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工业 造纸 Paper making


primary air 一次风 primary instrument一次仪表

sheet and a half一倍半规格 two-revolution press二回转印刷机

in-mill treatment厂内治理 external treatment厂外治理

disc chipper 刀盘削片机 knife-rall straw cutter刀辊式切草机

casein干酪素 dry methof paper-machine干法造纸机

dry finish干光泽加工 dry indicator method干指示剂法

wet and dry bulb psychrometer干湿球湿度计

wet and dry-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度计

dioptric meter 工业自动折光仪 hemp大麻

glueing machine上胶机 slice上浆装置

overfeed rewinder上引纸复卷机 toilet paper卫生纸

flying roll飞辊 flying image seanner飞相扫描器

flying spot scanner and sorter飞光点扫描器nonwoven无纺布

smoothness平滑度 smoothing press, german press平滑压榨

lime recovery石灰回收 petroleum resin石油树脂

telegraph paper电报纸 telephone paper 电话纸

kraft paper牛皮纸 butter paper牛油纸

kraft board 牛皮纸板 hand feeling手感

handmade paper手工纸 towel paper, toweling手巾纸

manual operation 手动操作 manual control手动控制(调节)

deckle edge 毛边 moso bamboo 毛竹

felt毛毯 brush polishing毛刷施光

wringer press毛毯压榨 felt conditioning毛毯洗涤

felt suction box毛毯吸水箱 felt cleaning agent毛毯清洗剂

felt shower 毛毯冲洗喷管 felt washing device毛毯洗涤装置

air supply气源 porosity气孔度

gas-phase bleaching气相漂白 air drying气流干燥

air sword气刀分纸器 air operated stop valve气动止逆阀pneumatic control valve气动调节阀 pneumatic controller气动调节器scrubber气体洗涤器 air-cushion type flow box 气垫式流浆箱

