you‘re looking at a tree in the shape of a bear, it‘s a topiary(林木雕塑)。A topiary is a tree or bush(灌木) that is trained into a shape. Growing a topiary garden take both time and skills.

A topiary gardener should make a drawing first. The drawing shows the final shape that the gardener likes. The gardener then chooses a bush for the topiary. It may be one that just planted or one that is already in place.

In June of the plant‘s first year, the gardener looks for new leaves. When the leaves grow, it‘s time to shape(给。。。。造型) the bottom of the bush .It needs about five years. The top is not trimmed during this time. In the fifth year, the bush grows tall enough for shaping. Then the gardener begins to shape the whole bush.

Once a topiary has been started, it needs care all year. In the summer it must be cut many times to keep its shape. This cutting also helps the bush grow. In the winter the bushes don‘t grow .The gardeners have to brush snow off the plants, or snow may hurt some parts of them.

Topiary gardening is a very old art. The Romans did it in the first century. In the sixteenth century, people in Europe liked topiaries too. By the late 1600s, topiaries were also grown in America. Today it‘s popular in many parts of the world.

63. Put the following in the right order according to the passage. a. The gardener chooses a bush for the topiary. b. The whole bush grows tall enough for shaping.

c. The gardener begins to shape the bottom of the bush. d. The gardener draws the shape of a topiary. A. d---a--- b---c B. b---c---a---d C. a---d---c---b D. d---a---c---b

64. What does the underlined word ―trimmed‖ in the third paragraph mean? A. Shaken. B. Cut C. Cleaned D. Collected 65. In which part of the world did the topiary gardening begin first?

A. In Rome. B. In Europe. C. In America. D. In Africa.

文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一种叫林木雕塑的园林艺术。着重介绍了它的雕塑过程和发展历史。 63. D 综合理解题 文章的第二、三、四段介绍了林木雕塑的过程,从中可以得出正确的顺序。 64. B 词义猜测题 这句话的意思是:先给底部塑形,这需要五年。这期间顶部不能修剪。 65. A 综合理解题 最后一段介绍了它的发展过程,从中可看出先从罗马开始的。 (2011四川资阳)A

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day the feelings were told that the island would sink, so all built boats and left, except Love. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out(坚持) until the last possible moment. When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

Richness was passing by Love in a big boat. Love said,―Richness, can you take me with you?‖

Richness answered,―No, I can‘t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.‖ Love decided to ask Vanity(虚荣心) who was also passing by in a beautiful ship.―Vanity, please help me!‖ ―I can‘t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage(破坏) my boat,‖Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked,―Sadness, let me go with you.‖ ―Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!‖

Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.

Suddenly, there was a voice,―Come, Love, I will take you.‖It was an elder. So thankful and happy, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed(欠) the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder,―Who helped me?‖

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―It was Time,‖Knowledge answered.[来源:学科网] ―Time?‖asked Love.―But why did Time help me?‖

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom(智慧) and answered,―Because only Time is able to understand how valuable(珍贵的)Love is.‖

46. How did the feelings go away from the island?

A. By water. B. By swimming. C. On foot. D. By flying 47. How many feelings did Love ask for help but failed?

A.2. B.3 C.4 D.5 48. Which of the following is true?

A. Happiness was blind. B. Richness had a small boat. C. Vanity‘s ship was damaged. D. Sadness wanted to stay alone. 49. Who saved Love?

A. Time. B. Knowledge. C. Richness. D. Happiness. 50. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? A. Love and Time B. An Accident

C.A sinking island D. Different Feelings 【主旨大意】文章主要讲述了不同情感的对于别人求救的不同反应。

46. A 根据第一段中的One day the feelings were told that the island would sink, so all built boats and left, except love.可以得知―他们由水路离开的‖。

47. C Richness,Vanity,Sadness和Happiness没有给予帮助,故选C项。

48. D 由Sadness所说的I am so sad that I need to be by myself.可以得知D项的表述是正确的。 49. A 根据Knowledge回答的It was time可以得知―Time救了love‖。 50. D 文章主要讲述了不同的情感的不同表现。


Like hundreds of other young people of all countries who take part in our language courses, you can make the most of your holidays by studying French in an interesting way and, at the same time, discover one of France‘s most beautiful areas—Nice!

Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August. You‘re welcome to come at any time between July and August 6.You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp. It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends. What‘s more, you can have your classes in the same building which is close to the beach! A free bus service brings you to and from classes if you are living in a French host family or enables you to get into the centre of town if you are living at the summer camp.

Whenever you choose to come, we‘ll organize short trips, parties, sports and other activities and motivate you to speak French.

