克朗斯灌装机操作手册 - 图文
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Coka Cola, Xiamen
Manual of the Krones Aseptic line CC Xiamen
Content 内容
Sterilization UHT / Bloc 3 UHT杀菌系统/洁净空间
Production preparation 生产准备
Production 生产
Type change over 产品转换
End of production 生产结束
Empty the disinfection bath 清空盖槽
CIP caustic and acid CIP碱酸洗
N2 injector 滴氮系统
Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
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Coka Cola, Xiamen
Manual of the Krones Aseptic line
Sterilization UHT / Bloc UHT杀菌系统/洁净空间
MMA -> Programs程序 -> Program selection, general, U01
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
Sterilization杀菌 -> Sterilization杀菌 -> Start开始
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
Activating the step sequences, it is possible to follow the program 启动程序步骤,才有可能进行程序操作
MMA -> Step sequences -> Step sequence general U01
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
During sterilization, temperatures and flow is controlled by the PCS. These temperatures have to reach at least 121 °C minimum for 20 min.
在杀菌(SIP)期间,温度以及流体的流量由PCS控制。杀菌温度必须达到至少121 °C并且保持20分钟。
At the end of the sterilization process it is necessary to reset the step sequence with the blue button on the PCS (end phase).
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
And confirm with yes! 用YES确认
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
A last“ operator intervention executed ” is necessary to confirm the product 最后“操作者干预被执行”去确认产品。 MMA -> Munue FC General01
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
After finishing the production preparation it is necessary to confirm with the blue button of the PCS
And start the production program. 开始生产程序
Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
Production 生产
MMA -> Programs -> Program selection general, U01
Production生产 -> Production生产 -> Start开始
All functions in automatic in the filler touch 所有功能在注入触摸屏内自动进行
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
Change of product 产品更换
Before filling the last xxxx liters you have to start with the following procedure: 在灌装最后xxxx升饮料之前,必须开始下列步骤
Stop the production sequence by pressing this button: 按下此按钮来停止生产步骤
And reset the program with the blue button. 以及用蓝色按钮重置程序
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
Stop the production sequence: 停止生产步骤
And reset the sequence (end phase) with the blue button. 使用蓝色按钮重置步骤(阶段结束)
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
MMA -> Programs -> Program selection general, U01
Production生产 -> End of production生产结束 -> Start开始
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Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
Coka Cola, Xiamen
After terminating the production you have to clean the whole filler. Take out bottles, caps etc.
最终生产之后,必须清洗整个灌注机。清理瓶子盖子等 The program to empty the disinfection bath: 程序清空洗盖槽
MMA -> Programs -> Cap disinfection system
Turn off the external start 关掉外部开始
Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
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Coka Cola, Xiamen
Select the program “Empty disinfection bath选择清空洗盖槽选项
Move the closure guidance back and Open the closure outlet. 一开盖引导器 以及打开取盖出口
Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG
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Coka Cola, Xiamen
After taking out the closures the external start has to be activated again, the outlet has to be closed and the close guidance put back in the initial position.
25 139911836.doc
Lars Junge Krones AG AQUA Changes possible
? Krones AG

克朗斯灌装机操作手册 - 图文03-25
区别 htm.html.dhtml.xhtml.shtm.shtml,ASP、JSP、PHP05-19
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