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The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) one 46 ’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 It Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: hat /color/ yellow /box Sentences:What’s in it? What color is it? Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of taking care of each other. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.To take care of each other. 2.To express feeling in English. It‖s yellow./It’s a yellow hat. What color is it? Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) What color is it? It‖s yellow. It’s a yellow hat. TPR recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:…) T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me? (S:…) 2.Have a revision(复习): T: What’s your name?(S:…) T writes ―I’m…‖ on the blackboard. 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:Now,look at me.(T touchs her cloth.) T: What color is it? Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now open your books to page 46 and listen. 2.T shows a picture of ―YELLOW‖. T:Can you tell me what color is it?(T points the picture.) S:… 3.To study‖ yellow‖ and the pronounciation of the letter‖y‖ /j/. 4.And to study‖color‖ .(the pronounciation of the letter‖o‖/a:/ Write the three words. 5.To study the last two words‖box‖ and ―hat‖(Expand: thirsty) 6.TPR: It’s a box./a yellow box . a hat./a yellow hat. 7.T: Now, I want to ask you some questions.Could you answer them? S:… T: Are you ready?(S:…) T: What color is it? T may give S some seconds to think of the question. S:Yes.(No.) T writes ― It’s yellow.‖ And ―It’s a yellow hat.‖ on the blackboard. 8. To show a small blackboard: It’s yellow. red. To practice answers. 9.T: Wonderful! I need one student. Who can come to the front? Role- play: T acts Mom./ S1 acts Jack 10. To practice in pairs,(about page 46) 11.To show their practices.
T may visit two or three groups to the front . 12. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now it’s time to listen to tape.Please turn to page 46and read after the tape. Listen together. 13. T: You’re flying. Next, let’s do the listening exercises.(page50:Cirle the Correct Response 1) 14. T:Take out your workbooks. Let’s do the writing exercises. (page46 –one :3 ,4/ two:1,2) Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:…. 2.Homework:a. To write ―hat color yellow box‖ three times. b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 It’s Red. What’s in it? It’s a hat./ It’s a yellow hat. What color is it? It’s red./It’s yellow. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 教材为我们提供了很好的听、说、读、写训练内容,通过听听、说说、唱唱、做做,先培养语感,培养兴趣,然后进入开课以前,我就上节课所说内容,采用师师问答、生生问答、小组问答等多种形式进行复习,这一方法不仅有效的复习了上节课或以前所学的内容,而且为新授内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。字母教学。让学生在快乐中学习英语,在知识中获得成功感。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) Two 47 It’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words:red/nose/blue/put Sentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of introduce snack. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Ask S to know the snack and the harm of snack. Words: sandwich,hot dog,pizza,bread Sentences: Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Look at me. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) 1. put…on‖ 2.Here are +可数名词复数. The method of pictures 情境教学 recorder, Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1. Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello,boys and girls. Are you OK? S:… T:Good job! Now ,please chant after me.‖What color is it ? What color is it ?‖ 2.Have a revision(复习): To show word cards: box/hat yellow/color 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: What color is it?(S:…..) T:OK,let’s continue to study other colors. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Open your books to page 47 and listen to the tape. Please find out some colors. OK? S:….. 2.T: You’re very careful.Now let’s study them. To study‖red‖ and ―blue‖ 3.T: Who can say their plural?(S:….) 4.T: Do you know another color?(S:…) To show the pictures of red and blue‖ To study them together. 5.T: Do you know their plural?(S:…..) 6.To show these snack, and say,‖ What color is it?‖ S:…. T:You’re smart! To write‖ It’s ……‖ on the blackboard. To read the sentence one by one.(教师注意纠正读音。) 7.To practice the style: It’s……( yellow/red/blue) 8.T: We can use the color to describe everything.Now who can tell me what color is this apple.(Teach students how to use the English isn their lives) S:…..(启发学生用“like‖来回答。) 9.To write the table.(每人发一张。) color Hat nose yellow red blue
