180502 每日英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版)-2
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Recently, one of M’s friend was about to graduate. He had been looking for a job and he came to M for advice.
This friend of M’s now works as an intern in a public institution. This institution deals with international trades and provides a lot opportunities of international communication. And they pay the employees nicely.
Besides, it has a feature that most public institutions share: leisure. 另外,它也有着大多数事业单位的特征:轻松。
The jobs are nine-to-five and you rarely work overtime there. You can say that it’s many people’s dream workplace.
这里朝九晚五,几乎不用加班,可以说是很多人梦寐以求的工作场所了。 And the most thrilling part is that the institution wants this friend of M’s to become a regular employee. They offered him to stay.
而且,更难得的是,这个机构希望M的这位朋友转正,主动提出想留用他。 But what’s astonishing is that this friend turned them off. 然而,令人吃惊的是,M的这位朋友竟然谢绝了。 And this is why he came to M. 而这也是他来找M的原因。
He was afraid that he would lose his competitiveness in such a secured environment.
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He was afraid that he would become the frog. 他害怕自己成为那只温水中的青蛙。
He thought he should find a place with fiercer competition and acquire abilities there.
And for the payment part, though what the institution offered is way higher than what most fresh graduates can get, but he had heard about the surprisingly high starting salary that BAT pay their employees.
So he confidently thought that he could certainly find a better job. 所以,他觉得自己一定还能找到更好的出路。 However, he does not have any other offer at hand. 然而,他手上其实还并没有其他的offer。 This beautiful future is just his imagination so far. 这些美好的未来都还只是他的想象。
M was nearly scared to death when he heard this. M听到之后吓出了一身冷汗。
He was originally planing to persuade this friend to stay there. 他本来是想劝这位朋友留在那里的。
But fortunately, there are still several months left before the friend’s internship ends. And anyway, it was the institution which proposed the job in the first place. So there is still a chance for him to turn back.
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Yes, if you examine all those success books and industry legends, you would find a lot of successful cases which were born under great risks.
The spirit of adventure seems to have become something worshiped by the whole society.
On the other hand, a stable job is usually despised by people. They think it shows a person’s lack of ambition and even lack of merits.
相反,稳定的工作则常常被人看不起,人们觉得这样的人没志向,甚至没本事。 But all these successful cases born under great risks are just like the thought that you grow faster in severe competition. They are both survivor bias. 然而,那些巨大风险中出现的成功案例,其实和“激烈的竞争中成长更快”一样,是一种幸存者偏误。
The ones who can show up in front of you and tell you this are the minority who survived. Most of the others have already died and disappeared. They don’t have the chance to come and warn you.
Yes, this is the current job market. Many young people who came to the first-tier cities ended up in devastating failures.
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And you won’t know these people’s stories. 而这些人的故事,你是看不见的 ==
What are some habits that are good to get into? 有什么好习惯值得养成?
获得211.8k 好评的回答@Oliver Truong:
●Don’t use your phone before going to bed or after waking up ●睡前或刚睡醒不要玩手机
●Drink water as soon as you wake up ●一起床就喝水
●Start on the hardest assignment first thing in the morning (This technique is called ‘Eat the frog’)
●Read a couple of pages right before bed ●睡前读几页书
●Learn something new every day that interests you ●每天学点感兴趣的新东西
●When talking to someone actively listen. ●和别人说话时认真听
●Make small talk with random people ●随便找个人闲聊一会儿
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●Get excited when seeing your friends because then they will start doing the same
获得91.5k好评的回答@Rahul Shrivastava: Not an exhaustive list: 需要养成的好习惯不多:
●Learn to breathe properly. For most part of the day, our breathing is shallow. Breathe from the diaphragm for at least a couple of times in a day. This releases tension.
●Tell yourself not to panic when confronted with a problem. Try to think of a solution.
●No matter how much you earn, try to save a portion of the earning before you start spending.
