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1. meet Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴 Have a meeting 开会 2. and you and I 我和你 3. This 反义词:that 4. is (Be动词)妈妈有三个儿子:am,is ,are. 口诀:我用am 你用are;is

跟着他她它;复数全部都用are .

5. class class 1 一班 classroom 教室 classmate 同学 6. her her class 她的班级 her mother 她的妈妈 7. teacher 老师 teach 教

8. Mr. 先生 Mr Li 李先生 Mr+姓

9. Which 特殊疑问词,引导特殊疑问句放在句首

10. your 你的,你们的 your pen your class your teacher 11. the 定冠词,特指

12. sir 先生 单独使用,后面不跟姓,首字母小写 13. here 这儿 反义词:there 那些 14. are 同is口诀

15 thank thanks thank you 16. Here you are 给你

17. blue a blue sea 一片蓝色的大海 Once in a blue moon千载难逢 18. green green hand 新手 green house 温室花房 19. school bag 书包 handbag 手提包 backbag 双肩包 20. rubber = eraser 橡皮 关键句型

1. Meet Sandy and Sue ! 祈使句

祈使句: a. 省略主语 b.动词开头 c. 表示命令,请求,要求等 2. This is Sue‘s class . ‘s a. 表示。。。的所有格不能拆开 如mother‘s b. is的缩写,表示是。 如 : it is = it‘s her teacher‘s Mr. Crisp 3. Which is your pen , Sue ?

特殊疑问句:(1)不能用yes, no 来回答(2) 读时用降调





1. ——This is your pen, Tom. Here you are. ——T you, sir.

2. ——W is your pencil, Sue? ——The red pencil. 3. R 红, y 黄,b 蓝色像海洋;b 黑,purple紫,

g 环保我最棒。

4. ―来‖是c ,―去‖是g ;―是‖读y ,―不‖读n ;朗

读英语真顺口。 II、问答搭配: (10 分)

Nice to meet you! It‘s a book.

What‘s your name? Nice to meet you,too! What‘s this? I‘m fine! Thank you! How are you! How do you do? How do you do? My name is Bill. III、用所给词语的适当形式填空:(20分) 1. ——Is this (you) bag? ——Yes, it is.

2. ——This is (Sue) class. 3. (he) teacher is Miss Williams. 4. September 10th is (teacher) Day. 5. (she) teacher‘s pen is red. 6. (Tom) umbrella is black. 7. The (boy) ruler is brown. 8. ——Is this (Crisp) ball? ——No, it isn‘t.

9. (Jim) car is white. Look! He is in the car. 10. ——Who is that boy?

——Oh, (his) is Mr Clark‘s brother. V、单项选择:(20分)

( ) 1. Liu Mei‘s pencil red.

A. am B. is C. are D. \\ ( ) 2. ——Whose basket is this? ——It‘s .

A. Sandy B. Sandy is C. Sandy‘s ( ) 3. Look! She is the red bicycle.

A. in B. on C. of D. \\ ( ) 4.——______ is that man?

——He is Mr Li.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. When

( ) 5.——Which is your hat?

—— grey hat.

A. A B. An C. The D. \\ ( ) 6. They_____ my pencils .

A. am B. is C. are D. \\ ( ) 7. —— car is Tom‘s?

——The black car.

A. Whose B. His C. Which D. What

( ) 8. Your chair grey.

A. are B. am C. is D. \\

( ) 9. Nice to you.

A. thank B. meet C. sit D. kick ( ) 10. ——Whose is this bag?

——It‘s bag.

A. she B. her C. I D. me

3L1----Lessson 3-4知识点及习题


1. his 他的(所有格)

主格 I you she he it they we 所有格 my your her his its their our

2. Miss 对应词 Mr. 3. Williams 姓

4. whose 谁的 who 谁

5. cap 帽子(前沿帽) hat 帽子(全沿帽)

6. it 代词

7.yes 升调(什么事) 降调(是的) 反义词:no 8. come 反 go sit 反 stand up 反 down

stand up 反 sit down

9. please 放在句首句尾都可以

短语 Sandy‘s class his teacher this cap come here

your cap sit down


1. This is Sandy‘s class. 所有格…的 2. His teacher‘s Miss Williams. 缩写…是 3. Whose is this cap? = Whose cap is this ? 4. It‘s Sandy‘s .(省略句) It‘s Sandy‘s (cap)

5. Is this your cap ?(一般疑问句)Yes, it is \\No, it isn‘t 6. Which book is Sandy‘s ? ----The green book .

语法:( 1 )whose 引导的特殊疑问句 (2)Is this your cap?等一般疑问句

(3)形容词性物主代词(所有格):his, her, my, your, its,our, their 主格he, she, I, you, it, we, they


一. 英译汉。

Sandy‘s class his teacher come here sit down: stand up your cap 二. 用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1、 (he) teacher‘s Miss Williams. 2、 (she) teacher‘s Mr Crisp. 3、This is (Sandy) class. 4、Is this (you) cap?

5、The yellow book is (Sue).、用be动词(am, is, are)的适当形式填空:

1、Tom‘s book red.

2、The green schoolbag Sandy‘s. 3、Which your pen?

4、--Here you , Sandy.—Thank you, sir. 5、I Sandy.My rubber blue. 三、根据首字母提示补全单词:

1、--W is your pen,Sue? –The red pen, sir. 2、--W is this cap? –It‘s Sandy‘s.

3、My t is Mr Crisp. He teaches me English. 4、--Is this your ruler? –Yes, i is.

5、--Which is your cap? –T green cap. 四. 选择。

( )1.This_____Sue‘s class . A. am B. is C. are

( ) 2._________is this cap ? A. Who B. Whose C. who‘s ( )3. His teacher is Miss________. A. sandy B.Wang C.sue ( )4 ._______down, please. A. Thank B. come C. Sit ( )5 .It‘s_________ . A.Williams B.Miss Li‘s C.I 五. 句型转换。

1. Is this your book ?(作肯定回答) ________, it ________.

2. It‘s Sandy‘s pencil. (对划线部分提问) _________ is this ___________? 3. His teacher‘s Miss Zhang .(变否定句) His teacher __________ Miss Zhang .


Lesson5 单词

1. kick 踢

2. ball football, volleyball ,basketball ,balloon , ballpen 3. all We are all here. 我们全都在这儿。

4. right (1)对的 反义词:wrong (2)右边 反义词:left

同音词:write 5.all right = ok

6. look (1)看(2)注意 look out(小心,注意) 7. sorry = I‘m sorry

8.It‘s all right 没关系 (1)Not at all (2)That‘s all right (3)It‘s ok 重要句型:

1.kick the ball.祈使句 2. Look, Sandy 祈使句 3.Whose is this ball ? =Whose ball is this ?

4. Is this your ball, Tom ? 一般疑问句用Yes\\No来回答,用升调来读。 5. it isn‘t =is not Lesson6 单词

1. yellow eg :You‘re yellow .你很胆小。

2. bicycle=bike

3. pencil-box pencil-case The pen is in the pencil-box. 4.basket basketball a basket of apples 5.desk 课桌 table 饭桌

6. white 对应词black

(1)The White House 白宫 (2)It‘s good to tell a white lie .善意的谎言 (3)The motorbike ia a white elephant to me . (华而不实) 7.umbrella an umbrella 一把雨伞

8. grey =gray

9. table We are at table .我们在吃饭。

10. black (1)black tea红茶 (2)black sheep 败家子

(3)He is black and blue .青一块紫一块

11.chair armchair扶手椅 chairman 主席 语法:(1)祈使句 (2)一般疑问句


一. 英汉互译。

踢 ball football volleyball

桌子________________ 对不起 yellow bicycle

pencil-box_______white (反义词) umbrella___________ grey=______________ table___________chair all right this ball your ball 二、用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1、--Is this (you) ball, Tom?—No, it isn‘t. 2、-- (who) is this ball?—It‘s Sandy‘s.