eyes What is this? 10. Ask S to say out his or her answers. It’s a nose./It’s a red nose. 11.T: You’re flying. Now ,I’m Jack, *** is Xiao lan.You come here. J: Oh,it’s a red nose. X:Here are blue eyes.Put them on,Xiaolan. J: Ok.Look at me,Jack. T: HaHa. 12.Role play.(仿照教师的示范。) 13.Read after the tape.(p47) 14.Do the workbook:page twenty-Ⅰ,Ⅱ Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:…. 2.Homework:a.To recite the new words: red/nose/blue/put b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 It’s Red. What color is it? It’s…. Here are blue eyes. Put them on. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 通过本堂教学使我深刻体会到:学生们对于歌诀、游戏的感知能力极其强烈,而诵读顺口溜也是习得语言的重要方式,它寓思想教育于情趣,融科学知识与情景,技能训练与游戏与一体,英汉结合,节奏明快,韵律和谐,琅琅上口,寓教于乐,妙趣横生非常适合小学生的学习心理特点,是学生学习词语的好形式。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) three 48 It’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: can/draw/tiger/black Sentences: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I can’t. Color is yellow and black. Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of asking sth for sb. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.To take care of each other. 2.To express feeling in English. Words: can/draw/tiger/black Sentences: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I can’t. Color is yellow and black. Sentence: Can you draw a tiger? Yes ,I can./No, I can’t. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) TPR 实物教学 recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:…) T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me? (S:…) 2.Have a revision(复习): T:Now ,let’s go over some colors.Who can say out how many colors do you learn? S:….(yellow red blue) 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:Today we’ll continue to learn colors.DO you want to learn?(S:….) T:You must study carefully. OK?(S:..) Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now open your books to page 48 and listen. 2.T Do you know some animls?Can you tell me? S:… 3.To show some animals pictues and to study them. (师注意“i”在tiger中的发音) 4.T: If you want someone to draw a tiger, please to say‖ Can you draw a tiger?‖OK? S:OK!…..(仿照教师的语调。) T shows another animal’s pictue.(提示学生用上面的方法说出来。) 5.To practice the dialogue: A:Can you draw a tiger? B: Yes, I .can. A:Oh, good!Color it yellow and black. B:OK,Tutu. 6.T: Well done! Do you want to draw some animals? S:…. 7.T: You may say out in Chinese. S:… T: What color is it?(Finger out the blackboard) 8.To study ― black‖ (教师注意‖black‖的发音,并对发音不准的学生给与纠音。) 9.To expland‖ draw a( an) tiger/cat/monkey/elephant‖(pay attention to the use of ―an‖) 10.T: Can you draw…?(To show the three pictures of animals.) 教师提示用“can”来回答。
Eg. Can you draw …. T: Yes,I can./No,I can’t. 11. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now it’s time to listen to tape.Please turn to page 6 and read after the tape. Listen together. 12. T: You’re flying. Next, let’s do the listening exercises.(page52:Listen and color.) 13. T:Now,take out your workbooks. Let’s do the writing exercises. (pagetwenty-one –Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ) Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:…. 2.Homework:a. To write and recite‖ can/draw/tiger/black‖ three times. b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. c. Workbook: page twenty-two- Ⅵ Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 It’s Red. Can you draw a tiger? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Color it yellow and black. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 改变原来机械的教学结构安排,根据学生年龄小,注意力集中时间短的特点,合理安排教学结构,使学生在老师“导演--指引”中学会在散发思维中学习,在娱乐演练中学习,在注意力有效集中中学习,使教学具有娱乐性,层次性,系统性,连贯性,实践性,开放性,创意性和艺术性,课堂教学由原来的学生不想说,不会说到现在的学生“思如泉涌”,满堂彩,教学的效果大大提高了。实物、图片、简笔画、幻灯片等是英语教学中常用的直观教具,除教师制作直观教具外,我发动学生自己制作教具、学具。如刚开始学字母时,就可让学生作字母卡片,以便进行同桌、分组、找朋友等多种形式的听说训练。单词教学、对话教学等都可以让学生自己动手做图片卡、单词卡、句型卡或头饰、道具。