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( ) 1. She ___ some dresses. A. have B. has C. is D. be ( ) 2. ____ a map of the world on the wall.

A. There is B. There are C.Have D. There be ( ) 3. Listen! Some girls _____ in the classroom.

A. sings B. sing C. is singing D. are singing ( ) 4. ___ Mary____ clothes?

A. Does, wash B. Do, wash C. Is, washing D. Be washing ( ) 5. Nick ___ to the zoo on Sunday.

A. not go B. doesn’t C. don’t go D. isn’t go ( ) 6. The child often ___ TV in the evening.

A. watches B. watch C. watching D. watched ( ) 7. Mary ___ he grandparents tomorrow.

A. is going to visit B. visits C. visited D. is visiting ( ) 8. Today is a sunny day. We ___ a picnic this afternoon. A. have B. has C. are going to have D. had ( ) 9. I’m going to ___ uncle Wang ___ Tuesday.

A. look at, / B. see, / C. see, on D. watch, on ( ) 10. --When is your birthday? .

--It’s ___ January.

--What would you like ___ a birthday present? --I would like a yo-yo.

A. on, for B. in, as C. on, with D. in, for ( ) 11. --Whose book is it?

--It’s not ___ book. It’s ___ .

A. her, mine B. mine,hers C. my, her D. her, my ( ) 12. --Do you like ___ weather?

--No, because we can’t play soccer ___ rainy day. A.rain, in B. rain, on C. rainy,on D. rainy, in ( ) 13.--Miss Li ____ a bag,

--I ___ a sketch book.

A. have, has B. is, have C. has, have ( ) 14. The pair of glasses___ in my handbag. A. is B. are C. am

( ) 15. The ___ are behind the cat. A. mouse B. mice C. mouses

( ) 16. The maths problem (数学问题) is too hard 难的) .Nobody ___ do it.

A. may not B. may C.can’t D. can ( ) 17. Can you speak Japanese? No, I ____.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. may not D. meedn’t ( ) 18. The little baby has two ____ already. A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths

( ) 19. The little dog ___ two years old this year.

A. is B. be C. are

( ) 20. She ___ to school from Monday to Friday.

A. go B. going C. goes 二.句型转换。(10分)

There are many story-books on the desk.(变成一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答) __________________________________________ ___________________ __________________ You can use my phone.(变成否定句)


Tom often watches TV in the evening.(变成一般疑问句) ______________________________________ My mother is a nurse.(对画线部分提问)


There are three bottles of milk on the table.(对画线部分提问) _______________________________________ 三.连词成句。(10分)

like, breakfast, I, for, would, porridge.

_______________________________________ every, we, English, week, have, week, classes.


often, basketball, after, they, play, on, playground, school, the.

_______________________________________________________ reads, every, English, He, morning.

___________________________________ is, Marry, to, tomorrow, going, not, swim.

______________________________________ 四.语法填空。(结合上下文提示,或括号里英语和汉语的提示填空)(10分) I get up _______ seven in the morning.

There are some ______ (sheep) in the farm.

______(我的) bag is new, ______ (他的)bag is old. I have a cat. ________(它的) name is mimi. Please give ______ (我) an apple.

We have English classes ______ Sundays. A cat has a ______ (长的) tail.

Some______( pupil) are flying kites.

_______________(老师们的)room is on the third floor.

Kevin’s room is very ________(干净的),but my room is very _______(脏的) 五.作文片段仿写(请仿照每段话的示例,并结合所有关键词完成对应片段)。(15分) e.g. Spring is like a little girl. She is coming quietly. 关键词:leaves /beautiful dancers /they /dancing / sky


e.g. My father likes swimming very much. Because it’s good for body. He often swims in summer with me. He swims very well.

关键词:mother /flying a kite /eyes /in the park /Sunday /very high



e.g. Spring is coming. We take off winter clothes. We put on pants and sweaters. We feel cool.

关键词:winter /take off /put on /cold



e.g. I go to the park to fly a kite. It’s very funny.

关键词:Maria /the fast food restaurant /eat noodles /delicious


e.g. Look! Some boys are playing football on the playground. (正在发生)They play hard.(评价)Some girls are watching them.(其他人)They often play football after school.(经常)

关键词:Listen /Lily /singing at home /beautiful / father and mother /she often / Sundays __________________________________________________________________________



六.话题作文线索填空:A. 人物类:(10分,注意顺序,不按顺序不得分,每个括号2分) 外貌(_________、________、________)+职业(______、_______、_______、______) +喜好(_______、_______、________、________)+活动(___________、__________) B.季节类:




It’s my (最喜欢的)animal. What’s the (日期)today?

The weather is _________(温暖) and __________(刮风). I like this kind of orange (果汁)

We go to the park to ________________(照相).

__________________(这是一个干…的好时机)to fly kites. I had a (野餐) with my friends this Sunday. Sometimes he ___________(走着)to school.

He often helps his mother _______________________(做家务). The trees ______________________(变绿) in spring.

八.句子改错:(每句话只有一处错误,请找出并完整地写出修改后的句子)(10分) My favourite sport is swim.

________________________________________________________________ My sister often watch TV in the evening.

________________________________________________________________ Jim do not listen to the radio after school.

________________________________________________________________ There are some water in the glass.

________________________________________________________________ We have four classes 8:00 to 12:00 in the morning.



Pingping is a lovely girl in her family. They all love her. She’s the apple of their eye. 划线部分意思是:( ) A.脸像苹果 B 幸运人物 C 掌上明珠 D 核心人物 He is as strong as a horse. 划线部分意思是:( )A.壮的与马一样 B 与马一样 C 与马一样快 D 壮的像牛

Two father and two sons go to take pictures. When they see the photo, there are 3 men in the pictures. Why?____________________________________________________(用英语作答)

If two cats are in front of a cat , and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all(一共)?____________ What letter(字母) is a drink? _____________

