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1.a bit 有点儿后面可跟形容词 a bit of 后跟不可数名词a bit of housework

I feel a bit / a little lonely from time to time because I have just come to a new school.我偶尔因为感到有点儿孤独因为我刚刚来到一所新学校。

a little 有点儿,(比…)稍微…可修饰比较级

It?s 10 a.m.. I feel a little hungry.上午10点了,我感到有点饿。

Lily is 1.65 metres tall. I am 1.63 metres tall. Lily is a little taller than I. Lily1.65米高。我1.63米高。Lily比我高一点。 2.ability n. 能力 be able to do

Different people have different abilities. Find out more about his abilities.

不同的人有不同的能力。 3.above prep. 在…的上面

Wilson lives two floors above Wendy.Wilson住在Wendy楼上两层。 below prep. 在…的下面

Mary lives six floors below Wendy. Mary住在Wendy楼下6层。 over prep. 在…的正上方,从…上跨越

There is a bridge over the river.有一座桥横跨这条河。

The plane was flying over the mountain. 那时飞机正飞越那座大山。 under prep. 在…的正下方

There is a bike under the tree.有一辆自行车在树下。 on prep. 在…的上面 o

There is a book on the desk.桌上有一本书。 4.abroad adv. 在国外,到国外

I?m planning to travel abroad in this coming summer holidays.

我计划在即将到来的暑假里去国外旅行。 5.accept vt. 接受 辨析:receive 收到

Do you accept what he told you?你能接受他所告诉你的事吗? 6.accident n. 事故,意外的事

The car accident killed three men yesterday.昨天,三个人在这场车祸中丧生。

7.achieve vt. 获得 achieve a balance between…and… 在…和…之间获得平衡

I don?t know how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies.Can you give me some advice?

我不知道怎样在学习和爱好两者之间取得平衡。你能给我一些建议吗? 8.across prep. 从…表面穿过 go across the road/ bridge/street/field Go across the road and walk on,you?ll see the bookshop.

穿过这条马路继续走,你就看到那个书店。 cross vt. 穿过

Cross the road and you?ll see the museum. 穿过这条马路,你就看到那个博物馆。 crossroads n. 十字路口

through prep. (从…内部)穿过,通过 go through the forest/tunnel 穿过森林/隧道 They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes,the nose and the teeth. 他们把蜡烛放在里面,这样光线就会透过眼睛.鼻子和牙齿照出来。 The sun is shining through the window.阳光透过窗户照进来。 9.action n. 行动 take action(s) 采取行动

We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas.


If we do not take action,there will be no bears in the world.


10.active adj. 积极的,活跃的 反义词:inactive You are energetic and active,but sometimes too impatient.



take an active part in 积极参加 actively adv. 积极地,活跃地

We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.

我希望这个信息将帮助他们理解并且使他们积极地采取行动来保护野生动物。 11.activity n. 活动 after-school/outdoor/indoor activities 课外/户外/室内活动 We do after-school activities every afternoon.我们每天下午进行室内活动。 12.advantage n. 优势,长处 disadvantage n. 劣势,缺点,不利条件

Living in the country has advantages and disadvantages.住在农村既有优势也有劣势。 13.advise vt. 建议,劝告 advise sb.to do sth. 建议某人做某事 Our English teacher advises us to speak English as much as possible.

我们英语教师建议我们尽可能多说英语。 advice n. (U) 建议,劝告,忠告 give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议

I don?t know how to learn English well.I hope you can give me some advice.

我不知道怎样学好英语。我希望你可以给我一些建议。 suggestion n. (C) 建议 offer sb. some suggestions Can you offer me some suggestions?

14.affect vt. 影响 affect our moods 影响我们的心情

Do you know that colours can affect our moods?你知道颜色能影响我们情绪吗? effect n. 影响,作用 have a good/bad effect on sb. 对某人有好的/坏的影响 15.afford vt./ vi. 买的起,能做 afford sth. 买的起 afford to do sth. 有能力做某事 We can?t afford to pay such a price.我们没有能力承担这样的价格。

The car is too expensive. I can?t afford it/I can?t afford to buy it.这辆太贵了, 我买不起。 16.afraid adj. 担心,害怕,恐怕

be afraid /be afraid of sth./doing/be afraid to do sth./be afraid that I have a lot of homework to do. I?m afraid (that) I can?t go with you.

我有许多家庭作业要做,恐怕我不能和你去了。 I?m afraid of snakes.我害怕蛇。

I?m afraid of going out alone at night.我害怕晚上单独出去。 Don?t be afraid to ask questions.不要害怕问问题。

frightened adj. 感到恐惧的

They heard something unusual,they felt frightened.

他们听到一些异常情况,他们感到恐惧。 17.against prep. 反对,违反,紧靠

He is wanted because he has done something against the law. 他被通缉因为他做了违法的事。

18.age n. 年龄 at the age of 在…岁时 What?s your age?/How old are you?你多大啦?

At the age of five,she could swim.在5岁的时候,他就能游泳。

19.ago adv. 以前 two years ago 两年前 three seconds ago 三秒种前 He don?t know what happened to them three seconds ago.

他不知道三秒种前他们发生了什么事。 before adv. 以前

I have never been to the Great Wall before.


prep. 在…以前,在…前面

I like reading English before I go to bed.我在上床前喜欢读英文。

The train had left before I went to the station.在我到达火车站之前,火车就离开了。 He sits before/in front of me.他坐在我前面。

the day before yesterday 前天 the year before last 前年 20.agree vi. 同意,赞同

agree with sb. 同意某人的看法 agreement n. 同意,协议 反义词:disagree


I agree with your parents that it is better for you to go home earlier.


21.air n. 空气,大气 air pollution 空气污染

There isn?t air or water on the moon.月球上没有空气和水。

There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in Moonlight Town.


v. 使通风 air the room 使房间通风

We should air the rooms every day in spring.春天,我应该每天使房间通风。 22.allow vt. 允许 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 My parents don?t allow me to play outside after 6 p.m.


23.almost adv. 几乎,差不多 nearly adv. 几乎,差不多 hardly adv.几乎不 He is very tall--- almost 1.75 metres tall.他很高,几乎有1.75米 We lost our umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over. 大风卷走了我们的伞,我几乎跌倒。

24.alone adv./ adj. 独自,单独 be at home alone, live alone lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的 feel lonely

The old man lives alone,but he doesn?t feel lonely.这个老人独自一人居住,但他不感到寂寞。 25.along prep. 沿着 go/walk along the road get along(well) with 与…相处(融洽),在…取得(大的)进展 I get along well with all my classmates.我和我所有同学相处融洽。 26.already adv. 已经 yet adv. 还(未)常用于完成时

We have already finished our homework.我们已经做完我们家庭作业。 Have you finished your homework yet? No ,not yet.


27.although conj.虽然,尽管 不能和but连用

Although he studies hard, he can?t catch up with others. 虽然他努力学习,但他不能赶上别人。

28.also adv. 也 , too adv. 也 , as well 也, either 也

He likes reading. I also like reading. I like reading,too.我也喜欢看书。

He is also wearing a pair of colourful trainers.他也穿了一双颜色鲜艳的运动鞋。 I want to read the book as well.我也想读这本书。

He doesn?t like running,I don?t,either.他不喜欢跑步,我也不喜欢。

29.among prep. 在…中间 三者或以上 between prep. 在…之间 两者 The teacher stands among the students.老师站在学生中间

There is a railway between the two cities.在这两城市间有一条铁路。

30.angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的 be /become/get angry with angrily adv. 愤怒地 His parents became angry when he made the same mistake again.


“What?”the tiger said angrily. “什么?”老虎生气地说。

31.another adj. 另一个,别的 后跟可数名词单数 other 后加可数复数 Would you like another cup of tea?你想再要一杯茶吗? I am going to take another route.我想走另一条路线。 one…the other…(两个中的) 一个…另一个…

The old man has two daughters.One is a worker,the other is a nurse.

这个老人有两了女儿,一个是工人,另一个是护士。 32.answer n. 答案 the answer to… …的答案

Can you tell me the answer to the question? It?s difficult for me.


v.回答 answer a question 回答问题

Can you answer the question? Yes ,I can.你能回答这个问题吗? reply n./v. 答复,回答 reply to a question/letter


My penfriend in the USA hasn?t replied to my last three e-mails. 我在美国的笔友还没有回复我上次三份e-mail。 33.anyone pron. 任何人 用于疑问句和否定句 Is there anyone in the room? 房间里有人吗?

34. appearance n.出现,相貌 对应名词: appear 反义词:disappear She made her final appearance on the screen. 她最后一次出现在银幕上。

35.argue vi. 辩论,争辩 argue with sb about sth. 和某人争辩某事

I love peace and do not like to argue with others.我喜欢安静不喜欢和别人争辩。 36.arrive vi. 到达 arrive at/in ,get to,reach a place 到达某地

arrive in Beijing, arrive at the station, reach the station, get to the station,

get here/there/home

arrival n. 到达 time of arrival 到达的时间 When we arrived,the film had been on for 10 minutes.

当我们到达的时候。电影已经放映10分钟了。 37.asleep adj. 睡着的 fall asleep 入睡

He was too tired, so he fell fast asleep.他太累了,很快就入睡了。 sleep vi./n. 睡觉 go to sleep , get enough sleep

After breakfast, I want to go to sleep.吃完早饭后,我想去睡觉。

I don?t get enough sleep. I feel sleepy in class.我没有足够的睡眠,我课堂上感到想睡觉。 sleepy adj. 欲睡的,困倦的 feel sleepy 感到困倦 38.attention n. 注意,专心 pay attention to 注意

You should pay attention to your spoken English.你应该注意你的口语。 39.awake adj. 醒着的 反义词:asleep

Suzy was still awake at 12 o?clock last night. Suzy昨晚12点仍然醒着。 40.award n. 奖,奖品,奖金 近义词:prize

the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award 七年级最佳乐于助人学生奖 Beijing Musuic Awards 北京音乐奖


1. badly adv. 拙劣地,糟糕地,严重地 比较级\\最高级 worse\\worst

Our team played badly at first but got better in the second half. 我们的队伍开始打的糟糕,但下半场打的好些。 His grandfather is badly ill.他的爷爷病得很严重 2. beauty n. 美,美丽

Walk slowly around the lake and feel the beauty of the old park. 慢慢沿着湖边散步,会感受到这个古老公园的美丽。

When Hepburn died in 1993,the world mourned the loss of a great beauty,a great actress and a great humanitarian. 当Hepburn在1993年去世的时,整个世界都在哀悼一位美女.伟大女演员和慈善家的离去。 beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv.

Our hometown is a beautiful and quiet place.我们的家乡是一个美丽而安静的地方。 3. become vi. 成为,变得 became become

I want to become a famous singer and travel around the world in the future. 我想将来成为一个著名的歌手并且周游全世界。

Nanjing is becoming more and more beautiful.南京正变得越来越漂亮。 4.begin/start vi./vt. 开始 begin/start to do sth./doing sth.

He began to learn English when he was six years old.当他6岁时就开始学英语。 beginning n. 开始,起初 began begun at the beginning of 在…开始 At the beginning of the class, we sang an English song.


5. between pron. 两者之间between... and among 三者或以上 He will come between 5p.m and 7p.m .他将在5点到7点之间来。


6.birth n. 出生,诞生 date of birth 出生日期 at birth 出生时 birthday 生日

Next Sunday is my twelfth birthday.下周日是我12岁的生日。

7.boring adj. 乏味的,无聊的,令人乏味的 feel bored adj. 感到无聊的 Mr Black?s class is boring.We all feel bored in his class.

Mr Black上的课枯燥,我们在他的课上都感到乏味。

The trip to the World Park was boring. We all felt bored on the way.


8.borrow vt. (向某人)借用,借 borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 lend vt. 借给 lend sth. to sb./lend sb.sth. 把某物借给某人 Excuse me,can I borrow a bike from you?/Can I borrow your bike?