3、Sue is a student. (she) teacher is Mr Crisp. 4、--Is the black ball (Sandy)?—No, it isn‘t. 5、The white car isn‘t (Tom).It‘s (I) car. 6、The black umbrella is (Crisp). 7、The yellow basket is (Sue).

8、Sandy‘s ball is yellow, but (he) bicycle is blue. 9、I don‘t like black, but (me) like white. 三、句型转换:

1、This table is Sandy‘s.(对划线部分提问)→ 2、This is Miss Williams‘ car. (对划线部分提问)→ 3、The blue basket is Sandy‘s. (对划线部分提问)→ 4、This chair is Mr Crisp‘s. (对划线部分提问)→ 5、The yellow basket is Sue‘s.(变为一般疑问句) → 6、The green pencil-box is Sandy‘s. (变为一般疑问句) → 7、Is Sandy‘s ball yellow?(作肯定回答) → 8、Is Mr Crisp‘s umbrella white?(作否定回答) → 9、Sandy, kick, ball, the,(组成祈使句) → 四.写出五个元音字母的大小写: 五.翻译句子。

(1)Kick the ball.

(2)Whose is this ball?

(3)Is this your ball,Tom?Yes, it is. (4)Is the yellow ball Sue‘s?Yes, it is. (5)Is Sandy‘s ball red? No, it isn‘t.



1 .who特殊疑问词 (whose, which, what, where, why) 2 .that 对应词this girl对应词boy 3. May①姓,②五月 4. on 在。。。上面 on the desk 5. in 在。。。里面 in the pencil-box

6. with (1)拿着 例The boy with the ball (2)和。。。在一起 play with

a dog

7. football 合成词,类似的有:basketball, volleyball 8. foot 复数feet on foot 步行 9. he 人称代词

10. brother 对应词sister elder brother younger brother we‘re brothers 11. woman 复数women women‘s Day man复数men 人称代词 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 主格代词 I we you you he she it they 宾格代词 me us you you him her it them 形容词性物my our your your his her its their 主代词 句型

1. Who is that gorl ? Which girl ? The girl on the red bicycle. 2. on the red bicycle 骑着红色自行车


一、用适当的介词填空:(in, on, with) 1、The girl the red bicycle is Sue.

2、The boy the football is Sandy Clark. 3、Tom is my class.

4、Your pen is your pencil-box.

5、The red book the table is Sandy‘s. 6、The ball the basket is yellow. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子:

1、那个女孩是谁?→ that girl? 2、哪一个女孩?→ girl?

3、桑迪是苏的弟弟。→Sandy is Sue‘s . 4、踢球,桑迪。→ the ball,Sandy.

三、写出含有所给字母相同读音的字母(包括大小写): 1、Aa: , , . 2、Ee: , , , , , , , . 3、Ii: . 4、Uu: , . 5、根据读音补充遗漏的字母:Ff, Ll, , Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz.



1. Hullo = hello

2. mum 小孩的口语 mother 正式

3. tea green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 4. –Are you ready ? 你准备好了么 ? ---Yes, I‘m ready . 是的,我准备好了 5. hungry 反 full go hungry 挨饿 6. no 可单独使用,not不可单独使用 。 7. now right now 立刻,马上 8. very thank you very much 9.thirsty 渴的 thirty 三十

10. busy business 商业 It‘s none of your business .不管你的事 He is as busy as a bee. 他很忙碌。 11. hot He is in hot water. 他有麻烦了。

Hot dog 热狗 hot potato 难易处理的事

12. old 引出cold catch a cold 感冒 He is a cold fish 冷酷无情的人 句子·

1. 一般疑问句:Are you hungry ? Yes, I am.\\No,I‘m not . 2. Hullo, Sandy! 3. Tea is ready. 4.What‘s for tea? 5.I‘m very hungry. 6.-Is Sandy thirsty?-No, he isn‘t.

※语法:1.基数词。 2 .be + 形容词(系表结构)

3L1 Lesson9-10试题


1. ----K______ the ball, Jim! ----A_______ right!

2. ----Tea‘s r______. Are you hungry? ----Yes, I‘m very hungry! 3. ----W______ is that? ----It‘s a car.

4. ----W______ is this girl? ----She‘s Lucy. 5.The boy w the football is Sandy Clark. 6.The girl o the red bicycle is Sue.

7. She is t . Please give the tea to her. 8. Who is that w ? She is Sue‘s mother. 9. Who is that m ? He is Tom‘s father. 10. The g on the bicycle is Tom‘s sister. 二、单项选择:

1. ----______ is that man? ----He is Sandy‘s teacher. A. Which B. What C. Who D. Where

2. ----Look at that girl! ----Which girl? ----The girl______ the green umbrella. A. in B. on C. come D. with 3. ----______ that woman? ----She‘s a teacher.

A. What‘s B. Who‘s C. What are D. Where‘s 4. ______ your coat(外套). It‘s too cold.

A. Put off B. Take off C. Put on D. Take on

5. Look______ the thing in the sky. A. on B. out C. in D. at 三.句型转换:

1.I am hungry.(变为一般疑问句)→ 2.Are you thirsty?(做肯定回答) → 3.Are you tired?(做否定回答) → 4. Mr Crisp is in the black car? (对划线部分提问)→



1.my 我的 my picture

2.picture draw a picture, in the picture

3.nice (1)That‘s a nice dress 那是件漂亮的裙子 (2)Not too hot ,just a nice temperature 4.数字

Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen 重要短语

Look at, on his bicycle, in his car 句型

1. What‘s that ? It‘s a... 2.What‘s this ? It‘s a… 3. Who‘s that/this ? It‘s … 4. That‘s nice .look at…

5. Whose is that ball It‘s Sandy‘s . 6. It isn‘t a ball,it‘s a basket .

7. Is that a basket ? No, it isn‘t a basket ,it‘s a ball . 8. Is that ball Sue‘s ? No, it‘sandy‘s . 9. What colour is that ball ? It‘s yellow . 语法:What ,who引导的一般疑问句

Lesson 11-12试题


1、[ ] table, face, name, game, pencil-case.

2、[ ] and, thank, schoolbag, cap, Sandy, black, that, man, at, dad, apple. 3、[ ]he, she, me, evening, green, meet, teacher, ice-cream, eat, please.