gas chromatography气相色层分析法 floatation saveall 气浮法白水回收

pneumatic pistion actuator气动活塞执行机构

blade type consistency transmitter刀式浓度变送器

force balance type pressure transmitter 力平衡式 压力变送器

lifting head sheet-handing system 上升断送纸系统

pneumatic type process control instrumentation气动单元组合仪表

pneumatic full ball shut-off valve 气动“O”型切断球阀

pneumatic “V”-shaped notch control vale 气动“V”型调节球阀

pneumatic poston actuator 气动火塞执行机构

air floating dryer 气浮式热风干燥器

Pneumatic power cylinder 气动长行程执行机构

Pneumatic loading and lifting mechanism 启动加压升降机构

Cylinder type pneumatic loading and lifting mechanism 汽缸式气动加压升降机构

Leveling agent 匀涂剂 Rectifyer roll 匀浆辊

Rectifying device 匀浆元件 Combined acid 化合酸

Facial tissue 化妆纸 Chemical flocculation 化学絮凝

Chemime chanical pulp 化学机械浆 Chimical pulping 化学法制浆

Dielectric drying 介电干燥 Dieleotric constant 介电常数

Bobbin slitter ,bobbin cutter 分切机 Divided press 分压榨

Dispersant 分散剂 Molecular spectrum 分子光谱

Analytical filter paper 分析滤纸 Section drive分部传送

Spectrometer 分光光度计 Dispersed rosin size 分散松香胶

Spectroscopic analysis 分光(光度)分析

Cascade-type steam-condensate system 分组串联供汽系统

Upflow-down flow chlorine dioxide tower 升降流式CIO2漂白塔

Fourdrinier 长网成形器 Fourdrinier machine 长网造纸机

Long tube film type evaporator 长管液膜蒸发器

Feedback 反馈 Reverse press 反压榨

Reverse osmosis 反渗透 Feedback loop 反馈回路

Feedback control 反馈调节 Feedback path 反馈通路

Deflocculating agent 反絮凝剂 Air-dried pulp 风干浆

Fan duster 风选机 Airdried paper 风干法纸

Airdried board 风干法纸板 Sodium hexameta 六偏磷酸钠

Hexamethylene-tetramine 六亚甲基四胺 Venturi scrubber 文丘里除尘器

Venturi circulator 文求里循环器 Squareness 方正度

Powder paper 火药纸 Loblolly pine 火炬松

Match paper 火柴纸盒 Match-boxboard 火柴盒纸板

Flame photometry 火焰光度法 Bucket elevator 斗式提升机

Heart wood 心材 Dual press 双压榨

Double disk refiner 双磨盘 Dicyandiamide 双氰胺

Dihydroguercetin双氢栎精 Two-roll press 双辊压榨

Double-shell dryer 双壁烘缸 Dialdehyde starch 双醛淀粉

Duplex rewinder 双侧复卷机

Bi-wind rewinder 双卷复卷机

Double-seat control valve 双座调节阀

Twin roll press 双辊挤浆机

Double shaft mixer 双辊混合机

Centri-screen 双鼓旋翼筛

Bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计

Double conical dis chipper 双锥盘削片机

Duplex cutter 双组辊刀切纸机

Breaker,smoothing calender 双辊平滑压光机

Dual airknife 双喷嘴空气刮刀

Double rotary cutting mechanism 双辊刀式横切机构

Double loop thyristor sectional drive 双闭环可控硅分布传送

Threading tape 引纸带

Paper (leading) roll 引纸辊

Cutter squirt 引纸水针

Cut-off doctor 引纸刮刀

Lead dryer,baby dryer 因纸烘缸

Sheehan rope carrier system 引纸绳系统

Orifice type stock proportioner 控板式配浆箱

Orifice-plate flow meter 空板式流量计

Aquadrol roll 空心水润式弧行辊

Cover paper 书皮纸

Writing paper 书写纸

Brazil palm wax,carnauba wax 巴西棕榈蜡

Barber drying 巴伯式热风干燥

Moisture 水分

Water-edge 水边

Dry line 水线

Water box 水盒

Moisture meter 水分计

Water writing paper 水写纸

Water proof abrasive paper 水砂纸

Water system coatings 水系涂料

Water extractives 水抽出物

Water immersion test 水浸检验

Hydropyrolysis process 水热解法

Water color paper 水彩画纸

Water-soluble paper 水溶性纸

Hydra-impactor 水力冲击机

Hydrabarker 水力剥皮机

Hydrapulper 水力碎浆机

Wood reservoir 水上贮木场

Water finish 水光泽加工

Steam separator 水气分离器

Water film duster 水膜除尘器

Horizontal twin-wire former 水平夹网成形器

Horizontal 水平多程干燥器

Horizontal feed chipper 水平喂料削片机

Hydrolyzed polyacrylamide 水解聚丙西胺

Horizontal compound press 水平排列复式压榨

Horizontal belt filter 水平带式真空洗浆机

Corn protein, zein 玉米蛋白

Functional paper 功能纸

Beating 打浆

Baling press 打包机

Manifold tissue 打字纸

Beater 打浆机

Felt whipper打毯器

Roll crimping machine 打摺机

Bar 打浆刀片

Punchboard 打孔卡片纸

Beater loading 打浆机加填

Beater dyeing 打浆机染色

Beater sizing 打浆机施胶