I lent my English book to Kate yesterday. 昨天我把我的英语书借给Kate了。 keep 借多长时间

You can keep the book for 2 weeks. 这本书你可以借2周。 9.both pron./adj. 两者,双方,两者的,双方的

neither 两者都不 either 两者中的 一个

Peter and I are both students. Pete和我都是学生。

Peter and I both love playing football. Pete和我都喜欢踢足球。 Both of us love playing football. Both he and I are hard-working. He knows both English and French.

all (三者或三者以上)都 none (三者或三者以上)都不 All of us are students. We are all students. 我们都是学生。 We all work hard at English. 我们都努力学英语 10.bread n.不可数名词

I am not full, I want two more pieces of bread. 我没吃饱,我还想要两快面包。

11.breath n. 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气

breathe vt./vi. 呼吸 breathe heavily 呼吸急促 Daniel arrived out of breath because he missed the early bus.


A witness reported that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt.

一个证人报告说他呼吸急促,衬衫上有血。 12.bridge n. 桥

There is a wooden bridge over the river. 有一座木桥横跨这条河。 go across the bridge /cross the bridge /walk over the bridge 过桥 13.bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的

My classroom is very bright.我的教室非常明亮。

He is a bright/smart/clever boy.他是一个聪明的男孩。

14.bring vt. 带来,拿来 brought take vt. 拿走 took taken Take these old chairs away,and bring the new ones here.


Remember to bring your homework here tomorrow.记得明天把你作业带来。 It?s raining outside. Please take an umbrella with you when you go out. 外面正下雨。当你出去的时候,请带一把伞。

15.build vt. 建造,建筑 built building n. 建筑物,楼房

We should build more reserves for giant pandas.我们应该为大熊猫建立更多的保护区。 Most of us live in tall buildings.我们中的绝大部分住在高楼里。 16.burn vt. 烧伤,烧

The fire burned Zhang Hua?s neck,arms,and face.火烧伤了张华的脖子.胳膊和脸。 17.busy adj. 忙的,忙碌的 be busy with /doing sth. 忙于做某事


business n. 企业,商行,工厂

The students are very busy these days.学生这些天非常忙。

They were busy with/ doing their homework at that time.他们那个时候忙于做作业。 We get lots of support from local businesses.我们从当地企业得到许多支持。 18.buy vt. 买 buy sb. sth. /buy sth. for sb. bought bought

My father bought me a new bike yesterday./ My father bought a new bike for me yesterday.我父亲昨天为我买了俩自行车。

sell vt. 卖,出售 sold sold

Hunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants? tusks. 猎人通过卖象牙来赚钱。

19.by prep. 通过,靠,用(表示通过某种方式)

by bus/ bike/ plane/air/ train/ ship/sea/underground/boat by doing sth.

Now we can take an underground to the centre of Nanjing. Now we can go to the centre of Nanjing by underground. 现在我们可以乘地铁到南京市中心。 We go to school by bike every day. We ride bikes to school every day. 我们每天骑自行车上学。

She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us the beauty of nature. 她想通过向我们展示大自然的美来提醒我们应该保护环境。


1. call vt.把……叫做/给命名

We call him Tom.

The boy is called Tom.这个男孩名叫Tom

There is a boy called Tom in my class.\\ Jerry is calling the police for help. 在我班上有一个名叫Tom的男孩。Jerry在打电话给警察寻求帮助。 2. calm vi.平静下来,镇静下来 adj.平静的 calm down 静下来

Some colours like blue and white make us calm and peaceful. 蓝色和白色等颜色使我们安静。

We should calm down when the earthquake happens. 当地震发生时,我们应该镇静。 3. camel n.骆驼

A camel is a useful animal. 骆驼是有用的动物。 4. camera n. 照相机/摄象机

We usually take photos with cameras.我们用照相机照相。 5. candle n.蜡烛

You can put candles into pumpkins to make lanterns. 你可以把蜡烛放在南瓜里来制作灯笼。 6. candy n.糖果

At Halloween, we can eat a lot of chocolates and candies. 在万圣节,我们吃巧克力和糖果。

7. capital n. 首都 the capital of …的首都(省会)

Washington DC is the capital of the USA.华盛顿特区是美国的首都。 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu.南京是江苏的省会。

8. care v. 介意,在乎 I don?t care about money. 我不在乎钱

careful adj.小心的 Be careful with fire ,please. 请小心火。

carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地,认真地 Listen carefully in class. careless adj.粗心的

Tom is a careless boy ,he often does his homework carelessly. Tom 是一个粗心的男孩,他经常做作业粗心。 carelessly adv. 粗心地


9. carrot n.胡萝卜 Rabbits like to eat carrots.兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜。

10. carry vt.搬运,运输,携带 carry on with\\doing sth执行.进展

I want you to carry all the bags for me. 我想要你帮我搬运所有的袋子。 11. cartoon n. 卡通片,动画片

Tom and Jerry is my son?s favorite cartoon. Tom and Jerry是我儿子最喜爱的动画片。 12. case n. 病历,案例

Some people can?t see things ,they are blind. But most of the cases can be cured. 一些人不能看到东西,他们是盲人,但是大部分病例可以被治愈。

13. catch vt.捉住,接住,赶上;染上 caught catch up with 赶上 catch a cold 感冒 其延续性动词:have a


The black cat caught a mouse yesterday evening.这只黑猫昨晚捉住一只老鼠。 14. cause vt.引起,使发生 n.原因

What causes the problem?什么导致这个问题? 15. centre n.中心 the centre of …中心

Boys don?t like shopping centres. They like going to the youth centre and the computer centre. 男孩不喜欢购物中心,他们喜欢去青少年中心和电脑中心。

16. century n. 世纪,百年 A century is a hundred years.一世纪是100年。 17. certain adj.确信的,无疑的 certainly当然,行

Are you certain you can deal with the problems?你确信你能处理这个问题吗? Can you help me? Certainly . 18. chance n.机会

If we study hard ,everyone has the chance to go the college. 如果我们努力学习,每个人都有机会上大学。 19. change vt 改变,变化 n.变化

I don?t have a good lifestyle .It?s time for me to change now. 我没有一个好的生活方式,现在到了我改变的时间了。

There have been a lot of changes in Sunshine Town over these years. 在这几年阳光镇有了很大的改变。

20. character n.特点,性格,品质,人物

Jay Chou is the main character in the film.在这部电影里周杰伦是主角。

21. chat vi./ n.聊天,闲谈 chat with sb. 和某人聊天 chatting chatted

Peter often spends much time chatting with his friends on the Internet. Peter经常花许多时间和他的朋友在网络上聊天。 22. cheap adj.便宜的

The shirt is too expensive .Do you have a cheaper one? 这条裙子太贵了。你有更便宜的吗? expensive/ dear adj. 昂贵的

This coat is so expensive that I can?t afford it.这件外套太贵了,我买不起。 The price of this coat is high\\low. 23. check n.核实,查明

When we go to the cinema, there is someone checking the tickets at the entrance. 当我我们去看电影时,有人在入口处查票。

24. cheer vi.欢呼,喝彩 cheerful adj.令人快乐的,快乐的

I cheered up for our team.我为我们队伍欢呼加油。 He is a cheerful boy.他是个令人快乐的男孩。 25. child n.孩子 Children?s Day儿童节

I?m the second child of my family.我在我家排行老二。

26. chip n. 薯条 How many chips do you want to have?你想要多少薯条? 27. choice n.选择

Now I know hwo to make my choice.现在我知道作出我的选择。


choose vt.选择 There are many clothes for dancers to choose from. 有许多衣服让舞蹈者来挑选。choose sb to do sth

28. Christmas n.圣诞节 at Christmas/ on Christmas Day 在圣诞节

Christmas is a very important festival in the West. 圣诞节是西方一个非常重要的节日。 29. cinema n.电影院 go to the cinema 去电影院

Tomorrow is Sunday .Would you like to go to the cinema with me ? 明天是星期天,你想和我去电影院吗?

30. city n.城市 adj.城市的 Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu.南京是江苏的省会。 31. clap vt. 鼓掌 clapping clapped

The children all clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favorite characters in Disneyland. 孩子们都高兴地鼓掌尖叫当他们在迪斯尼乐园看到他们最喜爱的人物。 32. clean adj.干净的 v. 打扫

Mike?s bedroom looks as clean as new. Mike的卧室和新的一样新。 We clean our classroom every morning. 我们每天早上打扫我们的教室。

clearly adv 清楚地 I can not see the blackboard clearly, I need to wear glasses. 我不能清楚地看到黑板,我需要戴眼镜。

33. clever adj.聪明的,伶俐的 be clever\\bright at 在……很聪明 Tom is clever at math. Tom数学很好。

34. climb vt.爬,攀登 climber攀登者

Madee usually climbs a ladder to get into her house. Madee 通常要爬梯子进入他的房子。 35. clone vt./n.克隆

David is very interested in Dolly, the first cloned sheep. David对第一只克隆绵羊非常感兴趣。

36. cloud n.云 cloudy adj.多云的

It?s sunny today. There is no cloud in the sky.今天是晴天,天空中没有云。 What?s the weather like today? It?s cloudy.今天天气怎样啊?多云。 37. coach n.客车,教练

We ran to the park as soon as we got off the coach.我一从下车就朝公园跑去。 38. coin n.硬币

Mr Zhang?s five-year-old son spread the coins all over the floor.It made him very angry. 张先生5岁的儿子把硬币撒满了地板,这使得他很生气。

39. collect vt. 收集 Do you like collecting stamps?你喜欢集邮吗?

40. college n.大学,学院 We haven?t met each other since we graduated from college.自从我们大学毕业后,我们没


41. come on 来吧,快点,得了吧

Come on ,we have no time . 快点,我们没有时间了。

42. come out 出版,发行,发表,出来 come out of 从……中出来

A new educational CD-ROM called “ Around the World in Eight Hours” has just come out.一个名叫八小时环游世界的教育光盘刚刚出来。

43. comfortable adj.舒适的,舒服的 uncomfortable 不舒适的 Cotton clothes are very comfortable to wear.棉制的衣服穿起来很舒适。 44. communication n.交流,交际

Many teenagers usually have no communication with their family members. 许多青少年通常不和他们父母交流。 45. compare vt./vi.比较

Compared with Tom, Kate works harder at school.和Tom相比,Kate学习更认真。 46. complete vt.完成

I?m a Grade 9 student now. I often stay up late to complete my homework. 我现在是九年级学生了,我经常熬夜去完成家庭作业。


47. concert n.音乐会 give/hold a concert举行音乐会

If you send text messages to 1396, you could win two free concert tickets. 如果你发送信息到1396,你就可以得到2张免费的音乐会门票。 48. conference n.会议

The conference has been over for 10 minutes,这个会议已经结束10分钟了。

49. connect vt.连接 connect…to/with… 把…和…连接 be connected to/with


You can connect the printer to the computer.你可以把打印机连接到电脑上。 50. consider vt.认为,考虑

Gong Li is considered as a great actress.巩俐被认为是一位伟大的女演员。

51. control vt.控制,支配 under the control of 在… 控制下 out of control 失去控制

The car was out of control and it hit a big tree last night. 昨晚,这辆小汽车失去控制,撞上一棵大树。 52. cook vt. 烹饪,煮 n.厨师 cooking n.

I like cooking delicious food.So I want to be a cook when I grow up. 我喜欢烹饪美味的食物。因此当我长大我想成为一名厨师。 53. cool adj.酷,凉爽

The boy looks cool in the new jacket.这个小男孩穿这件夹克看上去酷。 It?s cool in autumn.秋天凉爽。

54. copy n.一本副本 vt.抄写,复制,复印 ,抄袭

If you go to the car show ,you will get a copy of the car magazine. 如果你去车展,你将得到一本汽车杂志。

The teacher asks us to do our homework by ourselves and not to copy others?.老师叫我们自己做作业,不要抄别人的。

55. corner n.角落,拐角 at/in the corner of…在……的拐角

There is a bookshop at the corner of the street.在街的拐角处有一家书店。 56. cost vt. 值 (多少钱,花费/vi费用,价格

sth costs sb money某物花费某人多少钱 / It costs sb money to do sth花费某人钱去做某事 pay for/spend …(in)doing sth/on sth.

