八年级下unit4 Section B

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八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Unit 4 He said I washard-working Section B

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Direct Speech and Reported Speech 一. 直接引用别人的话时,被引用的部分叫做直接引语;用自己的话 转述别人的话时,被转述的部分叫做称为间接引语,如: He asked Jim where he was born. Jim said that he was born on February 18, 1981. 二. 直接引语变间接引语的方法 1. 直接引语为陈述句时, 变成: …say/tell/answer…that宾语从句. 2. 直接引语为一般疑问句时,变成: ask…if/whether宾语从句,如: He asked if/whether they lived there for only five years. 3. 直接引语为选择疑问句时, 变成: ask…if/whether宾语从 句…or... 4.直接引语为特殊疑问句时, 变成: ask…who/whose/what/which/when/why/how…宾语从句. 5. 其它变化 1) 时态变化 2)人称变化 3)指示代词变化 4)地点变化 5)时间变 化 6)动词变化

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

指示代词: this: that these: those 地点: here: there 时间状语: now: then today: that day this week: that week yesterday: the day before last week: the week before a week ago: a week before Tomorrow: the next/following day next week: the next/following week 动词的变化: come: go

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Put the following into Reported Speech.

1. Marcia said to me: “I will show you my picture tomorrow.”Marcia told me she would show me her picture the next day.

2. Xiao Ming said: “We are trying to open this box.”Xiao Ming said they were trying to open that box.

3. “You are not supposed to smoke here.” (Lucy told Tom)Lucy told Tom he was not supposed to smoke there. He asked me if I wanted to have a rest.

4. “Do you want to have a rest?” He asked me.

5. “Why did you called me like that?” Tom said to me.Tom asked me why I called him like that.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Which subject do you like best? I like….. Which subject are you good at ? I am good at…. Which subject can you do better in? I can do better in…… How do you think of yourself in studying , hard-working or lazy?

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Section B1a Check ( ) the sentences that are true for you.I’m hard-working. I’m good at speaking.

I’m lazy.In English, I’m better at reading than listening.

I can do better in math. 在…方面做得更好1b PAIRWORK Talk about your answers. A: I’m not hard-working. B: Really? I think you are very hard-working.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Report cardName: . Class: . Chinese – hard-working History - can do better. P E-lazy student English –good at speaking Math –careless

A: What did your history teacher say? B: He said I was….. I could….

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

You are hardworkingMy teacher said I was hardworking.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

You are good at English.My teacher said I was good atEnglish.

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You can do better in math.My teacher said I could do better in math.

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You are lazy.

My teacher said I was lazy.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

2a Listen and fill in the speech bubbles. You’re hard-working. You’re good at speaking.

You can do better.

1. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at listening History—can do better Science—lazy student

2. Name: Class

: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—good student

3. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—lazy student

4. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—should do better Science—lazy student

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

What did Scott’s teachers say about Scot?

Name: Scott Class: Class 11 Math Spanish hard-working good at speaking


can do betterlazy student

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件


Which is Scott’s report card? 2. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—good student 4. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—should do better Science—lazy student

1. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at listening History—can do better Science—lazy student 3. Name: Class: Math– hard-working Spanish—good at speaking History—can do better Science—lazy student 2C Pairwork

A: What did your math teacher say? B: He said I was hard-working.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

3a Read Alan’s letter to his grandmother. Find Alan’s report card in activity 2b on page 29. Dear grandma, How’s it going? I hope that grandpa is well now. I was sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. I hope you are in good health.

Things are fine here. I finished my end-of-year exams last week, and got my report card today. I always get nervous when I see the envelope from school in the mall, but luckily I did OK this time. grandpa 爷爷;外祖父 nervous 神经紧张的;不安的 be in good health 身体健康 get nervous 感到紧张 report card 成绩单 envelope 信封 luckily 幸运地

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

I had a really hard time with science this semester, and I wasn’t surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher. She said I was lazy, which isn’t true. It’s just that I find science really difficult. Another disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do better. The good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good. Well, that’s about all the news I have for now. Mom and Dad send their love. have a hard time with sth. 在某方面感到很困难 Love, have a hard time with sb. 和某人关系处得非常不好 semester 学期 Alan bad—worse—worst true 真实的 disappointing 使人失望的;另人失望的

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

According to the letter above and fill in the chart.

Name: Alan Class: Math Spanish History Science

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

Questions for 3a:

1. What’s wrong with Alan’s grandpa? He had a cold last week. 2. What exam did she finish last week? She finished her end-of-year exams. 3. Did Alan do OK this time? Yes, she did. 4. How does Alan feel when she see the envelope from school? She always get nervous. 5. Did Alan do well in science? No, she didn’t. 6. What did her science teacher say? Her science teacher said she was lazy.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

7. Was Alan good at history? No, she wasn’t. 8. What did her history te

acher say? Her history teacher said she could do better. 9. What did her math teacher say? Her math teacher said she was hard-working.

10. What did her Spanish teacher say?Her Spanish teacher said her listening was good.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件

1.―be sorry to do sth‖ 对做某事感到难过或遗憾. e.g.: We are sorry to hear your accident. 2.―be sorry about (for) 为……..难过。 e.g. : We are sorry about failing in the exam. 3.Get nervous when I see the envelope.become 4. have a hard time with … 做……有困难 e.g.: He has a hard time with English.

八年级下Unit 4 sectionB课件


wellhealth nervous luckily good exams


