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Carbopol 940:短流变性、高粘度、高清澈度,低耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用于凝胶及膏霜中
Carbopol 941:长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度,中等耐离子性及耐剪切,适用于凝胶及乳液
Carbopol ETD 2020:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、低粘度、高清澈度、高耐离子性及耐剪切性,适用清澈凝胶。
Carbopol AQUA SF-1:液体,长流变性、可配制清澈配方,与多种成份具优良的相容性,回酸增稠,可用于表面活性剂体系。
Carbopol Ultrez 21:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,短流变性、用于凝胶、洗涤清洁用品、高电解质产品、膏霜、乳液。
Carbopol Ultrez 20:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,长流变性、香波、沐浴凝胶、膏霜/乳液、含电解质的护肤、护发凝胶
Pemulen TR-1:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、短流变性、用于膏霜、乳液
Pemulen TR-2:丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交链共聚物,增稠型乳化剂、长流变性、用于乳液
Carbopol ULTREZ 20聚合物
Carbopol? Ultrez 20 Polymer
INCI Name: Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer
Carbopol? Ultrez 20 polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified cross-linked acrylate copolymer. This polymer offers many substantial benefits for formulators and marketers of personal care products. Like other \20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use - it self-wets and disperses within minutes. This rheology (流变学)modifier and stabilizer also provides electrolyte tolerance(耐受性) and unique sensory benefits in formulations. It can be used in systems with moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications. Key Benefits of Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer
Pleasing Sensorial(知觉的,感觉的) Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20
provides a rich, creamy skinfeel during the rubout(擦掉,抹掉) phase of applying oil-in-water based creams and lotions(洗液). These properties are featured in our SensiMap Formulating(明确叙述)Concept.
Rapid Wetting: The unique structure of Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer allows for
rapid wetting and improved swelling(膨胀)time without the need for agitation. This processing benefit is offered without compromising the performance that the personal care industry expects from the Carbopol polymer product line.
Efficient Thickening: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides moderate-to-high viscosity with smooth, long flow properties. It's a versatile(通用的) product that can be used when your formulations require viscosity and suspending properties. Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer performs effectively across a broad pH range, making it a versatile ingredient for many applications.
Stability of Ingredients in Surfactant-Containing Formulations(配方): In shampoo and body wash formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer helps to
suspend and stabilize beads(珠子,水珠), microcapsules and exfoliants(去角质系列)for excellent product stability and visual appeal(视觉的吸引力). In 2-in-1 formulations, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer can stabilize silicone fluids and oils effectively.
Aesthetic(美学的;审美的)Properties: Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer exhibits good clarity(透明) in gel formulations, along with providing a smooth,
aesthetically pleasing gel(凝胶)quality. In creams and lotions(洗液), it helps to create emulsions(乳剂) with excellent skin feel.
Excellent Clarity: Even at high polymer concentration, Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer maintains superior clarity. It can be used with confidence(满怀信心地)in systems where sparkling(发泡的, 闪烁的)clarity is required.
Excellent Electrolyte(电解质) Tolerance: Viscosity, clarity and stability are all maintained in the presence of(在面前) electrolytes with Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer. It is ideally suited for use in formulations containing higher levels of oils, botanical(来自植物的; 植物的)ingredients, or humectants(湿润剂)like Sodium PCA.
Carbopol Ultrez 20 polymer provides excellent performance in a wide range of products, including:
? ? ? ? ? ?