The book cost me ten yuan. It cost me ten yuan to buy the book. I spent ten yuan on/buying /in buying the book.

I paid ten yuan for the book.我花了10元买了这本书。

57. cotton n.棉,棉花,棉布 silk丝 wool羊毛 fur皮毛

The T-shirt is made of cotton. 这个T恤是棉制的。

The T-shirts made of cotton are very comfortable. 这个棉制的T恤非常舒适。 58. count vt.数,点数

The 2-year-old boy is very bright.He can count from 1 to 100. 这个2岁的 男孩非常聪明,他能从1数到100. 59. discount n.打折,折扣

There is a discount on last year?s Christmas cards. 去年的圣诞卡片打折。

60. country adj./n.国家乡村(的) country park 乡村公园

Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. 我们国家正变得越来越强大。 countryside n.乡村,农村

There is less air pollution in the countryside than in the city.农村的污染比城市小。 61. courage n.勇气

I failed in the English test. I have no courage to tell my parents about it. 英语考试失败了,我没有勇气告诉我父母亲。 encourage sb to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

We should encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves. 我们应该鼓励农民离开大熊猫保护区。

62. course n.课程 of course 当然,可以


Daily English is a new English course from America.


63. cover vt覆盖,包括,报道 be covered with …被……覆盖 be covered live直播

It snowed heavily in February in2008,everything was covered with heavy snow. 2008年2月份雪下的很大,万物都被雪覆盖。

This year?s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. 今年北京音乐颁奖仪式将现场直播。

64.crazy adj.着迷的,狂热的 be crazy about… 痴迷于……

Tom is crazy about football.When he can?t find a football, he often kicks a stone or a can. Tom对足球狂热,当他找不到足球的时候,他就经常踢是石头或罐头。 65.create vt. 创建

Thomas Edision created a lab to do the experiments. 爱迪生创建了一个实验室来做实验。 对应形容词:creative a creative leader 一个有创造力的领导. 66.crowded adj.拥挤的 be crowded with…被……拥挤

The earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted ,maybe we can move to Mars one day.地球变得越来越拥挤,污染越来越严重,或许将来我们要移到火星上。 67.cruel adj.残酷的,冷酷的

The cruel man killed a boy with a gun.这个冷酷的用枪杀了一个男孩。 68.cry vi.哭喊

The little girl lost her way and cried on the street. 这个小女孩迷路了,在街上哭。 69.cup n.奖杯

The World Cup is held every four years.世界杯每4年举办一次。 70.cure vt.治愈

Many cases of blindness can be cured.许多失明的病例可以被治愈


1. daily adj. 日常的,每日的 weekly 每一周的 everyday adj.日常的

China daily is a very popular English newspaper in China. 《中国日报》是一份在中国非常受欢迎的英文报纸。

2. danger n. 危险 dangerous adj. 危险的 in danger 处于危险中 out of danger 脱离危险 in safety

safe adj.安全的 endangered 濒临灭绝的

It is dangerous to play with fire. 玩火危险。 When people are in danger, we should help them .当人们处于危险的时候,我们应该帮助他们。

3. dark adj. 深色的,黑色的 brown 棕色的 blonde 金色的

Chinese people have dark hair.中国人有黑色的头发。 4. date n. 日期

What is the date today?今天是几月几日?

5. day n. (一)天(一)日

What a fine day!真好的一天!

There are seven days in a week.一周有7天。

6. daylight n 日光,白昼 in the daytime 在白天 7. deal vi. 处理,应付 deal with/ do with

I don?t know how to deal with the matter.

I don?t know what to do with the matter. 我不知道如何处理这件事。

8. death n. 死,死亡 die v. 死亡 dead adj. 死亡的 lose one?s life 丧命,死亡

My dog died two days ago.我的狗2天前死了。

My dog has been dead for two days. 我的狗死了有2天了。

The death of my little dog made me very sad.我小狗的死使我很伤心。 9. December n 十二月

December 25th is Christmas Day.12月25日是圣诞节。

10. decide vt./vi. 决定 decide to do sth 决定做某事


decision n. 决定 make a decision 作决定

I have decided to go to Hainan for a holiday.我决定去海南度假。

Wearing red can help you when you are having difficulty making a decision. 当你很难做决定时,穿红色可以帮助你。

11. deep adj.深的,深厚的 adv 深深的,在深处

The river is not deep, you can walk through it.这条河不深,你可以走过去。 12. develop vt./vi 开发,发展 developed country 发达国家 developing country

发展中国家 development n 发展

The scientists are developing a kind of plant to grow on Mars. 科学家正在培育一种可以在火星上种植的植物。

13. devote vt.献身于,致力于 devote… to (doing)sth 致力于做某事 Audrey Hephurn devoted much of her time to (working for) charities.

Audrey Hephurn把她大部分时间花在慈善事业上。 14. diary n 日记 keep a diary 记日记

Keeping diaries is a good habit. 记日记是一个好习惯。 15. dictionary n. 字典

Yesterday Lily bought an English-Chinese dictionary.昨天Lily买了一本英汉字典。 16. difference n. 差异,不同 different adj. be different from 与…不同

The weather in Beijing is very different from that in Nanjing. 北京的气候和南京的不同。

Lily and Lucy are twin sisters, it is not easy to tell the differences between them. Lily和Lucy是双胞胎姐妹。不容易分清她们俩不同点。

17. difficult adj. 困难的 difficulty n 困难 hard adj. 困难 have difficulty doing sth 困难

It is difficult to work out the math problem.算出这个数学问题不容易。 18. dinner n 正餐,宴会

I often have dinner at my grandparents? home.我经常在我爷爷奶奶家吃晚饭。

19. direction n. 方向 in all directions 各个方向

The robbers ran away in all directions when the policemen appeared. 当警察出现的时候,劫匪四处逃散。

20. director n. 导演 direct vt. 执导

Zhang Yimou is a famous Chinese director. 张艺谟是一位著名的导演。

21. dirty adj. 脏的 clean 干净的(反义词)

The boy is so dirty that nobody wants to play with him. 这个男孩如此脏以至于没有人想和他玩。

22. disappear vi.消失 appear 出现(反义词) appearance n.出现,外貌

Tigers are disappearing faster than pandas.老虎灭绝的速度比熊猫快。

23. discover vt. 发现,发觉

Let?s discover how the power of colour can change your moods! 让我们发现颜色的力量是怎样改变我们的情绪。

24. discussion n.讨论 discuss vt. 讨论

The programme will start with a discussion about the animals. 这个节目以一个有关动物的讨论开始。

They are discussing about the problem with the teachers. 他们正在和老师讨论这个问题。

25. dislike vt. 不喜欢,讨厌,厌恶n. 厌恶的对象 hate 憎恨

Millie dislikes bananas. She eats very few of them. Millie不喜欢香蕉,她很少吃香蕉。

26. disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱

My cousin always makes a lot of noise and disturbs me when I?m studying. 当我在学习的时候,我的表弟总是发出噪音打扰我。



27. divide vi./vt. 划分 divide…into… 把…分成… be divided into… …被分成… A year is divided into

four seasons.一年分为四个季节。 28. doubt vt./n. 怀疑

I often doubt whether it is worth working so hard. 我经常怀疑如此努力工作是否值得。

29. down adv.向下 prep.沿…而下 put down 放下 take down 取下 lie down 躺下 calm down 平静下

Go down/along the road ,you will find the post office at the end of it. 沿着这条路走,你会在路的尽头找到那个邮局。

30. drawing n. 绘画

He is good at drawing .He can draw very well.他擅长绘画,他可以画地很好。

31. dream adj. 梦想的 n.梦 vt. 做梦,梦见 in the dream 在梦中 dream about 梦见 dream of becoming singers in the future.许多学生梦想未来成为歌手。 He had a very strange dream last night.他昨晚做了一个奇怪的梦。

32. dress vt.给…穿衣服 n.服装 dress up as 装扮成 辨析: dress sb 给某人穿衣服 put on穿上,强调动作

Hobo is dressing up as a ghost. Hobo装扮成鬼。

The boy is old enough to dress himself.这个男孩足够大,可以自己穿衣服了。

33. drink n.饮料,喝 vt./vi. 喝酒 soft drinks 软饮料 drank drunk

He likes to drink soft drinks.他喜欢喝软饮料。

34. drive vi./vt 驾驶 drive to 开车去 drove driven

He likes driving cars, so he went to the driving lessons last year. 他喜欢驾驶,所以他去年上驾驶课。 My father drives to work every day.

35. drop vt. 使落下,扔,下降vi. 降低 dropped

Do not drop litter.不要扔垃圾。

At night,the temperature will drop to -2℃.夜晚,温度将降到零度以下。

36. dry vt. (使)变干 adj.干的 dried food 压缩食物

My robot will wash up and then dry the dishes.我的机器人可以洗碟子并且烘干。 37. during prep. 在…期间

During the winter holiday, we will have the Spring Festival. 在寒假期间,我们将度过春节。

38. dustbin n.(英)垃圾箱 rubbish bin(美)垃圾箱

We should throw rubbish into the dustbin.我们应该把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。

39. duty n. 责任,职责,义务 on duty 值班

It?s our duty to protect the wild animals.保护野生动物是我们的职责。


1.each adj. 每个的,每一 each other 彼此,相互

Each of us has a book. / We each have a book.我们每人有一本书。

every adj. 每一,每一的 everybody/ everyone pron. 每人,人人 everything 每件事every day 每天 everyday adj. 日常的

Every student should work hard in order to have a bright future. 为了美好的将来,每个学生应该努力学习。

2.early adv/ adj.早,早的

Why don?t you come a little earlier?你为什么不来早点呢?

1. earthquake n.地震

Earthquake is a kind of natural disaster. 地震是一种自然灾害。

3.east n. 东方 eastern adj.东方的 west 西方 south 南方 north 北方

Every day the sun rises in the east.每天太阳从东方升起。

4.easy adj. 容易的,简单的 easy-going 随和的 easily adv.随和地


Many students

wear 穿着,表状态 everywhere 到处

It is easy to climb up a hill but hard to climb down it.上山容易,下山难。

5.education n. 教育educational adj. 教育的an educational CD-ROM 一张教育光盘

In China, every child needs to receive education.在中国,每个孩子需要接受教育。

6.effort n. 努力 put one?s effort into 全身心投入于,致力于

Audrey Hepburn had put most of her effort into ballet training before she entered the film industry. Audrey Hepburn在她进入电影界之前,全身心投入芭蕾舞训练。

7.either adv. (用于否定句中)也,二者之一


neither…nor…既不…也不… 谓语动词就近一致原则 Tom doesn?t like eating fish. I don?t like,either. Tom不喜欢吃鱼,我也不喜欢吃鱼。

I need a man to help me , either of you is OK. 我需要一个人来帮助我,你们中一个就行。

Neither he nor I am in the school football club.他和我都不在校足球队。 8.elephant n. 大象

Elephants live in Africa and Asia.大象生活在非洲和亚洲。 9.empty adj. 空的 反义词: full 满的

The bottle is empty. I need a full one.这个瓶子是空的,我需要满的。

10.end n./vi. 最后,最终,结束 at the end of 在…结束,在…尽头 in the end 最后

endless 无尽头的

In the end, we won the match.最后,我获得了比赛的胜利。 11.enemy n.敌人,仇人,反对者

He has few enemies. 他没有什么敌人。

12.energetic adj.精力充沛的 energy n.能量 不可数名词

The man has a lot of energy and he is energetic.这个人精力充沛 13.engineer n 工程师

His father is an engineer. 他父亲是一位工程师。

14.enjoy vt 喜欢 enjoyable adj 令人喜欢的 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事

I enjoy dancing ,and dance for two hours every day. 我喜欢跳舞,每天跳两小时。 15.enough adj 足够的 enough+ 名词 形容词/副词 +enough

I don?t have enough money to buy a car.我没有足够的钱买汽车。 The boy is old enough to go to school.这个男孩足够大上学了。

16.enter vt. 进入,加入 entrance n. 入口 at the entrance 在入口处 exit n. 出口

He entered the supermarket from the biggest entrance.他从最大的入口处进入超市。 17.environment n. 环境