Your stay in Nice will therefore not only be an educational one, but also an enjoyable experience. Besides offering you many opportunities to meet other people from different cultures, we will do everything to make sure your stay will be unforgettable!

51. How long is the summer course?

A. Two months. B. Three weeks. C. One month. D. Eight weeks. 52. According to the passage, they suggest the students stay ____ during the study. A. at the summer camp B. in the hotel

C. at their friends‘ homes D. in the centre of town

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53. During the course, students can ________.

A. travel all over France B. never leave the camp C. learn French and make friends D. swim alone in the sea 54.What does the underlined word ―motivate‖in the third paragraph mean?

A.激发 B.感谢 C.阻止 D.妨碍 55. What you‘ve read above is ________.

A. A travel diary B. An advertisement C. An introduction to France D.A piece of news 【主旨大意】文章介绍了一则夏令营广告的主要内容。

51. B 根据第二段的Our summer course lasts 3 weeks in July and August.可以得知。

52. A 由文章第二段中的You can choose to stay at a host family, but we suggest you stay at our international summer camp.可知。

53. C 根据第二段中的It makes it easy to meet other people and make new friends.以及第三段可以得知―学生可以学习法语和交朋友‖。

54. A 根据文意结合选项可以得知此处应该是一个积极的词汇,结合句中to speak French可以判断motivate的意思是―激发‖。

55. B 由文章的最后可以判断本文属于一则广告。


Read the suggestions for making an English speech. a. Looking at and talking to one person in the audience (观众) helps keep you natural, but it feels foolish talking to only one person. Speak to that person as long as 15 seconds and then change another one. b. The audience have a hard time understanding what they hear. They need your help. Slow down, pause(停顿) and guide the audience through your talk. Remember that you should help the audience understand what you are saying. c. Make your voice a little lower than normal. Listeners like to listen to a relatively(相对) deep voice. d. When you talk, try to be as natural as possible. Don‘t try to memorize your words and read or recite(背诵) them to your audience. You can use short notes to help you remember the important points. e. You should know you and most of the people you talk to are different in many ways. Some of them may not know what you are talking about. Then speak to them on their terms and in their languages. f. Concentrate on what you want to say. If you are always paying attention to gestures(手势),you will feel uncomfortable. g. It‘s true that there are some differences between American English and British English, but they‘ll not cause much difficulty for listeners, so just speak the way you‘re used to. Choose a suggestion for each of the following students according to their problems.

56.Paul:I don‘t think I can talk fluently(流利) because it‘s difficult for me to remember all the words. A. a B. b C. c D. d

57. Billy: When I come face to face with the audience, where should my eyes fall upon? Do I have to look front, or look around from time to time?

A. a B. c C. e D. f

58.Amy:When I am talking, I can‘t help waving(挥动)my hands, for I think it can help me express what I want to say better. But my classmates say I look funny and foolish by doing this.

A. d B. e C. f D. g

59.Betty: I know that it‘s not right to speak fast. But I am afraid that I can‘t finish my talk in the given time if I speak slowly.

A. b B. d C. f D. g

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60.Tony: Should I talk in American English or British English?

A. a B. b C. c D. g


56. D Paul的问题是:很难记住所有的话。建议应是有关如何记住演讲内容的,只有d项谈到了记忆演讲内容的问题。

57. A Billy的问题是:演讲时所要注视的对象,是注视前方还是四周巡视?建议应是演讲时的目光所要注视的方向,只有a项谈到了这方面的内容。

58. C Amy的问题是:演讲时的手势问题。建议应是有关手势的,只有f项谈到了演讲时的手势问题。

59. A. Betty的问题是:演讲的速度问题。建议应是有关讲话的速度的,只有b项谈到了应该讲话慢一些,给观众理解的时间。

60. D Tony的问题是:应该用美式英语还是英式英语?建议应是用哪种语言演讲,只有g项谈到了演讲语言的问题。


Is the world too crowded? Well, that‘s a hard question to answer. It‘s all a matter of perspective(视角).In Montana, you might drive for a mile in any direction and not see another human being. In Macao,60,000 people live in every square mile!

What is true is that the world‘s population doesn‘t stay the same. It has been increasing at a very fast rate(比例).That‘s in part because in each generation(代) these are more people who then have children than in the last generation.

Five hundred years ago, the population of the world was about 460 million. In 1900,the world‘s population was under 2 billion(十亿).Right now it is doubling every 40 years. That means, if this rate of growth continues, when you are a parent, there will be twice as many people on earth as there are now. Wow! Now that‘s a whole lot of people! Soon the world‘s population will probably reach 7 billion. Some people worry about that! But there is a lot of disagreement about just how many people on earth equals(相当于) too many people. But everyone agrees that the more people there are, the more resources(资源) the world needs to feed, house and take care of all of them, and the more need there is to think carefully about how we live and use the earth‘s resources.

