上海第二工业大学 学生手册-终稿

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开始日期:2015 年 12 月 16 日

完成日期: 2016 年 5 月 15 日


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Research on Green Logistics Development at Home

and Abroad

Abstract: Green logistics was proposed in the early 1990s, since then, the governments, the academia and the business community around the world has paid a lot of attention to it. Green logistics is based on the sustainable development, resource conservation and environment friendly. It can help us to deal with the relationship effectively between the logistics development, environmental protection, and make the economic interests, social interests and environmental interests unity. At present, the development of the green logistics in China is still relatively backward. In order to accelerate the development of the green logistics in China and improve its quality, this paper collected and collated some successful practices and experience of other countries by the methods of the literature analysis and summarizes. Combined with the national conditions of china, this paper proposed some suitable measures and recommendations, and they will have the actual significance to improve the logistics level.

Keywords: green logistics; sustainable development; ecological economy; green production; green consumption

1. Introduction

With the rapid development of social economy and the greatly enhance of the human material civilization, the resources on the earth have been dwindling, and the living environment of human beings is facing with more and more threats. In this context, a wave of "green wave" is raised in the global in 1990s, and green movement are infiltrating to all areas. Modern logistics industry is the backbone of national economies, and its comprehensive and relevance are strong. With the emergence of new economic, such as information economy and network economy, the logistics has been given new knowledge, new technology and new management thought, and logistics industry has developed to the direction of the specialization and scale. But with the increase of the amount of logistics, changes of logistics management and large scale of the logistics facilities and tools, the influence of the logistics system on the ecological environment has become more and more serious. To solve this problem, the concept of "green logistics" was born in some developed countries. At present, green logistics is still a full new concept, and it is lack of mature theoretical system, but the social and economic value it appears is enormous.

2. The concept of green logistics

Green logistics is a new topic proposed in the 90s of the 20th century. As well as the concept of the logistics, there hasn't a mature definition for the green logistics so far. The scholars at home and aboard have different descriptions on the concept of the green logistics. H.J.Wu and S.Dunn thought that the green logistics was a logistics system responsibility to our environment, and it included not only the green forward logistics process, from the acquisition of the raw material, production, packaging,

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transportation, warehousing and finally the arrival to the end user, but also the reverse logistics of the waste recovery and disposal. The Reverse Logistics Executive Council rose in a paper: the green logistics attempts to measure and minimize the ecological impact of logistic activities. “Green logistics”, written by Bjorn N.Peters en and Palle Petersen, published in Danmark, define the green logistics as the eco-management of the forward logistics and the reverse logistics. “Logistic term”,published in the year of 2001 in china, definite that green logistics is to reduce the harm to environment in the process of logistics, at the same time, to purify the logistic environment and take fully advantage of the logistics resource. ChunYu Xia, JianSheng Li ,working in the Northeast University ,thought in their published works “Green logistics”:Green logistics is aiming at reducing the environmental pollution, reducing resource consumption, using the advanced logistics technology to plan and implement the transport, storage, packing, loading and unloading, circulation processing and other logistics activities, and it is a green economy management process which is connecting green supply body and demand body, and overcoming effective and rapid green goods and the service flow which is hindered by space and time. Changqiong Wang, working in Wuhan University of Science and Technology, defined in his “Green logistics”:Green logistics is a process which is aiming at reducing the environmental pollution and reducing resource consumption, through advanced logistics technology and facing to the environmental management ideas, to plan, control, manage and implement the logistics system.

3. Green logistics development analysis in abroad

This paper summarizes and analyzes the green logistics development of Germany, the United States and Japan. Green logistics is relatively well-developed in the three countries. This study can suggest a direction for the green logistics development in china.

A. Germany

The logistics capability in Germany is ranked first in the world, and it represents the development direction of the global logistics industry. At the same time, Germany's green logistics also has a leading position in the world.