4、[ ]pen, red, pencil, yes, yellow, pencil-box, desk, very, egg, egg-cup, Betty 5、[ ]nice, bike, bicycle, white, my, like, ice-cream 二.英汉互译。

图画_________桌子 ___________自行车___________ 姐妹______________ 兄弟 ______________ tired_________my_____________ eleven__________ Look at my picture What‘s that? __ Who‘s this? _______ 三.选择。

( )1.Look _____ my pictture . A. of B. at C. to ( )2.He‘s ________his car . A.on B.for C.in ( )3.It‘s ________bicycle. A.a B.an C.the ( )4.He‘s on_________bicycle . A.him B.his C.he

( )5.____________that ? A.What B.What‘s C.What are 四.句型转换。

1. It‘s a bicycle . (对划线部分提问) _________ that ?

2. It‘s Tom .(对划线部分提问) __________ that ?

3.He‘s in his car .(变为否定句)

He ___________ _____________in his car . 4. He‘s on his bicycle .(变为一般疑问句) ____________he on his bicycle ? 五.根据语境补全对话。 Sue:What‘s that ? Sandy:______a rubber . Sue: _______this ?

Sandy :It‘s_______ car . Sue :_________this?

Sandy: It‘s________Crisp. He is my teacher . 六、用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1、Look at (I) picture. 2、Tom is on (he) bike. 3、Eat (you) egg quickly. 4、-What‘s this?-It‘s egg. 5、That‘s (Dad) car. 6、-What‘s that?-It‘s apple. 7、Listen to______.(I) 8、______(she) egg is in the egg-cup. 9、- (Whose)is this?-It‘s Tom. 10、This is______(Jane) new schoolbag.

Lesson 13-14知识点与习题


1. egg an egg 复数:eggs

2.listen listen to music(radio) 听音乐

3.eat eat up 吃光 eg.: eat like a bird 吃得少 Eat like a horse 吃得多 4.Put put on 穿上 put sth +地点 把某物放某地 5. cup a.tea cup coffee cup a cup of coffee b.奖杯 the World Cup

6. like 像 He is like his brother 他像他的哥哥。 Look like 看起来像

7. evening a. in the evening b.evening class夜校 evening dress晚礼服 8.children 单数child

9.empty 空的,空虚的 反full

10.apple an apple 一个苹果 be the apple of one‘s eyes 掌上明珠 11.orange an orange orange juce

12. ice cream an cream一个冰激凌 ice water 冰水 water ice 冰棍 iceberg 冰山 ice box 冰箱 iceland冰岛 13. school go to school上学 go to the school 去学校

primary school 小学middle school 中学 high scool 高中 college 学院 university大学 句子

1. The egg is for you 2.put the egg in the egg-cup 3.good evening 4.it‘s empty 5.What is it ? It‘s… 6.What colour is it ? It‘s red 7.Is it an apple ? No,it‘s an orange

8.What colour is the apple ? The aple is red and green .

Lesson 13-14习题


1.[ ]this, is, Crisp, which, his, Miss, it, sit, kick, in, with, sister, picture, listen. 2.[ ] go, sofa, old, cold, no, hullo, yellow.

3、[ ] on, sorry, pencil-box, not, hot, Tom, clock, mom. 4、[ ]Sue, blue, ruler, music, computer, student. 5、[ ]bus, mum, sun, cup, hullo, hungry, umbrella.


1、----W______ is that? ----It‘s a car. 2、----W______ is this? ----It‘s Lucy. 3、Look a my picture, Sue. 4、Mr Crisp is i his car.

5、Now put the egg in the egg-cup l this. 6、Tea‘s ready, Dad. This egg is f you. 7、I a hungry.

8、---W car is this?---It‘s Sandy‘s dad‘s. 三.按要求写出正确词形。

full(反义词)_______________ that‘s=_________________ I (形容词性物主代词)_____________ like(单三)______________ 四.选择

( )1.This egg is _______you . A. for B.at C.of

( )2.That‘s ___________car . A.Dad B.Dad‘s C.Dad is ( )3.Good_________(晚上好)! A.morning B.evening C.hullo ( )4.Eat your egg__________ A.quick B.very C.quickly ( ) 5.It‘s________egg . A.an B.a C.on 五.补全对话。

A:Good evening, children . B: Good __________,Mum . A: Are you thirsty ?

B:No, _________aren‘t . A: Are you hungry ? B:Yes, we __________.

A:Tea‘s __________.This egg is ________you. B.Thank________,Mum



1. hat top hat 礼帽 sun hat 太阳帽

2.shoe slipper便鞋 sandal 凉鞋 a pair of shoes

high-heeled shoes

3. knock knock at(on)the door 敲门

4.door open(shut,close,slam)the door 把门关上。 At the door 在门边

5.Police man---policemen policewoman---policewomen Police dog警犬 police office 警察局 police post派出所

6. postman milkman fireman

7.dog hot dog 热狗 every dog has its day 凡人皆有得意日 8. cat raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨 短语

Put on, come with me , come in , knock at the door , look at me , An actor , an actress, mum‘s shoes , dad‘s hat 句子

1. Wat is he ? He is a schoolboy. 2. look at him, he isn‘t a policeman. 3. Are you a … ? No, I‘m not . 数字:11----20



sh__ __ 鞋 d__ __r 门 act__r 男演员 a__tr__ss女演员

p__stm__ 邮递员 d__g狗 h__t 帽子 二.按要求写出正确词形。

I(宾格)_________ you are(缩写)___________ Actor(对应词)_________ schoolboy(对应词)__________ Policeman(复数)__________ policewoman(复数)___________ 三.根据语境选择最佳选项。

( )1. Put___your hat . A. in B. on C. at

( ) 2 .You‘re _______. A. fun B.funny C. very ( ) 3. Come_______me . A.with B. for C .of ( )4 .Knock_____the door . A. to B.at C.on ( )5 .I‘m _______actress . A. a B.the C. an 四.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。

This is my family(家庭). My name is Sandy .My mother is a teacher . My father is a policeman . My brother is an actor .My sister is a schoolgirl . I am a schoolboy . I love(爱)my family .

( )1.There are four people in Sandy‘s family . ( )2. Sandy‘s father is a teacher . ( )3. His mother is a teacher . ( )4 .Sandy‘s sister is a student . ( )5. Sandy is a schoolgirl .



1.fat 胖的 名词:脂肪 反义词:thin ,slim

2.new 反义词old

3.name first name , middle name , last name, given name ,

family name

4.open open the door open your eyes 反:close 5.give give sb sth =give sth to sb

eg: give me a book = give a book to me 6.thin 瘦的,薄的。 Eg: it‘s a thin book

7.tall 高的 反 short 矮的,短的 long长 的

long time no see 好久不见 long jump 跳远 high jump跳高 8.young 反;old the young 年轻人 the old老人们 9.old a.旧的 b. 。。。岁 How old are you ? c.an old head on young shoulders . 少年老成

10. handsome =good looking a handsome boy 一个英俊少年 11. beautiful a beautiful girl pretty good looking beauty 12.clever 近:intelligent

13. lazy a lazy bones懒骨头


一.写出下列词语的反义词 。 fat_________ new_______ open________tall___________

long_________ big___________ old__________ clever _______________

二.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. That_____Dad‘s car . (be) 2. You_____funny . ( be) 3. I _____sorry . (be) 4. ________you hungry ? (be) 三. 句型转换。

1. His name‘s Billy . (对划线部分提问 ) _______ ________his name ?

2. He is a new boy .(改为一般疑问句) ________ _________ a new boy ? 3.I‘m hungry .(改为否定句) I‘m _______ hungry .

四.根据情景补全对话,使语意完整正确。 Betty: Who_____that boy ? Jim: Which _______, Betty ? Betty: That fat boy .

Jim: He‘s _____new boy .______name‘s Tom .

Betty: Look at him !Teacher :Tom ! Tom :Yes .