●无论赚多少钱,花之前都要先攒下一部分。 ●Don’t do any work superficially. It becomes a habit. ●任何工作都不要做表面文章,会形成习惯。
●Don’t hurry when there is no need to but don’t be lethargic when there is a need to carry out a task expeditiously.
●没必要着急时就别着急,但需要快速完成的工作也不要拖沓。 ●Keep your word both to others and to yourself.
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●对人对己都要信守承诺。 ●Eat only when you are hungry. ●饿了才能吃。
获得146.4k好评的回答@Lindo Mashaba:
1.Learning to keep quiet when someone absent is negatively discussed. 1.别人在背后说他人坏话时要学会缄口不言。 2.Starting your morning with a big glass of water. 2.早上第一件事就是喝一大杯水。
3.Checking your emails only three times throughout the day. 3.全天只查看三次电子邮件。
4.Practicing sensitivity when speaking about delicate issues. 4.讨论敏感话题时要察言观色。 5.Saying please and thank you often. 5.常把“请”和“谢谢”挂嘴边。
6.Allowing people to finish their sentences before you chip in. 6.别人说完话你再插嘴。
7.Working on your memory. Remember birthdays, things said, people's mannerisms, things you enjoyed, things you hated.
7.提高记忆力。记住生日、承诺、人们独特的习惯、你喜欢的事和讨厌的事。 8.Introspection. 8.自我反省 ==
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What are the top 10 things that really are worth your time? 哪10件事最值得你花时间去做?
获得4.7k好评的@Dylan Woon的回答: 1. Hustling - at least 8 hours daily. 忙一忙——每天至少8小时
You take charge of your own life and make your dreams come true. You don’t just dream about it - you take massive action as well.
When you hustle, you manifest your intangible thoughts into tangible outcomes in the real world.
Hustling isn’t about keeping yourself busy. It’s about identifying the tasks with the highest value and executing them ruthlessly.
While hustling isn’t a guarantee that you will succeed, failing to do so is a guarantee that you will fail.
虽然这么做并不能保证你成功,但不这么做却能保证你失败。 2. Slowing down in the middle of the day - 15 minutes daily. 找个时间放慢脚步——每天15分钟
Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up with the never-ending hustling. 有时候,你很容易被永远做不完的事搞得焦头烂额。
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You may forget to stop and smell the roses. 你可能会忘了停下脚步欣赏沿途的风景。 Slow down. Your mind needs that short break. 慢下来。你的大脑需要这样的小憩。
Slow down whenever you catch yourself moving too fast. Doing so will reward you with extra energy and creativity.
3. Exercising - 30 minutes daily. 锻炼——每天30分钟
You already know how important exercise is, right? 你也知道运动很重要,对不对?
It keeps your body in optimal condition, keeps your brain sharp and make you more confident.
它能让你的身体保持最佳状态,还能让你的大脑保持敏锐,并让你更加自信。 Make sure you exercise daily no matter how busy you get. 无论多忙,都要确保每天运动。
If you sacrifice health for wealth, someday you’re going to sacrifice your wealth for health.
如果你现在为了财富而牺牲健康,总有一天你得为了健康而牺牲财富。 4. Sleeping - 6 to 8 hours daily. 睡觉——每天6-8小时
I used to see people taking pride on their lack of sleep. 我以前经常看到人们因为睡得少而感到自豪。
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They’re proud of sleeping for 2 hours a night to pursue their dreams. 他们为了追求梦想而每天只睡2小时,并因此感到骄傲。
Then, they fell sick after a few days and took double the sleeping time to recover…
You have audacious goals, and that’s exactly why you must be well rested. 你的目标很远大,而正因为如此你才需要好好休息。 Remember, you want to thrive in the long term. 记住,你希望赢得的是长跑,而不是百米冲刺。
5. Visualizing long, middle and short term goals - 5 minutes daily. 想象长期、中期和短期的愿景——每天5分钟
It’s easy to lose the big picture when you’re immersed in detailed executions. 当你埋头执行那些具体的任务时,你很容易忽略大局。
It’s also easy to miss out the details executions when you’re grasping the big picture.