这样安排不仅有利于师生进行听说训练,而且也能促使学生动脑动手,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率,教学效果非常好。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) four 49 It’s Red. Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): Words: green/orange/moon/sun/star Sentences:a green moon / you can see many stars. Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of taking care of each other. Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.To take care of each other. 2.To express feeling in English. Words: green/orange/moon/sun/star Sentences: a green moon an orange sun you can see many stars Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) You can see many stars. TPR recorder,word cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:…) T:I’m very glad to see you. Are you? (S:…) T: Let’s chant some colors.OK? 2.Have a revision(复习): To go over : red yellow black white 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:We study so many colors.I think you like them very much.Now,let’s study them. (教师可以和学生们假装吃这些东西。) T:what color is it? Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.‖T: Good! Now please open your books to page 49 and listen what jack and xiaolan do?. 2.T shows the new words: green orange T:Could you say its meaning?(T points the picture.) S:… 3.T: Just moment, we learn so many colors.Do you want to learn more? S:…. To write ―a/an +color+名词.‖on the blackboard.for example a green moon Read it one by one. (教师注意a/an的运用。) 4.T: finger out something and ask someone what’s this? S: … T:So you know it, Can you describe it with the color? 5.T: OK.Let’s stop. let’s,let’s让我们. Please read after me. S: …(one by one .) T: TPR( you can see many stars.) ( Write it on the blackboard.) 6.To study ―you can see many stars.‖ 7.Practice: You can see many stars. books apples oranges ….. (可以采取师命令,生做的形式;或者师生边做边说的形式。) 8.Listen to the tape :page49
9.创设情境:师拿出准备好的实物卡片,将它们摆放在桌子上。 师与两生示范:做出朗诵诗歌的样子来。 Content: A: Oh,a green moon. Oh,an orange sun. B: Now,you can see many stars. A: Wow,that’s great. 10. To practice in pairs,(about page 49) 11.To show their practices. T may visit two or three groups to the front . 12. T: Give them big hands. I think the other S can do better. Now it’s time todo listeningexercises together. Open your books to page 54.Let’s do them . ―B. Listen and act.‖ 13. T:Take out your workbooks. Let’s do the writing exercises. Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: Who can say out the learned in this class? S:…. 2.Homework:a. To write ―a green star/you can see many stars‖ three times. b. Role-play : You can play with your partners. Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 It’s Red. a green moon an orange sun You can see many stars. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 在教学中,我注重改变原来“老师教,学生学”的旧模式,建立了“导演与引导”学习的新模式。通过师生之间的多交流,使上课的气氛更和谐更活跃了。改变原来学生只是教学的客体的地位,采用引导和模拟情景的学习方式使学生成为学习的主体。在真实有趣的环境中学习,学生对英语的兴趣提高了。对于不懂的地方,他们会主动的要求学习,主动的要求反馈。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Book(册) Ⅱ Date(日期) Part(课时) Page(页码) five Topic(课题) Lesson 4 Writing Exercise. Teaching Aims (教学目标) Knowledge Aims(知识目标): To go over the leared knowledge in lesson 4. Ability Aims(能力目标): To bring up the abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing. Emotion Aims(情感目标): Ask S to love English. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) Test paper Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T:Hello, boys and girls.(S:…) T:I miss you very much. Do you miss me? (S:…) 2.Have a revision(复习): 3.The Leading Words(导语): T:Now,look atyour test paper.Let’s do them. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 一、根据汉语写出英文。 1.绿色__________ 2.红色__________ 3.黄色__________ 4.橙色__________ 5.黑色____________ 6.白色_________ 7.褐色__________ 8.帽子(不带檐)_________ 9.星星__________ 10.月亮_________ 11.太阳__________ 二、看一看,找出能与之搭配的颜色,并连线。 The moon is orange The sun is green. The tree(树) is black The blackbord(黑板) is yellow The flood(血液) is red 三、选择题。 1. Can you_________a tiger? A.draw B.color C.are 2. Look ________this box,Jack. A.on B.up 3.Put them _______ . A.up B.down C.on 4.What _______is it? B.color C.yellow 5.You can__________many stars. A.look B.listen C.see 三、句子排序。 1. yellow and it black color. 2. tiger you draw you can a?