Teacher: Open your desk and give me that apple . Tom : I ______sorry. I‘m hungry .



1.bag handbag school bag paperbag a bag of 一包。。。 2.heavy 重的 ,大量的 反:light

How heavy is the …? …多重 ? 3.see (1)看见,看到 I can‘t see anything .

(2)notice Can you ,see where I put my pen ? (3)明白,理解 I see (4)再见 see you .

4.six—sixteen—sixty at sixs and sevens 乱七八糟

5.exercise (1)运动 eg: outdoor exercises 室外运动

take exercises 做运动

(2)体操 do morning exercise 做早操

(3)练习题do exercises 3 on page 51 for homework . Exercise-book text-book note-book 6.banana 香蕉,喜剧演员

7. light 轻的,灯 反:heavy

Full 反: empty ,hungry be full of充满了 句型:1.Look at that schoolbag. It‘s heavy

2.Is the brown schoolbag heavy ? Yes, it is .No, it isn‘t



b__g 书包 h_ _vy 重的 th_ _k 厚的 l_ng 长的 c_p 杯子 p_n 钢笔 s_ _看见 o_e 一 t_o 二 _ _ree三 s_x六 t_e_ 树 二 .翻译句子。

1.打开看看。____________________________________________ 2.看那个书包,它很重。 _________________________________ 3.他不是一个警察,他是一个男生。

________________________________________________________ 三.选择。

( )1.My bag____heavy ! A. is B. am C. are ( )2. My bag is heavy ,____.

A. too B.to C.and

( )3. Open it and ______. A.sees B.seeing C.see ( )4. Six books and six_______.

A.book B.exercise-books C.bag

( )5 .Come ______me . A. on B.with C.in 四. 根据要求进行句型转换。

1. There are six books in the bag .(对划线部分提问) ________ ________in the bag ? 2. My bag‘s heavy !(变为一般疑问句) My bag is______heavy !

3. This egg is for you ! (变成一般疑问句) _________ ________egg for you ? 五.根据提示补充句子。

1. Tom‘s bag is very _______. (重的)

2. Please give the _______ (大的)apples to dad and mum, and give the _______ (小的)one to me.

3. It‘s dangerous.(危险的) The ice is too _______.(薄的)Come here. The ice

here is _______.(厚的)

4. ----__________________________?(你的书包里是什么?)

----Six_______(课本),a _______(文具盒) and two _______(练习本).

5. ----__________________________?(你的杯子是空的吗?) ----__________________________.(做否定回答) 六.阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F) 。

Tom : My bag‘s heavy ! Jim : What‘s in it , Tom ? Tom : Open it and see . Jim : Six exercise-books . Jim : My bag‘s heavy ,too . Tom :What‘s in it , Jim ? Jim : Six books .

1 .Tom‘s bag is heavy ! ( ) 2. Jim‘s bag isn‘t heavy .( )

3 .There are six books in Tom‘s bag .( ) 4. There are six books in Jim‘s bag . ( ) 5. The two bags are heavy .( )


Sentences :

1.What nationality are you ? I‘m Fench

2. come on my side

3. Is the policeman Fench ? No, he isn‘t . 4. Is that policeman Fench or English ? He isn‘t French, he‘s English.

5.What make is it ? It‘s American . New words

1.Nationality nation 国家 national national flag 国旗 2. French French fries 炸薯条 3. side lefe-hand said 左手边 4. pull 反:push


一. 选择。

( )1. This schoolbag is heavy ,but that one is ______ . A. small B. light C.thick ( )2. _______ nationlity are you ?

A. What B.When C. Where

( )3. French____German ? A. but B. or C. to ( )4. I‘m _____German . A. the B. an C. /

( )5. Come _____my side ! A. down B. on C. at

二. 句型转换 。

1. –Is the brown schoolbag light ? (否定回答) ___________________________________. 2. ---Is this your cap ?(肯定回答)


3. -----_________________________________________

------I am German 。(根据回答提问)

三. 情景对话 。

Jim and Sensen: What __________are you ? Chinese ____English ?

Tom : I‘m English .

Jim: Come______my side ! Xinxin: I‘m Chinese .

Sensen : Come on my ______! Jim and Sensen : Pull ! _________!



1. box 盒子 case pencil-box 文具盒 box office 售票处 Boxer 拳击员 boxing拳击 shadow boxing太极拳

2. Jack-in-the-box 玩偶盒 music box音乐盒 3. Jack and Jill 少男少女

数字:twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven , twenty-eight , twenty-nine,thirty 二.句子

1. Is that a blue cup ? It isn‘t a blue one. It‘s a white one . 2. Give me that cup please.

Which one ?

The new white one ? No, not that one . The old blue one



厚的________ 薄的 ________ 盒子________ 雨伞 ___________ 猫 _______

狗 _______ 二十五___________ 二十六_________ 二十七 __________

二十八____________ 二十九 _________ 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Give ______that box please ,Sue .( I ) 2.Come on ____side .( me )

3.What nationality is ______?(him) 4.Look at _______!(he)

5.Open ________desk .(you) 三.选择。

( )1.Give___that box please, Sue .

A. I B. me C. my

( )2. Which box ,the big one or the small _____?

A. one B. a C. the

( )3. It‘s a __________ .(玩偶盒)

A. Jack in the box B. Jack C. Jack-in –the –box ( )4 .What____in it ?

A. is B. are C. not ( )5. She‘s ________American.

A. \\ B.a C.the 四.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Tom : Give me that box please , Jim .

Jim : Which one , the big one or the small one ? Tom :The big one .

Jim :What‘s in it ? Tom :Open it and see . Jim :It‘s a ball .

1. It‘s a Jack-in-the-box in the box .( ) 2. Jim gives the small box to Tom .( ) 3 .There is one box in the story .( ) 4 . These are two boys in the story .( ) 5 .It‘s a ball in the box .( )



1. there 那儿 a. I live there. I go there every year . b.there be 结构 ,表示有 There is a tree in the garden . There are some books on the desk .

2. at the door at the bus stop, at the traffic lights, at her desk 3. Good morning . Good afternoon, Good evening.

4. letter 信 a .write a letter to sb. Get a letter from sb .

Hear from sb 收到某人的来信 post a letter 寄一封信 Letter-box 信箱

b. a letter of thanks 感谢信 a letter of introduction介绍信 c.字母 There are 26 letters in the alphabet . 5. mother : mother land 祖国 mother tongue 母语 Mother‘s Day 母亲节

6. father : father of two 两个孩子的父亲 Father Christmas 圣诞老人

Like father , like son . 有其父必有其子

Fathers: 祖先 grandfather(grandmother, grandson, granddaughter) 7.bill 账单,纸币 ;比尔

Telephone bill 账单 gas bill 煤气账单

8. shop = store book shop 书店 go shopping 购物 9. Street = road Lincoln street 林肯大街 二.句型

1. There be 句型

2. Is there a woman at the door ? No, it isn‘t . (Yes, it is) 3. Is he a postman ? Yes, he is .



门__________ 椅子 ___________ 小的 ____________ 商店____________

街道 ____________ 桌子____________ pencil____________ there___________

在门边 ______________ 早上好 ____________________ 二.选择。

( )1. There is a man __________the door . A. on B. under C. at ( )2. _____________ the door ! A.Open B.opening C. Opens ( )3.What is ___________? A.these B.they C. it ( )4. There is a letter ________ your mother . A. on B. in C.for

( )5. This _____ a letter. A. aren‘t B. isn‘t C. are 三.句型转换。

1. It‘s the postman.( 对划线部分提问) __________ ____________it? 2. This in‘t a letter ! (改为肯定句)This ________ a letter ! 3.Thank you .(改为同义句) Thanks______ _________. 四.阅读对话。判断正(T)误(F)。

Jim : Dad, a doorbell is ringing . There‘s a man at the door . Father: Who is it ,Jim ? Open the door ! Jim : Ok .It‘s the postman,Dad . Father :Good morning.