Visualizing long, middle and short term goals allow you to refresh your mind about your current situation.
6. Planning your day - 10 minutes daily. 为这一天做计划——每天10分钟
When you do #5, you set the goals or locate the destination. When you plan your day, you work on the specifics.
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A plan should be specific, actionable and measurable. 这些计划应该是具体、可执行、可量化的。
Spend 10 minutes on planning everyday and you’ll experience a productivity boost.
每天花10分钟计划一下,你的产出率会突飞猛进。 7. Nurture your relationships - at least 1 hour daily. 维护你的人际关系——每天至少1小时 Your family and friends matter. 你的家人和朋友都是很重要的人。 They appear in your life for reasons. 他们出现在你的生命中是有原因的。
Cherish them. Let them know no matter how busy you are, you always have them in mind.
珍惜他们。让他们知道:无论你有多忙,你总会记着他们。 8. Spending time with people you look up to - 1 hour daily. 与那些你欣赏的人呆在一起——每天1小时
There must be someone who is living the kind you life you envision. 肯定有人过着你梦想中的那种生活。 Spend time with them. 花些时间和他们呆在一起。
Spending time with these people need not be two-way all the time. 这种“呆在一起”并不一定得是双向的。
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You can also spend time with them via reading or actively learning from their YouTube videos.
9. Enjoying your hobby- 30 minutes daily. 享受你的兴趣爱好——每天30分钟
Can be gardening, writing, listening to music. 这可以是园艺、写作、听音乐等等等等。 Basically anything. 基本上什么都可以。
The time purposefully spent isn’t time wasted. 像这样有意花掉的时间并不是一种浪费。
10. Reflection before going to bed - 10 minutes daily. 睡前反思——每天10分钟
No matter how well you’ve done anything, there’s always room for improvement.
Reflect about the things you’ve done and think about how you can do better the next time.
回想一下你做了什么,再想想下次如何能做得更好。 Just do that while laying, right before you sleep. 睡前躺着想一想就可以了。
You don’t necessarily learn things from every reflection. But the more you reflect, the better you will understand about yourself and the better person
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you will be come in the long run.
你并不一定会从每次反思中都学到东西。但是,你反思得越多,你对自己就越了解,而从长期来看你也会变成一个更好的人 ==
双语美文:珍惜你邂逅的每一个人 We don't meet people by accident. 我们遇见的人不是偶然。
Every person you meet will have a role in your life, be it big or small. Some will help you grow, some will hurt you, some will inspire you to do better. At the same time, you are playing some role in their lives as well. Know that paths cross for a reason and treat people with significance.
The best teachers are those who don't tell you how to get there but show the way.
There is no better joy then helping people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels higher than they ever would have imagined on their own. But that doesn't mean you have to fix them or enable them; instead, guide them to the source of their own power. Offer them support and motivation as they find their own way and show you what they're capable of. All you have to do is believe in them.
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人更高兴的事了。但这不意味着你不得不更正他们或者武装他们,取而代之的是,引导他们到达自己的能力之源。当他们找到自己的路并展示给你他们的能力时,提供给他们帮助和激励。你所做的就是相信他们。 Never look down on someone unless you are helping them up. 绝不轻视他人,除非你在帮助他们成长。
We like to think of life as a meritocracy, so it's easy to look down on someone who isn't as successful or accomplished or well educated as you are. But you have no idea how far that person has already climbed or where they will end up. Time could easily reverse your positions, so be sure you treat everyone with dignity.
我们喜欢相信生活是精英统治,所以很容易看低那些还没有像你一样成功,或有成就,或受过良好教育的人。但是你不知道那个人已经攀登到哪里或将要在哪里结束。时间会很容易地翻转你们的位置,所以一定要尊重地对待别人。 Appreciate those who have supported you, forgive those who have hurt you, help those who need you.
欣赏那些支持你的人,原谅那些伤害你的人,帮助那些需要你的人。 Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadership is difficult. Treat all people--including yourself--with love and compassion, and you can't go wrong.