3. clean up let’s 4. is color it what? 5. here eyes are blue. 6. a hat it’s yellow 四、读短文,回答问题。 Hello,I’m Xiaolan.I have a’s red. And I have a blue and orange bag.hello, I’m jack.My hat is green.My eyes are yellow .My nose is red. My mouth is blue. And my shoes are green and yellow. Hello ,I’m pangpang. I’ m tall and big. My hat is blue and white . My eyes are green. My nose is orange . My mouth is red . And my shoes are yellow and red. 1、is xiaolan’s cap red? 2、What color is jack’s mouth? 3、Are jack’s shoes green and yellow? 4、Is pangpang tall and small? 5、What color are pangpang’s eyes? Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): .Homework: a. To write ―the learned words‖ three times. b.To recite lesson 4. Blackboard Writing(板书) Thinking After Class(课后反思) 英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能;我一贯认为学生会应用英语是关键,所以充分给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作、师生合作,让他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话内容。这样学生活学活用了英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。我在领读时声音、语调都带有感情色彩,把各个角色的性格、特点淋漓尽致地表现出来,同时也让学生在表演时拿出自制头饰之类的简单道具,并模仿原声带中的语音、语调,带有逼真表情和贴切的动作,使学生有身临其境之感,从而加深他们对知识的记忆
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ You look great! Topic(课题) Lesson 5 Teaching Aims (教学目标) Part(课时) One Page(页码) 58 The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1. To grasp‖Can I help you?/ I want that skirt. ‖ 2. To grasp the words: afternoon/can/help/skirt The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of asking ages each other. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.To learn how to sell and buy. (学会买卖东西) Important Points (教学重点) Can I help you? I want that skirt. Difficult Points Can I help you? (教学难点) Dialoge teaching method Teaching Methods Picture teaching method (教学方法) Instruments(教具) recorder Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. 2.Have a revision(复习): Colors-red yellow orange white black brown blue 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: I think everyone knows how to buy something in ur life,but how to sell and buy in Enlish? We will learn in this lesson. S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now, open your books to page 58 listen to it. 2.To study some words: afternoon/can/help/skirt 3.To pratice these words tith the color,such as a green skirt 4.Good,read it one by one. 5.T: Can I help you? How to answer the sentence? S:…. T: Smart! Can you answer? S: ….( Write ― Yes,I can./No, I can’t.) 6.To practice the dialoge.‖I want that skirt.‖ 7.To Expland: I want that shirt. 8. Create a situation: Dialoge play. Content: A: Good afternoon.Can I help you ? B: Yes, please. I want that skirt. The green one. A: OK.Here you are. B: Thanks. 8.To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 9.Listen and repeat : page58 (Turn on the reorder) 10.Do the listening exercises: Page62 Look and say Page63 Play with the English 11.Do the writing exercises:
(1) To write the words‖ afternoon/can/help/skirt‖ three times. (2) Do the exercise book: page1-one and two Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page58 (2)To describe a thing that you want to buy. (3)The exercise book: page2-three The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 4 You look great Today is my birthday. birthday cake Happy Birthday! How old are you? I’m…. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 激发主动参与,发挥主观能动性。内因是变化的根本,外因是变化的条件,学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的,价值的等方面的因素参与到学习活动中去,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。面向全体学生,发挥学生主体作用。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ Topic(课题) Lesson 5 You look great? Teaching Aims (教学目标) Part(课时) two Page(页码) 59 The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1.To grasp ― How about tjis shirt? 2.To grasp the words: great/shirt/pretty The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of describing the cloth. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Courtesy of the exchanges with friends (与朋友礼貌的交流) Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) How about this …? It’s pretty/good/great. Put on How about this…? Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method (教学方法) recorder, number cards Instruments(教具) Teaching Methods Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Can you sing ―Litte Tutu Rabbit.‖?(T & S sing together.) 2.Have a revision(复习): Can I help you?/How much is it?/I want… 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: We learned ― can I help you?‖ last lesson. Do you want to know another sentence about the cloth? S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now, open your books to page 59 and listen to it. 2.To study ― pretty‖ To show a card of pretty thing ,then to study‖pretty.‖ 3.T take‖pretty‖ card to say to a girl,‖ You are preety.‖ To write the word‖ shirt‖ on the blackboard. Then ask S to read it three times. Next, read the sentence one by one. 4.T,‖ Can you spell the two words‖ pretty‖ and ―shirt‖? S:…. 5.T:Well done.Who can tell me how about my shirt? ( T writes the sentence on the blackboard.) T: Who can say out its meaning? S:…. T: Smart! Can you tell me how about this one ? 6.To practice the dialoge.‖ How about this shirt?‖ It’s … 7.Create a situation: Dialoge play. (Ex :page59) T: If today you wear a new shirt, we ’ll say ― You are pretty‖. Who can act the dialoge with me? Content: A: You look pretty. B: Thanks teacher. How about my shirt? A: Oh,it’s pretty. 8.To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge.