●Establish the transport network of low-carbon emissions. According to the research, throughout the logistics links, the road transport is the largest part of carbon emissions. In order to reduce carbon emissions, they transport mainly by train or ship in German. They already have a perfect network for the transport by rail and ship, and already have more than 50 logistics villages.

●Collaborative transport mode of the green intermodal. Intermodal is the means that operators take at least two different modes of transport to transport. Green intermodal is the means that operating vehicles must meet the environmental requirements and the driver must know the energy saving technologies. Dates show that the green intermodal transport mode is slower one day than the road transport, but carbon emissions reduce by 70%. Moreover, using energy saving equipment, government will give some corresponding subsidies. Energy saving driving training to the drivers can save fuel 10-20%. In addition, Germany's medium and small enterprises often

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have their own advisory team, and they can provide the most scientific design for establishing the green intermodal mode of their own.

●Use the leasing widely. The logistics enterprises in Germany use commonly the leasing of transportation. According to the latest survey, transport trucks on the road in Germany almost 80% are leased. The government usually gives some financial support about the highway charges, and the government will have the corresponding subsidies to the leasing vehicles.

●The perfect green logistics training model. Germany pays more attention to the green awareness propaganda to the customer and trains the staff. And the training is mandatory, that is, all the company employees must participate. According to the survey, its advanced modular logistics training model is composed of more than 300 modules, involving more than 5,000 types of logistics.

● Advanced green logistics technologies. Germany pays more attention to the R&D of green logistics technology; meanwhile, Germany is the world's largest exporter of green logistics technology. In 2006, German exports of green technology have close to 100 million Euros, and increases more than 20% than 2005. Germany pays more attention to the application of scientific and technological means and the use of computer information, for example, from the GPS to the team's information management and to the ultimately track positioning systems. The help of the computer information management to logistics companies is obvious. In addition, the German commonly used removable container, so that idle rate of the trucks can be reduced by 30% to 40%, which greatly improve the use efficiency of trucks.

B. The United States

The United States is one of the first countries developing the logistics industry in the world. According to the statistics, there are five U.S company in the top ten logistics companies in the world. In the economic and social environment of the logistics highly developed, the U.S. government constantly adjusts the macroeconomic policy to ensure green logistics development promote the development of socioeconomic development. The United States in its 2025 "National transportation science and technology development strategy" set the overall objective that transportation industrial structure or transportation science and technology progress is as follows: "to establish safe, efficient, adequate and reliable transport system, its scope is international, form is comprehensive, characterize is intelligence, and the nature is environment-friendly".

●Green supply chain management. Implementing green management to the supply chain is a kind of environmental protection and ecological management from the supply of raw materials, purchasing, production, use, consumption, to waste recycling, reuse of the whole process. The core of management is to make the whole supply chain harmonization in environmental management, and make the environment and green. Green supply chain management has been begun in the United States in 1999.

●Pay more attention to reverse logistics. When developing environmental policy objectives, the environmental analysis experts in U.S usually to "minimize the impact on the environment" as the target. They advocate usually the policy and strategy, such as minimizing resource consumption, wasting reduction and improving environmental

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quality, and so on. In the US, many companies have established reverse logistics management systems, aiming at product returns, repair and waste recovery. They take the initiative to extent their responsibilities in order to enhance their competitiveness. For example, the IBM Company set up a global recycling service center in the late 90s, responsible for the worldwide recall of all products business. IBM donates the recalled products to charity, making them service to society, conserving resource, or uses them in the production after being processed to reduce production costs. According to statistics, there are 120,000 auto recyclers in U.S. and their annual turnover is several billion dollars, it is a profitable industry.

● Use green packaging. In 1960s, the United States began to pay more attention to packaging and environmental protection. The several reasons ensure the green packaging in the United States implement smoothly.

