
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:04:15 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载




Use of English )

1.— Are you free tonight, Jenny? How about going to the concert together?

—______ I'd like to, but I have to drive my mother D

home tonight.______ 2.—Do you mind if I smoke here?

—_____ Sorry, it's forbidden here. _____

3.— Do you think living in the countryside has more advantages?

—______ Well, it depends.______

4.— Do you know where my MP3 is, Dad?


—______ Have you looked upstairs?______ 5.Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station?

—______ Sorry, I don't know. I'm new here.______ 6.Excuse me, sir. Are you ready to order your meal, please?

— ______ Yes, I want a pizza and some soup.______ 7. Excuse me, Sir. Could you hold the suitcase for me? G —_____ With pleasure._______ 8. Guess what? I passed the English exam! H

—_____ Congratulations!_______

9.Hello, may I have an appointment with Doctor Smith? —_____ Certainly. May I have your name?______ 10. Hello, this is David speaking. Is Michael there?

—_____ Hold on. I'll get him.______

11. Have you ever been to the Great Wall in Beijing?

—_____ No, I've never been there.______ 12. How soon do you want to leave for the picnic?

—______ In an hour.______

13. How long do you think it'll take to fix my bicycle?


—_____ Hard to tell.______ 14.I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour.

Thank you for seeing me off. —_____ Good luck._____

15.I want to look up a new wor D. Could you lend me your dictionary?


Vocabulary and Structure)

1.Although many young people are eager to go abroad, he prefers _____ to stay and work _____ in his own country.

2.As soon as he comes back, I'll tell him when ____ you will come ______ and see him.

3.As the ____ general _____ manager of the company, Alan White should be responsible for all the sales of the department.

4.As she is looking forward to _____ hearing _____ from me, please remember ___ to post _____ this letter on your way to school.

5.A teacher’ work is often __ compared to __ a candle. 6.A woman has __ taken on ___ more responsibilities in the modern society.

7.According ___ to __ the evolution theory, all creatures B

have survived through competing with other species. 8.By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____ will have —______ Here you are._____

16.I'm sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out.

—_____ Oh, what a pity!_____

17. I think the movie is really exciting and touching. —_____ So do I.______

18. It's really nice of you to give me a hand in time! M

—____ It's my pleasure.______ 19. Mary, help yourself to some salad.

—_____ Thanks, but I’ve had enough._____

20.Mr. Smith, must we hand in our composition next Monday?

—_____ Yes, you must. It's the deadline._____ 21. Mom, I'm very sorry for having broken the plate. T

— Oh, boy, _____ it doesn't matter.______ 22.Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. W

—Oh,_____ I'm sorry to hear that._____ 23.Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday?

—______ Yes, I'd love to.______ 24.What can I do for you?

—Yes, _____ I'd like to see that shirt, please.______

25.Which one do you prefer, the window seat or the aisle seat?

—_____ I prefer a window seat _____ 26. What is your major, Jack?

—_____ I'm majoring in computer science._____ 27. Would you mind doing me a favor now? —______C______

28.Why don't you stop and ask a policeman for direction?


—_____ No, of course not.____ 29.You look tired. What's the matter?

—_____ Oh, my head aches badly.____

30. You've won the basketball game. Congratulations! —____ Thank you. We're really lucky._____

left _____ for London to attend a meeting.

9.Being a sailor __ involves __ long time away from his C


10.Candies and chocolates are treats suitable for festive ___ occasions _____ .

11.College students should __ spend __ more time D

reading classical books. 12.Drunken driving is often the major___ cause ____of traffic accidents.

13.David Beckham is the king of football world, but it is F

his wife Victoria _ that __ makes him more famous. 14.____ Seen _____ from the moon, our earth, with water ____ covering ____ seven percent of its H

surface, appears as a \15.He asked who I voted for and I said it was my own

____ business ____ .

16.His article concerning population control was

published in the ___ latest ____issue ofChina Daily. 17.Her son promised ____ to stay_____ in the bedroom

until the baby stopped ____ crying ____.

18.__ nor __ he gave me the wrong information, or I

didn’t remember the information correctly.