61. From the first paragraph we can know that ________.

A. Montana is too crowded B. Macao is too crowded

C. the world is too crowded D. the world is not too crowded 62. The population is increasing fast partly because ________. A. people live longer than before B. there are less wars than before

C. medicine is developing faster than before

D. more couples now would like to have children than before 63. What was the world‘s population 100 years ago?

A. 450 million. B. About 2 billion. C. 40 billion. D. 7 billion. 64. The writer thinks that with the population increasing, we should ________. A. find more resources B. use more resources C. think about our ways of living D. move to other places 65. From the passage we can learn that the writer ________. A. thinks the world already has too many people

B. thinks the world can feed no more than 7 billion people C. is not sure when the world‘s population will reach 7 billion D. is not sure what the largest population that the world can feed is


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61. B 根据第一段最后一句:在Montana你向任何方向开车一英里,可能看不到任何人,但是在澳门每平方英里有6万人。可以看出澳门的人多,故答案选B。

62. D 根据第二段的最后一句that‘s in part because in each generation there are more people who then have more children than in the last generation..可知答选D。

63. B 根据第三段的第二句In1900, the world‘s population was under 2 billion.在1900年世界的人口不足两亿,可知答案选B。

64. C 根据文章的最后一句可以得知―由于人口的增长,我们可以考虑我的生活方式了‖,因此,答案选择C项。 65. D 由最后一段中的But there is a lot of disagreement about just how many people on earth equals too many people.可以判断得知。



According lo a new survey . Students‘ safety has become a big problem .Nearly 50% of students say they are worried about robbery (抢劫)on the way to and from school. Now in main big cities. in China some schools have taught all unusual lesson: self-protection. Students like this lesson because there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.

Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No 25 Middle School .give young students advice on how to deal with danger If you are robbed

Keep calm. lf you can not cry for help or run away. Give the robber your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the police later. If you are in a traffic accident.

It a car hits you. You should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle. Try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt

If it is raining hard and there is lighting. (闪电) Don‘t stay in high places and stay away from trees.

When there is a fire. Get away as fast as yon can. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not lake the lift.

If someone is drowning(溺水)

If you can‘t swim. don‘t get into the water. Cry out for help.

Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at alI times! 56. Why do students like the self-protection lesson? ①Because there are no tests.

②Because the lessons are boring

③ Because they can learn how to save lives.

④Because they know how to slop danger before it happens. A. ①②B. ②③C. ①②④D. ①③④

57. What will you do if a bicycle hurts you? A.I will remember the bicycle number.

B.I won't let the rider go until I rail my parents. C. will let the rider go before I call my parents.

D.I will let the rider go because I know how seriously I am hurt. 58.lf your house is on fire, you must _ . A. put dry things on your body B. run quickly and take the lift

C. run away and find an exit as quickly as you Can D. take everything you have and then run away

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59. There _ ways of self-protection mentioned in the passage. A. 3 B. 4 C.5 D.6 60.The best title for this passage is _ .

A. How to Keep Calm B. Self-protection C. An usual lesson D. Danger

【主旨大意】学生的安全问题越来越受到人们的重视,为此一些学校可设这样的课程,来教会学生自护。来自北京25中的陈浩友老师给出了遇到危险的几种情况下的自救、自护方法。 56. D 细节理解题 由文章第一段可知学生们喜欢自护课原因是:没考试;不无聊;学会救生或当危险发生时阻止。 57. B 细节理解题 由―If it is a bicycle. Try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is because you don't know how seriously you are hurt ‖


58. C 细节理解题 由―When there is a fire Get away as fast as yon. call. Put wet things on your body and try to find an exit. Do not lake the lift.‖可知发生火灾时尽快走,用湿东西裹住身体设法找到出口,不要乘电梯。

59. C 整体理解题 陈浩友老师给出了在遭遇抢劫、发生交通事故、下雨打雷、发生火灾、溺水时自护的方法。 60. B 整体理解题 由文章主旨大意可知。 【2011乌鲁木齐】(选择型)


Jerry Green went to spend a year at the South Pole Station (南极站)as the only doctor in 1998 when she 47.While working at the station that March. she discovered that there was a hard lump (肿块) in her stomach. She knew it was cancer, but she wasn't able to go to a doctor for help. She couldn't leave the station for the next seven until the snow thawed. Dr. Green didn't wait for the death. But decided to fight against the cancer. She tried to about the lump to a hospital in the United States. The doctors said it was cancer. Without the proper wouldn't live for long. Soon a USA airplane came to provide her with some help She started her own treatments(治疗)after getting instructions from American doctors. She finally spent the long winter there before she returned home that October .Since then, she had become a incubus in support of cancer charities. She also wrote a best-selling book called Ice Bound. Sadly. Dr. Grecn's cancer finally returned. She died on June 23.2009. 61 Jerry Green discovered that she bad a bard lump in her stomach in _ A. March.1998 B. May. 1998 CJune.2009 D. July,2009 62. What does the underlined word\ A. 形成 B. 堆积 C. 融化 D.覆盖 63. When did she start her own treatments? A. After searching the Internet.

