
更新时间:2024-04-23 07:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



without air conditioning,the electric fan became an essential for us to survive that hot summer。


when Tom found out that his brother flunked all of his classes,he did not want to break it to his parents。


I earned my 500 dollars the hard way and I won't let you waste it anymore。


After I was admitted to this university。I have tried not to get too involved with various parties。I am here to study after all。


I couldn't put up with my former roommate because he not only argued with me all the time,but also disturbed me whenever I wanted to focus on my study。


He hanged out with some of his friends most of the time and failed to keep his GPA up in the second semester。


I have signed up for five required courses this semester because I don't want to feel pressured in the last semester of my senior year。


Tom's alarm clock is horrible。It never rings in the morning。It always rings at midnight。


A great many teenagers volunteered to take part in various community activities,such as removing trash for the residents and washing vegetables for the school kitchen。


Disease often gose hand in hand with depression。For a brief instant,the patient felt like a useless man。


Normally,we go on a hike during the spring holiday every year。But this year,the rainy days have frustrated our plan。And we have to come up with other activities to spend the holiday。


She filled her husband in on everything that happened this morning in a tone tinged with excitement。But it was odd that he gave no response。


Very soon,he settled in at his new job and stood out as an influential leader。


Needless to say,because of his disease he has no option but to control his diet and give up many of his favorite foods 。


He hasn't mastered the basic skills of the art,let alone apporached the international standard。


She was so frustrated by the failure that she was no longer eager to take part in this type of race。


Nancy has been searching for this set of elegant stamps for a long time。At last,she came upon it at a stand nearby her home。

2.在他妻子的要求之下,他给她买了一件又一件的新年礼物。我猜那些礼物至少得花500美元 At his wife's request, he purchased New Year gifts for her one after another。I guess those gifts cost at last 500 US dollars。


When Jack was about to hide the cigarettes beneath a huge pile of books,his wife appeared from nowhere。For a moment,Jack was at his wit's end about what to do。


The windows of his house look out towards a noisy skyway overhead,where cars flow in endless stream every day。

5.约翰的父母决心找到儿子的下落,于是他们再一次出发去城里找,但是似乎哪儿也找不到他 John's parents were determined to find out where their son had gone,so they set off for the town once more to look for him,but it seemed that he was nowhere to be found。


Seeing that so many people went on chopping trees willfully,the old peasant's heart felt heavy。

7.总而言之,时常同长辈交流思想是至关重要的,因为那样能弥合代沟 In short,it is crucial to exchange ideas regularly with the elderly,for it can bridge the generation gap。


The father tried hard to raise the daughter's spirits/cheer the daughter,but she cried even harder。For a moment,the whole room echoed with her crying。


As the teacher tired to explain some basic theories,her students sat there with confused expressions/looks on their faces。


My grandmother often thought back on the hard days she spent in California。At that time,she was a cashier of a grocery and had to work twelve hours a day to maintain her family。

3.至于那些缺乏学习动力的学生,老师和家长应该共同努力,帮助他们意识到学习的重要性。 As for those who lack the motivation to study,teachers and parents should work together to help them realize the importance of study。


You must drive it home to John that spending too much time playing computer games will do him no good。


What was their reaction to you when you told your parents that you would choose accounting as your prospective career。


The news that their son had a car accident genuinely caught old couple off guard。


More and more parents are complaining that their children are dependent so much on computers that can't think mathematically。

8.我们都参与了捡豆子的工作,但是因为豆子多得数不清,我们不可能在短时间内手工完成。 We were all involved in the work of sorting beans,but as there were a myriad of them,it was impossible for us to finish the job by hand in hand a short period of time。

