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Is this Dr.Carter's office? 请问这是卡特医生的办公室吗? I’m sorry to call you so late. 对不起这么晚打电话来。 I’m sorry to bother you at this hour. 很抱歉在这时打扰你。 I hope I'm not disturbing you 我希望我没打扰您 I hope I didn't wake you up 但愿没吵醒您

It' nothing. Who do you wish to talk to? 没关系,你想找谁? Hello? Who's that? 喂?你是谁?

Hello? Who's speaking? 喂?请问你是谁? Who's calling,please? 请问你是哪位?

Who would you like to talk/speak to? 你想跟谁通话? Who are you? 你是谁?

Hello? This is toby speaking 喂,我是陶贝

Hello? It's Sarah Who's calling? 喂,我是莎拉,谁打电话给我呢? It's Me 是我呀

Hello, Is Bingbing at home? 喂,兵兵在家吗? Is micheal there? 迈克尔在吗? Is he there? 他在吗?

Hello? Is Peter in? 喂? 请问彼得在吗?

May I speak to Mr.Gates? 我可以和盖茨先生通话吗?

Can I talk to Mark? 我可以跟马克讲话吗? I'd like to speak to Carol 我想和克莱尔通话 Yes,speaking 是的,请讲 Speaking 说吧(我就是)

Good morning. Carol here 早上好,我是卡瑞尔

Hi!Glad/nice to hear from you 嗨!很高兴能听到你的声音 hello,this's the Sunny Club 喂,这里是小太阳俱乐部 I'm xiaowei,Are you toby? 我是小伟,你是陶贝吗? Can I talk to you now? 现在方便讲电话吗?


May I have the extention 123? 可以帮我转123分机吗?

Would you please give me extention 123? 可以帮我转123分机吗? Extention 2584, please 请转接3584

Hold on,please. I'll connect you to Mrs. Smith 请不要挂电话,我会帮你接给史密斯太太

One moment,please. I'll put you through 请稍等,我为您接通 Mrs. Smith,telephone 史密斯太太,你的电话 Yes,he is. One moment,please. 他在,请稍等。 Sure. I'll go get her. 当然,我这就叫她。

Hold on a moment,please. I'll fetch him up 请等一下,我去把他找来 Hang on. Ok? Let me see if he's here 等一下,好吗? 我看看他在不在 Hold the line, I'll see if he's in 等一下,我去看一看他在不在

he's on his way 他很快就来(他已经在路上了)

He is in Mr.Baker's office right now. You can reach him at 126-1426 他现在在贝克先生办公室,你打136-1426就可以找到他


No,he is not in 不,他没在

Sorry. She's not here at the moment 对不起,她这会儿不在这 He's not here right now. 他现在不在这里。 He's not available right now 他现在不在 He's just stepped out 他刚刚出去 She's here just now 她刚才还在这儿呢 Won't any one else do? 由别人来听可以吗?

Do you have any idea where he is? 你知道他在哪里吗?

Could you tell me where I can reach her? 能不能告诉我在哪里可以找到她? Do you know when he will be back 你知道他什么时候会回来吗? Sorry. I don't know 抱歉,我不知道

I'm sorry,but he didn't leave word 对不起,他没交待 Maybe she is in the toilet 她可能去洗手间了 He is out of town on business 他出差了

He should be back in 30 minutes 他应该30分钟后会回来 I'm afraid she won't be back till 4 o'clock 恐怕他要4点钟才能回来 She won't be back today 她今天不回来了

Please tell her that I called 请转告她我打过电话来了

Any message for him? 留口信给他吗?

Can/Could you leave a message? 你能否留个口信吗? Would you like to leave a message? 你愿意留个口信吗? Is there any message for her? 有话要留给她吗?

Do you want to leave word for him to call you? 你想留话让他给你打电话吗? Can I leave a message? 我能留个言吗? Can/May I take a message? 我能留个言吗? Can I give him a message? 我能给他留个言吗? Can I tell him something for you? 你能给我捎个话吗?

Of course. Hold on for just a second so I can grab the pen and paper 当然,稍等一下,我来拿笔和纸

I'll be sure he gets your message 我一定会替你转达的 I'll tell him you called 我会告诉他你打过电话

Shall I tell him that you called? 需要我告诉他你来过电话吗? Can I have her call you back? 要不要让我请她给你打电话? You wanna mark to call you back 你想让马克给你回电话

Should I tell him you'll call back, or do you want him to call you? 要我告诉他,您会再打来还是叫他打给你

Could you please tell him that I will call him at 10:00 AM tomorrow. thank you. 谢谢,请转告他我明天早上十点再打给他 Please have her return my call. 请她回电话给我。

Could you ask him to call me back? 可以请他给我回电话吗?

Would you mind having him call me back sometime tomorrow? 请您叫他明天什么时间给我打个回电吧?

When he come back,can you have him call me at (201)5651212? 他回来后,能不能让他打(201)5651212这个号码给我呢? May I have your number? 可以告诉我你的号码吗? My number is 83043125 我的电话号码是83043125 Ok,no problem! 好的,没问题!