B. After getting instructions from A merit an doctors. C. After hearing from her paw law

D. After becoming a member in support of cancer charities. 64. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Dr. Green decided to give up the treatments.

B. She sent the information about the lump to a hospital in the United Stales. C. She wrote a book called Ice Bound. D. Dr Green died of cancer.

65. What does the writer feel about Dr. Green's death? A. exciting B. Happy. C Sad D. Pleased

【主旨大意】Jerry Green在南极站做医生时发现自己长了癌症,在自己坚强的心理状态下,她与病魔不断做斗争并取得了胜利。

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.61. A 细节理解题 由―Jerry Green was sent to spend a year at the South Pole Station (南极站)as the only doctor in 1998 when she 47.While working at the station that March. she discovered that there was a hard lump (肿块) in her stomach‖可知在1998年3月。

62. C 推理判断题 由文章我们可知Jerry Green在南极站做医生,―直到雪融化她才能离开‖

63. B 细节理解题 ―Soon a USA airplane came to provide her with some help She started her own treatments(治疗)after getting instructions from American doctors‖可知。

64. A 整体理解题 通读全文由―. Dr. Green didn't wait for the death. But decided to fight against the cancer‖可知,在知道自己的癌症之后Dr. Green并没有等死二十而是顽强地与病魔作斗争。

65. C 推理归纳题 由文章可知Jerry Green在南极站做医生时发现自己长了癌症,在自己坚强的心理状态下,她与病魔不断做斗争并取得了胜利。对此我们应该很兴奋她有战胜病魔的心理

【2011湖南湘潭选择型】第二节 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共4小题,每小题2分)

A Xiangtan teenager has received a phone bill for over 350 yuan after sending 3,500 text messages in just one month.

Tan Wei has had his new mobile phone for only three months, but now his father has taken it away

He's been asking me for a mobile for years because all his friends have got one,\bought one for his birthday because he's been doing so well at school, but he and his friends are crazy about sending text messages They do it all the time. \

Tan Wei said ,\early hours of the morning. Sometime my fingers hurt because my buttons(按键) so much,but I was having such good fun that I could !‖

Tan Wei said, \even into the early hours of the morning, Sometimes my Angers hurt because I pressed the buttons(按键)so much, but I was having such good fun that l couldn‘t I stop!‖

His father said, ―I am angry with the phone company as they are encouraging this crazy behaviour.' He has made his son promise to pay back the money, so Tan Wei has been working on Saturdays He has found a pan-time job in a shoe shop 'I think it will take me about hall a year to clear this debt(债务) he said.

45. Tan Wei got the mobile phone because_____ A he's been asking for it for years B. all his friends have got one C he's been doing well at school

46 The underlined word \ A,读课文 B. 短信 C. 发邮件

47 When he sent text messages, Tan Wei_______ . A, made friends at school B. got himself injured C .felt quite happy

48. How much money does Tan Wei get for his job every month? A. About 40 yuan B. About 60 yuan C. About 80 yuan

【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是湘潭的青少年谭伟一个月短信费用350元,他发了3500条短信。由于在学校表现出色,父亲给谭伟买了一部手机,但为了偿还短信费的债务,他到鞋店去做兼职,大概半年才能还清债务。 45.C【解析】 从文中第三段―I finally bought one for his birthday because he,s been doing so well at school‖可知谭伟


46.B【解析】联系全文可知,texting是发短信的意思,故本题选B。 47.C【解析】文章第四段―but I was having such good fun that I couldn‘t stop!‖可见当谭伟发短信时,他感觉很快乐。


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第三节 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共4个小题,每小题2分) 【2011湖南湘潭选择型】阅读下面的内容,做45-50小题。 47. Xunda company Ltd. wants______.

Office Clerk Wanted A an office clerk

43. Good looking B a computer programme

2.Agad between 22 and 26 C. a beautiful girl.

3.Good at English and Putonghua 48. If you want the job. you must be_____.