19.___ as soon as ____ he came back, it began to rain


20.He behaved ___ as if ___ he has stayed there for a long


21.He can’t read the English novel without looking up the

dictionary, ___ Neither can I ___. 22.He is very busy ___ writing ___ his papers.

23.He could hardly spoke a word when he heard the news,


___ could he ___? 24.In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the

gym __ regularly ___ to do exercises.

25.If the boy had ____ left _____ the dog alone it

wouldn't have bitten him.

26.In the past, people used ___ to think ____ that the

moon was too far away ___ to reach ____ . But now it is possible for man ____ to get ____ there by spaceship.

27.I think we should let Maria go camping with her

boyfriend. ____ After all ____ ,she's a big girl now. 28.If you ever have the ___ chance ___ to go abroad to

work, you should take it.

29.I think they will go to town tomorrow, _won't they ? 30.I’d like to put more milk __ instead of __ sugar in my coffee.

31.I’ve been old enough and I’ll no longer depend _ on _ my parents.

32.I don’t like the pink shirt.Would you please show me

__ another __?

33.If you drive your car like that, you will ___ end up ___ in hospital. 34.It is desirable that he __ make ___ his own decision

despite others’ objection.

35.If you __ engage in ___ local politics, you cannot

expect to have much time for your family.

36.If you dare not to __ take risks ___, you won’t get big


profits. 37.Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. ___ In a word _____, I can't speak too highlyof him. 38.Jack and Bill are twins, but the ___ former ___ is


taller than the latter. 39.Mr. Smith was determined to ____ carry out ____ the

experiment after so many years' interruption.

40.Millions of pounds' worth of damage ___ has been caused _____ by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.

41.Mrs. Smith warned her daughter ____ never to drive ____ after drinking.

42.My house is very ____ convenient ____ for getting to

work as it is only a few minutes from the station.

43. Mum, it is nice weather. I want to skate this afternoon.

— Don't you think the ice on the lake is too thin to ____ bear ____ your weight?

44.Mr. Lee, _____ tired _____ of the ____ boring ____

speech,started to read a novel.

45.____ as a result of _____ my laziness, I failed to


finish my work in time.

46.Our English teacher ____ suggested _____ our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.


47.Oil can ___ be turned into ___ energy by burning it. 48.Pollution continues to ___ accelerate ___, so we must take measures to prevent it.

49.People are ___ likely to ___ feel tired on their first S

day of work after a long holiday. 50.Scientists think that the continents _____ weren't _______ always where they ____ are _____ today. 51.Some passengers complain that it usually takes so long to _____ fill _____in travel insurance documents.

52.Some customers complain that it usually ___ takes _____so long to get refund for the inferior goods they bought.

53.Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which ____ in return T

_____ increase the risk of heart disease. 54.The case ____ contained ____ a lot of things, ____ including ____ a second-hand watch.

55.The good service at the hotel made up for the poor food to some ___ extent _____.

56.They ___ had been working ____ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we __ are still working ___ on it as no good results have come out so far..

57.The coffee is wonderful! It doesn't taste like anything I ___ have ever had ____ before.

58.The young couple ____ compared ____ their new life to a railway train on a long unknown track.

59.They always kept on good ____ terms ____ with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake.

60.There was a good __ view _____ of the countryside from the front of the bus.

61.The man told his girl friend he would wait for her where the three roads _____C_______ .

62.The current political ___ climate ____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments.

63.___ Having lost the key ___ ,the boy couldn't enter his house.

64.This research also contains some __ limitation __ in the sample size and random allocation of the subjects.

65.The government will _provide__ earthquake survivors with food and clothing.

66.The company has produced the __ latest __ fashion of ipad.

67.The old woman left the house with water _ running __ all the time.

68.This is the reason __ why __ the object will fall down to the earth.

69.The southerners have got used to ____ staying in cold room ___ in winter. 70.The artists had __ devoted __ their whole lives __to __ the creation of great artistic works.

71.___ dusting off ___ the dirt from his pants, he got to his feet and prepared to leave.

72.The class ___ being __ over, we had a ___ heated ___ discussion.

73.The film is the ___ very ___ one I want to recommend to you.

