专题22 完形填空(新闻报道或人生百味类)(第03期)-2016年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(原卷版)

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Be pleased to do anything even though it is very tiny. In fact, there's no single thing that is not worth doing or you are not able to do. So living a happy life with a light heart is the most important. A good mood decides your quality of life . Then 21 can you live a happy life?

Make each day meaningful(有意义的) by helping someone or just making someone smile. The feeling which makes you want to help others 22 at the bottom of your heart. Happiness depends on your feelings in your heart. Helping others is helping yourself. By helping others, you 23 more. Seeing their satisfied smile will make you feel 24 of what you have done.

Face difficulties bravely in your life. 25 may meet with difficulties. No one can avoid them. The difficulties can teach you a lot. They are your treasure. They will help you to be closer to 26 . Focus on the good experiences you 27 in the past few years. Be grateful to life. Don't think too much about the negative things. They 28 bad weather. Bad weather will pass sooner or later, so will the negative things. You may find many dead ends in your life. but you will 29_ find your way out of them. Everything will get better al last.

Never worry about the things you can't change, Worrying isn't useful. Worrying ran 30 change the situation 30 solve any problem. Perhaps, not every dream will be realized; not every effort(努力) will he pleted. Never mind, and take it easy.

e on, everybody! Let's live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。[来源:][来源学科|][来源:]

2l. A. what B. how C. why 22. A. May B. staying C. slays 23. A. arc giving B. will give C. will he given 24. A. proud B. afraid C. tired 25. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody 26. A. failure B. success C. trouble 27. A. have had B. have C. has

28. A. are different from B. are fond of C. are similar lo 29. A. always B. seldom C. never 30. A. not only; but also B. neither; nor C. either; or 2.【2016云南昆明】完形填空


One evening a young woman walked on the beach. She 36 to see the footsteps(足迹) she had left in the sand, but they had already been washed away by the water. When she turned to continue her walk, She was surprised to see an old woman 37 by a fire.

She walked up to the old woman and asked,”Where did you e from?I didn’t see you here a minute ago. 38 answering her question, the old woman said, ”Sit with me, my child. I have something to show you.” As the young woman sat down beside the fire, the old woman handed her a book. She turned the pages of the book one by one and was 39 to discover they told the story of her whole life, from the early days of 40 to the present. But when she turned to the next page, she found it empty. and the rest of the pages in the book were all empty.

“Does this mean my life ends tonight?” she asked. “No, my child. It means tonight your life 41 .”

“You see,” she said, “just as the water washed away your footsteps in the sand, your past is forever gone. What you 43 have is here and now. Each moment is the beginning of the rest of your life and you should live it to the fullest, because you won’t live that moment a(an) 44 time. For your future, you are free to shape it as you wish, 45 it has not yet been written.” 36.A. turns

B. turned

C. is turning C. sat

37.A. sitting B. to sit 38.A. Thanks to 39.A. tired

B. Instead of C. As for

C. amazed

B. sad

40.A. childhood 41.A. ends 42.A. them

B. adulthood C. old age

B. lives C. begins B. it C. her

43.A. hardly B. lately C. truly

44.A. other B. another

B. because

C. second C. then

45.A. whether

