201018030 Probability Statistics 概率统计

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Sichuan University Page1of2(第1页共2页)24south Section1

Ring Road No.1 ChengDu,SiChuan610065 P.R.China

Department of Mathematics

Probability Statistics

Course Syllabus

Course Name Probability Statistics

Course No.201018030

Department Mathematics Hours48Credits3

Course Descriptions Representation of data,probability,random variables,discrete and continuous distributions,sampling theory,central limit theorem,confidence intervals, tests of statistical hypotheses,regression analysis.

Course Materials(Textbooks)

Hongjian Chen and Yonghong Zhao and Yang Weng,Probability Statistics,Higher Education Press



Class participation and homework30%

Final exam70%

Instructor Information

Yang Weng,Lecturer,Department of Mathematics,Sichuan University

Tentative Course Schedule

Chapter Title Topic

1Probability1)Sample Space and Events

2)Probability of Events

3)Equal possibility

4)Conditional Probability and Bayes Rule

5)Independent events

2Random Variables1)Random Variables and its Distribution function

2)Discrete Random Variables and its Distribution function

3)Continuous Random Variables and its Distribution function

4)Random Variables function

3Multi-dimensional1)Two-dimensional random variable and its Distribution function

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Ring Road No.1 ChengDu,SiChuan610065 P.R.China

random variable and Distribution 2)Marginal distribution

3)Conditional Distribution

4)Two-dimensional random variable function

5)Multi-dimensional random variable

4Numerical characteristics1)Expectation


3)Covariance and Correlation

5Normal Distribution of

Random Variables 1)Density function and Distribution function

2)Numerical characteristics and Linear characteristics

3)Two-dimensional Normal Distribution

4)Natural Exponential Distribution group

6Limit Theorem1)Law of Large Numbers

2)Central Limit Theorem

7Statistics1)Populations and Samples

2)Distribution,t Distribution,F Distribution

3)Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions 8Estimation Problems1)Point Estimation

2)selection criteria of estimated amount

3)Interval Estimation

9Testing Hypotheses1)Statistical Hypothesis:General Concepts

2)Testing Hypotheses With Normal population

3)Natural Exponential Distribution group testing

10Linear Regression and

Variance 1)Linear Regression Model

2)One-Way Analysis of Variance

3)Two-Way Analysis of Variance

