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- 2012年最流行歌曲推荐度:
- 相关推荐
Rich experience in design & calculate and analyse all kind of topology for
Rich experience in debug hardware with ic application.
Having Design 1200W Push-Pull DC-DC power supply, having go to mass
Having Design 200W multiply output DC-DC power supply, having go to mass
Familiar with products specification demand by customer.
Familiar with EMI test
Fluent with written & spoken English,CET 6
Good communication skills and teamwork.
2005, 05 – Present
Emerson net power
Sr. Electrical Engineer
Research a 300W soft power supply use Asymmetric half bridge
200W multiply output DC-DC power supply design, the product has
mass production
200W multiply output DC-DC power supply design for ADSL using
Key Responsibilities:
Period: 5/2005—8/2005
HW Environment: Astec power
Involved in the testing all kinds of Astec power products base on
customer spec familiarly with testing and support the customer Period: 8/2005—03/2007
HW Environment: Astec power, design 1200W Push-Pull DC-DC
power supply Select the top to satisfy customer lowest cost
need .Design the schematic detail , for example input EMI, output EMI,
electrical parameter calculate and function design. Furthermore deep
in calculate the transformer, choke and select the mosfet and rectifier,
and calculate the tolence under all kind of condition. Finally layout the
PCB, debug the hardware, support the factory and customer demand,
testing and wring the testing report! This product has mass production!
Period: 03/2007—5/2007
HW Environment: Astec power
This is from the customer specification need, we from the astec plate,
select the topology, and make the bom cost lowest to satisfy customer.
This major evaluation all kind of top select, for example why select
active-forward, and why not select two-fet forward. This also
including evaluation the project, design the major transformer, and
selector the major mosfet! This project only proves the option for the
customer to select. Period: 06/2007—9/2007
HW Environment: Astec power
This period major research Asymmetric half bridg technology, design a
power supply about 300W, but effiency can reach about 92%.
Period: 09/2007—3/2008
HW Environment: Astec power
This period major job most the same as project2, but this project power
is although small than project one , but it is multiply output, it need
difference Top on one pcb.But with the experience project 2, we are
Period: 04/2008-06/2008
HW Environment: Astec power
Major to Design the EMI circuit to make production satisfy the
EN5502, including the conduction emission and radiation emission
2000, 09 – 2002, 05
Foshan switch Factory
Title: Electrical Engineer
Key Responsibilities:
Major Testing and support the customer

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