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附件1:宫东风老师英汉对照B计划 宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第1篇 How Churchill ordered BBC to remove King George VI's stutters in recorded wartime speeches [1] The role of a teenage BBC employee in making sure King George VI's wartime speeches did not contain his stammers has been revealed for the first time. [2] The story adds to the intrigue surrounding the Oscar-nominated film The King's Speech, which features Colin Firth’s portrayal of the monarch struggling to overcome his impediment. [3] BBC engineer David Martin was only 19 and just a year into his job when wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered his bosses to remove any stuttering from the king's speeches. [4] Mr Martin left a note to his family which they read two years following his death. [5] His daughter Jane Dickinson, 56, read out an extract from that letter which read: 'We didn't have tape in those days and all recordings were made on metal discs which made the whole exercise rather tricky. 'It all went well and the final result sounded pretty good and no one would have known that the king had a stutter.' [6] Referring to Churchill's order to the BBC to remove the stammer, Mrs Dickinson said: 'I think it was the most terrifying moments of his life. He had only been at the BBC about a year when the order came down the line. [7]'His whole career depended on it but luckily it went well because he stayed at the BBC for another 42 years.' [8] Mrs Dickinson, from Chiswick, west London, said of her father’s letter: 'It's marvellous because we've got a whole family history right from when he was a young boy through to when he left the BBC so we've got it all written down for posterity.' [9] Mrs Dickinson said his father would have hated publicity about his speech-editing role. 'He was a very self-effacing man and didn't really want to talk about himself,' she told The Daily Telegraph. 丘吉尔如何命令英国广播公司删除英国国王乔治六世战时录音讲话中口吃的地方 [1] 一名十几岁的英国广播公司雇员曾对英国国王乔治六世的战时演讲做了剪辑,以确保演讲中不包含他说话口吃的部分。这—事件最近首次得到披露。 [2] 这个故事为奥斯卡提名影片《国王的演讲》错综复杂的剧情增色不少。科林·弗思在该片中扮演了那名努力克服口吃障碍的君主。 [3] 时任英国广播公司工程师的戴维·马丁年仅19岁,刚刚入职一年。而战时首相温斯顿·丘吉尔就在那时让马丁的老板把国王演讲中口吃的部分删掉。 [4] 马丁先生给家人留下了一封信。他的家人在他去世后两年发现了这封信。 [5] 马丁的女儿,56岁的简·迪金森从信中读到:“那时我们没有录音带,所有的内容都录到了金属唱片中,所以整个删除过程很复杂。一切进行得很顺利。最终演讲听上去很好,没有人能发现国王有口吃。” [6] 迪金森女士在提到丘吉尔命令英国广播公司删掉演讲中口吃的部分时说:“我觉得这是他—生中最惊人的时刻。当接到命令时,他刚在英国广播公司工作了一年。” [7] “他的整个职业生涯都押在了这上面。但幸运的是,一切顺利。他在英国广播公司又干了42年。” [8] 来自伦敦西部奇西克的迪金森女士还说起了他父亲的那封信:“真是不可思议。我们的整个家史——从他还是个年轻人时起一直到从英国广播公司退休——都被记载下来,留给子孙后代。” [9] 迪金森女土说,她的父亲不愿意公开自己曾剪辑过国王演讲这件事,她对(每日电讯报)说:“他是—个非常低调的人,不愿意谈起他自己。” GONG DONG FENG


宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第2篇 Marriage, the key to a better life: Study finds tying the knot means improved health and longer life expectancy [1] Marriage cheers you up, improves your diet and helps you live longer, researchers say. [2] It brings better mental and physical health, reducing the chance of premature death by 15 per cent, according to major studies in seven European countries. [3] And the longer a marriage lasts,the more the rewards accumulate – the only catch being that the relationship has to be loving and supportive. [4] John Gallacher, a Cardiff University academic who reviewed the European studies, said the happily married were more likely to eat healthily, have more friends and take better care of each other. [5] ‘Marriage