Beater furnish 打浆机配料

Beater adhesires 打浆机胶粘剂

Beater additive 打浆机添加剂

Playing card paper, playing card stock 扑克牌纸

Converging-throttling-and diverging flow channel 节扩流道

Throtting device 节流装置

Plain weave felt 平纹毯

Plain weave wire 平织网

Smoothness 平滑度

Parallel laminated 平行裱合

Planographic printing 平板印刷

Planographic ink 平板油墨

Flat finish 平滑加工

Smoothing press ,german press 平滑压榨

Flat-bed press 平台印刷机

Plain dandy roll 平纹水印辊

Diaphragm screen 平板振动筛

Horizontal flow sedimentation basin 平流沉淀池

Breaker calender 平滑压光机

Smooth finish 平滑整饰度

Flat crush resistance 平牙抗压强度

Sheet calender 平张纸压光机

Sizing apparatus of sheet paper 平张纸施胶机

Knife over blanket coater 平带上刀式徒步器

Acetone-form-aldehyde resin 丙酮甲醛树脂

Acrylic resin emulsion 丙烯酸树脂乳液

Acrylamide-vinyl alcohol copolymer 丙烯酰胺-乙烯醇共聚物

Acrylamide-acrylic acid copolymer丙烯酰胺-丙烯醇共聚物

Straight through press 正压榨

Forward path 正向通路

Normal running load 正常运转负荷

Sinecurve air float dryer 正弦曲线气浮热风干燥器

Guar gum 古儿胶

Debarking 去皮

Knot boring machine 去节机

Breakdown strength 击穿(介电)强度

Bagasse 甘蔗渣

Flow spreader 布浆机

Burlap finish 布纹加工

Crash finish 布纹整饰

Lime 石灰


Paraffin 石蜡

Limestone 石灰石

Asbestos paper 石棉纸

Lime recovery 石灰回收

Petroleum resin 石油树脂

Litmus paper 石蕊试纸

Rotary lime kiln 石灰回转炉

Lime slaker 石灰消化器

Asbestos diaphragm paper 石棉隔膜纸

Asbestos wall-board 石棉壁纸板

Continuous lime slaker 石灰消化分离器

Compressibility 可压缩性

Adjustable bowcurved roll 可调弧形辊

Conyrollable crown roll 可控中高辊

Thyrister speed regulation 可控硅调速

Soluble base 可溶性盐基

Bristol, cardboard 卡纸

Formaldehyde 甲醛

Chitin 甲壳质

Formaldehyde starch 甲醛淀粉

Methoxyl group content 加氧基含量

Methyl cellulose 甲基纤维素

Methyl oramge paper 甲基橙试纸

Formaldehyde rosin 甲醛化松香

Electronic weigher 电子秤

Conductivity meter 电导仪

Electrical conductivity 电导率

Telegraph paper 电报纸

Telephone paper 电话纸

Electrodialysis 电渗析

Cable paper 电缆纸

Lippke press 电热压榨

Condenser tissue 电容器纸

Teletype paper 电传打印纸

Eletric control valve 电动调节阀

Electrokinetic regulator 电动调节器

Resistance themometer 电阻温度计

Electromagnetic flowmeter 电子流量计

Electric pressure gage 电动式压力计

Electric actuator 电动执行机构

Corona treatment 电晕放电处理

Solenoid actuator 电磁执行机构

Electronic control sectional drive 电子控制分布传送

Electronic type process contral instrumentation 电动单元组合仪表

Resistance type pressure transducer 电阻式压力传感器

Capacitance type pressure transducer 电容式压力传感器

Kinetic accuracy of electric driving system 电器驱动系统动态精度

Static accuracy of electric driving system电器驱动系统静态精度

Shade craft water-mark 凹版水印

Letter press printing凸版水印

Gravure printing 凹版印刷

Letterpress ink 凸版油墨

Gravure printing ink 凹版油墨

Letterpress printing paper 凸版印刷纸

Intaglio printing paper 凹版印刷纸

Gravure roll coater 凹版滚式涂布器

Printing paper印刷纸

Photographic paper 印相纸

Printing ink印刷油墨


Photographic base paper 印相原纸

Printing smoothness印刷平滑度

Green 生纸

Prime pulp 生浆



Biological treatment 生化处理

Balance of nature生态平衡


Trickling filter 生物滤池

Bacterial film process 生物膜法

Biological oxygen demand 生化耗氧量

Biomass 生物固行物

Biological fluidized bed生物流化床

Lim mud 白泥

Whiteness 白度

White liquor 白液

White shavings 白纸边

Patent coated board 白纸板

White lextrin白糊精

Free rosin size 白色松香胶

White liquor clarifier 白液澄清器

Saveall 白水回收装置

White mud thickener 白液沉渣洗涤器

White mud vacuum washer 白泥真空过滤机

Bacon paper 包肉纸

Wire covered roll 包网辊

Needle paper 包针纸

Roll wrapping machine 包卷机

Rubber covered roll 包胶辊

Wrapping paper包装纸

Packing board 包装纸板

Ream 令

Face wire 外网

Recording instrument 记录式仪表

Main loop 主环

Subjective tests 主观检测

Glassine paper 半透明纸

