Module 3 Making plans 模块练习(含答案)

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Module 3Making plans 模块练习

题号 得分 I II III 一、单选题(本大题共22小题,共22.0分)

1. —Hi, Tim. Huozun’s song Juanzhulian (卷珠帘) ______ great!

—Yeah, I like it very much, too. A. sounds B. falls C. goes D. tastes 2. I saw children in the classroom, five boys and seven girls.

A. nine B. thirteen C. eleven D. twelve 3. There is ______ here and there. Please help me sweep it away.

A. balls B. students C. people D. litter 4. Here is your raincoat. Please . A. wear it B. put on it C. put it on D. get dressed it 5. Betty can the first place in the singing competition.

A. check B. cheer C. win D. enjoy 6. I’ll have two days to _____ in Hangzhou.

A. sightseeing B. went cycling C. go sightseeing D. gone sightseeing

7. We all hope Betty can _____the first place in the singing competition(比赛).

A. check B. cheer C. win D. enjoy 8. Tom usually gets up ______8: 00 am Sunday.

A. at; at B. on; on C. on; at D. at; on 9. ---Excuse me. Is the library open all day?

--- . Only from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. A. Yes, of course B. That’s right C. Sorry, I’m not sure D. Sorry, I’m afraid not 10. He’s going to watch a movie . A. every week B. last week C. next week D. that week 11. —Excuse me. May I use your computer? —_______. It’s broken.

A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. I’m afraid not 12. —What do you do? —_______.

A. I am thirteen B. I work hard C. I’m fine D. I’m a student 13. —What color is your schoolbag?—It’s ______.

A. beautiful B. cheap C. new D. blue 14. Who teaches ___ English?

No one. I teach _____. A. your, myself B. you, me C. your, me D. you, myself 15. Kate with her parents often __________ to a movie on weekends.

A. go B. goes C. going D. to go

16. Which of the following “ed” has a different pronunciation from the other three?

A. watched B. washed C. shopped D. raised 17. They often do eye exercises, so ______of them _________glasses.

A. a few ,put on B. few ,put on C. a few, wear D. few ,wear


IV 总分 18. It’s reported that a tiger escaped _______ the zoo yesterday.

A. in B. on C. from

19. ______ Sunday morning my sister usually does her homework, and ______ the afternoon she usually plays tennis.

A. On; on B. In; in C. On; in D. In; on 20. Paul, do you often help ______ the housework?

A. with B. to C. in D. on 21. Would you like ______ sightseeing in Suzhou with me?

A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 22. --- is the zoo from the bus stop?

--- It’s about 10 minutes’ walk .

A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How much



Do you help with chores at home? These are what some people say about it.

Manuel, 19: “I only like to do the laundry. My mom does the other chores. When she isn’t at home, I can cook an easy dinner myself, but please don’t ask me whether I’m a good cook or not. ”

Vivian, 38: “I do everything because I live by myself now. I think I can do everything because I watched and helped my mom cook our family meals all the time when I was young. At first I was told to help my mom, but later I began to like cooking. Now I can cook many kinds of dishes. ”

Arthur, 67: “I do many things around the house because everyday is like Sunday for me now. I have to do something to keep busy. I help with gardening and cleaning the most. I enjoy doing these things. Cooking and laundry are my wife’s chores. ”

23. Who did Vivian learn cooking from?

A. Arthur. B. Her friend. C. Her mom. D. Her teacher. 24. Why does Vivian have to do all the chores?

A. She loves doing chores.

B. Her parents force (强迫) her to do all the chores C. Her mother asks her to do all the chores. D. She lives by herself.

25. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Manuel is good at cooking.

B. Maybe Arthur has already retired(退休). C. Vivian has to cook for the family every day. D. The writer likes doing chores at home. 三、句型转换(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)

26. I am going to have a good time during my stay in Qingdao.(改为同义句) I am going to ______ ______ during my stay in Qingdao.

27. Mark is going to write an email tomorrow evening.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ Mark going to write an email?

28. Tony is going to sing an English song at the party.(对画线部分提问)

______ ______ Tony going to ______ at the party?

29. Susan is going to use the computer this evening.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

______ Susan ______ to use the computer thins evening? ______, she ______. 30. They are going to make some dumplings this morning.(改为否定句)

They ______ ______ going to ______ ______ dumplings this morning . 四、选词填空(本大题共3小题,共60.0分)

31. 连线,从B栏中找出与A栏动词(短语)搭配的词或词组



