青铜峡市五中08 - 09学年度第一学期期中九年级英语试卷

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一.听力(15分) ( 每小题 1分) I. 听辨单词(5分)


1. A. clean B. class C. clever D. cloud 2. A. cough B. enough C. knife D. leaf 3. A. energy B. emperor C. eighty D. empty 4. A. grass B. glass C. class d. glasses 5. A. tooth B. teeth C. till D. needs II. 句子理解 (5分)


6.A.Please put on the coat. B. Please wear warmer clothes.

C. Why not take off your warmer coat? D. You’d better put off the coat. 7. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s cloudy C. It’s windy. D. It’s rainy. 8. A. There are 3,940,548 people in the town. B. My telephone number is 3945038. C. 3940538 is my telephone number. D. 3940845 is my telephone number.

9. A. It’s cloudy in Shanghai. B. How’s the weather in Shanghai? C. How’s the weather like in Shanghai? D. It’s sunny in Shanghai. 10. A. Everyone can sing very wall. B. Some of them can’t sing very well

C. All of them can sing very well. D. All of them can’t sing very well. III. 对话理解。(5分)

听一组对话,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答下列问题。(5分) 11. What does the woman want to buy?

A. A coat. B. A pair of jeans. C. A jacket. D. A blouse. 12. She like warm colors, doesn’t she?

A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn’t C. No, she doesn’t. D. Yes, she does 13. Why does the woman dislike the red one?

A. Because it is too big. B. Because it is too expensive. C. Because it is too bright. D. Because it is too small.

14. Which one does the woman choose?

A. The brown one. B. The black one. C. The red one. D. The blue one. 15. How much did the coat cost?

A. 88 yuan. B. 188 yuan. C. 288 yuan. D. 880 yuan. 二.单项选择 (20分) ( 每小题 1分)

( )16.I don’t like learning English verbs (动词).It is _________.

A. bore B. bored C. boring. D. tiring .

( ) 17. Tom said that he got ________ A in this test. A. a B. an C. the D. any

( )18 Why_______ ask the teacher for help? A. don’t B. not C. do D. no ( )19.What about ________ to the pop music?

A. to listen B. listen C. listening D. hearing ( )19. It’s warm today , you ‘d better _______ your coat. A. to put on B. to take off C. put on D take off ( )21. When I was a child , I used to ________ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes

( ) 22. The old man is poor and can’t_______ the bike. A. afford B. cost C. spend D. look

( )23. Smoking is bad for your health. Why not _______?

A. give up it B. give it up C. give it back D. give back it ( )24. He will go there _______me , I am too busy now.

A. instead B. instead of C. with D. take ( )25. He is always strict ________himself _______ everything. A. with; with B. in; at C. with; in D. in ; with ( )26.Please stop _______ so much noise. It’s time for class. A. to make B. to do C. doing D. making ( )27. -- Tom didn’t pass the test. -- I didn’t, _______.

A. too B. also C. as well D. either ( )28. He was ________ shy ________ say a word.

A. so; that B. too; to C. such; that D. enough; to ( )29. If I ______ you, I would be a little late.

A. am B. were C. was D. will be

( )30. _______ people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008. A. Million of B. Millions of C. Two million of D. Two millions ( )31. He’d rather _______ at home than go shopping with her mother. A. stays B. stay C. to stay D. staying ( )32. There is ______ rain and it’s _______ cool this summer. A. too much; too much B. too much; much too

C. much too; much too D. much too; too much

( )33. If it _______ tomorrow, we won’t go to the cinema.

A. snowed B. snowing C. will snow D. snows ( )34. The wallet must ______ Himan. It has his ID card in it. A. be B. belong to C. is D. belongs to ( )35. I don’t think there is ______ in today’s newspaper. A. something interesting B. anything interesting

C. interesting anything D. interesting something

三.完形填空(10分) ( 每小题 1分)


We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of China is _36_ of all. The Chinese call it “The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall.” It is , in fact, more than 6,000 kilometres long, It is 6-7 metres __37__ and 4-5 metres wide(宽). In most places, five horses or ten men can walk side _38_ side along the top.

When you visit the Great Wall, you can’t help wondering how the Chinese

people _39__ build such a great wall__40__ years _41__. _42_ any modern machines, it was really difficult to build it.

The Great Wall has a history of over two __43__ years. The men began to build the first part of it about 2,700 years ago. Qin Shihuang __44__ all the walls __44__. He though that could keep the enemy(敌人) out of the country.

Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. ___45__ the Chinese people __45___ the people all over the world come to visit it.

( )36. A. the big B. the biggest C. biggest D. bigger ( )37. A. tall B. the tall C. higher D. high ( )38. A. to B. and C. by D. or

( )39. A. were able to B. be able to C. are able to D. was able to ( )40. A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. thousands

( )41. A. before B. ago C. later D. after ( )42. A. No B. Not C. Neither D. Without

( )43. A. hundred B. thousand C. thousands of D. hundreds ( )44. A. joined,up B. joined,on C. joined,in D. join,to

( )45. A. Whether, nor B. So, that C. Only,also d. Both, and 四.阅读(30分) ( 每小题 2分)



We live in “computer age”. People like scientists,teachers, writers and students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, computer couldn’t I do much. They were very big and expensive. Very few people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and cheaper. Since they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people even have them at home.

Computers become very important because they can work faster than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can help people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teacher use them to help teaching. Students use them to study and children use them to play games. Computers can also remember what you put into them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our good friends. Do you want to have a computer? ( )46. What’s the Chinese for “computer age”?