74.The explorers __ accomplished ___the sea voyage in five weeks.

75.The football match was ___ put off ____ because of W

the rainstorm.

76.What would you do if it____ rains ______tomorrow? 77.We have _____ booked ____ two seats for the 8:30

flight to New York tomorrow.

78.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of

good earth __ is being washed away ____ each year. 79.What's the language ___ spoken ____ in Germany? 80.We told you that he would come tonight, ___ didn't we ____ ? 81.We have to decide __ when __ we’ll set off.


82.We should try our best to avoid ___ smoking ___ in the public. 83.Years ago we didn't know this, but recent science___ has shown ___ that people who don't sleep well soon get ill.

84.You can put trust in him since he always ___ sticks to ___ his promise.

85.Your paper is good, except for __ a few ___ spelling mistakes.

三、阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)

Passage 1

In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic. One day while walking along the bank of a lake…………...her young birds following.

1.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?(C)

A. The Daughter of a Mechani C. B. A Girl and Her Father. C. A Girl and Her Geese. D. How to Teach Birds to Fly.

2.Why did the girl decide to take the eggs home? (D)

A. Because she liked the eggs. B. Because she wanted to eat the eggs. C. Because her father asked her to do so. D. Because she knew that the mother goose will not come back.

3.The baby geese naturally took____________as their mother. (B)

A. the mother geese B. the girl C. the first thing they touch D. the girl’s father 4.What did the girl's father do to help her? (D)

A. He assembled a small plane. B. He piloted the plane himself. C. He taught the geese how to fly. D. Both A &B. 5.How did the young geese learn to fly? (A)

A. By following the girl in the plane. B. By themselves. C. By following the girl's father. D. By staying in the plane.

Passage 2

The weekends are a time for families in Britain. Often the parents are not at work. Having worked a five-day week from Monday to Friday……. other day of the week.)

1.The following activities are popular on Sunday in Britain except____________. (B) A. gardening B. going to the zoo C. shopping D. DIY

2.In the second paragraph, the phrase'worship and rest' refers to ____________. (D)

A. going to the church B. doing housework at home C. having a rest at home D. Both A, B and C 3.Which of the following is TRUE according the passage? (A)

A. English people usually work five days a week. B. In Britain, shopping is regarded as the most important activity in the weeken D. C. Nowadays, more and more people prefer to go to church on Sundays. D. Most people think the shopping hours on Sunday should be longer.

4.Britain is becoming less Christian probably because____________. (C)

A. Many people refused to go to the church B. Going to the church is too boring C. People think that staying with one’s family is more important than going to the church D. Many people think that Christians should meet together on Sundays

5.The passage mainly tells us____________. (B)

A. what British people think of Christian B. what British people do in the weekends C. why British is far less Christian D. how to spend your leisure time

Passage 3

Online learning is also called distance education. Many American colleges and universities have been offering it for year……. You can get more details at nyu.edu.

1.When did New York University start its online classes? (C) A. In 1990. B. In 1998. C. In 1992. D. In 1982.

2.Which of the following is NOT included in the online programs offering a BA degree? (B)

A. Information Systems Management. B. Finance and Economy. C. Leadership and Management. D. Social Sciences.

3.What can the students do in the online learning programs? (D)

A. Communicate with each other and the teacher. B. Attend classes and lectures together. C. Ask questions and work

together on team projects. D. Both A and C.

4.International students can be accepted into the program after ____________ . (A)

A. they take the SAT and the TOFEL B. they go to New York University C. they apply and log in D. two years in the United States

5.How much does the online learning program cost per year? (C) A. $15,000. B. $1,500. C. It depends. D. $5,000.

Passage 4

Versailles is the site of the Palace of Versailles, one of the most storied buildings in the history of France. It was originally built…….. World War One were signed here.

