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一、 课程基本信息

授课对象:外国语学院英语语言文学专业一年级学生 课程类别:必修课 周课时数:2 上课周数:18 总学时:36


二、 课程的性质、目的和任务





教程》(王桂珍主编),教学内容基本按照课本编排的顺序实施。内容主要包括:44个音素的发音,词重音,句重音,强读与弱读。学生应掌握下列知识和技能: 1.了解音素、音位变体、宽式标音和窄式标音、最小对立对、互补分布等基本概念;



4.正确的把握词与词之间的过渡,使同一意群的词连贯、流畅地连接在一起; 5.掌握每个多音节词的重音模式;熟悉并会使用单词的强读式与弱读式; 6.正确地把握句子重音;掌握正确的话语节奏规律;











Unit 1 The Description of speech sound

教学时数:2 学时

教学要点:Basic concepts in Phonetics 教学内容:

1. Outline of the course 2. Phonetics and phonology 3. Main features of phonetics 4. Physiology of pronunciation 5. Phonetic transcription 6. Phoneme and allophone


7. Phonemic contrast,minimal pair and complementary distribution


To remember and understand the basic concepts.

Unit 2 Vowels in English

教学时数:4 学时 教学要点:

1. To know the three ways of describing a pure vowel.

2. To get familiarized with the description of pure vowels and diphthongs according

to the vowel chart.

3. To know the characteristics of English pure vowels and diphthongs. 4. To pronounce the vowels correctly.


1. Three ways of classifying or a pure vowel (1) The height of the tongue (high, mid, low) (2) The location of the tongue (front, central, back) (3) The posture of the lips (rounded or unrounded)

2. Description of the twelve pure vowels according to the chart in the textbook:

/i:/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /ɑ?/ /?/ /?:/ /?/ /u:/ /?:/ /?/ /?/

3. To considere the characteristics of the diphthongs and to describe them in terms


of a movement (or ‘glide’) from one vowel position to another.

4. To design a variety of classroom activities for focusing on diphthongs in the


5. To have the students listen to the conversations recorded by native speakers of

English and try to get the sounds in focus correct in their pronunciation.


1. To know the three ways of describing a pure vowel.

2. To get familiarized with the description of pure vowels and diphthongs according

to the vowel chart.

3. To know the characteristics of English pure vowels and diphthongs. 4. To pronounce the vowels correctly.

Unit 3 Consonants in English

教学时数:4学时 教学要点:

1. To know the three ways of dividing consonants. 2. To be familiarized with the description of a consonant. 3. To know the three stages of a complete plosion. 4. To pronounce the consonants correctly.

5. To teach students some skills in articulating the consonant clusters and other difficult sounds.


6. To raise the students awareness that Chinese has very few consonant clusters.


1. Three ways of dividing consonants (1) the places of articulation (2) the manners of articulation (3) the state of the vocal cords

2. Three stages of a complete plosion /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ (1) the closure/closing

(2) the stop/compression (3) the release/explosion

3. Incomplete plosion

4. Fricatives and Affricates /f/ /v/ /θ/ /e/ /s/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /h/ 5. Nasals, Approximants and Lateral /m/ /n/ /?/ /w/ /r/ /j/ /l/


1.To know the three ways of dividing consonants. 2.To be familiarized with the description of a consonant. 3.To know the three stages of a complete plosive. 4.To pronounce the consonants correctly.


/?/ /?/ 5.To know the common forms of consonant clusters.

6.To pronounce the consonant clusters correctly and avoid squashing any vowels in between.

Unit 4 Word Stress & Sentence Stress

教学时数:2学时 教学要点:

1. The definition of stress

2. Two kinds of stress: word stress and sentence stress

教学内容: 1. Word stress

1) The definition of stress

2) Word stress: primary stress, secondary stress and zero stress 3) Stress vs. unstress in terms of loudness, pitch, vowel quality

2. Sentence stress

1) The definition of sentence stress 2) Words usually stressed in a sentence 3) Words usually unstressed in a sentence



1. Definition of stress 2. Degrees of word stress

3. Word stress; to get word stress correctly

4. Sentence stress: to know which words are usually stressed in a sentence

Unit 5 Weakening

教学时数:2学时 教学要点:

1. The strong and weak forms of the functional words 2. The pronunciation of the weak forms


1. The importance of learning weak forms of the words 2. The strong and weak forms of the functional words 3. The practice of the weak forms


1. To know the strong and weak forms of the functional words. 2. To know the most frequently reduced weak forms. 3. To pronounce the weak forms correctly.


Unit 6 Rhythm (I)

教学时数:4学时 教学要点:

1.To raise students’ awareness of the importance of stress in English through clearly patterned rhythm in speech.

2.To perceive differences between the rhythmic patterns of English and Chinese and acquire more rhythmic and fluent speech in oral communication.


1. Stress-timed rhythm vs. syllable-timed rhythm 2. Metric foot in English poetry 3. Rhythm and music 4. Work on rhythms 5. Rhythm-group 6. Rhythmic structure 7. Division of rhythmic group 8. Work on rhythmic patterns


1. Get the students know what the rhythm is in English speech. 2. Get the students to understand the rhythmic structure. 3. Let the students practise common rhythmic patterns.


4. Help the students to read nursery rhymes, sentences, paragraphs rhythmically. 5. Ask students to read nursery rhymes, jazz chants, phrases, sentences and passages rhythmically.

