译林版小学英语3A Project 2 A puppet show

更新时间:2023-07-25 01:29:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



Let’s play a game.A: What’s this/ that? B: It’s … A: Would you like … B: Yes, please./ No, thank you.

Let’s play a game. Work in pairs:小组练习 A: What’s this/ that? B: It’s … A: Would you like … B: Yes, please./ No, thank you.

Tips: 小组长提问,组 员回答。答对的话, 礼品送给他。看谁获 得的奖品多。

a puppet 木偶

They’re puppets.(他们都是木偶)





a puppet 木偶girl boy

Write about your puppet.Name: Pinocchio√

A boy

A girl

Clothes: √ T-shirt√


Skirt Cap Jacket

Let’s show.

Show your puppets!Hello! I’m Pinocchio. Look at my T-shirt. It’s yellow.

Let’s show.

at home在家

A: Hello/ Hi, this is …. Hello/ Hi, he/ she is…. B: Nice to meet you. C: Nice to meet you, too. A: Would you like …? B: Yes, please. / No, thank you.

A: What about a …?

B: ...B: . . .

A: Yes, please. / No, thank you.

Scene1 场景1

Scene2 场景2 At home在家

Scene3 场景3

On the picnic在野餐

In the classroon在教室

Scene4 场景4在生日聚会上

Scene5 场景5在新年聚会上

Scene6 场景6在服装店

At a birthday party At a new year’s party In the clothes shop

Discuss in groupsWhat questions can you use in these scenes?And how can you answer? (小组讨论在表演这些场景时会用到哪些语句问 答呢?) Choose and say in groups

每组选一个场景,小组内根据本组所选的场景讨论 相应的语句

Scene1 场景1

Scene2 场景2 At home在家

Scene3 场景3

On the picnic在野餐

In the classroon在教室

Scene4 场景4在生日聚会上

Scene5 场景5在新年聚会上

Scene6 场景6在服装店

At a birthday party At a new year’s party In the clothes shop

on a picnicWould you like…? What about a …?

in the classroom In the clothes shopGood morning.This is…

Look at my…It’s … What colour is it?

Yes, please./ No, thank you. Good afternoon.Yes, please./ No, thank you. He’s \She’s my friend.

It’s …


Happy birthday… This… is for you. Would you like…? What about a …?

Happy New Year. Happy New Year. This… is for you.

Thank you....

Hello/ Hi, this is …. Hello/ Hi, he/ she is…. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. ...

Tips: 1、要用你的puppet来表演哦! Good morning. Look at my… Would you like…? 2 、每个人都要有角色。 It’s … Yes, please./ No, thank you. Good afternoon. 3、尽可能得体交际。 This is… What colour is it? What about a …? 4、优美的语音语调会给你加分哦。 Yes, please./ No, thank you. He’s \She’s my friend. It’s … . .. … … …1、发音正确,语音语调优美。 Happy New Year. Happy birthday… Hello/ Hi, this 2、语言丰富,交流流畅。 Happy New Year. This… is for you.Would you like…? What about a …? This…

is for you.

on a picnic

in the classroom on the clothes shop

Thank you....

is …. Hello/ Hi, he/ she is…. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. ...


1Make a puppet show with your friends after class. (下课后和你的朋友表演木偶剧)2 Read some stories about puppets. (读读关于木偶的故事)