Treat people the way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better. 对待他人,如同你所希望被对待的方式,生活也因此更美好 ==
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What will it take to reach the next level in your career? Crafting a stellar resume. Write a thoughtful cover letter that lists your
accomplishments and demonstrate a passion for your prospective company’s work. Acing that interview.
为职业生涯推进一步需要什么东西?起草一份亮眼的简历。用心编写一封求职信,在上面列出你的成就并阐述你对潜在公司的职位的热诚。然后拿下面试! Yes, these are all critical to landing your next role. At the end of the day, however, there is another piece of the job seeking puzzle that will not only help you get your foot in the door, but also advance your career: your relationships. The people you create meaningful connections with will provide you with references, help open doors and, not to mention, offer candid feedback that you may need to hear.
是的,这些因素对于确定你的未来角色来说都至关重要。然而,到了最后还有另外一块求职拼图,这块拼图不仅帮助你跨过门槛,还能推进你的事业发展——你的人际关系。那些与你建立起有意义的人际关系的人们,会给你提供有用的推荐信息,助你推开职业大门,更不要说了,给予你所需要聆听的真诚的反馈。 Whether it’s with a mentor, former boss or current colleague, the time and energy invested in developing and nurturing these relationships will be well spent.
Your number one strategy for fostering valuable professional relationships should be spending face time with the people with whom you currently work
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and previously worked. There’s simply no substitute for real conversations, sitting across from someone at a table, a firm handshake and good old-fashioned eye contact. This can seem like a challenge in today’s tech-focused world, but it’s easier than you think. Here’s how you can effectively create substantial professional connections:
想要培养有价值的职场人际关系,你的首要策略便是多花时间与当前共事或曾经共事的人们见面。很明显,没有任何事情可以替代真实的交谈,坐在桌子旁面对面,一次坚定的握手以及良好典型的眼神交流。也许这对于如今科技为主的世界来说似乎是一个挑战,不过它的实际操作比你想象的简单。下面为你介绍几个方法,助你有效地建立大量的职业人际关系。 1. Limit distractions. 1. 限制干扰。
Technology has no doubt improved our lives and made a lot of things easier, but in some ways, it’s made us lazy. We text people instead of talking. We make introductions via Twitter instead of meeting up for coffee. The next time you make plans to spend time outside of the office with a co-worker, even if it’s just an hour out of your day, put in the effort to make the most out of that time together. That means meeting face-to-face, and resisting the urge to check your phone while you’re together.
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2. Practice listening. 2. 练习聆听。
Your communications skills are incredibly important during an interview, as well as on the job. As you’re working on your professional relationships — with anyone from your former boss to your current manager or peers — take advantage of these opportunities to practice your listening skills. Create space for them to speak and pay attention to what they say — they’ll notice that you did.
在面试当中,你的沟通技能是极其重要的,同时对于工作本身来也一样。当你在努力建立职场人际关系的时候——任何人,从前任雇主到现任经理或同事——都要充分利用好这些机会,好好锻炼你的聆听技能。给他们创造发表自己的机会,留心听取他们所说的话——他们也会发现你真的在聆听。 3. Create a follow up system. 3. 创建跟踪系统。
Whether it’s jotting down notes in your phone, setting up reminders in your Outlook calendar or creating a spreadsheet to keep track of who you’ve reached out to, develop automated systems that remind you to follow-up. This is especially important when you’re building new relationships. That stack of business cards serves no purpose if it’s just sitting idle on your desk. Make the most of those initial touch points by following up to schedule time to talk, preferably in person (or if they’re at a distance, on the phone or Skype). 不管是在手机上做笔记,还是在Outlook日历上设置提醒,还是创建一份电子数据表来记录追踪你所接触过的人,你得创建一些自动化系统来提醒你跟进与人们的联系。当你在建立新的人际关系的时候,这么做是特别重要的。那一叠商
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业名片如果只是静静地呆在你的桌子上,那么就等于毫无用处。通过后续安排交谈时间,最好是亲自见面(如果他们在远方,可以通过手机或视频软件),这样就能最大程度利用这些资源。 4. Make it a habit. 4. 养成习惯。
As you develop a system for seamlessly incorporating relationship building into your routine, also schedule regular meeting times with your manager or a colleague so that meeting in-person becomes a habit. Even if the purpose is simply to get to know someone better, more time face-to-face will help meeting in-person become second nature to you.