4.Good at computer programme A. able to speak two foreign languages

Apply to:Xunda company Ltd. Xinangtan B. good at repairing computers

Tel:0731-55235916 C young and beautiful


49.A【解析】由招聘启事上方―Office Ckerk Wanted‖可知招聘办公室文员。故本题选A。 50.C【解析】根据招聘启事1、2两条要求可知,应征者必须年轻漂亮。故本题选C。 【2011湖南湘潭选择型】阅读下面的表格,做51-52小题。 Survey about What Students Do in the Summer Vacation The students 80% 50% 40% 20% The things they do in the summer vacation Study in some training schools Got together with classmates Play computer games Do chores at home Feelings Bored Happy Excited Tired 51. Most students____-in the summer vacation A. learn some subjects B play computer games C do chores at home 52. According to the survey, what the students like to do best is____. A. Study in the training school

B. get together with their classmates C. do chores at home

【文章大意】本文主要讲述的是关于暑假学生们都做什么的调查。80%的学生上培训班,他们感觉很乏味;50%的学生跟同学一起玩,他们很开心;40%学生玩电脑,他们很兴奋;20%学生做家务琐事,他们感觉很累。 51.A【解析】由表中可知80%的学生上培训班学习可知,大多数的学生都在学一些课程。故本题选A。



(2011四川宜宾) A

Joe Read studied in this school for fourteen years. When he finished school, he was already eighteen years old. And then his father said to him, ―You finished school, and you are a good student. Now you may go to town and get a good job. They need some clever people to work in the office. The people there can get a lot of money now. If you stay at home, you can't get money from our family.‖ A few weeks later, Joe went to the office and asked for a job there. A man took him into a small room and gave him some questions on a piece of paper. Joe answered the questions quickly, and he gave the paper to the man. The man looked at the paper for a few minutes and then asked, ―You were born on Sep. 23. But which year were you born in?‖ Joe answered, ―Oh, every year.‖ ( ) 46. How old was Joe when he went to school?

A. 8. B. 18. C. 4. D. 14. ( ) 47. What place did his father want him to work in?

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A. A school. B. An office C. A house. D. A shop. ( ) 48. What did his father think of Joe?

A. He was a good student. B. He wasn‘t a good student. C. He wasn‘t clever. D. He could get money from his family. ( ) 49. Why did the man give Joe a piece of paper? A. Because he wanted to give Joe a job.

B. Because he wanted Joe to answer some questions. C. Because he wanted to know if Joe was clever. D. Because he wanted to know how old Joe was.

( ) 50.From Joe‘s answered, ―Oh, every year.‖ we can infer(推测) that________. A. he didn‘t want to work in the office B. he was hardworking but dishonest C. he was outgoing and clever

D. in fact, he didn‘t really answer the man‘s question

46-50 DBABD 51-55 CBAAC 56-60 DCBDB 61-65 ADCEB

【主旨大意】本文作者介绍了Joe学校毕业后,父亲让他到镇上寻找工作的事。表达了作者对儿子的关爱之情。 46.D 由―Joe Read studied in this school for fourteen years. When he finished school, he was already eighteen years old.‖可知。

47.B 由―They need some clever people to work in the office.‖ 可知。 48.A由―You finished school, and you are a good student.‖ 可知。

49.B 由―Joe answered the questions quickly, and he gave the paper to the man.‖ Joe迅速地回答了问题,并且把纸给了那个人。可知。

50.D综合理解,由那人提的问题,―You were born on Sep. 23. But which year were you born in?‖可知,他可能是由于紧张等原因没能真正理解问题。也可以用排除法解答。 (2011四川宜宾) B

Welcome to this short tour of London. In this square we are standing in the middle of London. Opposite(对面) is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings. Go along the red street to Buckingham Palace. The queen (后) lives here. Turn left and go to the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. Opposite you can see the London Eye. It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames. You can see most of London on a clear day. When you are tired, the best way to see London is by boat. You can get the boat near Big Ben. As you go along the

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river, the London Eye is on your right, near the Railway Bridge. Get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Then you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge. The Tower of London is the city‘s oldest palace. It is nine hundred years old. Take the boat back along the river. Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street. Opposite is the old fruit and vegetable market. They don‘t sell fruit and vegetables now. There are stores and restaurants, and lots of street musicians. Turn left into King‘s Street, and go past the church. You‘re now back where you started, at the square. Now you finish your tour.

( ) 51.If you go to visit the National Gallery, what will you find?

