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16.—What made more than 100 passengers die. --- ________the air crash in Russia.

A. It was B.There was C That was D.This was

17.We`d rather stay at home than go to the cinema, _____?. A. had we B.hadn`t we C. wouldn`t we C. would we

18.What do you think it is ____made them realize the importance of mastering a second language?

A.what B. who C.which D.that

19.Never____ realised that water is so precious A had I B.I C have I D did I

20.She looks forward every spring to ___the flower-lined garden. A.paying a visit B.visit C walking D walking in 21.—I went to visit Xi`an City Wall yesterday afternoon. ---Oh, did you ? _______.

A. So did I B.So I did C. Neither did I D. Nor did I 22._____in a friendly way, their quarrel came to end. A. Being settled B. Settled C. Having settled D. Settling 23.____time we had at the dinner party !

A.How wonderful B.What a wonderful time C.How a wonderful time D.What wonderful time 24.In those days all the work had to be done ___hand. A. with B.in C.by D. on

25.She ____the loud speaker so that everyone in the lecture room could hear her. A. turned on B.turned up C. turned off D. turned down 26.I was really anxious about you.You ___home without a word.

A.mustn`t leave B.couldn`t have left C.needn`t leave D shouldn`t have left 27.---I`ll be away for a visit to the History Museum.Would you mind going with me ? ---______.

A. I`ll like it B.No, I`ve no time C.Not at all, I`d be glad to D.Yes, of course

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28.---Jane won the first prize in the concert. ---______.

A. So she did B.So did she C.So she did, too D. So did she, too 29.The kind of cloth ____ well and lasts long. A. is washed B.washed C. washes D.wash 30—Shall I return the book to the library ? ----_______Let Li Ping do it.

A. All right B.Yes, please C.No trouble D.No, thanks


16. 答案:A 解析:考查强调句型,补全为:It was the air crash in Russia that made more than 100 passengers die.

17. 答案:C 解析:We`d rather stay at home ?=We would rather stay at home ?.因此,反意疑问句为:wouldn`t we

18. 答案:.D 解析:原句为:what made them realize the importance of mastering a second language? 疑问词what被强调:What is it that made them realize the importance of mastering a second language?

19. 答案:C 解析:否定意义的词never 在句首,故此句子倒装。类似的有:hardly ;seldom ;little ;by no means ;in no case ;in no way ;no sooner..than 等结构。

20.答案:D 解析:look forward to中为to 介词,故后面跟动名词,walk不及物故此带介词in, paying a visit后跟 to才可以选择。

21.答案:A 解析:意思为:--我昨天下午去参观西安城墙了?--是吗?我也去了。 22.答案:B 解析:分词作状语时,其逻辑主语为句子的主语。

23. 答案:C 解析:考查强调句型,原句:We had a wonderful time at the dinner party. 24.答案:C 解析:考查介词短语,by hand.

25.答案:B 解析:turn up (扬声器)开大;turn down关小 ;turn off关掉 ;turn on打开。

26.答案:D 解析;句意为:我确实为你担心,你不该不说一声就离开家。shouldn`t have done过去不应该做了,但是做了。

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27. 答案:C 解析:B.D.两项,前后矛盾。A项不符合英语语言的问答方式。I`d be glad to 后省略了go with you.

28. 答案:A 解析:so + 主语+助词,表示对前面事情或者说话内容的肯定。 29. 答案:C 解析:wash well 主动表示被动,常表示事物内部特有的属性。 30. 答案:D 解析:拒绝别人提出的帮助,一定要有礼貌地表示感谢。



考题(典型例题.5分)听短文.完成下面表格,每空填不超过3个单词 Coming to the Wrong House Things to do Reasons difficuIt to have your fridge。TV set or washing machine Everyone wants to sell you (1) repaired Mrs.White was not too glad The mall was looking for Mrs.Smith's house

3.迅速、准确地书写规范、正确的答案。4.答案一定按要求写。 考题点拨:

(1)new ones (2)three days later (3)four days ago

听力原文:It is very difficult these days to find someone to come and fix your fridge, your TV set or your washing machine if it breaks. Everyone wants to sell you a new fridge, new TV sets or new washing machine. No one wants to fix them when they

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The man came here (2) She teleponed him (3) .

stop working. One day Mrs. White discovered that her washing machine didn't work, so she telephoned a workshop. Three days later, a man from the shop came to see what was wrong with her washing machine. But Mrs. White was not too glad and said, \you've finally arrived. I called you three days ago. \what she said. He simply took a piece of paper out of his pocket and looked at it. Then he said, \come to the wrong place. Im looking for Mrs. Smith's house, not yours. She telephoned me on the 2ofh. \



回顾1 测试语法 ( 典型例题分 ) The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but didn't help.

A. it B. she C. which D. he

1.A点拨:解此题的关键词是but,but为并列连词.引导并列句.it用作主语,指代前面的the doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday;若无but,则选C,引导非限制性定语从句。

回顾2 测试考点11 (典型例题hat a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is it is long.

A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as

C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half

2.c点拨:考查倍数的表达方式。倍数的表达式有三种;(1)倍数+as?as? (2)倍数+比较级+than(3)倍数+the size/length/width of.?根据选项考查第一种,half为倍数,故选C。

回顾3 测试考点11 (典型例题At a rough estimate, Ni-geria is Great Britain.

A. three times the size as B. the size three times of C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of

3.D点拨:考查倍数的表达方式.根据题意:“粗略估算一下,尼日利亚是大不列颠的三倍大”。倍数的三种表达式为(1)倍数{'-as?as? (2)倍数+比较级+than? (3)倍数+the

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size/length/width of.?根据四个选项的搭配,结合上述所列三种倍数表达方式,D为正确表达。A项中的as应改为of,而C项_中的as为多余。

回顾4 测试考点 12 ( 典型例题 ) , Carolina couldn't get the door open. A. Try as she might B. As she might try C. She might as try D. Might she as try


31.Has the boy who was made use of _____ realized his mistakes? A.stealing


C.to steal

D.for stealing

32.---Would you mind if I opened the window ?

--- ______. In fact, I was going to suggest you ____ it. A.Yes; not did

C.More or less; did

B.Not at all; do

D.Of course; do

33.Could you tell me how you usually ____Thanksgiving Day in your country? A.observe




34.The lost minibus of Mr. Jones which was found ____ in the woods off the highway

was still in good condition. A.vanished




35.As we know, tomatoes can be cooked, juiced, eaten whole, sliced ,diced or ____. A.whatever




36.Measures have been taken to solve the problem, but it may be some time ____ the

situation improves. A.since




37.My friend Li Hong is not herself today; I think there is something ____ his mind. A.to




38.I am amazed at someone so rich _____ difficulty in paying what he owes you. A.as to have B.who has no

C.that he has no D.having

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