Shampoos Lotions Body washes Hair and skin gels Bath gels Creams
Carbopol? Ultrez 20 polymer is a featured ingredient in the SensiMap? Formulating Concept. Carbopol? Ultrez 20 polymer is recommended for hand sanitizer(消毒杀菌剂)gels. Name: CARBOPOL? ULTREZ 20 POLYMER Company: Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润 Trade Name: CARBOPOL? Description: Like other \grade polymers, Carbopol? Ultrez 20 polymer is exceptionally easy to use-it self wets and disperses within minutes. This new thickener and stabilizer also provides improved electrolyte tolerance and unique sensory benefits. It can be used in systems with a moderate surfactant content, making it an ideal choice for many applications. Documents Data Sheet DATA SHEET(English) Technical Information DISPERSION TECHNIQUES FOR CARBOPOL? POLYMERS(English) FORMULATING HYDROALCOHOLIC(水醇的,氢醇) GELS WITH CARBOPOL? POLYMERS(English) HOW TO PREPARE AQUEOUS DISPERSIONS OF CARBOPOL? POLYMERS(English) NEUTRALIZING CARBOPOL? AND PEMULEN? POLYMERS IN AQUEOUS AND HYDROALCOHOLIC SYSTEMS(English) Product name : Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer
Chemical name : Acrylates/C10-30 alkyl acrylate crosspolymer Items Properties
Appearance: white powder Odor: mild acrylic odor Total solids: 100% pH (in water): 3
0.5% mucilage(粘液)
viscosity at 20 rpm: 55, 000 mPa?·s 0.5% dispersion
wetting time: 3 minutes 0.5% mucilage* clarity
(% Transmission)(传送) ~ 95
Characteristics and Application :
Carbopol Ultrez 21 Polymer is a hydrophobically(疏水性地) modified crosslinked polyacrylate polymer designed to efficiently impart(赋予)thickening, stabilizing, and suspending properties to a variety of personal care applications.
Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer is self wetting crosslinked polyacrylic acid polymer that is synthesized in a cosolvent(共溶剂)ethyl acetate/cyclohexane mixture. It provides greater versatility(多功能,多用途) in formulating because it quickly and easily self wets without any mixing required. Carbopol Ultrez 21 polymer has short flow characteristics with relatively high viscosity compared to other Carbopol polymers.
Benefits :
Facilitates(使容易) formulating and processing because it is a self-wetting polymer that requires no dispersion agitation.
Provides excellent thickening efficiency to form very high clarity gels.
Provides shear(切变) thinning(变稀) rheology(流变能力)to enable easy pumping(抽吸)and dispensing(分发; 分配)of finished products via trigger(扳柄)sprayers(喷雾器). Provides yield value(屈服值)to allow for the suspension of a wide variety of insoluble materials or particles(粒子). Yield value enables finished products to have vertical cling(附着) which is an important characteristic for products that are dispensed via a trigger spray(反柄喷雾器) or nozzle(管口, 喷嘴). Stabilizes oil-in-water emulsions.
INCL命名: 丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物 (Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer)
一. 工艺操作上的优点:
在工艺操作上ULTREZ 20比ETD2020更简便。
? 快速润湿: 自我润湿-分散时无须搅拌! 与Carbopol ULTREZ 20和10相似的
润湿性质。 更不易引入气泡。
? 稳定的聚合物溶涨性能: 分散液粘度更稳定; 应用性能更稳定。 ? 凝胶的外观更平滑。 ? 可以采用后中和。
Carbopol聚合物 Ultrez 20 Ultrez 21 Ultrez 10 ETD2020 980 润湿时间 0.5wt%(分钟) 3 2-3 5 20 >50 润湿时间 3.0wt%(分钟) 5 5 6 >3hr >5hr 二. 工艺操作和配方应用指南:
Ultrez 20采用先中和,后中和均可(视具体而定).
加入其它配方组分,其间搅拌应尽可能的慢(以避免引入气泡). 三. 性能上的优点:
与ETD2020 Polymer相似的性能:
? 耐电解质出色:
? 能增稠常见的阴离子,两性离子或非离子表面活性剂体系. ? 能增稠含电解质的凝胶或乳液.
? 芦荟,吡咯烷酮羧酸钠(PCA-Na),植物提取物等等.
? 屈服值高:
? 能悬浮不溶性的颗粒: 粒珠,ZPT等等. ? 能稳定不溶性的硅氧烷和油脂. ? 能稳定乳化液.
? 较高粘度,同时具有剪切变稀的流变学性质. 比ETD2020 Polymer更好的性能: ? 添加后的透明度更好.
? 产品透明度的指标已因此更新. ? 能溶忍的表面活性剂的含量更高. ? 制得的凝胶,其外观更平滑,更有光泽.
四. 粘度与浓度的关系: PH=6.0-7.5 Brookfield RVT@20rpm.