A. lots of lovely animals B. lots of valuable plants C. lots of famous paintings D. lots of interesting books

( ) 52. Where can you get the boat? A. Near Buckingham Palace. B. Near Big Ben. C. Near Tower Bridge. D. Near King‘s Street. ( ) 53. ______ is London‘s oldest palace. A. The Tower of London B. The National Gallery C. Buckingham Palace D. The Houses of Parliament ( ) 54. ______ is the London Eye. A. b B. c C. d D. e ( ) 55. You will not go past ______ on your way back. A. the station B. the square C. the park D. the church 【主旨大意】本文是一篇关于伦敦短期旅游介绍的文章。导游作者向我们准确介绍了游玩路线及沿途的景点内容。 51. C 根据第一段第三句―Opposite 对面) is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.‖故答案选C。

52. B 根据第三段的第二句―You can get the boat near Big Ben.‖可知答案选B。

53. A 根据第四段的第三句―The Tower of London is the city‘s oldest palace.‖可知答案选A。

54. A 根据第三段的第三句―As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right, near the Railway Bridge.‖结合地图,可知答案选A。

55. C 根据第五段―Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.‖―and go past the church. You‘re

now back where you started, at the square.‖可知答案选C

(2011四川宜宾) C

Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.

Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it‘s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don‘t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).

Don’t argue (争辩) with your parents. Don‘t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won‘t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can‘t express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don‘t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.

Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael‘s mother didn‘t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.

Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

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A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try! ( ) 56. According to the passage who have a communication problem? A. parents and other people B. only school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages

( ) 57. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A. 5. B. 4. C. 3. D. 2. ( ) 58. The underlined word ―bridge‖ in the passage means ―______‖. A. 建立 B. 消除 C. 通过 D. 到达

( ) 59. If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, you‘d better ______. A. argue with them B. keep away from them

C. agree with them all the time D. tell your parents what you care about ( ) 60. The best title for the passage is______.

A. How to bridge the generation gap B. How to deal with family problems C. How to be good parents D. How to be a good child


56. D 根据第二段第一句―Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages.‖故答案选D。

57. C 根据第三、四、六段的第一句―Don’t argue (争辩) with your parents.‖― Try to reach a compromise (和解).‖― Talk about your values.‖可知答案选C。

58. B 根据第二段的第三句―Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟). 代沟只能消除,其它三项意义不符,故答案选B。

59. D 根据第六段的第二、三句―The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why.‖可知答案选D。

60. B 根据第五段―Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it‘s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don‘t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).可知答案选B

A【2011凉山】(选择型) Trip1 Luoji Mountain Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of Luoji Mountain. You can find many kinds of wild flowers in this area. Time: July 23~July 26 Tel:3598432 Adult:$120.00 Child:$60.00 Trip2 Beihai Park This is a beautiful park with different kinds of plants. Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here. It is a good place for fishing. Time: July 21~July 22 Tel:3597543 Adult:$20.00 Child: Free Trip 3 The Big Valley Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Big Valley. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. Time: July 15~July 21 Tel :3497243 Adult:$180.00 Not for children

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Trip 4 The Beautiful Lugu Lake Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine. You can take the boat to different islands for sightseeing. Time: July 20~July 29 Tel:3497432 Adult:$200.00 Child:$100.00 ( ) 53.Nick has a vacation for 2 days. He can go _______.

A. hiking in the mountain B. fishing in the park C. swimming in the lake

( ) 54.Mr and Mrs. King want to stay in Luoji Mountain with their seven-year-old son and eleven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _______ for the trip.

A.$240 B.$300 C.$360

( ) 55.Lily likes the animals which can only be seen at night. Which of the following is her best choice? A. Trip 2. B. Trip 3. C. Trip 4. ( ) 56.You‘d better take _____ for the sightseeing in Trip 2.

A. a sun hat B. a digital camera C. warm clothes ( )57.You should call _____ if you want to enjoy the sunshine in one of the trips. A.3497432 B.3497243 C.3597543


53. B 细节理解题。根据广告中的时间提示,只有北海公园的度假时间是两天,在北海公园的海报中我们可以发


54. C细节对应题。根据提示信息“Luoji Mountain”,可以从第一份海报中的价格信息栏算出两个成年人两个孩子


55. B 细节对应题。晚上在山谷观赏动物是第三份旅游海报的信息。 56. B 细节对应题。在第二份旅游海报中提到的是携带数码相机。 57.A 细节对应题。根据题干中的信息“享受阳光”,可以对应找到第四份海报中的电话号码。 B【2011凉山】

Three days ago, the boss of a gold shop received a letter. As he was very busy, the letter was on his desk till dinner time. When he opened it, a $1000 note fell out onto the desk. With the note was a short letter: Dear sir, I got married forty years ago. Unfortunately, at that time there was a lot of unemployment and I got no job. I was out of work for about six months before I got another one. Of course I was very short of money. I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring one day. The assistant brought some rings for me to have a look, later she was called away for a moment, and then I put one of the rings into my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriend‘s finger. So I left the shop with the ring but I didn‘t pay for it. My wife died a month ago, and the fact that I never paid for her ring has been on my conscience(让我良心不安)all these years. I always feel guilty about that. At that time the ring cost $100, and I think that is about ten times at today‘s price. Now, I am sending you that amount. Yours truly, A customer After reading the letter, the boss said,“Well, life is always full of surprise!” ( ) 58.The boss of the gold shop got a _________ 3 days ago.