6. Let them work in pairs. First mark the rhythmic stress, and then read the passages.

Unit 7 Liaison (Linking)

教学时数:2学时 教学要点:

7. The definition of linking

8. The different speech flows between Chinese and English 9. Types of linking 10. The practice of linking

教学内容: 1. Definition

2. The different speech flows between Chinese and English 3. Types of linking:

1) Liaison: consonant + vowel

2) Hiatus: vowel + vowel: [j]-glide and [w]-glide 3) Linking [r] 4) Intrusive [r]

5) Practice of linking 2学时


a) Give students sentences and ask them to ease the transition between words. b) Give students a passage and ask them to mark the word boundaries where linking is likely to occur, and then read the passage aloud.


1. To know the different types of linking.

2. To read phrases, sentences and passages fluently.

Unit 8 Assimilation & Elision

教学时数:2 学时 教学要点:

1.The definition of assimilation and elision 2.Kinds of assimilation and elision 3.The practice of assimilation and elision


1. The definition of assimilation and elision 2. Kinds of assimilation 1) Direction of change 2) Assimilation of voicing

3) Assimilation of place of articulation 4) Assimilation of manner of articulation


5) Coalescence of place and manner of articulation 3. Rules of elision


1. The definition of assimilation and elision

2. The different kinds of assimilation and rules of elision

3. The ability to find out the assimilated words in connected speech and read it naturally and fluently

Unit 9 Intonation

教学时数:8 学时 教学要点:

1. Definition of intonation 2. Forms of English intonation 3. Types of tones 4. Functions of intonation 5. Application of intonation


General Introduction to Intonation 2学时


1. The definition of intonation

2. Tone language vs. intonation language 3. Intonation group 4. Transcription conventions 5. Components of intonation group

Nuclear tone 2学时 1) Kinetic Tones

2) Tone I Falling (high fall and low fall) 3) Tone II Rising (high rise and low rise) 4) Tone III Falling-Rising 5) Tone IV Rising-Falling

The Functions of Intonation and Nucleus placement 2学时 1. The semantic function of intonation 2. The attitudinal function of intonation 3. The grammatical function of intonation 4. The accentual function of intonation 5. Nucleus placement 1) Broad focus 2) Narrow focus

3) Information focus: new information vs. old information


The application of English intonation 2 学时

1. Basic meanings of the kinetic tones in English 2. Intonation and sentence types

3. Tone unit division and syntactic boundaries 4. Application of intonation to oral communication


1. To understand the basic concepts of intonation 2. To know the different types of tones 3. To master the functions of intonation

4. To apply the intonation to oral communication

Chapter 10 General Revision

教学时数:4 学时 教学要点: General revision:

1. Basic concepts of the theoretic knowledge offered in class. 2. Written part of the revision: 1 & 2 3. Oral part of the revision: Oral practice


1. To review what has been presented, produced and discussed in class.


2. To review the written part which cmprises a number of tasks relevant to each lecture for individual study and reflection, or for discussion and revision in class. 3. To ask students work in pairs and try to find the answer to each task. 4. To offer an answer key after class.

5. To ask students to listen to the oral part for focusing on phonemes, stress, rhythm, intonation and connected speech.


1. To understand the basic concepts of phonetic theories. 2. To have a better pronunciation and intonation.

3. To apply what has been learned to oral communication as natural and fluently as possible.


1. Baker, A. Ship or Sheep? London: Cambridge University Press [M]. 1981. 2. 卜友红,《英语语调的结构、功能及应用》,外语教学与研究出版社,2003年第一版。



Brazil, D. Discourse Intonation [M]. English Language Research, Birmingham:

University of Birmingham. 1975.


Catford, J C. Fundamental Problems in Phonetics [M]. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press. 1977.

Celce-Murcia M, Briton D, Goodwin J. Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996.

Cruttenden, A. Gimson’s Pronunciation of English [M]. 6th ed. Beijing: Foreign

Language Teaching and Research Press. 2001.

Crystal, D. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics [M]. London: Blackwell. 1985. Gimson, A. C. An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English [M]. 4th ed. London:

Edward Arnold. 1989.

Halliday, M. A. K. Intonation and Grammar in British English [M]. New York: The

Hague Mouton. 1967.

Hudson, R. A, Holloway A F. Variation in London English [M]. Mimeo, Dept. of

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Jones, D. English Pronouncing Dictionary [M]. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge

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Jones, D. English Pronouncing Dictionary [M]. 13th ed. London: Dent. 1967. Jones, D. (Revised and Edited by Gimson A C). Everyman’s English Pronouncing

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O’Connor, J D. Phonetics [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1973.

Ramsaran, S. Studies in the Pronunciation of English [M]. London: Routledge. 1990.


Roach, P. English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course [M]. 2nd ed. Beijing:

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2000.

Roach, P. Phonetics [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.


Wells, J C. Accents of English [M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1982. Yule, G, Hoffman P, Damico J. Paying Attention to Pronunciation: The Role of

Self-monitoring in Perception [J]. TESOL Quarterly. 1987.

蔡龙权. 大学生英语口语训练[M]. 上海: 上海科学普及出版社, 2003. 宋学东. 论交际能力中的语音能力价值[J]. 上海师范大学学报, 2002. 汪文珍. 英语语音[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.

张凤桐. 英国英语语音学和音系学[M]. 四川: 四川大学出版社, 2005. 张冠林. 大学一年级英语语音练习手册[M]. 四川: 四川大学出版社, 2005. 周考成. 英语语音学引论[M]. 四川: 四川大学出版社, 2002.