Jim: Good morning ,postman .

Postman : There is a letter for your mother .And there‘s a letter for your father . Jim :Thank you, postman .

Jim : Dad! There ?s a letter for mum ,and there is a letter for you . Father: This isn‘t a letter! It‘s a bill . 1 . The postman is at the door .( ) 2 .Tom opens the door .( )

3. There are three letters in the story .( ) 4. This isn‘t a letter ! It‘s a bill .( )

5.There are two letters for Jim‘s Dad .( )


New words :

1. these 这些 eg: these books

2. colour (1)颜色,色彩 What colour is your car ? (2)动词,给。。。着色 colour the wall yellow

3. lock 锁 a new locks 一把新锁 反:unlock lock the door

4. 数字 ten, twenty, thirty, fourty ,fifty ,sixty ,seventy , eighty,ninety , one


二. 重要句型 1.What colour are your shoes ? My shoes are black . 2. Look at these shoes. 3. Which are your shoes ? 三:句型操练1. Which are your books ? The red books . 2. What colour are your books ? My books are red .

3. Are your books red ? No, they …aren‘t. (Yes, they are ) 4. Are your books red or blue ?

My books aren‘t blue . My books are red .


一. 汉译英。

这些__________颜色 _________小橱柜____________红色________绿色 ____

蓝色___________黑色 ________ 灰色____________ 二. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. My shoes______ black ,sir. (be) 2. Whose ______ it ? (be) 3. Here you _______.(be) 4. It_______Billy‘s ,sir .(be) 三. 选择

( )1.Look at_____shoes ! A. a B. this C. these ( )2. ______are your shoes ? A. What B. Which C. Why ( )3. _______colour are your shoes ? A. What B.Who C.How ( )4.Here you _____. A.is B.am C.are .

( )5. It‘s ________. A. Billy is B. Billy‘s C. he 四.补全对话。

Teacher: Look____ at these shoes ! Which ________your shoes ,Betty ? Betty : The black shoes .

Teacher: _________ colour are your shoes ,Sue ? Sue :My shoes are blue . Teacher: Here you ______.

Sue: Thank you .

Teacher : There‘s a shoe on this locker .Whose _______it ? Betty : It‘s Tom‘s.


一. New words

1. hand n. 手 a. left hand, right hand green hand 生手,新手 b. 指针。 The hour hand .

c. hand in hand 手拉手 d. finger 2. clean (1)形容词:清洁的 反:dirty (2)打扫,弄干净clean the room (3)cleaner 清洁工,干洗店

(4)dry cleaning干洗 a general cleaning 大扫除 cleanings扫出来的垃圾

3.show (1)v. 出示,显示,给。。。看 eg: show me your tickets (2)n. 展览会,演出,节目 fashion show talk show 4. they (他她它)们

5. dirty 脏的 dirty clothes 反:clean

6. go 反come go to school上学 go to bed 睡觉 go to the classroom 去教室

7. wash v.洗(1)wash clothes wash dishes

(2) Washing machine 洗衣机 Washington华盛顿 Washington DC 华盛顿市 Washington State 华盛顿州 8. at once 立即 Do it at once

Once adv. (1)曾经 She was once rich

(2)一次 once again, once more

从前 once upon a time

9. towel毛巾 soap 肥皂 shampoo 洗发水 comb 梳子 二. 句型

1. Are your hands clean ? Yes, my hands are clean . 2. Your hands aren‘t clean 3. Wash your hands 4. Are Sue‘s hands dirty ? No,they aren‘t . (Yes, they are ) 5. Are Sue‘s hands clean or dirty ?

Sue‘s hands aren‘t dirty . Sue‘s hands are clean .

6.What about the brown shoes ? The brown shoes are small .



手________出示 ________他们 ______ 毛巾 ________ 立即______ _______

洗 ____________ go(反义词)__________ clean(反义词)_____________

long(反义词)_____________light(反义词)__________ small(大的)__________ 二.选择

( )1. Are your ________clean ? A. hand B.hands C.towel ( )2. ________me your hands . A. showing B.show C.shows ( )3.They are very ________.(脏的) A. clean B.good C.dirty

( )4.All _______. A.right B.good C.bad ( )5.Go and wash your hands at ___________ ! A.once B.clean C. fast 三.句型转换。

1. ---Are your hands clean ? (肯定回答) _______,they__________. 2.Your hands aren‘t clean .(变为肯定句)

Your hands ________clean . 3.Your hands are dirty !(变为同义句) Your hands are _____ ________. 四.阅读短文,选择最佳选项。

It‘s a picture of the teachers‘ room . There are some books on the teachers‘ desks . They‘re heavy . The teachers can‘t carry them .Sue and Tom help the teachers. You can see some boxes on the floor . They are empty . They want to put the books in the boxes . ( )1.Whose room is it ?

A.Sue and Tom‘s B.The writer‘s C.The teachers‘ ( )2.What are on the teachers‘ desks ?

A. a book B. some books C.some boxes ( )3. Are the books light ?

A.Yes, they are B. No, they aren‘t C.They‘re empty ( )4. What are in the boxes ? A.books B.boxes C.nothing ( )5.Where are the boxes ?

A.On the desks B.On the books C. On the floor


一. 单词

1. heads : head(头)+s 正面 2. tails: tail(尾巴)+s 反面 3. our 我们的 主格:we

单数my your his her its

复数 our your their 二. 课文分析

Heas or tails ,Sue ? or 表选择, ―或者还是‖



书包_________ 小汽车__________雨伞__________________tail_________

Locker__________ book___________ 我们的_______


1. locker(复数)______________ 2.new(反义词)________________ 3. full (反义词)______________ 4.long(反义词)________________ 5.heads(反义词)_____________ 6.our(主格) ___________________ 三.选择。

( )1.—Heads______tails ? -----Tails! A. and B. or C. for ( ) 2.Come_________our side . A. at B. for C.on ( ) 3. It __________tails ! A. is B. are C.am ( ) 4.Look _________your locker . A.at B. in C.on ( ) 5. ________ school is full . A. I B. I‘m C. My ( ) 6. -Are your hands dirty? -

A. Yes, I am. B. No, I‘m not. C. Yes, they are. D. Yes, they aren‘t. ( ) 7. There‘s a letter you. A. to B. for C. on D. at

( ) 8. There is a man the door. A. on B. in C. with D. at ( ) 9. There a book and two caps in the basket.

A. is B. are C. be D. aren‘t

( ) 10. What color his shoes? A. is B. are C. do D. does ( ) 11. -Whose rubbers are these? –They‘re .

A. Tom B. Tom‘s C. Tom is

( ) 12. –Wash your hands before meals, Sandy. - , Mum. A. Look out B. All right C. Thank you D. Please

( ) 13. are new books. A. We B. You C. They D. There ( ) 14. books are on the desks.