and other forms of partnership can be placed along a sliding scale of commitment, with greater commitment conferring greater benefit,’ he added. [6] ‘That marriage generally indicates a deeper commitment might explain why marriage is associated with better mental health outcomes than cohabiting. Cohabiting relationships tend to be less enduring. The most widely accepted explanation is that being in a committed relationship means better social support is available. [7] The research findings were reviewed by Dr Gallacher and his doctor son David in an editorial for the British Medical Journal. Many married couples are often unaware of the advantages, they said, but a study found the married were 10-15 per cent less likely to die prematurely than the population as a whole. [8] Dr Gallacher said: ‘In terms of physical health, men benefit more from being in a relationship than women, but in terms of mental health women benefit more than men. But he warned that difficult and strained relationships were bad for mental health, and being single was better than being in a strained relationship. 婚姻美满益寿延年 [1] 研究者说,婚姻能使你精神振奋,饮食改善,寿命延长。 [2] 在7个欧洲国家进行的一些调查显示,婚姻能增进身体和精神健康,让过早死亡的可能性减少15%。 [3] 而且,婚姻持续的时间越长,积累的好处就越多——唯一的前提条件是这段感情必须是充满爱意、相互支持的。 [4] 综合回顾这些调查的加的夫大学学者约翰·加拉赫说,婚姻幸福者更有可能饮食健康、拥有更多朋友并更好地照顾彼此。 [5] 他还说:“婚姻及其他类型的伴侣关系可以按照投入的程度排序,投入程度越深,带来的益处就越大。” [6] 他说:“婚姻通常表明投入程度更深,这或许能解释为何跟同居相比婚姻会带来更好的精神健康状况。同居关系往往不那么持久。对此最广为接受的解释是,一段有坚定承诺的关系意味着能得到更好的社会支持。” [7] 加拉赫博士及其同为博士的儿子戴维在为《英国医学杂志》周刊撰写的社论中对148项社会关系研究的结果进行了回顾。他们说,许多已婚者往往意识不到其中的好处,但研究发现,与总体人口相比,已婚者过早死亡的可能性要低10%至15%。 [8] 加拉赫博士说:“在身体健康方面,男性从婚姻中受益比女性多,而在精神健康方面女性受益更多。”但他警告说,紧张的婚姻关系对精神健康有害,与婚姻紧张相比单身反而更好。 GONG DONG FENG


宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第3篇 “Artificial pancreas” shows promise in pregnancy [1] Scientists have shown how an \say their finding could significantly reduce cases of stillbirth and death among diabetic expectant mothers. [2] British researchers used a so-called \pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes and found it provided the right amount of insulin at the right time, maintained near normal blood sugar, and prevented dangerous drops in blood sugar levels at night. [3] \promising,\[4] The experimental artificial pancreas was created by combining a continuous glucose monitor, or CGM, with an insulin pump, both of which are already used separately by many people with type 1 diabetes. [5] Previous trials in children with the condition found that using an artificial pancreas system at night improved blood glucose control and reduced hypoglycaemia. [6] The bodies of type 1 diabetes sufferers become unable to properly break down sugar and if untreated, blood vessels and nerves are destroyed, organs fail and patients can die. [7] Pregnancy can be particularly risky for women with diabetes as hormonal changes make it very difficult to keep blood glucose levels within a safe range, especially at night. [8] As a result of high blood glucose levels, babies of women with diabetes are five times as likely to be stillborn, three times as likely to die in their first months of life and twice as likely to have a major deformity, the researchers said. “人工胰腺”减糖尿病孕妇风险 [1] 科学家表明了一种对患有I型糖尿病的孕妇如何有帮助的“人工胰腺”,他们说,这一发现能大大减少死产率和患糖尿病孕妇的死亡率。 [2] 英国研究人员将一种“闭合循环胰岛素释放系统”(或称人工胰腺)用于10名患有I型糖尿病的孕妇,结果发现,它能适时提供适量的胰岛素,维持接近正常的血糖水平,并防止血糖水平在夜间出现危险的下降。 [3] “人工胰腺能使这些妇女的血糖水平接近正常,这一研究成果非常有前途,” 研究负责人、剑桥大学的海伦·墨菲说。 [4] 实验中的人工胰腺是由一个连续葡萄糖监测器和一个胰岛素泵组成的,已有很多I型糖尿病患者在分别使用这两种设备。 [5] 过去针对患糖尿病儿童的实验发现,夜间使用人工胰腺可改善血糖的控制,减少低血糖的发生。 [6] I型糖尿病的患者无法正确地分解糖分,如果不加以治疗的话,病人的血管和神经就会受到破坏,器官会出现衰竭并导致死亡。 [7] 对患有糖尿病的女性来说,怀孕的风险特别大,因为荷尔蒙的变化会使血糖水平很难控制在安全的范围内,尤其是在夜间。 [8] 研究人员说,由于血糖水平高,相比正常人,患糖尿病的孕妇所产婴儿发生死产的几率要高5倍,初生婴儿头几个月夭折的几率要高3倍,婴儿出现严重畸形的几率要高两倍。 GONG DONG FENG 3

宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第4篇 Imax Finds a Niche in Digital Future [1] Moviegoers in Moscow who do not want to munch popcorn with the multiplex masses will soon have an alternative. At a V.I.P. cinema that is set to open in April, they will be able to watch blockbusters on a large, curved screen while lounging in oversize leather chairs. The cost of a ticket for one of the 80 seats: close to $100. [2] At a time when many media companies eye the digital future with dread, worrying about how to persuade consumers to buy their products when free information and entertainment abound on the Web, Imax, a Canadian company, not only gets consumers to spend but also gets them to pay a premium. [3] Imax had a very good recession. Global box office receipts at Imax theaters more than doubled last year, to $546 million from $270 million in 2009. Only a few years ago, Imax was weighed down by debt and scouting around unsuccessfully for a financial rescuer. [4] Richard Gelfond, the company’s chief executive, was eager to discuss the company’s turnaround, during the World Economic Forum in Davos last week. [5] At a time when other media companies are reeling from the effects of piracy, Imax benefits from the fact that it offers an experience that is difficult to replicate outside a specially equipped theater. The screens are big — typically 22 meters wide by 16 meters high though some are much larger. Resolution is higher than that of conventional movies. [6] The company needed a technological leap to take advantage of those attributes in ways that were practical and financially viable. Starting in 2007, it switched to a digital projection system, replacing analog film prints, with digital versions. [7] That made it feasible to expand the number of Imax screens, which is expected to reach nearly 600 worldwide by the end of this year, up from fewer than 300 in 2005. Digitization also encouraged Hollywood studios to make blockbusters like “Avatar” available in the Imax format, which used to be known more for nature films and other educational fare. [8] Imax’s growth has been particularly speedy in countries like China and Russia, where going to the movies makes for a popular night out. In Russia, the number of Imax screens rose to 15 from four last year, while in China, the total doubled to about 100 . [9] “There’s not a lot of live sports or music in China, so movies are the place to be,” Gelfond said. [10] Average Imax ticket prices in China are almost as high as in the United States, and Chinese consumers resold seats to “Avatar” for up to $100 on eBay. [11] In Russia, Imax screens produced an average of $3 million in revenue last year. That was the highest average of any market for the company; in the United States, the comparable figure was $1.2 million. [12] “All over the world, people are willing to pay for premium content,” he said. “They want something they can’t get in the home.” 4