A. ring B. letter C. gold ( )59.The underlined word“unemployment”means“______”in Chinese.

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A.辞职 B.失业 C.就业 ( ) 60.The ring the customer put into his pocket was __________ 40 years ago. A.$1000 B.$10000 C.$100 ( ) 61.The customer wrote to the boss in order to ________. A. send the money for the ring B. say thanks to him C. return the ring

( ) 62.Which is NOT wrong according to the passage? A. The boss opened the letter by himself.

B. The boss didn‘t think life was always full of surprise.

C. When the customer‘s wife knew the fact, she was annoyed.


58. B 细节对应题。句子With the note was a short letter. 给出了答案。

59. B 综合判断题。划线单词的下文got no job “没有找到工作”和out of work “失业”,都在提示上文的划线

单词意义为“失业”。正是因为失业的窘境才导致写信者偷了店里的戒指。 60. C 细节对应题。信件的末尾句At that time the ring cost $100提示答案。

61. A 综合理解题。写信的人是通过偿还自己四十年前所拿戒指的钱来求得心理解脱。 62. A 细节对应题。通过短文开始When he opened it, 可知是老板亲自打开了信件。 C【2011凉山】

A big company wanted a clerk, so John went there. In the interview the director asked him a question. “Who paid for your school?”

“My mother paid for it by washing clothes.”

Hearing this, the director asked John to show his hands. John showed a pair of hands that were perfect. The director said,“When you go back today, go and clean your mother‘s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.”

When John went back, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. However, his tears fell as he cleaned his mother‘s hands. It was the first time he noticed that there were too many

bruises(伤痕) in his mother‘s hands. After finishing the cleaning of his mother‘s hands, John quietly washed all the remaining clothes for his mother. Next morning, John went to the director‘s office. The director noticed the tears in John‘s eyes and asked,“Please tell me your feeling.” John said,“Number 1,I know now what appreciation is. I would not be successful if my mother didn‘t do these things. Number 2,by helping my mother, now I realize how difficult it is to get something done.”The director said,“This is what I want to be my clerk. You can get the job.” ( ) 63.John went to the big company to _________. A. look for his mother B. ask for a job C. ask the director for help ( ) 64.John‘s mother was a (n) __________. A. office clerk B. director C. clothes cleaner ( ) 65.From the underlined sentence, we learn _________.

A. John tried his beat to wash clothes for his mother B. John often helped his mother do the housework C. John hardly helped his mother wash clothes

( ) 66.John felt _________ when he cleaned his mother‘s hands.

A. happy B. sad C. angry ( )67.Why did the director hire(雇佣) John?

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A. Because he thought John learned appreciation. B. Because he thought John had a good education. C. Because he thought John worked very hard.


63. B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句话―A big company wanted a clerk, So John went there\可知答案选B。 64. C 细节理解题。根据第三段这句话―My mother paid for it by washing clothes‖可知约翰的 妈妈是一位洗衣


65. C 词义理解题。根据划线句子“约翰伸出了他一双完美无暇的手”可推知约翰基本不帮 妈妈洗衣服,故答

案选C。 66. B 细节理解题。根据第四段的第二句话―However, his tears fell as he cleaned his mother‘s hands.‖可约翰在给妈妈

洗手时很伤心,惭愧,故答案选B。 67. A主旨大意题。根据最后一段可得出答案。


It‘s important to prepare(准备) for earthquakes because you don‘t know where you will be when an earthquake happens. Earthquakes may happen at any time, so prepare some things for your home, office and car. 1. Clothes. If you live in a cold place, you must keep warm. You might not have heat after an earthquake. Think about your warm clothes. 2.Flashlights(手电筒) and spare batteries. Keep a flashlight beside you bed, at your office and in your car. Do not use matches(火柴) after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks(气体泄漏). Prepare a radio and some spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order, so radios will be your best source of information(信息来源). 3. Food and medicine. It‘s always a wonderful idea to keep some food on hand. For example, some biscuits, some canned food, milk and some other drinks for at least 72 hours. You‘d better get some necessary medicine for your family. 4.Water. A person needs at least 1/2 gallon(加仑) of water daily just for drinking. Store at least 1 gallon of water for a person every day and be prepared for 72 hours. It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Do not open the bottle until you need it. Also, do check the “use by”date.