A. Sandy and Sue‘s B. Sandy‘s and Sue‘s C. Sandy‘s and Sue D. Sandy and Sue

( )15. -Whose pens are these? - .

A. These are Billy‘s B. They are Billy‘s C. They‘re Billy D. They‘re Billy‘s pen

四.根据情景补全对话,使语意完整。 Sam: Heads_______ ________, May ? May: Tails !

Tom: It_______ tails .

Sam : Go_____ their _______.(到他们那边去)


一. 单词.

1. try: have a try 试一试 2.try on: put on 穿上

3. tight: tights 紧身衣 形近词: light night right 4. those: 反义词 these 单数that

5 .pretty : (1)漂亮的(2)可爱的 近义词:beautiful nice 6 . lady :young lady 小姐

7. right: (1)合适的 (2)正确的(3)右边

8. 词组:these shoes 这些鞋 try on 试穿 sit down 坐下just right正好合适 9 . Try on these shoes = Try these shoes on . 二. 句型:

1. 变复数:eg: This banana is nice . These bananas are nice . 2.变疑问句:eg: Is this banana nice ? 3.变否定: eg: This banana isn‘t nice . 三.语法.

口诀: 句中有be动词,变否定句在be动词之后直接加not ,变疑问句可把



一.根据提示补全单词和短语 .

正好合适_____________ p_et_y 漂亮的 试穿 ______________ __a__y 女士 给你________________ r__gh__ 合适的 看 ________________ h__ __ 如何 起立________________ t___y 试 坐下_________________ d__d__y爸爸 这些________________ 新的________ 这 ________________ 旧的__________ 那 __________________ 脏的__________ 紧的_________________ 松的 ________ 二. 选择.

1. ----______ is that man? ----He is Sandy‘s teacher.

A. Which B. What C. Who D. Where

2. ----Look ________those pretty shoes. A.at B. to C.on 3. ----______ does she do ? ----She‘s a teacher.

A. What B. Who C. What are D. Where‘s 4. Tty _________these shoes. A.on B. with C.in 5. Sit_______here , please . A.down B.at C.with

6. Those pictures________beautiful . A.is B.are C. am 7. ________ is a dirty towel. A.Those B.These C.That 三. 翻译句子 .

1. 怎么样,苏?


2. 那些鞋真漂亮 .

______________________________ 3. 它们太紧了,妈妈.

__________________________________ 4. 请坐在这儿 .

__________________________________ 5. 看那些鞋 .

___________________________________ 四.根据情景补全对话。

Mother: This hat is nice . Try _______this hat ,Alice .

Alice: All_________, Mum. Mother:_________ is it ?

Alice: It‘s very _________(紧的),Mum.

Mother:Try on that hat , Alice . That‘s a pretty hat . How is it ? Alice : It‘s __________right !(正好合适)


一. 课文分析:

1. Show me those Italian stamps , Billy. Show sb sth = show sth to sb 2 .Give sb sth =give sth to sb

3 .Two apples for one stamp ! 两个苹果换一张邮票 。


一. 汉译英.

邮票 _________ 英国____________ 那么 _________ 美国_____________ 英国人 __________ 德国_____________ 意大利人__________ 中国_____________ 美国人___________ 法国_____________ 法国人___________ 加拿大____________ 德国人____________ 中国人_____________ 二. 英译汉.

Letter__________ egg ______________ Egg-cup____________ Ice-cream_____________ Shop _____________ chair ______________ 三 .变换句型 .

1. What is it ?(变成复句)

______________________________________ 2. They are chairs .(变成单句)

________________________________________ 3.These are eggs .(变成单句)

_________________________________________ 4 .Those are ice-creams .(变成单句)

__________________________________________ 5 .What is it in English ?(变成复句)

___________________________________________ 四.补全对话 .

Sandy: ________are these ,Billy ? Billy :__________stamps .

Billy :These are French ________ . Billy :_____those are Italian ________.

Sandy:______me those Italian stamps, Billy . They‘re very __________.

Sandy: _________me this one please ,Billy. Billy: Give me two apples __________. Sandy:Two apples ______one _______! No, _____________! 六.用括号内词的适当形式填空.

1. This is _______book .(I) 2 . That is _______pencil .(he) 3.These are __________rooms .(they) 4. Let _______go home.(we)


一. 单词: pupil 小学生 student 学生

二. This is…er…Liz . This is… 用于英语中介绍人 三. (1) 提问国籍:

eg: Mr Crisp is English .(对划线部分提问) What nationality is Mr Crisp ? (2) 提问工作:

eg: He is a teacher . (对划线部分提问) What is he ? =What‘s his job ?


一 .英汉互译 。

Pupil ____________ she __________ 双胞胎____________ Teacher ____________

男演员_______________ 女演员 ___________________ 男警察____________

女警察_________________国籍____________ 二. 按要求写出正确词形.

Actress(复数)______________ policeman(复数)______________ New(反义词) _____________ teacher(复数) __________________ 三.选择.

( ) 1. Laura is _____actress . A. a B. an C.\\ ( ) 2.They are ____our class . A.on B. at C.in ( )3 .I‘m _____Lillie . A.no B.not C.yes ( )4 . Their ____are Lucy and Lily . A. names B. name C.\\

( )5. ____ is Lillie . A. I B.My C. She 四、用所给词语的适当形式填空:

1. schoolbag is on the desk. (I)

2. Look at pictures. They are very beautiful.(this) 3. Look at this dog. tail is short. (it) 4. Give two apples, please. (I) 5. car is old. (he) 6. Try on shoes. (that) 7. This is egg. (a)

8. These are stamps. (France)

9. There are two in the picture. (cat) 五. 句型转换:

1. This is my letter. (改为复数句) 2. His car is old. (对划线部分提问) 3. They are very tight. (对划线部分提问) 4. It‘s a chair.( 对划线部分提问) 5. That‘s a desk in English. (对划线部分提问) 6. They are just right. (对划线部分提问)


一 . 单词及短语 :

1. sandwich: 复数sandwiches (以ch , sh, x, s 结尾的名词,变复数要加

-es ,如:watch ,brush, box ,bus )

2 .take 反义词bring take out 反义词put in

3.duster: dust(弹子) +er dust the table 弹弹桌子上的灰 4.hurry up 赶快 in a hurry 匆忙的

5 . hard : (1) 硬的 反义词:soft (2) 难的 反义词 easy

6. these sandwiches open the packet take out put in hurry up my sandwiches

二. 课文分析:

1. Whose are these sandwiches ,Tom ?=Whose sandwiches are these ,Tom ? 2 .There‘s Billy .比利来了 3 .Leave my sandwiches alone .

句中?leave ‘指―使。。。保持。。。状态‖ 。

? Alone‘ 指独自,孤单 。译为:别动我的三明治 。 eg: Leave my books alone . 别碰我的书 。 4 . That‘s funny . funny 指 ―奇怪的‖。 5 .Give me my sandwiches quickly .

Give sb sth =give sth to sb . 三. 句型练习。

练习Whose …的句型的转换。

如:Whose is this sandwich ? =Whose sandwich is this ?

Lesson 39-40练习题

一 .补全单词.

S_ ndw_ch 三明治 b_x 盒子 _r_ng_ 桔子 p_nci__-bo_ 文具盒

B_ _ k 书 r_b_er 橡皮 二.填写缩略词 .