The perfect legal protection: The U.S. government mandatory recycles packaging waste and promotes the use of renewable resources by formulating laws and regulations, environmental advocacy and the R&D of the green new materials and so on. By 1988, 21 states in the United States had enacted laws and regulations to restriction and prohibition the use of certain plastic packaging products.

The implementation of environmental labeling system: By 1988, there had been 36 states in the United States implementing the environment through joint identification system by joint legislative. The main approach was: to promote the use of "green flag" or" renewable signs" in some plastic containers or packaging, to tell consumers which can be regenerated to use. These practices make the legal regulation of the United States about green packaging achieve remarkable 1 result. A market survey of the United States display: due to the impact of green packaging, people's consumption habits have gradually changed. More and more consumers want to use recycled paper board packaging and hope the packing can be marked with the symbol of recycled 100%.

Packaging industry improves continuously the green program: At present, the packaging industry in the US mainly uses two kinds of green programs: First, a 15% annual reduction in consumption of raw materials; Second, the utilization of packaging products for recycling is at least 20%. Many states have passed legislation to determine the recovery of packaging waste fixed, and formulated any company can apply for tax exemption as long as certain provisions of the recycling packaging waste utilization. Through these regulations, the United States in the recycling containers has made remarkable achievements, the amount of carton packaging recycling up to 4 million tons each year, and they can be reused after being treated.

R&D of new environmentally friendly packaging materials: Some companies and research institutions in the U.S. develop and introduce continuously new environmentally friendly packaging materials. For example, scientists in the US have invented a low-cost, environmentally friendly fast-food packaging materials, and this material is made of wheat straw fiber and wheat starch, this kind box can be completely degraded, and has good insulation properties; Hewlett-Packard has developed 12 type PC in the beginning of this century, each of which has only 3 screws, and it is convenient and easy to disassemble the computer to upgrade the

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maintenance update.

● Use advanced green technology. General corporate in the US use many advanced technologies during the logistics, such as transportation, distribution, packaging and so on. These advanced technologies include electronic data interchange (EDI), time production (JIT), distribution planning, green packaging, and so on. They can provide strong technical support and protection for the green logistics activities.

4.The enlightenment of green logistics abroad to China

A. Establish the Concept of Green Logistics

Establishment and development of Green Logistics is the effective convergence of the green production and green consumption. The whole society must establish the concept of green logistics. Firstly, the government must take all measures to vigorously promote and advocate the green logistics,so that people insight into the concept of green logistics, green logistics to create a favorable environment; Secondly, enterprises should organize staff to join in training in time, change the traditional concept of employees, and establish a full new logistics concept, encourage their employees to green procurement, green production, green marketing, green logistics, green finance, etc; Finally, the consumer should strengthen constantly their awareness of green consumption, and use this awareness to stimulate enterprises’ green action.

B. Accelerate Infrastructure Construction

Compared to the countries with developed logistics, there are many deficiencies of the current logistics level in china in the basic platform construction,such as transport, storage facilities, upgrading is not timely, distribution processing, logistics and information services, inventory management, logistics, cost control and other logistics value-added services equipment a lot lacking. We can start from the following aspects:

●We should carry out the rational planning and overall design to the existing logistics infrastructure to improve the efficiency and make their comprehensive performance play.

● Rebuild logistics infrastructure and make them macro-coordination and functional integration strengthen.

●Expand the investment scale of the transport infrastructure, and increase the construction intensity of road, rail, water, air, pipelines and urban facilities distribution.

●Strengthen the interface of various transport modes, accelerate the improvement of integrated transport network, and develop greatly multimodal transport.

C. Develop Multimodal Greatly

It is difficult for a single transport mode to efficiently complete the transportation task perfectly. Road, rail, water, air and other modes of transport have their own time and space characteristics. Therefore, enterprises should combine with the characteristics of a variety of transport modes, select the best combined transport program according to the principle of reducing pollution, improving the efficiency and effectiveness, and build a logistics and transport networks of energy-saving, environmental protection, efficient.