( ) 68.Why should people prepare themselves for an earthquake?

A. Because earthquakes can be know before they happen.

B. Because earthquakes usually take place in the neighborhood.

C. Because we don‘t know when and where an earthquake will happen.

( ) 69.If you live in a cold place, you should prepare _________. A. some hot water B. some warm clothes C. some batteries ( ) 70.According to the article we know that ___________.

A. we need to prepare some things only at home

B. a telephone is the most important source of information C. flashlights but not matches are first used after earthquakes

( )71.You should prepare all of the following except ________. A .milk B. fresh vegetables C. biscuits

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( )72. About the water, which description is RIGHT? A.A person should drink at least 1 gallon of water in a day. B. You shouldn‘t open the bottled water until you need it. C. You‘d better keep some hot water for 72 hours.


68. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句话可知因我们不知道地震会何时何地突然发生,所以人们要为地震做准


69. B细节理解题。根据第三段如果我们生活在寒冷的地方,要考虑准备温暖的衣服,故答案选B。 70. C 推理判断题。通读全篇可知答案A,B不合文意,故答案选C。

71. B 细节理解题。根据第八段的第二句话可知答案B在文中未提及,故答案选B。

72. B 细节理解题。根据第十段第四句 “Do not open the bottle until you need it”可知答案选B。【2011本溪】Passage 1

A man was driving when he found a chicken running along the road, beside his car.

He was surprised to see that the chicken was keeping up with him. Looking at his speedometer, he found that he was doing 50 miles par(每) hour (MPH).

Then he sped up to 60MPH,and the chicken stayed right next to him. He sped up to 75MPH and the chicken still kept up.

The man then found that the chicken had three legs. Growing even more curious(好奇),he followed the chicken down a road and into a farm. He got out of his car and saw that all the chickens around him had three legs. He asked the farmer,“What‘s up with the three-legged chickens?”

The farmer said,“Well, whenever we have chicken for dinner, everyone in the family fights over the legs, but there are only two. I have bred(培育) a three-legged chicken. It‘s going to make me richer.”

“How do they taste?”the man asked.

The farmer said,“Don‘t know yet, I haven‘t been able to catch one.” 56. The man felt ______ when he saw the chicken keeping up with him. A. happy B. scared C. angry D. surprised 57. The driver ______ so that the chicken couldn‘t keep up. A. got into another car B. drove faster C. called the police for help D. chose another way 58.The underlined word “speedometer” means ______ in Chinese. A.车速计 B.方向盘 C.燃油表 D.里程表 59. The farmer bred three-legged chickens because ______. A. they looked interesting B. he wanted to do something special C. they could run fast D. his family enjoyed chicken legs 60. From the story, we learn that ______.

A. the farmer knew the three-legged chickens tasted good

B. the farmer had become richer because of the three-legged chickens C. the chickens ran too fast for the farmer to catch

D. there was only one three-legged chicken on the farm .56-60.DBADC

【2011本溪】Passage 2

The Coca Cola Company has a new Now the UK has a new light bulb that can

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invention—the “PlantBottle”.It is partly made last 25 years or more. It is green and from plants. It shows how businesses can help environment friendly, and as bright as the old to deal with the problem of climate(气候) light bulbs, but it costs £30. change. A Korean designer, Jaebcom Jeong, has invented a “cartrider”.The idea is to put a shopping cart and a bicycle together. That should add some fun to your weekly shopping! If you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position(位置),your back may begin to hurt. Now there is a new chair that could help you avoid that. It was developed by German scientists. It makes noises to tell users when they need to move. 61.The “cartrider”can make your shopping more ______. A. difficult B. boring C. interesting D. necessary 62.The “PlantBottle” was invented by ______. A. an English company B. the Coca Cola Company C. a Korean designer D. German scientists 63. What will happen if you sit in the new chair for too long? A. Your head will hurt. B. You will be very nervous. C. The chair will move. D. The chair will make noises. 64. The new light bulb ______.

A. is brighter than the old light bulbs B. isn‘t good for the environment C. can last at least 25 years D. can last less than 25 years 65. All the four inventions are about ______. A. the climate B. everyday study C. the environment D. everyday life 61-65 CBDCD

【2011本溪】Passage 3

Zheng Lin is a Junior 3 student in Shijiazhuang, Hebei. Earlier this month, Zheng and his classmates stood on the street with a box asking people for donations(捐款).Later they gave the money they got to the poor students in their school. Many Chinese students raise money to help people in need. Most of the time, they hold a box and ask for donations on the street or in the park. Or they sell things like old books and CDs. Those students have done a great job so far. The money

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