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香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral
Palmprint Database )
Palmprint is a unique and reliable biometric characteristic with high usability. With the increasing demand of highly accurate and robust palmprint authentication system, multispectral imaging has been employed to acquire more discriminative information and increase the antispoof capability of palmprint.
The Biometric Research Centre (UGC/CRC) at The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University has developed a real time multispectral palmprint capture device which can capture palmprint images under blue, green, red and near-infrared (NIR) illuminations, and has used it to construct a large-scale multispectral palmprint database. To advance research and to provide researchers working in the area of multispectral recognition with a platform to compare the effectiveness of various multispectral
palmprint recognition algorithms, we intend to publish our multispectral palmprint database, making it freely available for academic, noncommercial uses.
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Multispectral Palmprint Database
Palmprint is a unique and reliable biometric characteristic with high usability. With the increasing demand of highly accurate and robust palmprint
authentication system, multispectral imaging has been employed to acquire more discriminative information and increase the antispoof capability of palmprint.
The Biometric Research Centre (UGC/CRC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has developed a real time multispectral palmprint capture device which can capture palmprint images under blue, green, red and near-infrared (NIR) illuminations, and has used it to construct a large-scale multispectral palmprint database. To advance research and to provide researchers working in the area of multispectral recognition with a platform to compare the effectiveness of various multispectral palmprint recognition algorithms, we intend to publish our multispectral palmprint database, making it freely available for academic, noncommercial uses.
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
The outlook of the multispectral palmprint image acquisition device. Description of the PolyU multispectral palmprint Database:
Multispectral palmprint images were collected from 250 volunteers, including 195 males and 55 females. The age distribution is from 20 to 60 years old. We collected samples in two separate sessions. In each session, the subject was asked to provide 6 images for each palm. Therefore, 24 images of each illumination from 2 palms were collected from each subject. In total, the
database contains 6,000 images from 500 different palms for one illumination. The average time interval between the first and the second sessions was about 9 days.
Each folder is named as “nnnn”. “nnnn” represents the identity of the person (range from 1 to 500). In each folder, the first 6 images (1_mm) were captured in the first session and the latter 6 images (2_mm) were captured in the second session, "mm" represents the image index for give session (range from 1 to 6). “Blue.rar”, "Green.rar", "Red.rar" and "NIR.rar" contains all the original palmprint images collected with our device by blue, green, red and NIR
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
illumination. We also provide the extracted ROI images using our ROI extraction algorithm described in [1]. ROI images are contained in “ROI Database.rar”.
Related Publication:
1. David Zhang, Zhenhua Guo, Guangming Lu, Lei Zhang, and Wangmeng Zuo, "An Online System of Multi-spectral Palmprint Verification", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 480-490, 2010.
2. Dong Han, Zhenhua Guo, and David Zhang, "Multispectral Palmprint Recognition using wavelet-based Image Fusion", International
Conference on Signal Processing, pp. 2074-2077, 2008.
3. David Zhang, Wai-kin Kong, Jane You and Michael Wong, "On-line palmprint identification", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1041-1050, 2003.
4. Zhenhua Guo, David Zhang, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, Guangming Lu “Empirical Study of Light Source Selection for Palmprint Recognition”, Pattern Recognition Letters (2010), doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2010.09.026 The Announcement of the Copyright
All rights of the PolyU multispectral palmprint Database are reserved. The database is only available for research and noncommercial purposes.
Commercial distribution or any act related to commercial use of this database is strictly prohibited. A clear acknowledgement should be made for any public work based on the PolyU multispectral palmprint Database. A citation to "PolyU multispectral palmprint Database,” and our related works must be added in the references. A soft copy of any released or public documents that use the PolyU multispectral palmprint Database must be forwarded to:
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
Downloading Steps:
Download ZIP to your local disk. Then, fill in the application forms. Send the application form to The successful applicants will receive the passwords for unzipping the files downloaded.
Multispectral Palmprint Database: MSpalmprint ROI Application Form
Contact Information: Lei ZHANG, Associate Professor
Biometric Research Centre (UGC/CRC)
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
香港理工大学的多光谱掌纹数据库(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) Multispectral Palmprint Database )_图像处理_科研数据集,数据源介绍,下载文档后,点击文档最后的链接即可进入下载界面。
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