Ultrez 20与ETD2020的粘度-浓度曲线相近,而Ultrez 21的粘度-浓度曲线更陡峭. 五. NaCl对Carbopol聚合物凝胶粘度的影响: 1.0wt%,PH7.5 Brookfield RVT@20rpm
Ultrez 20与ETD2020的粘度-NaCl浓度wt%曲线相近,而Ulrez 21的粘度-NaCl浓度wt%曲线的下降斜率要更大. 六. 应用推荐:
? 香波: 去头屑,二合一. ? 沐浴凝胶: 保湿,悬浮粒珠. ? 奶液/膏霜: 含电解质.
? 肤用凝胶: 含电解质(芦荟). ? 发用凝胶. ? 消毒洗手液.
七. Carbopol Ultrez 20聚合物优点总结: ? 快速自我润湿,分散无需搅拌. ? 稳定表面活性剂体系配方.
? 稳定,悬浮不溶性组分(例如二甲基硅氧烷,油类,ZPT,粒珠等等.) ? 稳定含电解质的配方. ? 外观平滑而具美感.
Carbopol Ultrez 20聚合物在配方中的应用
引子: 如何选择Carbopol聚合物?
? Ultrez 20,ETD2020,Ultrez 21,液体状聚合物(例如Carbopol Aqua SF1)之间 优点的比较:
一. 免洗型凝胶:
对比项目 测试用配方
-粘度 -Carbopol聚合物 0.8% -透明度 -芦荟(40:1) 2.5% -防腐剂 配方PH为7.0,含电解质 –香精 -NaOH 测试结果:
电解质含量高的水凝胶中,ULTREZ 20更有效.
与ETD2020比较,ULTREZ 20能赋予相似的透明度和更高的粘度. 使用ULTREZ 20时,再添加1%Copolyol-1并不会产生增益. 二. 乳化型膏霜和奶液:
粘度比较 测试用配方
高含量电解质(有机和无机)面军 -Carbopol聚合物 0.4% 的膏霜和奶液,添加了ULTREZ 20, -白油 8 U21或ETD2020. –A 165(GMS acid stable) 1 -十六醇 0.5 PH=6.0 -丙二醇 2 -Ultrasil DW-18 0.3 -防腐剂 -NaOH
PCA-Na,泰国野葛根或纸桑树. 测试结果(1): 在膏霜配方中,无机电解质的影响:
不含电解质时,U21能赋予最高的粘度,但是,ULTREZ 20,ETD2020耐电解质能力比U21更好.高含量电解质的条件下,ULTREZ 20耐电解质能力最好. 测试结果(2): 在膏霜配方中,有机电解质的影响:
在膏霜配方中有机电解质对粘度的影响,取决于该电解质为何物.ULTREZ 20,ETD2020耐电解质能力相似.
三. 表面活性剂体系的透明香波,沐浴凝胶:
粘度,透明度,屈服值对比: 测试用配方
添加ULTREZ 20,ETD2020或Aqua SF-1 -Carbopol聚合物
的透明香波,沐浴凝胶 ULTREZ 20或ETD2020 1.2%
或Aqua SE-1 6.0%
-SLE(2)S 8-16 PH=5.5,6.5,7.5 -CAPB 2 -防腐剂 -NaOH
透明表面活性剂体系: 在低PH(PH=5.5)和表面活性剂含量高的条件下,Aqua SF-1被证实最有效,这是因为其回酸增稠效应以及它与表面活性剂的协同增效作用所致。
在8%的表面活性剂含量的条件下,ULTREZ 20能赋予很好的增稠功效和透明度。表面活性剂含量更高时,ULTREZ 20的功效和透明度将受影响。
透明表面活性剂体系:在PH=6.5时,Aqua SF-1能体现最佳的透明度,但需要更高的添加量以增加粘度和悬浮能力.ULTREZ 20与ETD2020流变学性质相似,ULTREZ 20透明度更好.
透明表面活性剂体系:在PH=7.5时,ULTREZ 20体现了最好的流变学性质.ULTREZ 20的透明度比ETD2020稍好些.Aqua SF-1透明度很好,然而要达到足够的增稠和悬浮,其添加量需要增加.