Everyone should protect the environment.每个人都应该保护环境。 18.especially adv. 特别,尤其 special 特别

I like to travel to the foreign countries,especially America 我喜欢去国外旅游,尤其是美国。 19.event n. 活动,事件 ,比赛项目

The event marked the beginning of S.H.E?s successful career. 这件事标志着S.H.E成功事业的开端。 20.ever adv.曾经 常用于完成时 never 从未

He has ever been abroad before. 他以前曾经出过国。 21.example n. 榜样 for example 例如

We should follow the good examples.我们应该学习好的榜样。 22.excellent adj. 极好的 perfect 完美的 wonderful 精彩的 23.excuse n. 借口,理由

The boy is often late for school .This time he can?t find any new excuse. 这个男孩经常迟到,这次他没有找一些新的借口。

24. exercise vi./n 锻炼,练习 do morning exercises 做早操 do eye exercises 做眼保健操 take/do more exercise ,exercise more 多运动


In order to keep fit ,we should exercise every day.为了保持健康,我们应该每天锻炼。 25. experience n. 经历

The trip to Disleyland is a wonderful experience.去迪斯尼乐园是一次美妙的经历。 26.experiment. n.实验,试验

Edison did thousands of experiments during his life . 爱迪生一生中做了成千上万次实验。

27.explain vt. 解释,说明 explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事

Can you explain why you are late for school today? 你能解释你今天为什么迟到吗? 28.eyesight n.视力

He has poor eyesight. 他视力不好。


1.face n. 脸,面临,面对

I have a round face. 我有一张圆脸。

vt. 面临,面对

You should try your best when you face the difficulty.当你有困难时你应该尽你最大努力。 2.fact n, 事实 in fact 事实上

The fact is that you are not a child.事实上你不是一个小孩了。

3.fail vi. 失败

I was very sad because I failed the exam.我非常伤心因为我这次考试没及格。

4.fair adj. 公平的,公正的be fair to sb 对某人公平

The policemen should be fair all the time.警察应该公平。

反义词:unfair 5.fall n. 秋天

vi.倒下,跌下,落下 fall-fell -fallen

The leaves fall down in autumn. 秋天树叶凋落。 fall ill/fall down/fall to…

6.familiar adj. 熟悉的

be familiar with sb.

I am familiar with some of the pop stars.我和一些明星熟悉。 反义词:unfamiliar

7.famous adj. 著名的

be famous for…因…而著名

China is famous for the Great Wall.中国以长城而著名。 8.fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的

These works of art are fantastic.这些艺术品太美妙了 。 近义词:wonderful/excellent

9.far adv.远

adj.很,极,太 可修饰比较级

My home is far from the park.我家离公园远。

比较级farther/further 最高级farthest/furthest further study 进一步学习 That park is farther than this one. 那个公园比这个远。

10.farm n. 农场

on the farm 在农场 farmer n.农民

farmland n. 农田

The farmer has a farm, he works on the farmland every day.


11.fashion n. 时装;时尚,风尚

fashionable adj. 流行的,时髦的

The fashion show is fashionable.这个时装展很时尚。 12.fear n. 恐惧,害怕 in fear 恐惧的

The boy?s eyes are full of fear.这个男孩眼里充满了恐惧。


13.feather n. 羽毛

The feathers of the bird are blue.这只鸟的羽毛是蓝色的。 14.feed vt. 喂养 fed fed

Don?t feed the birds in the park. 别在公园里喂鸟。 15.feel vi. 觉得,感到 feel-felt -felt

I feel sad when I heard the news.当我听到这个消息,我感到伤心。

feeling n. 感受

I have the same feeling.我有同样的感受。

16.festival n. 节日

There are many festivals in China. 在中国有许多节日。

Spring festival 春节 Dragon Boat festival 端午节

17.few pron. 不多,少数 后跟可数名词复数 little 后跟不可数名词 adj. 不多的,少数的

a few 一些 quite a few 相当多

I have a few books on gardening. 我有一些关于园艺方面的书。

比较级fewer 最高级fewest

I have fewer books than he does.我有点书比他少。 18.field n. 地,田

a field of wheat 麦田

football field 足球场 19.fifth n.第五

Thursday is the fifth day of a week.星期四是一周的第五天。 adj. 第五的 adv, 第五

The fifth student is Linda. 第五个学生是Linda。

20.fight vi. 打仗 put up a good fight vt.与…打架

Don?t fight with others in the street. 不要在街上和别人打架。

21.fill vt. 使充满

fill sth with… 用 …把…装满

be filled with/ be full of 装满,充满

The bath has been filled with water./The bath has been full of water. 浴缸里装满了水。 22.final n. 决赛 go to the final 进入决赛 adj.最后的

They scored in the final minute of the game.他们在比赛最后一分钟得分了。 finally/in the end/at last adv. 最后

Finally, we got on the bus.最后,我们上车了。

23.finish vt .vi. 完成,结束,停止 其延续性动词:be over

You can not go until you finish your homework.你直到完成作业才能去。 finish doing sth. 完成做某事 24.fire n. 火,火灾

be careful with/of the fire.小心火 firework n. 烟花,烟火

There will be many fireworks at midnight. 午夜将放许多烟花。 25.first adv. adj. 首先,第一

You should do your homework first.你首先应该做你的作业。 This is the first lesson. firstly adv.首先,第一

Firstly, we will go to the park.首先,我们将去公园。 26.fit adj健康的,结实的. 适合的 同义词:suitable

He is fit/healthy/well for this job.他健康,适合这个工作。

vi. vt.合脚,合身,被容纳

This shirt fits me well.这件衬衫很适合我。


The dress fits perfectly.这衣服非常适合我。 27.fitness n. 健康

I decide to climb the mountain to improve my fitness/health. 我决定爬山来改善健康。 近义词:health

28.fly vi. vt. 放飞,飞,放 fly- flew-flown I often fly kites. 我经常放风筝。

You can fly to the USA.你可以飞到美国去。 flight n. 飞行,航班

It?s an hour?s flight to Paris from here.从这里飞到巴黎要小时。 29.float vi. 漂浮

We will float away into space. 我们会飘到太空中 29.flood n.洪水

Floods washed away the rich earth.洪水冲走了肥沃的泥土。 30.fog n. 雾

There was much fog this morning. 今天早上雾大。 foggy adj. 有雾的,多雾的 It is foggy today. 今天多雾。 31.following adj. 接下来的,以下

The following/next week, I went to the park as usual. 接下来的一周,我象往常一样去公园。 同义词:next

follow sb to do sth 跟着某人做某事 32.foot n. 英尺,脚 复数:feet

I go to school on foot. 我步行上学。 He is 6 feet tall. 他6英尺高。 33.force n. 力量

He didn?t use force.他不使用暴力。 v. 迫使,逼迫

Nobody forced me.没有人逼迫我 by force 通过武力 34.forest n. 森林

In the forest, there are many kinds of trees.在森林里有许多种类的树木。

35.forget vi. vt. 忘记forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 Do not forget to bring your books here.不要忘记把你的书带来。 36.forgive vt. 原谅,宽恕

forgive sb for sth 原谅某人某事

Please forgive me for mistakes. 请原谅我的错误。 37.free adj.空闲的,自由的,免费的

I will go to see you if I am free.如果我有空我将去看你。 反义词:busy 近义词:spare

be busy doing/with sth 忙于做某事 38.French n. 法语

I can speak only a little French. adj.法国的

This is a famous French song. 这是一首著名的法国歌曲。 France 法国

I am from France.我来自法国。 Frenchman n. 法国人

They are all Frenchmen.他们都是法国人。 39.fresh adj. 新鲜的

The air in the country is fresh.乡下的空气新鲜。


40.friendly adj. 友好的 be friendly to sb 对某人友好 friendship n.友谊 The people in my hometown are friendly.我家乡的人民很友好。 近义词:nice

41.from time to time 不时的,偶尔的

The baby cries from time to time.这个宝宝时不时地哭。

近义词: sometimes

42.frost n.霜 形容词: frosty

There is too much frost on the ground. 地上有许多霜。 43.fruit n. 水果 常用作不可数名词

Do you like eating fruit? 你喜欢吃水果吗? 表示不同种水果的时候加“s”

There are many kinds of fruits in the shop. 那家店里有各种水果。 44.fun adj. 有趣的 have fun doing sth 做某事有乐趣

It is a fun story.这是个有趣的故事。 a fun place to go 一个去的好地方

同义词:Interesting /funny 45.future adj.将来的,未来的

The future life will be better.未来的生活更美好。 n.将来,未来

I think I have a good future.我想我会有个美好的将来。 in the future.在将来


1.garden n.花园;菜园

I have a big garden in front of my house.在我家房子前面有一个大花园。 2.gate n.大门

Here is the gate of our school.这是我们学校大门。 3.gentle adj.温柔的;轻轻的gentleman 绅士

Be gentle when you brush the baby?s hair. 当给小宝宝梳头时要轻轻到。 4.Germany n.德国

The people in Germany are very friendly.德国人民非常友好。 German 德国人,德国的,德国人的 We are Germans. 我们是德国人。 5.gift n.礼物 近义词:present

I always get a gift on Christmas Day.圣诞节我总是受到礼物。 近义词: present

6.giraffe n.长颈鹿 giraffes

My favorite animal is giraffe.我最喜欢的动物是长颈鹿。 7.glad adj.高兴的

I am glad to see you.很高兴见到你。 同义词:happy

8.glasses n.眼镜 复数名词

I wear a pair of glasses.我戴副眼镜。 glass n.玻璃 不可数名词

The glass is very clean.玻璃非常干净。 9.goldfish n.金鱼

Goldfish is a kind of fish.金鱼是鱼的一种。 10good-looking adj.好看的,漂亮的

The boy is good-looking.这个男孩好看。 同义词:pretty/ handsome handsome adj.英俊的 He is handsome. 他很英俊。 11.government n.政府

Local government raised much money for Project Hope.



12.grade n.年级;等级;成绩,评分等级 I am in Class7 grade 7.我在7年级7班。

This grade of wool can be sold at a lower price.这种等级的羊毛只能低价出售。 13.grass n./u 草

The garden is full of grass.花园里长满了草。

14.grateful adj.感激的,感谢的 be grateful to sb感谢某人 I am grateful for your help.感谢你的帮助。 同义词:thankful

15.great adj.好极的;使人快乐的 伟大的 a great scientist一名伟大的科学家 That sounds great.那听起来太好了 16.greeting n.问候 greet v.问候

I greeted him, but he didn?t return the greeting. 我问候他,但他没有回敬。 17.ground n.地面

There is a ball on the ground.地上有个球。 on the ground floor第一层

18.grow vt. &种,种植;grow- grew-grown

Growing flowers in the garden is interesting.在花园种花非常有趣。


I want to be a doctor when I grow up.当我长大我想成为一名医生。 19.growth n.生长,成长

Green represents growth. 绿色代表成长. 20.guitar n.吉他

He likes playing the guitar. 他喜爱弹吉他。


1.habit n.习惯;习性

It was her habit to go for a walk after supper. 晚饭后散步是她的习惯。 2.hall n.<美>走廊;大厅

Look! they are chatting in the hall.看他们在大厅聊天。 The meeting was held in the hall.会议在大厅举行。 3.ham n.(u)火腿

How much ham do you need now?你现在需要多少火腿呢? 4.handbag n.手提包,女用皮包

The girl with a handbag in her hand is my sister.那个手里拿着手提包的女孩是我妹妹。 5.happen vi.发生 近意: 同义词: take place 没有被动结构 What happened to you just now? 刚才你怎么啦? 6.happily adv.愉快地;幸福地 反义词:unhappily We live together happily.我们幸福地生活在一起。 happy adj. happiness n.