I'll have him call you as soon as he's back 他一回来,我就叫他给你打电话 It's urgent. Could I have her mobile phone number? 我有急事,可不可以告诉我她的手机号码?

Do you want his phone number? 你要不要他的电话号码? I'll call her again. 我会再打给她 I'll call back later. 我稍后会再打来 I can phone again leter 我会迟会儿再打来

I'll try another call in half an hour 过半小时我再打电话试试


Why didn't you call me? 你为什么不打电话给我? I called,but the line was busy 我打给你了,但线路忙

I tried to call you several time yesterday 昨天我给你打了好几次电话

Oh,I have so many frends and always talking on the phone 我有很多朋友而且总喜欢讲电话

You're always talking on the phone 你总是爱煲电话粥

The line is busy.Please redial later 电话线路忙,请稍后再拨 I cant't get through 我打不通

No one answers the phone 没人接听电话

Can you get it? My hands are tied. 你能不能去接电话? 我现在不能接 Sorry, he can't come to the phone right now 对不起,他现在有事不能来接电话 He is tied up right now. He is in a meeting 他现在无法接听电话,他正在开会 He is on another line 他正在接另外一个电话 He is working 他正忙着呢

He has a guest right now 他现在有客人

We are unable to take your phone at the moment 我们这时候不能接听你的电话 Could you tell me when he'll be available? 请问他什么时候有空? Maybe he'll be free in an hour 大概一小时以后吧

Would you mind calling back later? 你介意稍后再打来吗? I'll call back later 我待会再给他打电话吧 Could you call me later? 等一会儿打给我好吗? I'm going to call you later 我过一会打电话给你 But I have something pressing 但我有急事 I'll get right back to you 我会马上回你电话 Please leave a message at the tone 请在“嘟”声后留言


I'm sorry, there's no one named Anna here. Are you sure you have the right name? 对不起,这里没有人家安娜,你确认是这个名字吗?

I'm sorry, but I don't know that name. You must have the wrong number 对不起,我不知道这个名字,你一定是打错了

I'm sorry, but There's nobody here by this name. 抱歉,这里没有这个人 Wrong number 错了

I'm sorry, I'm afraid you 've got the wrong number 抱歉,恐怕你打错电话了 I think you have the wrong number 我认为你打错号码了 You dialed the wrong number 你拨了个错误的号码 What number are you calling? 你拨打的号码是什么? What number did you dial? 你拨的号是多少?

What number are you trying to dial? 你拨的是什么号码? It's 421-5562. Isn't it right? 是421-5562,不对吗? No. It isn't. It's 421-5582. 不是,这里是421-5582 I'm sorry to have bothered you 对不起打扰你了 Sorry, I dialed the wrong number 对不起,我打错了 I'm sorry I have got the wrong number 对不起,我打错了 I must have dialed a wrong number 我一定拨错号了 Never mind 没关系 That's all right 没关系


I can't hear you very well. 我听不太清楚。 Sorry. I didn't quit catch that 对不起,我没听清楚 Would you speak more slowly? 你能再说慢一点吗?

Could you speak up a little? 你能在大声一点吗? Could you speak louder,please? 你能大点声说好吗? Would you speak more clearly? 你能再说清楚一点吗? I beg you pardon? 能请你再说一遍吗?

Could you repeat that, please? 能请你再说一遍吗? Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗? Excuse me? 抱歉(请再说一遍)?


The line went dead 刚才电话断了

There's something wrong with the phone 电话出了点毛病

Sorry,the number you dialed has been powered off 对不起,你拨的号码已关机 His cell phone has no service 他的手机没有服务(停机了)

The number you called is out of our servce 你拨的电话已经超出我们的服务范围 Your call could not be connected. Please try again later. 你拨打的电话暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨

Sorry, the number you have called is no longer available 对不起,你拨的电话现在已经是空号了

My cell phone stopped working in this area 我的手机在这个区域就接收不到任何信息

I can't reach her right now 我现在联系不上她


It's nice to talk to you 和你通电话很高兴 Well,thank you for calling 谢谢你来电 It was nice of you to call 谢谢你打电话过来 I think I must be going now 我想我该走了 I have to hang up now 我得挂电话了 Give me a call 给我打电话

Give me a call if you get a chace 有空,给我打电话 To call me/To telephone me/To phone me 打电话给我 Speak to you again 在联络 Take care. Good-bye 保重,再见


May I use your phone? 我可以借您的电话用一下吗?

Would you mind if I use your phone? 你不介意我用你的电话吧? Can I use your cell phone? 我可以借用你的手机吗?

No,I'm waiting for a call right now 不行,我现在正在等电话呢 I'll only take a minute 我只打1分钟


How can I reach you? 我怎么和你联系?

Oh,here's my name card and this is my cell phone number 这是我的名片,这是我的手机号码

What kind of telephone do you use? 你用什么电话呢?

How do I get an outside line? 如何打外线?

I can use public phones at public places 我可以在公共场所用公用电话 Can I get a new phone line? 我可以申请一部电话吗? May I have a phone card please? 我能买一张电话卡吗? I want to make a long distance call 我想打个长途电话

Ted's office has twelve telephone lines 泰德的办公室有12条电话线路 Do you own a cellular phone? 你有手机吗?

