北京市丰台区2018届高三3月综合练习(一模)英语试题 - 图文

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2018. 03

1. Teenagers get less and less sleep, them at a higher risk of physical and mental health problems. A. putting B. put

C. to put

D. being put

2. —Isn’t that Ann’s brother over there?

—No. It be him. He never wears glasses.

A. won’t B. must not

C. can’t

D. may not

3. A splendid eight-minute show on Beijing at the closing ceremony of

the 2018 Winter Olympics. A. staged B. will be staged C. had staged D. was staged 4. Jack is determined to get a seat for the concert

it means standing in a queue all night.

A. so that

B. in case

C. even though

D. as if

5. —Winter is over at last. Time to put away my gloves and boots. — Great! I for this for months. A. will wait B. have been waiting C. was waiting D. waited 6. —A bookbar is being built near our school.

—Yes. It is said that the bar soon. A. has opened B. will open C. would open D. opened 7. Beijing plans to build its first bicycle lane connects a residential area with a business center. A. which B. who C. what D. where 8. Travel Frog by a Japanese game studio has become a hit in China. A. to be created B. created C. being created D. creating 9. In a meeting, Xi Jinping shared a story on his parents passed down important moral values to him. A. what B. which C. how D. when 10. students to exercise, a university in Wuhan recently launched a fitness app. A. To encourage B. Having encouraged C. Encouraged D. Encouraging —Our country is developing at an amazing speed! —Yes. This is makes me feel so proud. A. which B. why C. where D. what 12. —Thank you for reminding me of the times otherwise I late yesterday. —Don’t mention it. A. had been B. would have been C. should be D. would be 13. Information technology is taught in most schools, we have entered the information society. A. so B. while C. and D. for 14. In the UK the clocks forward l hour at lam on the last Sunday in March, and back 1 hour at 2am on the last Sunday in October. A. went B. are going C. go D. have gone 15. It’s important for a girl to know what colors look good her skin. A. at B. on C. above D. against

Yasmeen’s Mehndi

Mrs. Cross, Yasmeen’s social study teacher, announced, “Boys and girls, you have been learning about world customs. Be ready to 16 one of your family’s customs, tomorrow.” After school, Yasmeen dragged her backpack along, thinking about the day’s 17 . “I’m the only Indian student in my class,” she thought, “what will everyone think about my

family’s customs?”

At home, Yasmeen was 18 . She opened the kitchen door and saw her mother busily crushing henna leaves.

“Ready for the 19 tonight?” Mother smiled.

Yasmeen shrugged( Oa ). Normally, she’d be excited when her aunts, uncles and cousins came to 20 the end of the ninth month of the Islamic year. This holy month is observed with prayers and fasting(JJ) during daylight hours.

Later, Yasmeen explored the house, trying to get a(an) 21 for her assignment. She 22 her father’s Koran. She flipped through the worn pages of her father’s holy book. Maybe I’ll take this to school, she thought. But the Koran isn’t a 23

Maybe I’ll wear my sa1war(fU Efl ) to school. Wrong! Everybody might 24 me. Tears filled Yasmeen’s eyes as she tried to figure out 25 to share.

Yasmeen walked into the 26 again and watched Mother stir henna powder into a smooth paste, to be used at the party.

That night all the girls 27 their glittering dresses gathered around the sofa to have their hands 28 with Mehndi(henna paste).

It was Yasmeen’s 29 . Mother drew tiny flower patterns on her hands. Seconds later, “That’s it,” Yasmeen shouted out, “Mehndi!”

“On special Muslim holidays,” Yasmeen the next day at school, “it’s an Indian 31 to paint women’s hands with Mehndi designs.” Yasmeen 32 displayed the design on her hands. She also held up a bowl of crushed henna !eaves for the class to see and then described how her mother prepared henna paste.

“ 33 you paint me a Mehndi design?” All her classmates held out their hands.

Yasmeen’s eyes moistened. She had always thought that Mehndi was only something 34 in her own country, but now she was far too glad to see this ancient art on hands 35 by people of different cultures.

16. A. learn

B. share

C. name

D. follow

17. A. lessons B. routines C. assignment D. meeting 18. A. excited B. surprised C. annoyed D. downhearted 19. A. decoration B. class C. party D. housework 20. A. celebrate B. attend C. complete D. greet 21. A. place B. question C. opinion D. idea 22. A. found B. packed C. read

D. heard 23. A. fashion B. custom C. competition D. dream 24. A. talk about B. play with C. laugh at D. argue with 25. A. how B. why C. when D. what

26. A. garden B. balcony C. kitchen D. living-room 27. A. in

B. over C. on

D. at 28. A. painted B. washed C. wrapped D. wiped 29. A. right B. turn

C. plan

D. duty 30. A. showed B. explained C. persuaded D. informed 31. A. legend B. goal C. belief D. tradition 32. A. bravely B. secretly C. proudly D. vividly 33. A. Should B. Could C. May D. Must 34. A. understood B. provided C. believed D. valued 35. A. admired

B. influenced

C. inherited

D. spread


I was on a tour of Italy with my friends. Our car pulled to a stop at the beach. I got out, carrying my guitar and saw the blue sea. I shuddered. Nothing scared me as much as water. Thirteen years earlier, I climbed up to the diving board at a city pool and suddenly I dropped into water. The next thing I knew was that my brother was