We have happy lives.我们生活很幸福。 7.hard adv.努力地; hardly adv.几乎不

Remember to work hard.记住要努力工作。 adj.困难的

It is hard to work out the problem.很难解决这个问题。

adv.大地 rain hard/heavily 雨下得大

In summer it often rains hard/heavily in the south.夏天,南方经常下大雨。 8.hard-working adj.勤勉的

He is a hard-working girl.他是个勤勉的男孩。

lazy adj.懒惰的 a lazy boy

比较级最高级lazier, laziest

9.harmful adj.有害的 反义词:harmless

It is harmful for you to eat ham.吃火腿对你有害。


be harmful to 对…有害 do harm to

Reading in bed is harmful to your eyes.在床上看书对你眼睛有害。 10.hate vt.讨厌;恨 近义词:dislike

hate to do sth hate doing sth 讨厌做某事

He likes dancing, but I hate dancing.他喜欢跳舞,可我讨厌跳舞。 11.hear vt.& 听见,听到; hear-heard-heard

hear sb do sth 听见某人作某事(动作经常发生或已发生过)

被动形式:be heard to do sth.

hear sb doing sth 听见某人在做某事(动作正在进行)

Can you hear me tell a story clearly?你能清楚听到我讲故事吗?

Listen! I hear them singing an English song.听! 我听到他们正在唱英文歌曲。 vi.听说

I heard that you didn?t go to school yesterday.我听说你昨天没有上学。 hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 hear of 听说…..

Have you heard of the story about Shakespeare? 你听说过莎士比亚的故事吗? 12.heavy adj.大量的;密集的;重的

The heavy rain rains a full day.大雨下了一整天。

In some cities, the traffic is always heavy/busy.在一些城市,交通总是拥挤。 heavily adv. 近义词: hard

It often rains heavily here.这里经常下大雨。 13.height n.高,高度 weight 重量 length 长度

The height of the hill is about 50 metres.这座山高50米。 high adj. 高的。

The hill is 50 meters high. 这座山高50米

14.helpful adj.乐于助人的;有帮助的 be helpful to sb 反义词:helpless He often helps others. So we think he is helpful.


15.herself pron.她自己(myself/ourselves/yourself/yourselves/itself/himself/herself/themselves) We are happy to see she is old enough to look after herself.


16.hide vi.& vt.藏,隐藏 hid hidden

She is coming, we?d better hide ourselves.她马上来,我们最好躲起来。 17.hire vt.租用;雇用 hid hidden

He hired a car for two days. 他租一辆汽车用了两天。

The fruit is picked by hired workers.水果被雇来的工人采摘。 18.hobby n.业余爱好

He works in a bank, but his hobby is building model boats. 他在银行工作,可他的兴趣是制作轮船模型。 19.hold vt.举行;托住,握住,拿着 held held

She was holding/having a book in her hand.他手里拿着一本书。 We will hold/have a discussion to see which team will win. 我们将进行一场讨论来看看哪只队伍获胜。 20.holiday n.假期;假日

In this job you get four weeks? holiday / vacation a year.


on holiday在度假,在休假中

When I was on holiday last year, I visited my uncle. 去年我休假的时候,我看望了我叔叔。 21.honest adj.诚实的,正直的

All my life I have tried to be an honest man. 我一生我尽力成为一个诚实的人。 22.hope vt. & n.希望 be hopeless 无望的 副词:hopefully

I gave up hope of going to college when I failed my examinations.


当我考试失败,我放弃上大学的希望。 I hope to go to college. 我希望上大学。

I hope you to go to the cinema tomorrow.(×) I hope you will go to the cinema tomorrow.(√)

wish: wish to do sth.希望做某事 wish sb to do sth.希望某人做某事 23.hospital n.医院

She walks to the hospital.她走到医院。

be in hospital 生病住院 be in the hospital 在医院里 24.hour n.小时

He went away for half an hour.他走了半小时了。 hour by hour 一小时一小时地

25.however adv.然而,但是 辨析: but

He hasn't arrived yet. However, he may come later. 他还没有到达,然而他可能迟会儿来。 He hasn't arrived yet. But he may come later. 26.huge adj.巨大的 (large/big)

The TV play was a huge success.这部电视剧获得巨大成功。 27.human n.& 人/human beings;adj.人的 28.humour n.幽默 对应形容词:humorous

He has a good sense of humour.他很有幽默感。 He is very humorous.他很幽默。 29.hunt v.打猎 对应名词: hunters

Hunters must be stopped from hunting tigers. 必须阻止猎人捕杀老虎。 30.hurry n.& vi. 急忙,匆忙;赶 in a hurry hurry up

She hurried to the hospital. 她匆忙赶到医院。

You always seem to be in a hurry.你好像总是匆忙。 hurry to do sth. 急忙去做某事

31.hurt vt.使受伤;伤害 hurt oneself 伤到某人自己

I am your friend, so I won't hurt you.我是你朋友,我不会伤害你的。 adj. 受伤的

Yesterday I fell off my bike. Luckily I wasn?t hurt.



1.idea n.主意,想法 have an idea不知道 good idea 好主意

I have no idea what you mean.=I don?t know what you mean.我不知道你什么意思。 2.if conj.如果(状语从句),

If you ask him, he will help you at once.如果你叫他,他会立刻帮助你。 I won?t go to play basketball if it rains tomorrow. 如果明天下雨,我将不去踢足球。 是否(宾语从句)

I don?t know if it will rain tomorrow.我不知道明天是否下雨。 3.imagine vi.&想像;设想 形容词:imaginative

You can imagine the situation there.你可以想像那里的情景。 4.immediately adv.立即,马上/at once/right now

A traffic accident happened just now and the police came immediately. 刚才发生车祸,警察立即赶到。 5.impossible adj. 不可能的

It is impossible for me to finish the task in such a short time. 对我来说在如此短的时间完成这个任务不可能。

6.important adj.重要的 importance n. 重要性 the importance of

Protecting wild animals is important.保护野生动物非常重要。 unimportant不重要的;


7.improve vt.改进,改善 名词:improvement

This is not good enough. I want to improve it.这还不足够好,我想改进。 8.India n.印度 形容词:Indian

The photos were taken in India.这些照片是在印度拍的 Indian tigers are endangered.印度虎濒临灭绝。 9.industry n.工业,产业

She wants to enter the film industry. 她想进入电影界。 10.in fact 实际上,事实上

In fact,I don?t know how to deal with it.事实上,我不知道如何处理它。 11.in front of 在……前面 (外面)

There is a park in front of our school.在我们学校前面有一座公园。 in the front of 在…..前面部分(里面)

The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. 老师站在教室前面。 12.include vt.包括,包含 including prep.

The university includes ten colleges.这所大学包括10个学院。 13.indeed adv.真正地;确实

Are you pleased at your son's success? Yes, indeed. 你对你儿子的成功感到高兴吗? 是对,确实高兴。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难之中的朋友才是真正的朋友。 14.influence n.影响 近义词:effect

My teacher's influence made me study science at college.老师的影响使我大学学理科

vt.影响 近义词:affect

My teacher influenced my decision to study science. 15.information n.信息 不可数名词

W can get lots of information from the newspapers just like sports, news etc. 你可以从报纸中得到许多信息。 a piece of information 一条信息 16.inside prep.在……里面

There are some books inside/in the bag. 书包里有许多书。

adv. 在里面

It?s warm inside though it is cold outside. 尽管外面冷,但里面暖和。 反义词:outside

17.insist vt.& vi.坚持,坚持认为

I insist on your coming with me. 我坚持你和我一起去 。 insist on doing 坚持做某事

18.instead of 代替,而不是(后接名词,代词,doing ….) I go to the park instead of the zoo.我去公园而不是动物园。 instead 代替(后接从句或单独用.)

Miss zhang was ill yesterday. So I took her class instead today. 张小姐昨天生病,因此我今天代替她上课。 19.interest n.令人感兴趣的人(或事);兴趣

I find no interest in such things. 在这样事上面,我找不到兴趣。 be interested in 对…感兴趣

20.interesting adj.有趣的 指物 be interested in 指人

I am interested in the interesting book. 我对这本有趣的书感兴趣。 名胜:a place of interest/ an interesting place 21.international adj.国际的

an international agreement 国际协定 22.interview n.& vt.采访;会见

The reporter wants to interview me.这个记者想采访我。 记者:interviewer have an interview with sb.采访某人 23.introduce vt.介绍


He introduced his friend to me. 他把他朋友介绍给我 24.invent vt.发明,创造

Who invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸汽机? invention n. 发明 inventor n. 发明家

25.invite vt.邀请 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 She invited us to her party. 她邀请我参加她的聚会。 n. 邀请 invitation an invitation letter 邀请信 26.itself pron.它自己

The story itself is very interesting.这故事本身很有趣。


1.job n.工作;任务

His job is a worker.他的职业是工人。 a job=a piece of work(不可数)

What an interesting job it is! /What interesting work it is! 这工作真有趣! 2.join vt.加入,参加(组织.人) take part in 参加…活动

He joined the organization 2 years ago. 他2年前加入这个组织。 3.journey n.旅程,旅行/trip

He decided to make a journey to New York by air. 他喜欢坐飞机去纽约。 be (away) on a journey 在旅行中 vi. 旅行 travel in/to a place

4.joy n.高兴,欢乐;乐趣/happiness

Learning English is my great joy.学英语是我的乐趣。 5.jump vi.跳,蹦

He jumped for joy.他高兴地跳起来。 跳高:high jump 跳得高:jump high

6.just adv.只是,仅仅;刚才;确实,完全(用于加强语气)可用于完成时。

He has just heard from his father.他刚刚受到他父亲的来信。 just then就在那时

just now刚才, 前一会儿 现在, 这会儿 just a minute 稍等片刻


1.keep vt.保持,保留 后跟形容词或doing

I like keeping old letters, it?s my hobby.我喜欢保留旧的信件,这是我的兴趣。 keep calm! 保持镇静

keep doing sth: 不断做某事,一直在做某事 keep on doing sth继续 keep away from 远离….. 2.kick vt.踢

Don't kick the ball into the road.不要把球踢到马路上去。 3.kid n.小孩

The kid is my son.这小孩是我儿子。 4.kilo n.千克,公斤

There are two kilos of apples in the basket.篮子里有2公斤苹果。 5.kind n.种类

Many kinds of apples grow in our garden.我们花园里种植了许多种类苹果。

adj. 仁慈的; 和蔼的; 友爱的 kindness n,

That kind old man offered me some money. 那个和蔼的老人给我一些钱。 6.kichten n.厨房

Mother is making dinner in the kichten.妈妈在厨房做晚饭。 7.knife n.(pl.knives)刀;餐刀

The north wind cuts like a knife.北风就象刀子一样。 8.knock n.& 敲;碰撞,撞击;


a knock at the door敲门 vt.&打击 vi.

Please knock on/at the door.

I knocked over the glass and spilt the water. 我碰翻杯子。 9.knowledge n(u).知识

We go to school to get knowledge about many different things. 我上学是为了学到许多不同方面的知识。


1.ladder n.梯子

爬上梯子 climb up a ladder 电梯:lift

2.lamb n.羊羔

A lamb grows into a sheep.小羊羔长成羊。 3.lamp n.灯,台灯

There are lamps in the streets.街上有许多路灯。

4.land vt.&着陆,降落;使着 vi.&陆;土地;陆地 n.