Imax在数字未来中找到市场 [1] 不想和一大群人一起嚼爆米花的莫斯科电影观众很快将另有选择。在即将于4月份开放的VIP影院里,他们可以舒舒服服地坐在超大皮椅上,欣赏巨大球形幕上放映的电影大片。放映厅里共有80个座位,每个座位的票价接近100美元。 [2] 许多媒体公司对数字未来抱有恐惧心理,发愁在网上充斥免费资讯和娱乐的情况下,如何才能说服顾客购买他们的产品。此时,加拿大的Imax公司不仅能让顾客掏钱,而且能让他们多掏钱。 [3] 即使在衰退期间,Imax公司的业绩也相当不错。去年,全球Imax影院的票房收入增加了一倍多,从2009年的2.7亿美元增至5.4 6亿美元。就在几年前,Imax公司还债台高筑,徒劳地四下寻找救星。 [4] 在上周的达沃斯世界经济论坛期间,公司总经理理查德·盖尔福德迫切地想要讨论公司此次起死回生的经过。 [5] 其他媒体公司都饱受盗版的困扰,Imax公司却因为提供了在特殊放映厅之外难以复制的视听效果而获益。银幕巨大,通常为22米宽,16米高,有些还要大得多。清晰度也超过了普通电影。 [6] 公司必须要实现技术飞跃,这样才能通过实用和经济上可行的方式来利用这些特点。公司从2007年开始转而使用数字放映系统,以数字拷贝取代了模拟电影胶片拷贝。 [7] 如此一来,就可以增加Imax放映厅的数量,预计今年年底在全世界将达到将近600个,而2005年时还不到300个。数字化还鼓励好莱坞电影公司制作了《阿凡达》等可以用Imax格式放映的大片,而这种格式以往更多地用于放映自然和教育题材的影片。 [8] 在中国和俄罗斯等国家,Imax的扩张尤为迅速,看Imax电影成为受人欢迎的晚间娱乐活动。在俄罗斯,Imax放映厅的数量从去年的4个增加到15个,中国的总数则增加了一倍,达到大约100个。 [9] 盖尔福德说:“中国的现场体育比赛和音乐会不多,所以大家喜欢看电影。” [10] 中国的Imax平均票价与美国不相上下。中国消费者曾在eBay上以高达100美元的价格转卖《阿凡达》的电影票。 [11] 在俄罗斯,Imax电影去年催生了300万美元的收入,是该公司在单一市场获得的最高平均收入,在美国的收入是120万美元。 [12] 盖尔福德说:“在世界各地,大家都愿意花钱购买一流的享受。他们希望获取在家里得不到的东西。” GONG DONG FENG 5

宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第5篇 Davos, 9 Years Into the Future [1] The United States president’s surprise visit to the World Economic Forum got off to a bad start. [2] It was not just that the Dagong Global credit rating company of China reiterated its B rating on United States Treasury notes, and that Litchi, the company formerly known as Apple, served dim sum rather than hamburgers at its Davos reception. [3] President Bill Gates stormed out of a tense backroom meeting with investors here, furious that even bankers from the Paris union of countries that no longer use the euro demanded a 10 percent premium on United States debt. [4] Six months after China officially became the world’s biggest economy, American officials insisted that things were looking up for the once unrivaled superpower. [5] “Being No. 2 is so much easier,” one presidential aide remarked. “Do we have any troops to spare to help secure the Chinese-Indian border? Nope.” [6] The 2016 youth protests, which helped Mr. Gates win office as an independent, are beginning to fade from the headlines as long-term unemployment among young adults appears finally to have turned the corner. [7] After the euro zone was reduced five years ago to a Germanic core of six and a half members (including northern Italy), sending the euro to record highs, American exports have made a remarkable comeback. Parity with the renminbi helped, too. [8] China has been monitoring the dollar’s decline closely, urging Washington to keep its currency within the boundaries agreed by the G-40 and pegged to the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights. The I.M.F., which relocated to Beijing in accordance with its founding statute when China became the biggest shareholder in 2018, has not had to impose any sanctions on members so far. But the fund’s managing director said in Davos this week that it would not hesitate to do so. [9] Others noted that the weak dollar was going a long way to end the painful deflation that had turned the once free-spending American into a Ben Franklin-like penny pincher. [10] For all the squabbling, the mood among the Chinese, Indian and Brazilian executives who now pay most of the bills, was remarkably warm. Almost as warm as the weather. [11] Among the leaders rubbing shoulders with Mr. Gates this week were President Vladimir V. Putin, who in his fourth term is lobbying for Russian entry to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization amid fear that China will annex the depopulated east. 6