A. 计算机年龄 B. 计算机时代 C. 计算机时间 D. 计算机空间 ( )47. The computers were very _______ over 30 years ago.

A. large but cheap B. small but expensive C. small and cheap D. large and dear

( )48. Computers become very important because ________.

A. they can do work more quickly than people and make fewer mistakes B. they can make fewer mistakes, but work more slowly

C. They can do some work D. lots of people like to use them ( )49. Writers use computers to ________.

A. play games B. help teaching

C. write books D. watch TV programmers ( )50. Do computers have a memory?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.

C. The passage doesn’t tell us. D. They have a bad memory.


A man went to buy a piece of meat. As he didn’t know how to cook meat, he asked the butcher(屠夫)to tell him the way of cooking it. The butcher told him how to cook it. “But I can’t remember your words,” the man said. “Will you please write them down for me?” The butcher was kind enough to write them down for him. The man went home happily with the meat in his hand and the note(字条)in his pocket. A dog followed him on the way. It jumped at him, took the meat away and ran off. The man stood there, not knowing what to do. Then he laughed and said, “Never mind. You don’t know how to eat it. The note is still in my pocket.”

( )51. The man went to buy a piece of meat in the ______.

A. restaurant B. shop C. butcher’s D. chemist’s

( )52.Why did the man ask the butcher to tell him the way to cook meat?

A. Because he wasn’t good at cooking meat. B. Because he can’t cook meat very well. C. Because he didn’t know how to cook meat. D. Because he didn’t know how to eat meat.

( )53. In order to remember what the butcher said, he asked the butcher _______.

A. to say it once again B. to teach him again

C. to show him how to cook it D. to write it down for him

( )54. What happened in the end?

A. He forgot to cook the meat. B. The dog took the meat away. C. He taught the dog how to eat the meat. D. The note is not in his pocket.

( )55. What do you think of the man?

A. He was much afraid of dogs. B. He loved dogs very much.

C. He was a very foolish man D. He didn’t know how to do things


Do you know what a cold is? When you have a cold ,liquid (鼻涕) runs from your nose ,and you are ill. A cold is not a bad illness. We call this illness “a cold ”or “a cold in the head” because people think that cold air causes illness. They say, “I went out of my warm house into the cold air. I felt cold, so I caught a cold.”

Many people catch cold in winter. But cold air does not always cause a cold. You catch a cold in summer when the air is not cold. In fact germs(细菌)cause a cold. The germs get into your mouth, or they get into your nose. Then you have a cold.

When you have got a cold, do not go out and give it to other people. Other people do not want it. When you have a cold, stay in your house till you get well again. You’ll soon be well.

( )56. A cold is not a bad illness,________.

A. we should do nothing about it B. because the cold air causes illness C. we never catch it in summer D. but it can cause serious illness ( )57. What’s a cold? A cold is ______.

A. a kind of liquid running from your nose B. a kind of illness C. a kind of air in winter D. a kind of winter’s illness ( )58. You have caught a cold because ________.

A. germs get into your head B. you went out into the cold air C. germs cause the illness D. cold air cause illness ( )59.Even if the air is warm, _______.

A. we can still catch a cold B. we never catch a cold C. it cannot cause illness D. cold air cause illness ( )60. When you have got a cold _______.

A. go outside with others B. stay outside to give it to others C. speak with others D. stay at home till get well 五.根据汉语提示完成句子。(共10分,每小题2分)

61. Everyone _________(犯错误) in life, so we should give him a chance. 62. I always _________________ (做笔记) in English class. 63. He was _______________ (害怕) go out alone.

64. Don’t _____________(熬夜) very late and it’s bad for your health. 65. Never _________________(放弃) learning and you’ll succeed. 六.综合填空 (每空1分,共10分)


My __66__ problem is that I’m too busy. When I was __67__ , I used to have so much time, __68__ these days I get up early and stay in school all day. Then I go right

hard chat play young before but big take anymore after real.

home and eat dinner. __69__ I started high school, I used to spend a lot of time __70__ games with my friends, but I just don’t have the time ___71__ . In the evening, I used to watch TV or ___72__ with my grandmother, but now I have to study. I love music, and my father used to __73__ me to concerts. These days, I __74__ ever have time for concerts. I do my homework and go to bed. I __75__ miss the old days.

七.任务型阅读 (共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 阅读短文,将下面的课程表补充完整.

The new school term is coming is coming. Now the school clerks are planning a new timetable for Class 7, Grade 9.

There are six classes every day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. The students have a math class every day. And they have seven English classes in a week. Two of them are given by a foreign teacher and should be arranged(安排) together on Thursday morning.

There are five Chinese classes in a week. Two of them should also be arranged one after for the students to write their compositions.

They have two physics classes in a week but on different days. Besides these, there is an art class every Wednesday afternoon.

It’s necessary and important for students to take enough exercise. So they have two PE classes every week. And they can do outdoor activities after school every afternoon.

Date Period Monday One Two Three Four Five Six Tuesday Wednesday Thursday biology math English 79._____ PE geography Friday Chinese 80._____ math Politics English chemistry English 77._____ English English Politics Chinese Chinese Chinese math PE math chemistry physics 78._____ 76._____ English history class meeting Outdoor activities


A. How do you study English? (5分) 写出五种学习英语的方法.

B. 假如你有一百万,你会怎样使用它.60-80字左右。(10分) (帮助贫穷人、捐助医学研究、给父母买大房子、??)