The plane will land in five minutes.飞机5分钟内降落。 Land is valuable. 土地是宝贵的 5.last adj.最近刚过去的;最后的

She was the last to arrive.她是最后一个到达的

vi.持续, 延续, 维持; 耐久

The spring weather lasted only a few days.春天的天气仅仅持续几天。 6.later adv.后来,以后

Later, he was saved. 后来,他得救了。

latest adj.最新的 the latest computer 最新的计算机 7.laugh vi.笑They are talking and laughing.

have a good laugh 尽情地笑 laugh at嘲笑

8.law n.法律

Don?t be against the law.不要违法。 9.lead n.(牵狗用的)皮带,链子;主角

She played the lead role in the film.她在这部电影里扮演主角。 vt., vi. 引导;指引;领导 leader:领导者 10.leaf n.叶子pl. leaves

The leaves turn green in spring.春天,树叶变绿。 11.learn vi.& 学习 vt.learned [-t, -d]/learnt [-t]

Have you learnt/learned to swim? 你已经学游泳了吗? I'm learning English now. 我正在学英语。 learn from….向….学习

12.leave vt.&使处于某种状态 left

The window was left open. 窗户是开着的

vi.离开;出发 其延续性动词:be away from 离开

The train will leave (the station) in five minutes.火车5分钟内将出发。 13.lend vt.借给 lent lent

Can you lend me that book/lend that book to me? 你能把那本书借给我吗? lend sth. to sb. 把…借给某人

borrow … from…向…借… keep 借多长时间 14.length n.长,长度

Mary's dress is not the right length, it is too short. 我裙子长度不合适,太短了。

long adj.长的,

The river is 50 metres long.这条河50米长。


15.lie n.谎言

He is always telling a lie. 他总是说谎

vi.躺,卧;说谎;位于 lie-lay-lain, lying

He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在树阴下。 16.life n.生活;生命;人生;人物pl. lives

He lives a happy life.他生活幸福。 all my life 我的一生

17.lively adj.活泼的,生气勃勃的

He makes his lessons lively.他使他的课生动。 alive/living 活的

After the sudden accident, we are happy to see he is still alive. living areas 生活区域

18.line n.行,列,排;线条

How many lines of words are there on this page?这一页有几行? 排队等候:wait in line

19.local adj.本地的,当地的

My brother goes to the local school, too.我兄弟也在当地学校。 local businesses 本地企业 20.lock vt.锁,锁上

It?s a good hobbit to lock the door when we leave. 当我们离开把门锁上是一个好习惯。 21.lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的

The lonely old man lived alone,but he didn't feel lonely. 这个孤独的老人独自居住,但他不感到寂寞。

alone adj.[只作表语] 单独的; 孤独的, 独自的; 独一无二的 He was alone in the house. 他独自一人住在这房子里。 all alone 独自一人, 孤零零地 22.look down on 轻视,瞧不起

Do not look down on others.不要看不起别人。 23.look forward to doing sth 期盼,盼望

We are looking forward to meeting you in summer.我们期望夏天见到你 24.lose vt.迷失;丢失 lost lost

I lost my watch.我丢失了我的手表。 my lost dog 我丢失的狗 n. loss: the loss of the land 土地的丢失

be lost in 全神贯注于; 沉湎于; 不胜...之至 lose oneself in 陶醉,沉醉于 lose one?s way 迷路

25.lots of (=a lot of) 许多 a number of

用于可数名词和不可数名词 相当于many/much

26.loudly adv.大声地 Speak loudly.

aloud adv. 高声地; 大声地

cry aloud大声喊 read aloud朗读 27.luck n.运气

It was good luck that I met you here; I did not expect to see you. lucky adj. lucky-luckier-luckiest


I was lucky that I met you here. 我很幸运在这遇到你

luckily adv. 幸运地


1.mad adj.发疯的;生气的

A mad dog may bite people. 发疯的狗可能咬人。


2.magazine n.杂志

I like reading magazines. 我喜欢看杂志。 3.magic n.魔法

Some people still believe in magic.一些人仍然相信魔法。 4.mail n.电子邮件;邮件

The mail arrived late today.这份邮件到迟了。

vt. 邮寄

Please mail me soon. 请寄给我。

5.main adj.主要的 the main character主角 6.manage vt.& vi.设法去做

manage to do sth 设法去做某事

I managed to repair the computer yesterday. 昨天我设法修理这台电脑。 manager 经理

7.mark vt.&做标记;

He marked the floor with chalk. 他用粉笔在地板上做标记。


He got 90 marks for Chinese.他中文得了90分。 8.marriage n.结婚,婚姻

Their marriage will take place next Friday.他们的婚姻下周五将举行。

marry vt., vi. 结婚;娶;嫁

I am going to marry John. 我将和John结婚。 be married get married to 结婚

I know he was married last year. 我知道他去年结婚的。 9.match n.&比赛,竞赛;火柴;

It is dangerous to play with matches.玩火柴危险。 There will be a football match in our school tomorrow. 明天我们学校将有一场足球比赛。


I think this shirt matches the trousers, so I want to buy it.

我认为这件衬衫和这条裤子相配。 be a good match 匹配的好

The shirt and blouse are a good match. 这件衬衫和上衣相配。 10.maybe adv.大概;或许 perhaps

Will they come?? ?Maybe/Perhaps not.? “他们将来吗?或许不 She may be 12 years old. 她可能12岁。 11.mean vt.意思是,意指

What do you mean by saying that?你说这些什么意思?


The meaning of the sentence is …这句话的意思是….

meaningful adj.有意义的

Last year I spent a meaningful holiday in England.


12.medicine n.不可数名词

You need to take the medicine three times a day.你需要一天吃三次药。 形容词:medical

We can get better medical care.我们可以得到更好的医疗服务。 13.member n.成员

I am a member of our school football club.我是我们学校足球队队员。 14.memory n忆.记忆力;记

He has a bad memory for dates.他对于日期记忆力不好。 15.metal n.金属

Robots are made of metal.机器人是金属做的


16.middle n.中间,中央

in the middle (of) 在(…)中间 the middle of the day 中午。

At the centre of the park there is a fountain.在公园的中间有一个喷泉。 17.million num.百万; 百万个(人或物)

eight million people

millions of 数以百万的

18.minute n.分钟

Just a minute, please./Wait a minute, please! 请稍等。

at the last minute 在紧要关头;

in a few minutes 几分钟功夫就, 立刻 moment n.片刻,瞬间

He will be here in a moment. 他几分钟功夫就来。 Wait for a moment.等会儿 19.miss vt.错过

She always misses out, because she's never there. 她总是错过,因为她从来不在那里。


I'm sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我确信每个人都非常想念他。

Miss 小姐

Miss Lu is our teacher. 20.mistake n.错误

If we are careful,we will make fewer mistakes. 如果我们细心点,我们会犯少些错误的。 21.modern adj.现代化的

Nanjing is a modern city .南京是个现代化的城市。 22.more than 超过,多于 over

I have more than/over five Yuan.我有5块多。

There are more than 50 students in my class.我班上有50多人。

over prep.&超过,结束的; adj.在……的上方;以上;大于;多于;在……期间 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 23.mouse n.老鼠 复数:mice Cats eat mice 猫吃老鼠。 24.move vi.&移动

Humans will move to Mars in the future. 人类将来将移到火星上。 move away 搬走 move to 搬家到……

25.murder n.&vt谋杀 Who murdered the woman last night?昨晚谁谋杀那个妇女。

The murder took place at midnight. 这个谋杀案发生在午夜时分。 murderer n.谋杀者 26.music n.音乐

I like to listen to music and I like singing.

27.musical adj.音乐的;爱好音乐的;有音乐天赋的 She is musical.她爱好音乐。


1.name vt. 给……命名

They named /called the child Dick. 他们叫这个小孩Dick。

n. 姓名

2.national adj. 国家的

the national flag 国旗 National Day 国庆节 3.natural adj. 大自然的;自然的

natural scenery 自然风景 natural disaster 自然灾害 nature n. 大自然;自然界


the beautiy of nature 自然界的美 nature reserve 自然保护区 4.nearby adv. 在附近

live nearby 住在附近

5.nearly adv. 几乎,将近 近义词:almost 反义词:hardly 几乎不 The boy nearly fell into the river.那个男孩差点掉进河里。 6.necessary adj. 必要的

It's necessary for us to study hard .我们有必要努力学习。 7.need vt.& 需要

Plant needs water.植物需要水。

n. 需要 Their need was fresh water. 他们的需要是淡水。 sb need to do sth 需要做某事 sth needs doing. 8.nervous adj. 紧张不安的

I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当我走进他办公室,我感到紧张不安。 9.net n. 网;网络

A fish-net is used for catching fish. 鱼网用来捕鱼。 network n. 网络

10.never adv. 从不;决不 常用于完成时 I have never been there.我从来没过那里。 11.never mind 不要紧;没关系

Never mind. Thank you 12.newspaper n. 报纸

I like reading newspapers 我喜欢读报纸。 13.ninth n.& 第九(个),(月的)第九日; adj.&第九的; adv.第九

Billy is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. Billy 14岁,上9年级。

nineteen十九 ninety 九十

14.nobody/no one pron. 没有人,无人

There is nobody there.那里没有人。

15.none pron. 没有一个(人或物)辨析:no one , nothing 谓语动词可用三单或原形

None of the students knows/know the answer.没有一个学生知道答案。 16.noise n. (u) 声音,响声;噪音 辨析:voice 嗓音

Did you hear any noise just now?你刚才听到响声了吗? make a noise 吵闹

17.noisy adj. 喧闹的,嘈杂的 It is too noisy. 副词:noisily 18.normal adj. 正规的;正常的

an ordinary day's work 日常工作。 19.normally adv. 正常地;通常地

Normally we have no second price.

20.north n. 北;北方;北部 形容词:northern

a cold north wind 寒冷的北风

north-east adj.&东北;东北方 n.东北部的

northern adj. 北方的;北部的 north-west n. 西北;西北方 21.note n. 笔记;短信,便条;注解,注释

I didn't take any notes. 我不记笔记。

Mary sent her mother a note. Mary留了张便条给她妈妈。

notebook n.笔记本

That's a notebook computer.那是一台笔记本电脑。 22.notice vt.注意,察觉

notice sb do/doing sth


Did you notice him leave the house?你注意到他离开房子了吗? 23.nowhere n.无处,没有地方

Wildlife will have nowhere to live.野生动物将没有地方生存。


1.october n.十月 in october在十月 2.of course 当然 certainly

3.offer vt.&提供;主动提出; n.主动提议;减价

offer to help sb. 表示愿意帮助某人 offer sth to sb./offer sb. sth.提供某物给某人 Thank you for offering me help.谢谢你为我提供帮助。 4.often adv.经常 at times

频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never

5.on time 准时,按时

Please arrive on time. 请准时到达。 in time 及时 at times 有时

6.once adv.一次,一回;从前;曾经 twice 两次 three times 三次 I go to see a film once a week.我一周看一次电影。 I once knew him. 我从前认识他。 7.only adj.唯一的,仅有的

She is the only girl in her family.她是她家唯一的女儿。 8.open vt.& adj.打开,开着的 You must keep your eyes open.

You must open your eyes. 你必须睁开眼。

The shop has been open for 3 weeks. 这家商店开业有3周了。 9.operate vi.做手术

operate on/upon sb. 给某人动手术

The doctors operated on her stomach.医生给她的胃做手术。

n. operation do/perform an operation on ……

10order vt.&叫或点(菜饭,饮料等);嘱咐,订购;订单;命令 n I'll have an order of fish.我将点份鱼。

order sb to do sth命令某人某事

They ordered him to stop.他们命令他停下来 11.over prep.超过,在……上方

He is over 80 years old. 他80多岁了。

There is a bridge over the river. 有一座桥横跨这条河。

12.other adj.其他的;另外的 后跟可数名词复数。Where's my other gloves?

pron. 其他的;另外的 Think of others as well as yourself.

else其他的;另外的 在疑问词.不定代词之后 something else; what else….

13.ourselves pron. enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴

We enjoyed ourselves last night. 昨晚我们玩得很高兴。 14.own vt. 拥有

Who owns/has this house?谁拥有这所房子?

adj.自己的; on one?s own 独自

That is my own book.这是我自己的书。

owner n.物主

I am the owner of the house 我是这所房子的主人。


1. pack vt.& n. 把……打包,把……装箱


Please pack your bag. 请打包。

2. paint vt. 给……涂色,在……上刷油漆

paint one’s face 涂脸

Children like painting their faces at Halloween.孩子们喜欢在万圣节扮鬼脸。


3. pair n. 双.对.副 a pair of shoes 一双鞋 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 4. paper n.不可数名词

Please give me a piece of paper. 请给我一张纸。

5.pass vt.& n. 通过,传递 辨析: past prep. Walk past, half past six pass sb sth /pass sth to sb 把某物传递给某人 Please pass me some salt. 请把盐递给我。 Please pass some salt to me. 请把盐递给我。

6.patient n.& adj. 病人;耐心的 反义词:impatient

Some patients are waiting for their doctor. 一些病人正在等医生。

As a teacher, we should be patient to our students. 作为一名老师,我们应该对学生很耐心。

7.pay vi.&vt. 付钱,给……报酬 paid paid pay…for 付钱 辨析:spend …on., cost, take He paid 50 Yuan for the book.. 这本书他付了50元。 The book cost him 50 Yuan.