1.When was the Palace of Versailles originally built? (B) A. In 1684. B. In 1624. C. In 1669. D. In 1786. 2.Why did King Louis XIV want a grand palace? (C)

A. So he and his queen could retire comfortably. B. As a hunting chateau. C. As a place to conduct his nation's business. D. He wanted to impress his wife. 3.Which of the following is NOT true? (D)

A. The Hall of Mirrors has been recently restored. B. The Hall of Mirrors is considered the centerpiece of the Palace of Versailles. C. The Hall of Mirrors features a parquet floor. D. Two major treaties were signed in the Hall of Mirrors. 4.Which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of the Hall of Mirrors? (A)

A. Bronze moldings. B. Ornate paintings. C. Marble fixtures. D. Crystal chandeliers. 5.Which of the following could be an appropriate title for this passage? (C)

A. Louis XIV and the Palace of Versailles. B. The ceilings of the Hall of Mirrors. C. The Amazing Palace of Versailles. D. A History of France.

Passage 5

Gilbert Arenas was born on January 6, 1982 in Tampa, Florida. His father played college football at the University of Miami. …….. the NBA playoffs.

1.What did Gilbert's father do for a living in California?. (C)

A. He was an artist. B. He was a basketball player. C. He was an actor. D. He was a football player. 2.When did Gilbert become the best player on Ulysses S. Grant High School? (C) A. When he was 11. B. In 1984. C. When he was 14. D. As a junior in high school.

3.Why was Gilbert drafted a disappointing 31st overall by the Golden State Warriors? (A)

A. Because many coaches thought that he was not ready. B. Because the Golden State Warriors liked him very much. C. Because his family has moved to the Golden State. D. Because his performance is disappointing in the season. 4.Which of the following players did NOT help the Wizards make the playoffs in Gilbert's second year? (B) A. Gilbert Arenas. B. Gold State Warriors. C. Antawn Jamison. D. Larry Hughes.

5.Which of the following words best describes Gilbert Arenas as described by the passage? (D) A. Overrate D. B. Hard-working. C. Talented. D. Both B and C.


Manners are very important in every country, but the trouble is that different countries have different ideas about what counts as polite behavior…… do as the Romans do.

1.When an Englishman meets a friend in the street, he may. (B)

A. stop to talk to his friend B. just nod and say “hello” C. shake hands with his friend D. just say goodbye 2.What will a person do when he attend a party run by older people? (D)

A. Go up to a stranger and introduce himself. B. Ask his friend to introduce him to others. C. Give a speech in front of others to introduce himself. D. Wait to be introduced by the host / hostess. 3.On which occasion will the English toast? (A)

A. A wedding reception. B. A dinner party. C. A speech. D. A meeting. 4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? (C)

A. Different countries have similar ideas about what good manners are. B. Chinese people seem to be more polite than English people. C. An Englishman will shake hands with the host after a private business dinner. D. The English usually can’t understand foreign students impolite behaviors.

5.Which of the following best explains the proverb: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. (B)

A. If you go to Rome, you must do things like the Romans. B. When you go to a foreign country, you should learn something about their manners. C. Romans always do the right thing, so you should follow them. D. Manners in Roman are as easy to follow as in other countries.

Passage 7

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Albemale County,Virginia. When he was 14, he inherited his father's estate and slaves……. John Adams died on the same day.

1.What did Thomas Jefferson get from his father? (C)

A. Political ideas. B. A lot of documents. C. Slaves and estate. D. Nothing. 2.Which of the following documents was Thomas Jefferson not involved with? (D)

A. Declaration of Independence. B. Statute on Religious Freedom. C. Ordinance of 1784. D. Ordinance of 1786. 3.Why did Thomas Jefferson resign as Secretary of State? (A)

A. Political differences between cabinet members. B. He was about to be president. C. He had to write The Declaration of Independence. D. He was fire D.

4.Which of the following did Thomas Jefferson not serve as before he was president? (C) A. Vice president. B. Governor. C. Senator. D. Secretary of State. 5.Which of the following events happened last? (D)

A. Jefferson was elected president. B. Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. C. The Lewis and Clark Expedition. D. John Adams died.

Passage 8

Twenty years ago, kids in school had never even heard of the internet. Now, I'll bet you can't find a single person in your …….. someone else could do the same to you!