Semi-automatic operation 半自动操作

Flash tank 闪蒸箱

Converting paper 加工原纸

Contrast ratio 对比度

Convection drying 对流干燥

Belt weigher 皮带秤

Blister test发泡实验

Nylon paper 尼龙纸

Sapwood 边材

Edge crush test 边压实验

Edgewise compression strength 边压强度

Bible paper 圣经纸

Animal glue 动物胶

Power fabric 动力衬网

Atlas paper, map paper 地图纸

Machine made paper 机制纸

Mechanical pulping 机械法制浆

Sulfite process 亚硫酸盐法

Bisulfite process 亚硫酸氢盐法

Reproducibility 再现性

Rewetting agent 再湿润性剂

Co-extrusion 共积压法

Nip 压区

Calendaring 压光

Embossing 压花

Crushing 压渍

Press 压榨

Embossing machine 压花机

Rider roll 压纸辊

Marking roll 压纹辊

Clamp mark 压板痕

Plater 压饰机

Form 压饰膜

Pressure control 压力调节

Midnip 压区中心

Nip pressure 压区压强

Nip width 压区宽度

Blackening 压光黑斑

Marking device 压纹装置

Press felt 压榨毛毯

Number of press 压榨道数

Pressure filter 压力洗浆机

Pressure grinder 压力磨木机

Calender cuts 压光机压渍

Calender dying 压光机染色

Calender sizing 压光机施胶

Paster paper 有光纸

Colored pigment 有色颜料

Ash 灰分

Perfect stuff 成浆

Forming wire 成型网

Forming board 成型板

Forming roll 成型辊

Forming box 成型箱

Former 成型器



打浆辊beater roll

打浆槽beater tub

唇板slice lip

单纤维single fiber

单面白纸板one-side white board

单面胶版纸one-side offset paper

低浓浆泵low consistency stock pump

多长网造纸机multiple-wire machine

植物纤维vegetable fiber

人造纤维artificial fiber

合成纤维synthetic fiber

废气relief gas 废液waste liquor (spent liquor)

废渣off scum 废页waste leaf (waste sheet)

废纸waste paper 废纸边waste sheet

废纸浆waste paper stock

封头上胶机head gluer

干燥部dry part (dry end)


工艺规程technical schedule

公害public nuisance

挂面纸板(多层纸板) lined board

光泽烘缸glazing dryer (又称扬克烘缸)

光泽度glossing agent

硅干扰silicon disturbance

硅酸钠sodium silicate


过滤纸板filter board


箱板纸liner board

中国轻工国际工程设计院China BCEL international engineering Co., Ltd

箱板纸机liner board machine

流送系统approaching flow system

高强牛皮箱板high test kraft liner board

牛成箱纸板kraft liner board

再生箱纸板recycled liner board

引纸系统lead-in system

引纸辊lead-in roll

托纸板paper supporting board

卷取站reel station

压纸辊和底辊top roll and bottom roll

纸卷卸载装置lowering table

纸芯夹持装置paper core holder

切断刀tail cutter

纸芯自动加载装置automatic paper core loading system

纸芯存放台paper core storage table

输送机构,加载机构conveying device, loading device

选择性报价selective quotation

纸边处理系统paper edge handling system

切边刀edge-trimming cutter

损纸碎浆机broke pulper

退纸架unwind stand

大回旋分切单元log saw

复卷单元rewinding unit

打孔线perforation unit

压边线单元ply-bonding unit

纸芯管制造和智能喂入单元core making unit & core aptitude transfer unit

齿刀toothed blade

平刀anvil blade

气动或液压式顶针pneumatically or hydraulically actuated core chucking assembly 断纸检测detecting system for web break

纸卷自动对中automatic alignment for centering of parent reel

复卷辊rewinding roll

压纸辊rider roll

自动断纸系统automatic transfer cut-off system

卫生卷纸包装设备toilet roll packaging machine

包装完成输送带conveyor of packaging completion

缓冲输送带buffer conveyor

卫卷分配系统roll distributor

单卷(多卷)包装机single (multi) roll packaging machine

装袋机bagging machine

喂入系统feeding system

门辊涂布gate roll coating

门辊式涂布器gate roll coater

密封罩closed hood

棉杆cotton stalk

棉浆cotton pulp

棉纸cotton paper

棉短绒little cotton velvet (或linter)

棉纤维cotton fiber (或cotton linters)


明胶gelatin (由动物的皮或骨等熬制而成的一种胶类,从无色到黄色,呈透明 或半透明状。溶于热水,冷却后凝结成胨态,可用来作为表面施胶剂) 模压纸板(冲压纸板) board for pressing

摩擦阻力friction resistance

磨石grind stone

磨片disc refiner plate

磨盘refiner disc


磨纹groove pattern

磨木浆groundwood pulp

磨石磨木浆ground pulp (GP)

磨石机械浆stone groundwood pulp (SGP 或GW)

木片规格ship dimension

木本植物woody plant

木材结构wood structure

木材制浆wood pulp


纳米材料nanomaterials (或nano-size materials)

耐久性permanence (即检查纸的寿命)