He spent 50 Yuan on/buying the book. 8. perform vi.& vt. 表演

perform n. performance (n.) 表演 performer (n.) 表演者 9.perhaps adv. 或许,可能 perhaps 同义词maybe

10 plan vt.& vi.& n. 计划,安排,打算 planned planned plan to do sth. 计划做某事

What’s your plan? 你的计划是什么?

He planned to go abroad last year. 去年他打算出国。 11planet n. 行星

Mars is a planet while the sun is a star. 火星是行星而太阳是恒星。 12plant vt..& n. 种植 植物

We should plant more plants . 我们应该种植更多的植物。

13. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 n. pleasure 反义词; un pleasant The trip to Mars is pleasant 去火星的旅行令人愉快。 It’s my pleasure to help you. 帮助你很愉快。 14. plenty .n.大量 词组:plenty of

I have plenty of time for my hobbies. 我要许多时间来从事我的兴趣爱好。 15. police n.警察 常和the 连用 复数名词 a policeman The police have caught the thief.警察已经抓住了那个小偷。 16. pollute vi.& vt. 污染 对应形容词:polluted

We shouldn't pollute our environment.我们不应该污染环境。

pollution n.

There will be no pollution on Mars.火星上没有污染。

17. poor adj. 贫穷的,可怜的,不好的,差的 the poor 穷人 He was born in a poor family. 他出生在一个贫穷的家庭。 18. popcorn n.爆米花 不可数名词

Would you like some popcorn?你想要点爆米花吗?

19. popular adj. 受欢迎的,流行的 反义词:un popular

He is one of the most popular singers in China. 他是中国最受欢迎的歌手之一。 20. population n. 人口

The population of China is becoming larger and larger.中国的人口正越来越多。 21.possible adj. 可能的 反义词:im possible as soon as possible 尽快


If you come, please let me know as soon as possible. 如果你来,请尽快让我知道。

22. post vt..邮寄 poster 海报 postcard 明信片 postman 邮递员 Can you post the letter for me? 你能为我寄封信吗? 23. potato n. 土豆 复数potatoes tomatoes 24. practice/practise vt. 练习,操练

practice/practise doing sth. 练习做某事

e.g Please practice/practise speaking English every day. 请每天练习讲英语。 25. prefer vi.& vt. 宁愿(选择),更喜欢 preferred preferred prefer to do sth. 宁愿做某事

prefer A to B 与B比起来更喜欢A 。

prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做A而不愿做B 。 would rather do sth. than do sth.

(1) He preferred to eat beef last year. 去年他更喜欢吃牛肉。 (2)I prefer apples to bananas. 与香蕉比起来,我更喜欢苹果。

(3)Which do you prefer, swimming or skating? 游泳和滑冰,你更喜欢哪个? 26. prepare. vi.& vt. 准备 prepare for=get ready for

We are preparing our English exam. 我们正在准备英语考试。 27. present n.& vt. 现在,目前,赠予,授予

at present 现在,目前 present sth to sb \\present sb with sth (1) He is working hard at present. 他现在正在努力工作。 (2) Finally the Mayor presented the medals to the winners. 最后市长把奖章颁发给获胜者

28. prevent vt. 防止,预防 名词:prevention prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

The trees prevent the sand from blowing the earth away.树木阻止沙刮走泥土。 29. problem vt. 问题,难题 no problem 没问题; have problems with …(在哪方面)遇到问题,出现麻烦

——Can you help me learn Maths? ——你可以帮助我学习数学吗? ——No problem. ——没问题。 30 produce vt. 制作 对应名词:producer

The cars produced in Japan are better than those made in the USA. 日本制造的汽车比美国制造的要好。

31 programme n. 节目,程序 an 28-year-old programmer 一个28岁的程序设计师 Which is your favourite programme? 你最喜欢的节目是什么? 32. promise n.& vt 承诺 promise to do sth.

He promised to give money back to me. 他承诺把钱退给我。 33. protect vt. 保护

protected 形容词, 受到保护的, protection 名词 保护 We should protect the wildlife. 我们应该保护野生动物。 34. proud adj. 自豪的,骄傲的

be proud of 以……为豪 be the pride of 是……的骄傲

As a Chinese, we are proud of our motherland. 作为中国人,我们以我们的国家为豪。school. 他是我们学校的骄傲。 35. prove vt. 证明

Finally, he was proved to be right. 最后,他被证明是正确的。 36. provide vt. 提供

provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物

He can provide us with food and drinks. 他可以为我们提供食物和饮料。 He can provide food and drinks for us. 他可以为我们提供食物和饮料。 37. push vt.推


He is the pride of our

Don't push others when you get on the bus. 当你上车时不要推别人。 38. put out 扑灭

put up 举手, put away 收拾好, put on 穿上 put off 推迟 (1) He put out the fire with a blanket. 他用毛毯扑灭了火。

(2)If you know the answer, please put up your hand. 如果你知道答案,请举手。 (3) Please put away your things. 请收拾好你的东西。

(4)It’s very cold, please put on more clothes. 天气非常冷,请穿上更多的衣服。


1. quarrel n.& vi. 吵架,争吵

quarrel with sb about sth 为……事和某人争吵

Yesterday he quarreled with his parents about his marriage. 昨天为了他的婚姻的事,他和父母吵架了。 2. quickly adv.快地 形容词: quick

He runs to school quickly. 他飞快地跑到学校。 3.quite adv. 相当,非常

You did it quite well. 你做得相当好。

4.quiet adj.安静的 quietly adv. keep quiet 保持安静 The classroom is quiet. 教室里非常安静。

He came into the classroom quietly. 他轻轻地进了教室。


1.radio n. 广播

I like listening to the radio 我喜欢听广播。 2. rain n.& vi. 雨,下雨

It rains a lot in the south.南方雨水多。

rainy adj. 有雨的 foggy 多雾的 sunny 晴朗的 3.rainbow n. 彩虹

Do you know how many colors there are in a rainbow? 你知道彩虹有多少颜色吗?

4. raise vt. 募捐,募集 raise sth for sb donate sth to sb He would like to raise money to help the children in poor areas. 他想募捐钱去帮助贫困地区的儿童。 5.rare adj. 稀有的 对应副词: rarely Tigers are rare animals. 老虎是稀有动物。 6.ready adj. 乐意的,愿意的,准备就绪的

be ready to do sth./ be willing to do sth.乐意做什么;be ready for 为…做好准备 He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人。 He is always willing to help others. 他总是乐于助人。 7.realize v. 意识到

Have you realized that you are wrong? 你意识到你错了吗? 8. really adv. 真正地 对应形容词:real Are you really tired? 你确实累了吗? 9. reason n. 理由

I have no reason to believe him . 我没有理由相信他。 10. recently adv. 常用于完成时。形容词:recent

Have you heard from your father recently? 最近你收到你父母亲的来信吗? 11. recommend vt. 推荐

recommend sb as…… 推荐某人作为 recommend sb to do sth 推荐某人做某事

I would like to recommend David as the chairperson of the Students’Union. 我想推荐大卫当学生会主席。

I would like to recommend David to be the chairperson of the Students’Union. 我想推荐大卫当学生会主席。


12. record n.& vt. 记录

Please record what I said. 请记录我说的话。 Liu xiang broke the record .刘翔打破了记录。 13.refuse v. 拒绝 refuse to do

He refused to finish his homework. 他拒绝完成他的作业。 14.relax vi. 放松 形容词:relaxed feel relaxed 感到放松 We can relax ourselves after exams. 考试后我们可以放松一下。 15. remember vt. 记得,记住 反义词: forget remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(未做) remember doing sth 记得做过某事(已做)

Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room. 离开房间时,请记得关灯。

He remembered seeing the film called “Hero”. 他记得看过“英雄”这部电影。

16. remind vt. 提醒,使想起

remind sb. of sb/sth. 使某人记起某人/某事 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事

This song always reminds me of our holiday in Beijing. 那首歌总让我想起我们在北京的假日

Please remind him to bring his computer when he comes 当他来时,请提醒他带上电脑。.

17.reply n.& vi. 答复 近义词: answer

There is no reply. 没有答复 reply to a question=answer a question 18. rob vt. 抢劫,抢夺 robbed robbed

rob n. robber (抢劫者,盗贼,强盗) robbery (抢劫,抢劫罪) rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的东西

The robber robbed the woman of her handbag last night. 昨天晚上强盗抢夺了那个妇女的手提包。 19.robot n. 机器人

Humans will be cared for by robots in the future.未来人类将被机器人照顾。 20.round adj. 圆的 prop . 围绕

The moon looks rounder. 月亮看起来更亮。

The moon travels round the earth. 月亮围绕地球转。 21.rubbish n. 垃圾 不可数名词 近义词:litter

There is too much rubbish on the ground. 地上的垃圾太多了。 22.run vi. 跑 名词: runner

He runs faster than any other boy in his class. 他在班上跑地最快。 23.rush vi. 冲

The students rushed out of the classroom. 学生们从教室里冲出来。 24. role n. 角色

play a role of 扮演……角色

She played the lead role of a young pricess inthe film. 在这部电影里,她扮演一个年轻公主的主角。


1. sad adj. 令人难过的,难过的 sad的副词sadly(令人伤心地),名词sadness(悲哀,悲伤). What made you sad today? 今天什么令你难过呀?

My parents looked sadly at me because I didn’t pass the exam. 我的父母伤心地看着我,因为我考试不及格。

The man said to him with sadness,“Your father passed away two years ago.” 那个人伤心地对他说:“你的父亲两年前去世了。” 2. safe adj. 安全的



He is safe and healthy. 他很安全,也很健康。 The plane landed safely at last.最后飞机安全地着落了。

The fireman took the boy to the safety, so the boy was saved. 消防员把男孩带到安全地方,因此这个男孩被救了。 3.sandwich n. 三明治

I like eating sandwiches. 我喜欢吃三明治。 4.satisfied adj. 满意的

I am satisfied with the result. 我对这结果满意。 5.Saturday n. 星期六

I play football on Saturday. 周六我踢足球. this coming Saturday 本周六

6. save vt. 救,救助,储蓄,积攒 saving n.

save one’s life救某人的生命 save water 节约用水 save money 攒钱 7. science n. 科学 对应名词:scientist.

I am interested in science and I want to be a scientist. 我对科学感兴趣,我想成为科学家。

The policeman saved the boy’s life in the end. 最后警察救了男孩的生命。 8.screen n. 屏幕

Can you see the words on the screen clearly? 你能清楚地看到屏幕上的字吗 9.search v. 搜查

I am searching for information on the Internet . 我正在互联网上搜寻信息。 10. seat n. 座位,椅子


Please sit down. 请坐。 Pleae take your seat. 请坐。 11.second adj. 第二的 n.秒

I am the second child in my family. 我是我家第二孩子。 There are 60 seconds in a minute. 一分钟有60秒。 12. secret n.& adj. 秘密,秘密的 keep secrets/keep a secret 保密

Thank you for keeping secrets for me. 多谢你为我保密。 13. seem vi. 好像,似乎

seem to do sth./ It seems that+从句 似乎做某事 He seems to be busy these days. 这些天他似乎很忙。 It seems that he is busy these days. 这些天他似乎很忙。 14.seldom adv. 很少

He seldom goes shopping, does he? 他很少购物,是吗?