1.Several computers can be connected together by the Internet so that____________. (B)

A. people can see each other B. information can be shared and sent freely C. you can read newspaper D. you can create anything you like

2.You should be careful when you are surfing online because____________. (D)

A. some of the information may not be true or right B. some people may give you the wrong information C. some information may do harm to you D. all the above

3.When you are emailing people, you____________(C)

A. need not worry because it is completely safe B. should never let others know your name C. should never give out any personal information to a stranger D. can trust them and tell them anything 4.What does the author think of the Internet? (A)

A. Everything has two sides; so is the Internet. B. The Internet is dangerous and harmful. C. The Internet is wonderful because it helps people do a lot of things. D. The Internet is boring and dull. 5.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage? (C)

A. Internet and I. B. The Development of Internet. C. Internet Safety. D. The Information Age.


A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these were important factors in helping England………scientists years before.

1.Which of the following is NOT the important factor that helped England to be the center of Industrial Revolution? (D)

2.\(C) A. scientists B. machines C. inventors D. workers 3.A pure scientist ____________ . (A)

A. cares mainly about his research rather than put them into practice B. works hard to make his findings useful in daily life C. is only interested in applied science D. reports his findings accurately 4.How would an inventor solve a problem? (B)

A. By doing research. B. By experimenting time after time. C. By reading different books. D. By working on a specific machine.

5.Without____________, the inventors might not make great contributions. (C)

A. the Industrial Revolution B. the advantages of England C. the ground work done by scientists D. machines and light bulbs


Surfing on the Internet is no longer something strange. To some extent, it is becoming part of our daily life.We can do a lot of things online, such as searching for information and communicating with friends no matter how far.But recently another useful online service has become very popular.That is online education, which is also called distance education.It helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.


Successful language learning is active learning.Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language, but they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake.They will try to communicate.They are not afraid to make mistakes and try again.It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of

every word.


In the United States, camping is suitable for all ages.Especially for young people, camping is an essential extra-curricular activity.Just take a look at the American adults comfortable with nature and wild life, we can see the benefits of camping on children growth.Generally, families will arrange camping for the children.Even those poor have the opportunity to hobnob with nature under the help of non-profit organizations.


Find out more information about your traveling destination.You need to research those travel destinations you are interested in visiting.Moreover, you should also find out the best time of year to go (you don't want to travel to Paris during the rainy season).Find out when the best weather is and plan your trip around those months.Bad weather can quickly turn your exciting vacation into a week spent indoors watching foreign television.


In the United States, you can feel free to visit in people's homes, share their holidays, enjoy their children and their lives without having to continue a lifetime relationship.Do not hesitate to accept invitations from Americans simply because you cannot invite them to your home in return.


Most schools in England have their own playing fields.Boys usually play soccer in winter and cricket in summer as a normal school activity,while girls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winter.It is very funny that very few people pay interest to basketball.


English people also like watching horse racing.⑤Their horse racing mainly takes place on working days and during working hours.Everyday people all over the country bet on the day's races.Although the English are so fond of watching horse racing, they are not very interested in human being races.


Bill Gates is a skillful and intelligent businessman, and the huge success of Microsoft has made him a powerful person.Still, when people ask him about the secret of his success, he says it's luck.But it takes more than luck to take one young man from a small, stuffy room with a noisy computer to the headquarters of a company that employs more than 20,000 people in 56 countries.That something is the secret of Microsoft — and of Bill Gates.


These millions of online journals, published almost instantly, link together into a vast network of individuals and businesses, hobbyists, and political organizations.There are plenty out there that are good and plenty that are bad.


There are millions of blogs out there, with 40,000 new ones popping up each day.Many blogs include links, or underlined words that, when clicked, carry readers to other Web pages.The interesting thing about blogs is one doesn't have to wait for days, or even weeks, to get published;most blogs appear right away, typically within less than an hour, depending on whether they are monitored or not.It's an interesting experience, getting comments about news stories, within hours, and sometimes even minutes, after the story breaks.


David Beckham is the king of football world, but it is his wife Victoria, former \person who turned him from a footballer into a global attractor.Even now that he has left Manchester United for Real Madrid, instead of Barcelona or Milan, it might be because of her.


Among all the hateful bad habits options, \on the board, followed by \(亲热)in public\votes.