There‘s=____________It‘s=_____________They are=_________ I am = ____________

Are not = _____________ That is = ______________ You are = _____________ 三.选择

( )1.Take_______the sandwiches . A.at B.with C.out

( )2. Hurry ____________! A. up B. down C.on ( )3.---_______are these apples ? ---They‘re Tom‘s.

A.What B.Which C.Whose

( )4.________you are . A.These B.Here C.This

( )5.Put________ this duster and this book . A.on B.in C.at 四.句型转换。

1. This is my eraser. ( 变成复句)

_______________________________________________ 2. That is a beautiful picture. (变成复句)

_________________________________________________ 3. These are his stamps. (变成单句)

___________________________________________________ 4. Those are her boxes. (变成单句)


5. ____________________________________________? ------- I‘m Chinese.(根据回答提问)

6.These oranges are Tom‘s .(对划线部分提问) _________ oranges are these ? 五.补全对话。

Jack : Whose is that schoolbag ? Sam :It‘s Amy‘s .

Jack: Open it , Sam. ________ ________(拿出)the books .

Pull_________(放入) this duster. Hurry_________! There‘s Amy . Amy: Hey ! Leave my schoolbag __________!



1.bell: ring the doorbell 按门铃 jingle bell小铃铛 2.late: Don‘t be late 别迟到

e.g. I‘m late for class . 我上课迟到 I‘m late for school .上学迟到 I‘m late for work. 上班迟到

3.time: (1)时间 ---What‘s the time ?= What time is it ? 几点了? -----It‘s nine o‘clock . Time‘s up 时间到 Time flies .时光飞逝。 Time is money 一寸光阴一寸金 (2)次数 this time

4.o‘clock=of the clock 跟在正点时间后 5. headmaster = schoolmaster

6. playground : in the playground 在操场上 on the playground 在运动场上 7. both : 两者都 My parents are both teachers. 我的父母都是老师 All 三者以上都 We are all here .

Both 与all 位置 口诀:be之后,行之前,情助与行之间 二:难句分析

1.祈使句 :1)Listen, Sue ! 2)Hurry up, Sandy !

3)Look 4)Go to your classrooms quickly! 2. Oh,dear = Oh , my god 3 .this morning 今天早晨

4.What‘s the time ? It‘s _____o‘clock .

关于时间:1)正点 用o’clock. 半点钟用half ,一刻钟用a quarter 2)不到一刻,或一刻以上不到半点钟用分钟minutes. 如 :two

past one ,past 用于半点钟以内的分钟,to用于超过半分钟的分钟

3)分+past+时 表示几点几分(不过半小时) 分+to+时 表示几点差几分

5. I‘m not cold , I‘m hot.

短语:schoolbell hurry up be late for in the playground

this morning go to your classrooms


一. 汉译英。

冰激凌____________桌子______________椅子_____________ 三明治____________ 桔子_________ 地图_____________ 二. 按要求写出正确词形。

You(所有格)_____________ quick(副词)____________ Lately(形容词)___________ cold(反义词)________ 三. 选择

( )1.Hurry _________,Sandy ! A.on B. up C.in

( )2.You‘re _________very late. A.but B.too C.both

( )3.We‘re _______,sir . A.both B.got C.sorry ( )4.Go_______your classrooms quickly ! A. to B. too C.in

( )5. I‘m thirsty,_________. A.too B.and C.to 四. 连线

Which is your pen? How do you do?

Here you are . The red pen. Is this your cap? Thank you. Are you hungry, Sue? I like white . How do you do ? No, it isn‘t What colour do you like ? Yes, I am. 五. 填写表格 . 主格 宾格 名词性 形容词性物主代物主代词 词 I you we they he she it 六.补全对话 Tom: _________ ,Ann! That‘s the school bell.

Ann: Hurry_______,Tom ! We‘re ________for school .

Tom: What‘s the ___________,Sue ?

Ann:It‘s nine o‘clock .

Tom: Look! There ?s the headmaster . He‘s_________the playground.



1.quiet : keep quiet ! = be quiet 保持安静 2. breakfast; supper ,dinner, lunch 3. upstairs (反义词)downstairs 4. perhaps = maybe

5. still e.g. I‘m atill waiting

6. asleep : a sleeping boy 一个正在睡觉的男孩儿 7. wake up 醒来 get up 起来

8. shut=closed shut up 闭嘴 The door is shut 门是关闭的 9. winter holiday 寒假 summer holiday 暑假 10. lazybones 懒汉,懒骨头 二.句型

1. go upstairs and see . and 表示目的

2. Is the policeman short ? He isn‘t short , he is tall . 3. look at him , he is a tall man .


一. 英汉互译

男警察_______ 送奶工 ________ 孩子们_________ 学校__________ dog__________ go upstairs_________

安静的____________ wake up__________ this morning __________ 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. They_______(be) tall men.

2. They are beautiful__________(woman) 3. I_________(be)hot.

4. Go to your classroom___________.(quick) 5. Whose oranges are ___________?(this) 三. 选择

( )1. It‘s ________o‘clock . A.wake B.today C.eight ( )2.They are clever _________.A.animals B. animal C.student ( )3.The children are quiet now. A.to B.very C.wake ( )4.The actress is _________. A.listen B.look C.beautiful ( )5. He‘s ________old man . A. two B.an C.a 四.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。

Jim gets up at 6:30 .His home is near his school . He leaves home at 7:30. They begin class at 8:00. He has lunch at home . After lunch he plays games with his classmates . In the afternoon, Jim has three classes . He leaves school at 4:30 . ( )1.Jim gets up at 7:00. ( )2.Jim has lunch at home .

( )3.They begin class at 8 o‘clock .

( )4.In the afternoon ,Jim has four class ( )5. He leaves school at 5 o‘clock



1.packet : a packet of sweets 一包糖 2. sweet : the sweet is sweet 糖是甜的 3.hill: 小山

4.shilling: 美国以前的货币单位,现已废除 5.each 同义词:every 6.pocket-money 零用钱

短语: two packets of sweets how much two small lollipops 二.课文难句

1.These blue ones ? ones 代词 代替packets 2.The big blue ones 形容词顺序:先大小后颜色 3.How much are they ? 问价钱时用这个句型 4.A shilling each ! 感叹句

5.That‘s all our pocket-money all用于be 动词后 6.give an apple to me = give me an apple . 7.Which apple ? The big red one .



我们(宾格)____________ each____________ 包 __________ 棒糖_______________ instead_____________ 零用钱____________ shilling____________biscuit______________ 二.按要求写出正确词形。

Child(复数)_______ young(反义词)____________ they(宾格)__________ You(宾格)________hot(反义词)___________ she (宾格)____________ 三.选择

( ) 1. ----_____________________? -----It‘s ten o‘clock .

A. What‘s your name B.what time is it C.What is it ( )2 .The milkmen _____ old .

A. are B.is C. were

( )3.-------____________are they ? --------A shilling each . A.How much B.How many C.How old are you

( )4.Give______ two pencils . A.i B.me C.不填 ( ) 5. Give them two _________.

A.apple B.stamps C.stamp

( )6.They are young __________. A.woman B.women 四. 补全对话 .

Sue: Give us two packets____sweets please ,Mr Hill .

Mr Hill : __________packets, Sue ? These blue _______? Sue :_____,not those .The big red ________.

