2019年英语新同步外研选修六精练:Module 2 单元加餐练(一)~(二)完形阅读组合练

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2019年4月Module 2单元加餐练(一)~(二)完形阅读组合练

加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练


When I was young, I read only comic books. My mother, who was a keen reader, tried to get me to read regular books, but they seemed __1__ to me. Why would anyone want to read a book without pictures, I wondered? It would be __2__ watching a movie with your eyes closed. And novels seemed to be too __3__! In my mind, a comic book was a roller coaster ride __4__ a novel was five hours in rush hour traffic.

Whenever she saw me with a comic book, my mother would complain, which totally __5__ my comic book reading experience. One summer, she even __6__ me. “If you don't read at least one book this summer, we're not going to go on our camping trip,” she said. What could I do? I had been looking forward to that __7__ for months! “Fine,” I __8__, “I'll read one book.” __9__, my mother took me down to her evil dungeon (地牢), the local __10__, where the librarian __11__ The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first book of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I unwillingly __12__ the book while my mother and the librarian exchanged a(n) __13__ glance. When we got home, I cracked the book open and started reading. I __14__ I'd read the first few pages then skip to the end because I knew my mother would __15__ me about it. Imagine my __16__ when my mother called me to dinner and I was halfway through the book! __17__ a comic book was a roller coaster ride, the novel was all the rides at Disney world rolled into one!

I __18__ reading the entire The Chronicles of Narnia series that summer, which I consider the __19__ of my great friendship with books. Now I read an average of one book a week, and sometimes my wife __20__ that I read too much! 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者从开始只喜欢漫画书,厌恶小说到迷上读书的转变过程。

1.A.strange C.common

B.boring D.easy

详细分析:选B 由下一句的疑问“为什么有人会读没有图片的书?”可知,作者认为“regular books”看起来很无趣(boring)。

2.A.through C.like

B.of D.for

详细分析:选C 承接上一句的疑问,“它就像(like)闭眼看电影一样”。 3.A.thick



C.short D.long

详细分析:选D 由下文中的比喻:读小说像在高峰期的车流中行驶五小时,可知作者认为小说太长(long)。

4.A.while C.after

B.before D.as

详细分析:选A 作者把读漫画书的感受和读小说的感受进行了对比,故选while(然而)。 5.A.shared C.broadened

B.ruined D.recorded

详细分析:选B 母亲一看到作者看漫画书就指责抱怨的行为毁掉(ruined)作者读漫画书的体验。

6.A.c-o/mforted C.threatened

B.punished D.reassured

详细分析:选C 母亲威胁(threatened)作者说不读书就不去度假,而作者期盼这次旅行(trip)很久了。

7.A.summer C.book

详细分析:选B 参见上题解+析。 8.A.agreed C.asked

B.reported D.denied B.trip D.tent

详细分析:选A 由“Fine”可知,作者同意了(agreed)母亲的条件。 9.A.Suddenly C.Excitedly

B.Secretly D.Generally

详细分析:选C 终于说服了儿子,母亲一定很兴奋(Excitedly)。 10.A.bookstore C.supermarket

B.office D.library

详细分析:选D 由“librarian”可知,作者被带到了一家图书馆(library)。 11.A.described C.recommended

B.revealed D.arranged

详细分析:选C 图书管理员向我推荐了(recommended)路易斯写的《纳尼亚传奇》系列丛书中的一本《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》。


12.A.accepted C.posted

B.printed D.showed

详细分析:选A 由上文中的提到的母亲很爱读书及“her evil dungeon (地牢)”一词可知,母亲和这位管理员熟悉,故当作者不情愿地接受了(accepted)被推荐的书时,他们互相心领神会地(understanding)使了个眼色。

13.A.nervous C.admiring

详细分析:选D 参见上题解+析。 14.A.remembered C.suggested

B.figured D.promised B.casual D.understanding

详细分析:选B 基于作者对小说的反感,作者估计(figured)自己为了应付母亲的检查(quiz)会读一下小说的开头和结尾。

15.A.tell C.challenge

详细分析:选D 参见上题解+析。 16.A.sorrow C.fear

B.anger D.surprise B.consult D.quiz

详细分析:选D 但事实却出乎意料(surprise),作者被那本书深深吸引:母亲叫作者吃饭时,作者已经读了一半。

17.A.If C.Once

B.Unless D.Because

详细分析:选A 作者的感受发生了改变:如果(If)读漫画像坐过山车,那么读小说就像一次性把迪士尼的游乐设施玩个遍。

18.A.gave up C.ended up

B.turned up D.picked up

详细分析:选C 作者被吸引的结果(ended up)是那个夏天读了《纳尼亚传奇》系列丛书里的所有书,那是作者和书结下不解之缘的开始(start)。

19.A.start C.spot

详细分析:选A 参见上题解+析。


B.resource D.goal