耐热性heat resistance

耐破度bursting strengthen (或burst) 单位KPa

耐折度folding endurance

耐热度ovenable paper (或ovenable board)又称耐热纸板

耐火纸fireproof paper

耐油纸板grease resistance board

耐久性纸permanent paper

内聚力binding force

内部应力built-in stress

逆向除渣器reverse cleaner (或contra clone)


牛皮浆kraft pulp

牛皮纸kraft paper

牛皮纸板kraft board

牛皮箱纸板kraft liner board

牛皮挂面箱纸板kraft face liner board

排污washing out

配比fiber composition (通常是指纸或纸板中各种浆料所占有的比例)

配浆箱stock proportionator


喷放池blow pit

喷放锅blow tank


喷放阀blow valve

偏心距couching offset



漂液bleaching liquor

漂针浆bleaching nadelholz kraft pulp (BNKP)

漂阔浆bleaching leaf kraft pulp (BLKP)

漂白塔bleaching tower

漂白粉bleaching powder

漂白浆bleached pulp

漂白剂bleaching agent

平板纸flat paper (或sheet paper)


平压强度flat crush strength


起皱creping (或wrinkling)






热磨机械浆thermo-mechanical pulp (TMP)



柔性系数coefficient of flexibility

软包装flexible package

软压光soft calender

润湿辊sweat roll

塞流plug flow


色淀color lake 色调color tone 色谱color spectrum 色素pigment

色牢度color stability

设计车速design speed

伸长率strength at break

伸缩性hygro instability (或extensible & shrinkage)

生浆prime pulp


生化试纸biochemical reaction paper




生态平衡balance of nature

生化处理biological treatment


施胶剂sizing agent

施胶压榨size press

施胶度degree of sizing (或size resistance)

湿重wet weight of fiber

湿损纸wet broke

湿纸幅wet web

湿强剂wet strength agent


竖卷机roll erector

竖向强度zeeil direction strength

双辊挤浆机twin roll presser (或twin roll press washer)

水化degree of hydration

水玻璃(硅酸钠) water glass (或sodium silicate)

水压试验water test

水力碎浆机hydrapulper (或aquapulper)

四大发明the four invention (paper, printing, compass, gunpowder)

酸比acid ratio


损纸(湿)输送器wet broke conveyor

碳化硅silicon carbide

碳酸钙calcium carbonate

条纹牛皮纸laid kraft paper (或ribbed kraft paper)

透气度air permeance (或air permeability)

托辊touch roll(或pressure roll)

脱水water removal



瓦楞纸corrugated sheet (或fluted paper)

瓦楞原纸corrugated base paper (或corrugating medium)

瓦楞纸板corrugated fiber board

网案wire table

网笼cylinder mold


吸水性water absorption

吸附水absorbed water

吸油性oil absorbency


吸音纸板acoustical board

洗浆pulp washing

洗涤水washing water

洗涤槽washing vessel

洗浆机stock washer

线压力linear pressure

相对湿度relative humidity

相对黏度relative viscosity

相对密度relative density

箱纸板liner board

削片刀chipper knife



斜筛inclined screen

斜纹网longcrimp wire

胸辊breast roll



悬浮物suspended solid

旋翼筛selectifier screen

悬挂干燥festoon drying

旋转筛rotary screen





压头pressure head


压榨辊pressing roll


压力磨浆机pressure grinder

压力洗浆机pressure filter


厌氧处理anaerobic treatment


引纸辊leading paper roll (或blow roll)

引纸水针cutoff squirt

引纸刮刀cut-off doctor

引纸烘缸lead dryer

引纸绳系统Sheehan rope carrier system


再生纸regenerated paper


造纸paper making

张紧辊stretch roll

张力辊tension roll

折射率index of refraction

针孔眼bees sting

真空箱vacuum box

真空伏辊vacuum couch roll


真空过滤机(洗浆机) vacuum washer (vacuum filter)

真空导毯辊vacuum felt roll


纸幅paper web


纸板paper board

纸夹paper filled


纸加工paper converting

纸板机paperboard machine (或board machine)

纸卷硬度paper roll hardness

纸浆硬度hardness of pulp

纸的横向cross direction

纸的纵向machine direction

纸的正面(毛布)felt side of paper ( top side of paper )

纸的反面(网布)wire side of paper (back side of paper)