Sandy:______ ______ are they ,Mr Hill ? Mr Hill:A shilling ______ .

Sandy: Ashilling each ! That‘s all our ______________ ! Sue : Give us two small lollipops __________ . 五.按要求变句子 .

1. Give me an apple .(变成复句)

____________________________________ 2 .Give him a packet of sweets .(变成复句)

___________________________________________ 3 .The dog is clever . (变成复句)

___________________________________________ 4 .They are old men .(变成单句)

___________________________________________ 5. He is a fat child . (变成复句)

___________________________________________ 6 .The policeman is tall . (变成复句)

___________________________________________ 7. The actress is beautiful . (变成复句)

___________________________________________ 六 .翻译句子 .

1 .That‘s all our pocket-monkey !

_____________________________________________ 2 .Give us two small lollipops instead .

________________________________________________ 3 .Give him a biscuit .


C. man 4. Give them two packets of sweets .



一. 生词

1. count : Let‘s count them

2. share: share the umbrella 一起打伞

two students share one desk 两个学生用一把课桌 share them把他们分了吧


1.How many chocolates are there ? 2. Are there two men at the door ?

3.There is a man at the door . He is a policeman 三.词组

This prize a box of chocolates count them share them


一. 汉译英。

奖品__________巧克力_____________数___________分享_______四________五_________ 二十四___________大的_________小的__________ 在门边________________ 在商店附近__________ 二. 写出下列词语的复数形式.

woman________schoolgirl_______lolipop__________car________child______ sweet________boy_______man____policeman__________policewoman______ 三.根据要求写句子。


_________________________________________________________ 2.有四个女孩在商店附近.(翻译句子)

_____________________________________________________________ 3.它是一盒巧克力.(翻译)


4.There are two cars in the street .(对划线部分提问)

____________________________________________________________ 5.There are six pencils on the desk.(译成汉语)

_____________________________________________________________ 四. 选择.

( )1.________ chocolates are there ?

A. How many B. How much C. How old

( )2.--------What is it? -------It‘s __________ chocolates. A. a box B. a box of C. a set of ( ) 3. There aren‘t ______pens in the box. A. some B. any C. much

( ) 4. They are _________. A . policeman B. man C. policemen ( ) 5.There ________twenty. A. is B. are C. was ( )6.There are five cars________ the street . A. in B. about C. can ( )7.They are big _______ones.

A. China B. America C. American ( )8.Give_______a duster. A .her B. she C. he 五. 补全对话。

Miss Williams: _______prize is _____ Billy, Sandy and Tom .

_____you are,Billy.

Billy: _______you. Miss Williams .

Tom:________ is it,Billy?

Billy: It‘s ____ ____ _____chocolates .

Sandy:________ _______chocolates are there ?Count them .


一. 生词

1.post: post a letter 寄信 postman 邮递员 post office 邮局 2.O.K.= all right

3.fine : How are you ? Fine, thank you (身体好) It‘s a fine day today .(天气好) 4.minute : 5 minutes 5分钟 5.just a minute = wait a minute

6. some 用在疑问句中; any 用在否定句和疑问句中 7.refrigerator = fridge 8.shelf : (复数)shelves

9.wall : wall have ears. 防墙有耳

10. gate : at the gate 在大门口 ; at the door 在门口 重点:关于There be句型 :

1. Are there any letters in the letter-box this morning ? there be一般疑问句 2. There aren‘t any letters here . 否定形式

3.There are some letters in the letter-box now. 肯定句 二.词组

These letters for me in the letter-box this morning just a minute



邮寄_______ 信箱______ 行,可以_________ 分钟_________

任何的__________一些_________等一会______________ 好的________冰箱__________卡车_________大门_________墙__________架子_________ 二.选择

( )1.There ______children in the office . A. a B. any C. some ( )2.Post these letters _______me please. A. too B. for C. and ( )3.______are you today ? A. How B. Want C. now

( )4.They are ______ ones. A. long short B. green short C. short green ( )5.They are ________. A. policeman B. policemen C. policewoman


Mother: Post these letters _____me please, Sue. Sue: O K. Mum.

Sue:_______ ________,postman.

Postman: Good morning,Sue. _______ _________ _______today? Sue: _______,thanks.

Sue:Are there _____ letters in the letter-box this morning ? Postman:No ,there aren‘t _______letters here. Sue:Just a ________ .

Sue:_________ are some letters in the letter-box now . Postman:_________ _______,Sue . 四 .按要求写句子。

1.There are some children in the playground .(变成疑问句)

________________________________________________________________ 2.There are some pens in the box.(变成否定句)

_______________________________________________________________ 3.There is a girl in the street .(变成疑问句)

__________________________________________________________________ 4.墙上有四个窗户。(翻译句子)

___________________________________________ 5.It‘s nine o‘clock.(对划线部分提问) What‘s_________ __________ ? 6. A shilling each ! (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ are they ? 五.补全对话

Ann: Good _________,postman.

Postman:Good morning,Ann._______are _______today ?

Ann:Fine,_________. Are there any_________ in the letter-box this morning ? Postman:Yes,these are some letters here .


一. 词汇

1.where 特殊疑问词引导特殊疑问句

e.g.: Where‘s the cat ?

Where are my shoes ?

2.glasses 眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

Glass 玻璃,玻璃杯 a glass of water 一杯水 3.over 介词,在。。。一边 over there 在那边 4.under 在。。。下面 under the big tree

In , on , behind ,in front of , between, near , next to 5. news paper 报纸 news 新闻 paper纸 6. pocket 口袋 pocket-money零用钱 7.so 副词,这样,如此 so fat 这样胖

8.silly 傻的-----clever 聪明的 How silly of you !你真傻 9.jar 大口瓶 in the jar 在大口瓶里

10.house 房屋 housework 家务活 do housework 做家务 二.句型

1. Where are my glasses ,Sue ? 2.Perhaps they are in your pocket dad

3.So they are 4. How silly of me ! 5.They‘re at the gate



哪里_______报纸________眼镜_______口袋________在…一边_________ 这样_____ 靠近,在…附近________ 在…下面_________傻的_______

大口瓶__________房屋________ 二.短语翻译.

在书架上_____________在墙上___________在冰箱里___________在大口瓶里______________在信箱附近_____________在书包下面___________ 在椅子下面



___________________________________________________ 2.在那个盒子附近.

__________________________________________________ 3.他们不在报纸下面.

___________________________________________________ 4.他们在你的口袋里。

____________________________________________________ 四。选择

( )1. ------______ _______ my shoes? ------They‘re under the bed.

A. Where is B. Where are C. what is D. What are ( ) 2. ------Where are the pictures ? They‘re _____the wall . A. on B. in C. under D. of ( )3. ________silly of me !

A. What B. How C. What D .Where

( )4. -----Where are the sweets?------_____ ______in the jar. A. It is B. They are C They is D. there were ( )5.Are there ______books in the bag ? A .some B .many C .any D. a 五.句型转换

1.They are over there .(改为一般疑问句)

__________ _________over there ?

2.They are in my pocket . (对划线部分提问) _______ _________they ?

3.The shoes are under the chair .(改为否定句)

The shoes _________ under the chair .


一. 词汇

1.let 让 Let me go home . 让我们回家吧 Let us play 让我们玩吧 2.play 玩,用于球类运动词前(不加the),也可用于乐器前(加定冠词the) e.g.: play football , play the piano