9年后的达沃斯 [1] 美国总统比尔·盖茨对世界经济论坛的突然造访可谓出师不利。 [2] 首先,中国的大公国际资信评估有限公司仍坚持将美国国债定为B级。而“荔枝公司”(从前的苹果公司)在达沃斯招待会上准备的是中式点心,而不是汉堡包。 [3] 比尔·盖茨总统气呼呼地退出一个与投资者举行的闭门会议。让他生气的是,就连那些不再使用欧元的“巴黎联盟”国家的银行家也要求美国国债的收益率为10%。 [4] 在中国正式成为世界第一大经济体之后的半年,美国官员坚持说,这对美国来说并不是什么坏事。 [5] “当第二要容易多了,”美国总统一位助手说,“我们还有富余的军队去帮着维持中印边界和平吗?没了。” [6] 2016年的青年抗议活动帮助独立候选人比尔·盖茨赢得了美国大选。随着青年的长期失业问题最终有所好转,抗议活动才逐渐淡出了媒体头条。 [7] 在欧元区5年前缩小到以德国为核心的六个半国家(包括意大利北部)后,欧元币值攀上了创纪录的新高,美国出口因此出现了惊人的恢复。当然,美元与人民币等价也起了一定的作用。 [8] 中国一直在密切关注美元的贬值,并呼吁美国将美元保持在“四十国集团”商定的范围内,并与国际货币基金组织(IM F)的特别提款权挂钩。IM F(中国2018年成为其最大股东后,总部已迁往北京)目前尚未对任何成员国实施制裁,但其中国籍总裁本周在达沃斯表示,该组织随时都可能采取制裁措施。 [9] 有人指出,疲软的美元有助于结束痛苦的通货紧缩,通货紧缩已经把原先大手大脚的美国人变成了吝啬鬼。 [10] 尽管有着各种争执,但中国、印度和巴西的公司领导(他们现在是主要的赞助方)之间的氛围却异常温暖。简直快与当地的气候一样温暖了。 [11] 与盖茨总统一起参加论坛的还有俄罗斯总统普京,他已是第四次担任总统了。普京正在力争让俄罗斯加入北约,因为担心中国会吞并人烟稀少的东部地区。 GONG DONG FENG 7

宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第6篇 Obama to US companies: Time to hire and invest is now [1] President Obama called on American business Monday to get off the sidelines and invest in the nation’s economy and its workers. [2] In a speech to the US Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Obama laid out ways in which his administration aims to encourage innovation and business investment. Then, in a patriotic appeal, he asserted that “winning the future” is not just about what the government can do to help business succeed, it’s about business helping the nation succeed. [3] The president noted that American companies have nearly $2 trillion in reserve, and encouraged them to “get in the game.” [4] “ Many of you have told me that you're waiting for demand to rise before you get off the sidelines and expand, and with millions of Americans out of work, demand's risen more slowly than any of us would like,” Obama said. [5] But, he noted, many economists are forecasting a “healthy increase” in demand. Obama said, “it’s investments made now that will pay off as the economy rebounds. More Americans working will mean more sales for your companies.” [6]The president then pushed hard on the idea that opportunity brings responsibility – that in exchange for administration efforts to reform the tax code and boost exports, the benefits cannot just translate into greater profits and bonuses. [7] “We can't go back to the kind of economy that we saw in the years leading up to the recession, where growth and gains in productivity just didn't translate into rising incomes and opportunity for the middle class.” 奥巴马对美国公司说:现在是雇人和投资的时候了 [1] 美国总统奥巴马周一敦促美国企业别再当局外人,开始投资美国经济和雇用工人。 [2] 当天奥巴马在美国商会发表演讲,阐述政府鼓励创新和企业投资的方法。在一次颇具感染力的爱国主义呼吁中,奥巴马声称“赢得未来”不仅是指政府能做些什么来帮助企业获得成功,还包括企业努力做些什么来帮助国家获得成功。 [3] 奥巴马指出,美国公司有近2万亿美元的资金储备,他鼓励美国企业“大胆投资”。 [4] 奥巴马说:“你们很多人告诉我,你们要等需求涨上来再放手去扩张,但是在数百万美国人陷入失业的情况下,需求上涨的速度显然不会让我们满意。” [5] 但奥巴马指出,许多经济学家预测需求将出现“大幅增长”。他说:“随着经济的复苏,只有现在进行投资才能得到回报。越多美国人开始工作就意味着公司销售收入会更多。” [6] 在演讲中,奥巴马还竭力宣传“机遇伴随着责任”的观点:政府在努力进行税收改革和促进美国出口,这些获益不能只转化成更多的利润和分红。 [7] 奥巴马表示:“我们不能再回到经济衰退之前的那种经济模式,即经济增长和生产率的提高无法转化成中产阶级的收入增长和机遇。” GONG DONG FENG 8