纸的成形forming of paper

纸的结构structure of paper

纸的性能paper properties

纸浆注模机pulp molding machine

纸板热压机hot press of board

纸的酸碱性acid-base property


制浆废水pulping wastewater

质谱分析mass electrode


(原义为补偿辊体由于自得引起中间下垂的办法,在数值上是辊筒正中央横截面 上的直径与端面上的直径之差。造纸机上的压榨辊、压光辊等为保持辊筒压区的 压力均匀分布,补偿因扰度变形而引起的偏差,需要在辊筒上加有中高。) 中高辊crowned roll

(经过加工带有中高的辊筒。以磨床研磨头凸轮的设定,从而达到一个特定的中 高形状)

中性施胶剂neutral sizing

中等施胶moderate size

重施胶hard size

中性包装纸neutral wrapping paper (neutral package paper)

重刀打浆hard beating

轴式卷纸机pope reel

轴比axis ratio (for fiber) 纤维的轴比




紫外吸收光谱ultraviolet spectrometry

自由基free radial

自动检测automatic detection

自动氧化还原auto oxidation and reduction

总轴line shaft


哈巴式造纸机Harper Paper-making machine

耗水量water consumption (一吨纸所需耗水量)

合格率acceptability ratio

合成纸synthetic paper

黑灰black ash

黑液black liquid

提取率extraction efficiency

除皂soap removal


恒温水浴warm water

横切面cross section

烘缸cylinder dryer


烘干浆over dry pulp (在105 摄氏度条件下,使水分蒸发后的浆料)

烘缸干燥曲线drying temperature curve

烘缸有效面积effective dryer surface curve

红外干燥infra-red drying

后期注水water injection at final stage

厚度计thickness tester

厚纸板think board

弧形辊curved roll

化学式chemical formula

化学浆chemical pulp

化合酸combined acid

化学木浆chemical wood pulp

化学纤维纸artificial fiber paper

化学方程式chemical equation

化学动力学chemical kinetic

化学磨木浆(CGP)Chemical Ground Pulp

化学机械浆(CMP)Chemical Mechanical Pulp

化学热磨机械浆(CTMP)Chemical Thermo Mechanical Pulp

环压强度ring crush (column strength)

(在一定条件下,压缩瓦楞纸到溃破前所能承受的最大压力,单位是年/米(N/m)) 环氧树脂epoxy resin



灰纸板grey board

回色color reversion (返黄)

活性炭性纤维纸activated carbon fiber paper

机械浆(MP) Mechanical Pulp



加工纸converted paper

加工纸厂converting mill


浆张(抄片) laboratory paper

浆泵pulp pump (stock pump)

浆池pulp chest


浆板机pulp machine


校正辊guide roll

节能energy conservation


接头splice (或joint)

精制浆dissolving pulp

精油essential oil


静电记录纸electrostatic recording paper

卷reel (1. 卷筒纸的包装单位,2. 指纸卷,绕在卷纸机或卷芯上的纸筒,即半 成品纸筒)

卷曲curl (纸病之一)


卷筒roll (绕在复卷机上或者经过包装为成品纸筒)

卷筒纸roll paper

(从复卷纸通过纵向切刀切开成一定宽度,一定直径和适当紧度的卷纸。由筒芯、 纸卷和外包装等三部分组成)

卷纸机reel machine(造纸机的后端连带有卷纸轴及转动机构装置)

卡纸solid paper (card paper)

卷筒分切机reel slitter



可逆反应reversible reaction

可调弧形辊adjustable bow curved roll

可控中高辊controllable crown roll

(在造纸机和整纸机上,借助液压装置以无中高的辊筒来适应不同载荷强度,补 偿不同扰度的辊筒)

空气刮刀air doctor (air knife)

(一种喷出气流的装置,对涂布纸上的涂层加以吹散、匀布,同时还可以进行计 量)

孔眼pin hole (纸病之一)

冷缸sweat dryer

(位于造纸机干燥部末尾的一只烘缸,其工作温度较低,为冷却纸页以便进入压 光机或卷纸机)

利用率utilization ratio

连续法continuous process

良浆accepted stock

流浆箱flow box (或head box)

(又称网前箱,头箱,安装在造纸机前端的,把合格的纸料经过匀整后喷放到网 部流送设备。基本组成部分有:布浆器,匀整装置,和堰板等)

铝箔aluminum foil

铝箔纸aluminum laminated paper


螺旋喂料机screw feeder (或compressafiner)

螺旋挤浆机screw press washer

门辊式涂布器gate roll coater

棉浆cotton pulp



磨木浆ground wood pulp


木纤维libriform fiber