15. sell vt. 卖 sell-sold- sold

The kind of bike has been sold out . 这种自行车已经卖完。 16. send vt. 发送 过去时:sent

You can send text messages to 1239. 你可以发送消息到1239. 17. service n. 被使用,服务

be in service / be in use 被使用

The railway station has been in service/use since 2002. 自从2002年以来,火车站一直在被使用。 18. share vt. 合用,分享

share sth. with sb. 和……分享

I share a room with my brother. 我和弟弟共用一个房间。 19. sharp adj. 锋利的

The knife is very sharp. 这刀子非常锋利。 20. shelf n. 架子


复数shelves on the bookshelf在书架上 21.shelter n. 栖息地

This nature reserve provides shelter for wildlife. 自然保护区为动物提供了栖息地。 22. shine vi. 发光,照耀,闪耀 形容词 shiny(闪闪发光的)

The sun is shining brightly. 阳光普照。

The castle looked shiny under the firework.城堡在烟花下,闪闪发光。 23.shortly adj. 不久

He went abroad shortly after. 不久他就出国了。 24.shout v.喊叫

Don't shout at old people. 不要对老人喊叫。

25.silence n. 沉默 形容词:silent keep silent 保持沉默 Silence is golden. 沉默是金。

26. similar adj. 相似的,类似的 近义词:the same as 和…一样 be similar to 和……相似

This teddy bear is similar to that one. 这个玩具熊和那个相似。 27. since conj.& prep. 由于,既然,自……以来 Since everyone is here, let’s begin our meeting. 既然每个人都到齐了,我们开始会议吧!

My father has taught at this school since 2000. 自2000年以来,我父亲一直在这个学校任教。 28.sleep vi.& n. 睡觉 形容词:sleepy

Many teenagers have no enough sleep .许多青少年没有足够的睡眠。 I feel sleepy in class. 课堂上我想睡觉。 29.smart adj. 神气的

It makes him look smart. 这使他看起来神气。

30.smell vi.闻起来(后跟形容词做表语) n.嗅觉 smell like 后跟名词 The food smells terrible. 这食物闻起来不好。 31. snow vi.& n. 下雪,雪 形容词snowy(下雪的,多雪的)

Last night it snowed heavily/hard. 昨天晚上雪下得很大。

The poor girl died on a snowy evening. 可怜的女孩在一个下雪的晚上死了。 32. sometimes adv. 有时

some time 一段时间 sometime某个时候 some times 几次 sometimes 有时

They will stay in Beijing for some time. 他们将会呆在北京一段时间。 I hope I can get to the moom sometime in the future. 我希望在将来的某个时候能到月球上去。

She has cleaned the room some times. 她已经打扫房间好几次了。 Sometimes he feels lonely at home. 有时他在家感到孤独。 33.sound vi.听起来

The idea sounds great. 这主意听起来很好。 34. southern adj. 南部的,南方的

in the southern part of 在……南部

My grandparents live in the southern part of Nanjing.


35. spare adj. 空闲的,多余的

in one’s spare time/ in one’s free time 在……空余时间

36. spend vt. 花费(金钱.时间等)度过 spent spent


spend some time/ some money on sth.

spend some time/ some money (in) doing sth.

He spent 20 yuan on this book. 他花费了20元买这本书。


Every day I spend two hours (in) doing my homework. 每天我花费两小时做家庭作业。 37. strength n. 力量


He is strong enough to move the big stone away. 他足够强壮,把那块大石头移走了。

38. strict adj. 严格的,严厉的

be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对某物要求严格

The teacher is strict with his students. 老师对他的学生要求严格。 The teacher is strict in his students’ homework. 老师对学生的家庭作业要求严格。 39. succeed vi. 成功

success(n.) 成功 successful(adj.)成功的 successfully(adv.)成功地 e.g(1) 这个男孩成功地制作了模型轮船。

The boy succeeded in making model ships.

The boy was successful in making model ships. The boy had success in making model ships.

(2) Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

(3) They went through the rainforest successfully. 他们成功地穿过了热带雨林。 40. suitable adj. 合适的,适宜的

be suitable for sb. 适合某人 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事

The film is not suitable for young children. 这部电影不适合小孩子。 He is the most suitable person to send the letter. 他是最适合的送信人。 41. surprise n. 惊奇,诧异

形容词surprised(吃惊的,惊讶的)指人 surprising 指物 be surprised to do sth.

They were surprised to see the three men in the police station. 他们很惊讶地看到这三个人在警察局。


1. take n.场景

take care of 照顾

e.g He has to take care of his mother at home.他不得不在家照顾他的妈妈 take part in.加入.参加

e.g Many people will be invited to take part in the charity. 许多人将被邀请参加慈善活动。 take place.发生

e.g Great changes have taken place in the past ten years. 近十年发生了巨大的变化。 2. talk n.vi演讲.谈话 talk about 谈论

They are talking about the coming trip. 他们在谈论即将到来的旅游。 talk with/ to sb.与某某交谈

Don’t talk with such a rude boy. 不要跟如此粗鲁的孩子讲话。 3. taste vi 品尝

tasty adj.味道好的

The cake tastes good ,it is tasty.蛋糕尝起来好,味道很好 4. teach vt.教 teach-taught- taught teach sb (how)to do sth

Mr Smith teaches me English this term. Smith先生这学期教我英语。 5. tennis n. 网球

I am good at playing tennis. 我擅长打网球。 6. text n.文本


text messages. 文本信息

You can send text messages to 1396.你可以发文本信息到1396。 7. theatre n. 剧院

The theatre is in the center of the city. 剧院在市中心。 8.themselves pron. 他们自己

They enjoyed themselves in the party. 他们在晚会在玩的很高兴。 9. thousand n.千 two thousand 两千 thousands of 成千上万的

Thousands of visitors come to Nanjing every year 每年成千上万的游客来到南京。

10. through prep.穿过.通过 across 横穿 go across the road A train is going through a tunnel.火车正通过隧道。 11. throw vt. 扔

Please throw waster paper into dustbin. 请把废纸扔到垃圾桶里。 12. tidy adj.整洁的 反义词:untidy clean and tidy.干净整洁

We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们应该保持教室干净整洁.

13. time n. 时间 不可数名词 much time

次数 可数 three times 三次 once一次 twice 两次 14. tired adj.累的,疲劳的 feel tired.感到疲劳

I feel tired afer a long walk. 长途步行后我感动疲劳。 15. tooth n. 牙 复数 teeth (foot feet) I brush my teeth every day. 我每天刷牙。 16. top n.顶

a top student.一个尖子生

I’m the top student in my class. 我是我们班的尖子生。 17. trip n.旅行

go on a trip.去旅行

We’ll go on a trip next week. 下周我们将去旅行 18. true adj.真实的

truly adv.真实地 truth n. 真相tell the truth.说实话 I hope your dream will come true.我希望你的梦想能实现。 Tell me the truth.对我说实话 19. try vt.努力.试

try one’s best尽某人最大的努力

I will try my best to help you.我将尽最大努力帮助你。 20. turn n.轮次 vt.变成

take turns to do.轮流干某事

Let’s take turns to clean the classroom.让我们轮流打扫教室。 turn on 打开 turn on the radio.打开收音机。 turn off.关闭

Remember to turn off the lights before you leave. 离开之前记得关灯


1.ugly adj. 丑陋的

She is an ugly woman. 她是个丑陋的女人。 2.umbrella n.伞

Don't foget to take an umbrella with you when you go out. 当你外出的时候不要忘记带把伞。 3. underground n.地铁


by underground.乘地铁 by与交通工具之间不加冠词 take the underground I went to Hongshan Zoo by underground last week. 昨天我坐地铁去了红山动物园。

4. unhappy adj. 不开心的 名词:unhappiness

When you feel unhappy, you can share your sadness with your close friends. 当你感到不开心时,你可以让你朋友分担你的苦恼。 5. unhealthy adj.不健康

Eating too much can make you unhealthy.吃的太多会使你不健康。 6. uniform n.制服

We have to wear school uniforms every day.我们每天不得不穿校服。 7. unimportant adj.不重要的

Money is unimportant for us when we live on Mars in the future. 当我们未来生活中火星上的时候,金钱对我们不重要了。

8. unpleasant adj.使人不愉快的 feel pleased 感到满意 an unpleasant trip.一次令人不愉快的旅行

9. use vt. 使用 useful有用的 useless 无用的

We use irons to iron clothes. 我们使用熨斗来熨烫衣服。

Robot is one of the most useful inventions.机器人是最重要的发明之一。

常考词组:sb used to do 过去常常做某事 sb is used to doing 习惯做某事 She used to live in the country.Now she is used to living in the city. 她过去住在乡下,现在她习惯住在城里了。

10.usual adj.通常 as usual象往常一样。usually adv.

As usual they sat under the big tree.象往常一样,他们坐在大树下。


1. value n.价值 be valuable adj. be of great value.具有巨大价值

Your advice will be great value to me.你的建议对我具有重大价值。 Your advice will be valuable to me. 2.various adj. 各种各样的

There are various designs for you to choose from. 有各种各样的款式让你挑选。 3 .vegetable n. 蔬菜

Eating more vegetables is good for our health.多吃蔬菜对我们身体有好处。 4.vist vt. 看望 名词:visitor (traveller tourist )

Yesterday I visited my grandmother. 昨天我去看望了我奶奶。 5.voice n.嗓音

She has a beatuiful voice. 她也一副好的嗓音。

6.volleyball n. 排球 play volleyball 球类前不加冠词,而乐器前要加 play the piano I like playing volleyball. 我喜欢打排球。


1. wait vt.等待 名词:waiter 服务员 wait for sb.等候某人

Please wait for me after school.放学后请等我。 2. wake sb up叫醒某人

Every morning mother wakes me up.每天早上妈妈把我叫醒。 3. walk n.散步 vt.带某某遛弯

go for a walk.去散步My father goes for a walk after supper.晚饭后爸爸出去散步 walk a dog.遛狗 I like to walk my dog.我喜欢遛狗。 4. wallet n. 钱包

I found a wallet lying on the ground 我发现地上有个钱包。 5. warm adj. 温暖的

The weather is becoming warmer and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖和。


6. warn vt. 警告 名词:warning warn sb. not to do sth 警告某人不要做某事。 Parents warn us not to swim in the river. 父母亲警告我们不要在河里游泳。 7. water n. 水 不可数名词

We can’ t live without water or air. 没有水和空气我们不能生存。 8. wash vt.冲掉 wash away.冲走

The flood washed away many houses.洪水冲走了许多房屋。 9. way n.方法.路线

on one’s way to 在去某某的路上 on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上 On my way to school I found a wallet.在我去学校的路上我发现一个钱包。 in this way.用这种方法

In this way you can work out the problem.用这种方法你可以做出这个题。 by the way 顺便问一下

10.wear vt. 戴,穿 强调穿的状态,

辨析:put on 强调穿的动作 dress sb 某人穿衣服 in是介词 She is wearing a pair of jeans today. 她今天穿了一条牛仔裤。 She wears a smile on her face. 她面带微笑。

Please put on warm clothes, it is cold outside. 穿上暖和的衣服,外面很冷。 The little boy can dress himself. 那个小男孩可以自己穿衣服了。 11.weekday n.工作日

on weekdays.在工作日(从星期一到星期五) I go to school on weekdays.

12.weekly adj. 每一周的 daily English 每日英语 monthly The magazine is weekly. 这份杂志是周刊。

13.weigh adj.重 名词:weight your weight 你的重量 The baby weighs 4 kilos 这个宝宝重4公斤。

14.well-known adj. 著名的 近义词: famous be famous for She is a well-known actress. 她是著名的女演员。

15.western adj.西方的 名词:west eastern southern northern I like western food. 我喜欢西式食物。

16.wild adj. 野生的 副词:wildly run wildly

We should protect wild animals. 我们应该保护野生动物。 17.willing adj.乐意的

be willing to乐意干某某事

18. wind. n. 风 形容词: windy What a strong wind.风真大! 19. winner n.

We are the winners . 我们是冠军。 20.winter .n. 冬天

We go skating in winter. 冬天我们去滑冰。 21.wise adj. 明智的 名词: wisdom

It is wise of you to stay at home. 你待在家里真明智。 22. within prep. 在…之内

I can finish the work within two days. 我可以在两天内完成这项工作。 23. world n.世界

all over the world 遍及全世界

English is spoken all over the world.全世界都说英语。 24. worry vi.担心

worried adj.烦恼的 be worried about

25. worth adj 值得 be worth doing 值得干………. The book is worth reading 这本书值得读.