宫东风老师英汉对照B计划第7篇 Can US economy thrive as China rises? [1] President Obama's recent State of the Union speech carried a blunt message: Continued US prosperity depends on figuring out how to stay ahead of other nations that are out to eat America's lunch. [2] It's a theme that Mr. Obama has continued to hammer over the past week, and he cites China as a prime challenger -- a nation that's now home to the world's fastest computer and largest private solar-research site. [3] When it comes to China, many Americans agree. Some 47 percent now see it as the world's leading economic power, according to a January poll by the Pew Research Center. Only 31 percent chose the United States. [4] So just how big an economic threat is China? Is this really a \the president said? The challenge to America is real, but it also shouldn't be exaggerated. The notion that China is already No. 1 is flatly wrong, most economists and Asia experts say. [5] \\[6] Measured in dollar value of output, the US economy is still more than twice the size of China's. And because the US population is about one-quarter that of China, this means the typical person in China has a living standard far below US norms. [7] If you had to pick a global economic superpower, it's still America. [8] China's manufacturing is also much less efficient, using far more energy than advanced nations do to produce a given product. And more than half of China's foreign trade, Professor Sutter says, is controlled by foreign firms operating there. [9] All that said, China is undeniably a force to be reckoned with. It appears to be just a matter of time before China does have the largest economy. Unlike the Soviet Union, which sent the Sputnik satellite into space and later saw its economy unravel, China has built its growing might on a blend of shrewd government guidance, home-grown entrepreneurial drive, and partnerships with the outside world. [10] \going up,\says Gary Pisano, a Harvard Business School expert on technology strategy. It creates new opportunities for the US – new export markets and imports that boost productivity or enhance the quality of life in the US. [11] Unlike competition between individual companies or sports teams, countries typically reap mutual benefits from trade, Professor Pisano says. [12] But some economists worry that other nations' rapid catch-up could come at America's expense, and even Pisano argues that the US needs policies to ensure its prosperity. [13] Despite all its challenges, the US still has considerable strengths, from its entrepreneurial tradition to a consumer culture that serves as a test bed for honing new products. The need, economists say, is to keep building on those strengths, so America remains a magnet for centers of innovation. 9

美国经济能在中国崛起的同时保持繁荣吗? [1] 奥巴马总统最近发表的国情咨文传递出一条率直的信息:美国的持续繁荣有赖弄清楚如何领先于要吃掉美国午餐的国家。 [2] 这是奥巴马一周来不断强调的主题,他还把中国称作主要挑战者。这个国家如今拥有全世界最快的计算机和最大的私营太阳能研究机构。 [3] 说到中国,很多美国人都同意这一点。皮尤研究中心今年1月开展的调查称,约有47%的美国人如今把中国视为世界头号经济强国。只有31%的美国人选择美国。 [4] 那么,中国构成的经济威胁到底有多大?真是像奥巴马总统说的“斯普特尼克时刻”(1957年苏联发射人类首枚人造卫星“斯普特尼克”号,将美国拉入了太空竞赛——译者注)吗?美国面临的挑战确实存在,但也不应该夸大。多数经济学家和亚洲专家称,中国已经是世界第一的说法断然不对。 [5] 乔治敦大学中国专家罗伯特·萨特说:“这显而易见是误解。”他说,中国“根本算不上占统治地位的经济体”。 [6] 用美元计算的产出衡量,美国经济仍然是中国的两倍以上。此外,因为美国人口约为中国的四分之一,这意味着普通中国人的生活标准远远低于美国人。 [7] 如果必须选出一个全球经济超级大国,那仍然是美国。 [8] 中国制造的效率仍然很低,生产某一产品耗费的能源远远多于发达国家。萨特教授说,中国一半以上的外贸由在中国经营的外国公司控制。 [9] 尽管如此,中国仍毋庸置疑是一支需要认真对待的力量。中国经济规模成为世界第一似乎只是时间问题。不同于曾把卫星送上太空但后来解体的苏联,中国不断发展的实力建立在精明的政府引导、本地企业家的创业精神和与外部世界合作的基础之上。 [10] 哈佛商学院技术战略专家加里·皮萨诺说:“其他国家发展能力、提高生活标准是好事情。”这为美国创造新的机会,包括新的出口市场和进口产品,促进美国提高生产力或改善生活质量。 [11] 皮萨诺教授说,与单个公司或体育队伍之间的竞争不同,国家通常从贸易中互利互惠。 [12] 但是,一些经济学家担心其他国家的迅速赶上可能给美国造成损失,就连皮萨诺也认为,美国需要制定一些政策确保自身繁荣。 [13] 尽管面临这些挑战,美国仍然具备相当优势,从创业传统到促进产品创新的消费文化等不一而足。经济学家说,现在需要继续发展这些优势,使美国保持创新中心磁石的地位。 GONG DONG FENG 10