5. Enjoy it and get to know them! 5. 乐在其中并去认识他们!
Your most meaningful connections will be with people that not only respect you as a professional, but like what makes you unique. Chances are, they’ll be more likely to recommend you for a new job or provide a glowing reference if they’re personally vested in you. It’s that real and memorable connection that creates a foundation to build upon. Really take the time to connect and your professional relationships will bloom.
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荐资源(如果他们本人就是你的人际关系资源)。正是那真实难忘的联系,创造了日后建立联系的基础。真的,你要花时间去建立联系,这样你的职场关系才会绽放光芒 ==
Forget massive overhauls when it comes to your health and wellbeing - studies show you're setting yourself up to fail. Instead concentrate on tiny tweaks to your normal routine to get real results. 谈及健康和幸福时,不要再想着做大规模改变了--研究表明,这么做无疑会失败。但是,你可以专注做一些细微的变化,这样才能带来实际效果。 For your teeth 为了牙齿健康
Ditch the mouthwash. It can do more harm than good, says Eddie Coyle, clinical director at Bupa Dental Care. \advised by a dentist for specific conditions, mouthwashes contain ingredients that strip away fluoride - hugely important for strong, healthy teeth.\brushing to retain maximum fluoride protection.
Grab a straw. \- but using a straw limits direct contact with your teeth,\
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\which helps remove any residue left in the mouth before it can build up.\
Have a chunk of cheese for dessert. Dr Mihir Shah of Battersea Park Dental, London, says: \your mouth after eating, helping to protect your teeth.\
甜点吃一大块奶酪。伦敦巴特希公园牙科的Mihir Shah医生说道:\吃奶酪有助于减少口腔中的酸性物质,从而起到保护牙齿的作用。\For your memory 为了好的记忆
Listen up. \because we didn't pay attention in the first place,\founder of memory app Memrise.
Now, close your eyes. University of Surrey scientists found that, in tests, participants with their eyes closed correctly remembered the answers to over 70% of questions, compared to only 40% of those with their eyes open.
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Finally, say it aloud. Studies have found saying what you want to remember out loud to yourself - or even mouthing it - will help with recall.
最终,大声说出来。研究已发现,大声对自己说想要记住--甚至只是说出口--都有助于回忆。 For your ears 为了耳朵健康
Never use cotton buds. Peter Sydserff, audiologist at Hidden Hearing (hidden hearing.co.uk) says: \the cotton buds in, often pushing any wax and debris further into the ear - and this can cause blockages.\
不要用棉签。Hidden Hearing(hidden hearing.co.uk)的听力学家Peter Sydserff说道:\人们不知道将棉签在耳内伸了多长,往往会将耳垢推向更深处--从而导致堵塞。\
Invest in noise-cancelling headphones. Listening to personal devices with in-bud earphones can cause discomfort over time - and permanent hearing loss - because music is usually too loud. 购买降噪耳机。使用入耳式耳机听个人设备会随着时间的推移带来不适--以及永久性听力损失--因为播放音乐时,声音通常很大 ==
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- 中小学教师业务学习材料-----新课程理念下如何听课评课
- 材料阅读题、新定义
- 高一英语第一次课学习方案(补课材料)
- 高一英语第二次课学习方案(补课材料)
- 180329 英语学习高级阅读材料
- 中文版玩具安全标准EN71
- 教案.教材-—最新2016-2017学年秋季学期人教版小学一年级美术上
- 英语词汇学复习资料
- 新希望杯英语学习资料(一般现在时思维导图)