9.Listen and repeat : page59 (Turn on the reorder) 10.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words‖ great/about/shirt/pretty‖ two times. (2) Do the exercise book: part1-one and two Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page59 (2)Do exercise book: part2-three The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson5 You look great! How about this…? It’s... … Put it on./Put on the … Thinking After Class(课后反思) 体现民主,语言激励。现代教学论认为,教师与学生之间应建立民产、平等、和谐的关系,才能提高学生学习主人翁的意识。因此,教师应创设情境,重视语言激励,给每一个学生朝代到台上来“试一试”“做做小老师”的机会,采取只要“试一试”就会得到一颗智慧星的激励手段。同学们个个像战士一样,进入备战状态。有的借助课后字母表,学习不懂的词;有的悄悄地问老师;有的同桌互相帮忙,目的都是想当一名最出色的小老师。整个课堂学习氛围浓厚,学习效益大大提高。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ Topic(课题) Lesson 5 You look great! Teaching Aims (教学目标) Part(课时) three Page(页码) 60 The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1. To grasp How about this one? I don’t like red. Show me that blue cap,please. 2.To grasp the words: for welcome The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of the exchanges with friends The Emotion Aims(情感目标): How to buy something? (与朋友礼貌的交流) Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) 1.How about this one? I don’t like red. 2.Show me that blue cap,please. The pronouciation of ―show‖ Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method recorder, number cards , some toys Teaching Steps(教学步骤) Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Can you chant ―You look great!‖?(T & S chant together.)
2.Have a revision(复习): Some things words: want/cap/like/show… 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: If you go shopping, you will buy something .Yes? S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Yes, I want too.Now, open your books to page 60 and listen to it. 2.To show a capand T says,‖ How about this one?‖ T writes the sentence on the blackboard. Ask S to read it one by one. 3.T: Do you like this one? S:… T: Please follow me. ― I don’t like red.‖ Ask S to repeat it. 4.T : If you like it , you will say? S: Yes, I do.. 5.To practice the dialoge: Show me that blue cap,please. S:OK,here you are 6. Create a situation: T:Now , let’s make a dialoge.Please look at the small blackboard. Content: A:Can I help you ?. B: I want a cap. A:How about this one? B:I don’t like red. A:Show me that blue cap ,please. (教师做示范,然后给学生2分钟操练的时间。) 6.To play the dialoge. 7.Listen and repeat : page60 (Turn on the reorder) 8. Do the listening exercises: P64—Number the picture 9.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words ― I don’t like red./Show me that blue cap.‖ two times. (2) Do the exercise book: part3-one and two
Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page60 (2)To made a dialoge about page 60 with your friend. (3)The exercise book: part3-three The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 5 You look great How about this one? I don’t like red. Show me that blue cap. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 小组合作学习,发挥集体力量。一个人的能力是有限的,如果不善于和他人合作,将不同的知识加以交流、综合、提高和运用,就不能适应时代的发展要求。所以,小组合作学习是当今教学中的一种重要的学习方式。这种学习方式为每个学生创设了表现自我的宽松氛围,使学生的思维显示出积极的状态,能较大程度地发挥集体互助力量。一位学生的发言往往会引发其他几位同学的思维火花,促使小组各成员从不同角度,用不同方法提出更好的想法,从而达到对问题的较全面、较深入的认识和理解。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Part(课时) Page(页码) Ⅱ four 61 Topic(课题) Lesson 5 You look great! Teaching Aims (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1.To grasp‖Do you like it?/Yes, but it’s small.‖ 2.To grasp the words: small/nice/good The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of asking quantities. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Courtesy of the exchanges with friends (与朋友礼貌的交流) Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) Do you like it? Yes, but it’s small. Put on this cap. The pronouciation of ― small‖ Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method recorder, number cards ,a cake , some candles/ pens/books.. Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Can you chant You look great!(T & S chant together.) 