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D. Establish Green Logistics Recycling Network System

Constructing advanced and comprehensive recycling green logistics network system of renewable resources is making information technology marry to recycling logistics industry. The aim is improving resource utilization and constructing a saving society. The measure is good to transform economic growth pattern, achieve sustainable development. Establishing green logistics recycling system changes the one-way flow characteristics of traditional logistics, and it is the key ring making green logistics and circular economy as closed-loop system.

E. Green Logistics Mechanism Innovation

The development practice of the green logistics in Western developed countries has proved: Green Logistics can form gradually the environmental industry by the market mechanism. Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth development of green logistics, we need optimize purposefully all relevant factors combination of green logistics, and offer innovative activities in the form of operating mechanisms to form and enhance the power of the green logistics system running evolution (Figure 3).

F. Industry-university-research Cooperation, Develop High Technology

The development of the green logistics can not without innovation and use of the high technology. The economic and environmental goal pursuit green logistics pursuits will be difficult to achieve without the input of the advanced technology. If the logistics enterprises blindly emphasize the production capacity, but neglect the innovation capacity,it could make the logistics industry be in the low-end of

the high technology industry's and value chain for a long time, and their core technologies and legitimate interests could always be controlled by others. Therefore, the government, enterprises, research institutions and institutions of higher collage must be closely coordinated, accelerate the establishment technological innovation system of enterprises-mainstay, market-oriented and industry-university-research cooperation, and guide and support the innovative elements gather into enterprises, promote scientific and technological achievements to convert to practical productive forces, and promote the innovation and development of green logistics in china. High-tech innovation and development is inseparable from the support of all levels of government, our government at all levels should increase high-intensity R & D investment to ensure that enterprises, research institutions and universities have sufficient R & D funding. Logistics technology development through high-density, high value-added logistics services, protection of the environment and the low carbon economy achieving the goal; by developing high-tech, foster a new round of technological innovation, efforts to address the transport of the noise, pollution, gas emission, traffic jams and waste production and improper handling of life and many other issues, and create a new situation of innovation and development of green logistics.

G. Professional Green Logistics Personnel Training

Promoting the development of green logistics needs solid theoretical guidance, perfect hardware facilities and scientific support of logistics technology, and these are inseparable from the professional training. Therefore, training and bringing up a large number of logistics personnel familiar to green theory and practice is urgent. We

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should vigorously develop high quality and complex logistics personnel by universities, businesses and community resources. They should possess the following qualities:

● They should have a strong management desire and challenge spirit, and have the basic qualities of hard working, honest integrity and effective communication.

●They should have a broad base of knowledge, and master the knowledge of international trade and customs clearance, storage and transportation, financial cost management, security management and legal.

●They should understand not only the logistics technology, but also the logistics economy, not only familiar with the logistics management technology, but also master the supply chain process, familiar to software programs, ecommerce technology and information technology systems.

●They should fully grasp the transport, storage, packaging, handling, distribution processing and information services and other basic skills.

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绿色物流作为一个新的主题话题在20世纪90年代被提出。关于物流的概念,并没有一个成熟的定义目前的绿色物流。国内外学者对绿色物流的概念有不同的描述。H.J.吴和S.D认为绿色物流是对我们的环境负责任的一个物流系统,它不仅包括绿色物流过程,从原材料的采集、生产、包装、运输、仓储和最终到达终端用户,也是逆向物流的废物回收和处置。逆向物流执行委员会在一篇中写到:绿色物流试图衡量和减少物流活动对生态的影响。“绿色物流”,由Bjorn N和Palle刊登在丹麦的文章中写到,绿色物流定义为确保正向物流和逆向物流。“物流”, 2001年在中国发表,明确的提出绿色物流是物流过程中减少对环境的伤害的同时,净化物流环境,使物流资源得到充分利用。JianSheng Li在东北大学工

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