2.Have a revision(复习): How about this one? I don’t like… 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: I think everyone knows how to buy a cap. Do you want a beautiful cap? S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T: Now, open your books to page 61 and listen to it. 2.To study ― Look at the cap.‖ T shows a cap to practice the sentence. 3.To expland ― put on/put off.‖ TPR: Look and listen 64 B Listen and Act .( To show a small balackboard.) T: Listen carefully 4.T: OK.Let’s look at the cap. What color is it? S:…. 5.To study the word‖ small‖ and ―nice‖ Review the word big and the sentence ―Nice to meet you.‖ 6.T:Do you like it? T: Please read the sentence one by one. 7.T: Now I’ll show you two balls and ask someone to guess which is the big one or the small one.Are you ready? S:… 8.To expland: Yes,but it’s small / big. Ask S to answer. 9. Create a situation: Content: A: Do you like it? B: Yes,but it’s… A: Put on…… 10.To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 11Listen and repeat : page61 (Turn on the reorder) 12.Do the listening exercises: p65—Review 5
10.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words‖ small/but.nice/good‖ two times. (2) Do the exercise book: part3-four Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page60. (2)To practice the sentence‖ Yes,but it’s…?‖ (3)The exercise book: part2-five The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 5 You look great! Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Put on… Thinking After Class(课后反思) 建立探索性学习方式,培养创新意识。新课程标准中明确指出,素质教育的重点是,激发学生的探索精神和培养学生的创新意识。而旧模式教学中,学生自身存在的种种消极心理,如胆怯、从众、自卑等,会影响学生的创新活动。要培养学生的创新意识和激发探索精神,首先,帮助学生克服从众心理,让标新求异的作法取代人云亦云的从众心理。另外,教师要创设有利于培养学生创新意识的教学氛围。实践表明,和谐、民主的氛围有利于解放学生思想,使学生思维活跃,从而敢想、敢说、敢做、乐于发表自己的见解,勇于大胆创新,这样有利于使学生形成探求创新的心理愿望和性格。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ Part(课时) Five Page(页码) Topic(课题) Lesson 5 You look great! Teaching Aims (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1.To go over the learned knowledge in lesson 5. The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of remembering. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Courtesy of the exchanges with friends (与朋友礼貌的交流) Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) 操练法 Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. 2.Have a revision(复习): Words: much/many/want/skirt/shirt/coat/pants/socks/shoes 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: Today, let’s do some writing exercises. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): T: Please take your ―test paper‖. 一、在横线上填上正确的字母。 m_ _h c_at c__ ndle w_nt a_ternoon 二、选择题。 1.Put _______ this yellow shirt. A. on C.up 2.____________ this one?-----Oh,it’s nice. A. How about B.How C. How old 3. I like it, _____ it’s small A. and B.OK C.but 4.I want _____ shirt. A. an B. in C.a 5.You look great--.___________ A. Thar’s all right. B. Fine,thanks. C. You’re welcome. 6.Look ____ tha cake. A. to B. / C. at 7.______________ candles? ---- Two candles. A. How old B. How C. How many 8.Can I help you? ________. A. Yes,please. B.I like it. C.Here you are. 四、连词成句。 1. ?/do/it/you/like 2. how/?/this/about/shirt
3. want/shirt/I/that/. 5. show/that/cap/,/blue/me/please/. 6. don’t/red/like/I/. Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): Homework: (1)To read lesson5 (2)The exercise book: part2-three The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 5 Writing Exercises. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 面向全体,分层教学 在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。我们设计的游戏要注重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。可以根据学生的个人素质,性格特点,记忆力,反应速度等,在心中把全班分三组,因材施教,分层要求,以求最有效的激励机制促学生不断上进。 在激发他们的主动参与亲身实践中,培养他们的独立思考和合作探究的创新精神,实践能力,无形中调动学生的言语资料库。在实践中他们学会自我评价,由此产生的成就感又转化为无穷尽的学习后继力。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Part(课时) Page(页码) Ⅱ One 70 Topic(课题) Lesson 6 What time is it? Teaching Aims (教学目标) The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1.To grasp‖What time is it? It’s… 2.To grasp the words: time/thirty/late/sleep/all right The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of asking the price. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Courtesy of the exchanges with someone. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) It’s… It’s time to sleep. What time is it? Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method recorder, number cards Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Can you sing ―Little Tutu Rabbit.‖?(T & S sing together.) 2.Have a revision(复习): Words: much/many/want/skirt/shirt/coat/pants/socks/shoes…(spell) 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: who can tell me what is this?(pick out a clock picture) S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T:OK. Now, open your books to page70 and listen to it. 2.T:Do you see the clock? (S:….) Now, I am the clock. Who can tell me what time is it? (S:…) 3.T :What time is it? To write the sentence on the blackboard. Ask S to read it one by one. 4. To study the word ― time‖ 5.T: What time is it ? 教师可以提示学生回答,说出时间的表达方法。 S: It’s… T: Smart! Can you tell me what time do you sleep? 6. To teach‖ sleep‖ T: Do you know its meaning? S: … T: Good! 7. T: Can you tell me the time ? Ask S to speak the time. S:It’s ... 8.T: Oh, you are all wrong.It’s ten thirty. To study the word‖ thirty‖. 9. Practice to speak the time. S:… T: You’re flying. 10. T:Now let's practice to say ― What time is it?‖ ( To write.)
T: Are you clear? 11.Create a situation: Dialoge play. (Ex :page70) Content: A: What time is it? B: It’s ten thirty. A: It’s late. It’s time to sleep. B: All right. 12.To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 13.To show ―What time is it?‖ ―It’s time to sleep.‖ 14.Listen and repeat : page70 (Turn on the reorder) 15.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words‖ time/thirty/late/sleep/all right‖ two times. (2) Do the exercise book:
Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page70 (2)The exercise book: The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 6 What Time Is It? What Time Is It? Picture It’s ten thirty. It’s time to sleep. clock Thinking After Class(课后反思) 激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生在课堂学习中处于交际的教学的第一着力点。老师设计各种活动贯穿于整个课堂学生求知欲,表现于强,善于模仿乐于参加。然学生获得成就感,开展小组竞赛活动或竞争性的游戏。让他们有成就敢让学生学到真正的英语,让他们在语言实践活动中有用武之地。 The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ
Topic(课题) Lesson 6 What Time Is It? Teaching Aims (教学目标) Part(课时) Page(页码) two 71 The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 1.To grasp‖Please turn off the light.‖ 2.To grasp the words: turn/off/night The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability of buying sth.. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.How to ask the time and how to answer it. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) turn off Difference btween turn off and turn on. Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method Instruments(教具) recorder Teaching Steps(教学步骤)
Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Can you chant ―What is this‖?(T & S chant together.) 2.Have a revision(复习): time/thirty/late/sleep…(spell) T: What is this(that)? 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: I think everyone 关灯before going to sleep. Do you know how to say it in English ? S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T:OK. Now, open your books to page71 and listen to it. 2.To explans‖ Yes?‖ (教师解释英语口语化的表达) T: Please turn off the light.‖what does it mean?\\ S:… 4. To practice this phrase. ― Turn off the light‖ (教师注意‖turn‖的发音。) To write the sentence on the blackboard. Ask S to read it one by one. 5. T: Do you want to act it? ( Write it on the blackboard.) S: Yes! T: Now ,who can come here and act it to the class? S:… T: Smart! And who knows how to say开灯in English? S:.. T: Very good!OK,read after me‖turn on‖.Read it one by one. S: .. 6. Practice the sentences. 7.Create a situation: First, listen to page71 To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 8.Do the listening exercises: page76 ―Listen and act‖ 9..Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words‖ turn/off/night ‖ two times.
(2) Do the exercise book: Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page71 (2)The exercise book: The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 6 What time is it? turn on turn off Thinking After Class(课后反思) 教材为我们提供了很好的听、说、读、写训练内容,通过听听、说说、唱唱、做做,先培养语感,培养兴趣,然后进入开课以前,我就上节课所说内容,采用师师问答、生生问答、小组问答等多种形式进行复习,这一方法不仅有效的复习了上节课或以前所学的内容,而且为新授内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。字母教学。让学生在快乐中学习英语,在知识中获得成功感。
The Teaching Plan Subject(科目) English Date(日期) Book(书册) Ⅱ Topic(课题) Lesson 6 What time is it? Teaching Aims (教学目标) Part(课时) three Page(页码) 72-73 The Knowledge Aims(知识目标): 4. To grasp‖Can I have the soap? ‖ 5. To grasp the words: soap/sure/water The Ability Aims(能力目标): 1.To bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing. 2.To bring up the ability to use the English knowledge in their lives.. The Emotion Aims(情感目标): 1.Courtesy of how to ask the time and answer it. Important Points (教学重点) Difficult Points (教学难点) Teaching Methods (教学方法) Instruments(教具) Can I have the soap? Can I have the soap?Sure/Of course. Dialoge teaching method Picture teaching method recorder Teaching Steps(教学步骤) Ⅰ.The Teaching Leading(教学导入): 1.Greetings(打招呼): T: Hello.Boys and girls. T:Let’s chant ―What time is it?‖ OK?
2.Have a revision(复习): Words: time/sleep/late/turn off/turn on(spell) 3.The Leading Words(导语): T: Today, let’s continue to listen what happened btween Jack and Tutu. S:…. Ⅱ.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开): 1.T:OK. Now, open your books to page72-73 and listen to them. 2.T says who can turn on the light? (Write ―turn on‖on the blackboard.) S:… T: well done.Thank you. S: You are welcome. 3.T: who can turn off the light? (Someone comes to the front.) T : Can you do it?( 指着一种水果。) S: Yes, I can. T: Did a good jop.Now,who can tell me 打开水龙头,how to say it in English? S:… Ask S to read it one by one. 4.To practice ―Turn on the water.‖ 5.T: Now ,let’s practice the dialoge. First,let’s study a new word. To study ― soap‖ T: Can I have the soap? S: Yes,I can./No, I can’t. 6.Create a situation: In a bathroom (教师一块香皂摆放在桌子上。) Eg. A: Can I have the soap? B: Sure.Here you are. A:Turn on the water. B: All right. 7. Practice in pairs. 8. Role-play. 9..Listen and repeat : page72-73 (Turn on the reorder)
14.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words‖ soap/sure/water‖ two times. (2) Do the exercise book: Ⅲ.The Sum Up(总结): 1.T: What have you learnt from this lesson? (S: ….) Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page72-73 (2)The exercise book: The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 6 What time Is It? Can I have the soap? Yes,I can./No,I can’t. Thinking After Class(课后反思) 为了更好地实施新英语课程标准,我们必须采用多种多样的教学方式来组织教学工作。对于我们小学阶段的英语教学来说,应该让学生在唱中学,在情景中说、在说中熟,在游戏中应用掌握。在平时的教学中,教师要多用英语组织教学,开辟英语语言环境,再配以大量的感性材料和电化教学手段,多给学生提供英语对话、表演、朗读的机会和时间,使学生在语境中学好英语,始终保持浓在新授课中,我把单词、句子规范地写在黑板上的四线格中。同时将认读训练贯穿在英语课堂教学中。不再是单纯的听说游戏。而是将游戏与听、说、认读教学相结合。如游戏“小组比赛听音拍词”,教师将所学的单词写在黑板上,然后请两组学生开展接力赛。
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