透明香波,沐浴露: 盐对粘度的影响-ULTREZ 20/ETD2020: 在所有条件下,ULTREZ 20和ETD2020性能相似,在中性PH和较低表面活性剂下,二者的耐盐能力更强.
透明香波,沐浴凝胶(盐对透明度的影响—ULTREZ 20,ETD2020):5.5-7.5PH范围内,表面活性剂含量较低,则可得到更好的透明度.与ETD2020相比较,ULTREZ 20性能更好.
透明香波,沐浴露: 盐对屈服值的影响-ULTREZ 20/ETD2020:在所有测试的PH下,ULTREZ 20与ETD2020性能相似.在中性PH和较低表面活性剂下,二者的耐盐能力更强.
透明香波,沐浴凝胶(盐对粘度的影响—Aqua SF-1): Aqua SF-1的增稠功效如下关联因素而增强: 阴离子表面活性剂含量>12%,适当的含盐量,较低的PH(PH=5.5).Aqua SF-1添加量为6%.
透明香波,沐浴凝胶(盐对透明度的影响—Aqua SF-1): PH>6时,可得到最佳的透明度.PH较低时,若表面活性剂含量较高,则能得到更好的透明度. Aqua SF-1添加量为6%.
透明香波,沐浴凝胶(盐对屈服值的影响--Aqua SF-1): 较高的含盐量,通常能有助于提高屈服值. Aqua SF-1添加量为6%.
在透明表面活性剂体系中,ULTREZ 20与Aqua SF-1的比较: 实验所用的SLE2S添加量范围内,PH=5.5,6.5时,ULTREZ 20在香波中并未展现出最佳性能; 而在PH=7.5时我们发现,含ULTREZ 20与香波对高含量电解质表现得非常好.
在PH相似时,ULTREZ 20的粘度性能与Aqua SF-1相似.因而可以这么说,就象Aqua SF-1体系一样,在高含量电解质的情况下协同增稠效应发生了.
透明表面活性剂体系中Carbopol选用指南: 配方基准:
-粘度过 3-15000mPa.s -透明度 >80% -屈服值 100
? Ultrez 20配方: 推荐使用6-10%SLES和2%甜菜碱(<0.3%盐) ? Aqua SF-1配方: 推荐使用14-18%SLES和2%甜菜碱. 10-14%SLES 和2êPB 配方编号 ULTREZ 20-001 ULTREZ 20-002 ULTREZ 20-003 ULTREZ 20-004 ULTREZ 20-006 ULTREZ 20-008 含盐量 0-0.3% 0.6-1.5% PH5-6 ULTREZ 20 Aqua SF-1 PH6-7 ULTREZ 20 Aqua SF-1 配方名称 含微胶囊的透明凝胶 二合一香波 柔滑护肤乳液 含蜂蜜,杏仁的沐浴露 含十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)的透明调理定型发胶 “Damage Control”抗衰老乳液 PH7-8 Aqua SF-1 Aqua SF-1 配方(Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer) Ulrez 20与ETD2020使用性能对比
配方 聚合物(wt%) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Properties Ultrez 20 ERD2020 批号 粘度(mPa.s) 透明度(%T) 粘度,含wt1%盐(mPa.s) 含微胶囊的透明凝胶(ULTREZ 20-0001) 二合一香波(ULTREZ 20-002) 含蜂蜜,杏仁的沐浴露(ULTREZ 20-004) 含十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)的透明调理定型发胶(ULTREZ 20-006) 柔滑护肤乳液(ULTREZ 20-003) “Damage Control”抗衰老乳液(ULTREZ 20-008) 粘度(mPa.s). 2屈服值(dyn/cm). 浊度(NTU) 粘度(mPa.s) 2屈服值(dyn/cm). 粘度(mPa.s) 2屈服值(dyn/cm) 粘度(mPa.s) 浊度(NTU) EC3N1ZT006 55,400 95.5 5,880 5,410 370 16.9 7,550 216 10,000 424 12,250 4.7 CC02LEK320 55,000 88.0 8,300 3,810 292 29.5 4,800 265 7,700 208 10,850 14.4 0.85 0.50 0.70 0.25 0.30 粘度(mPa.s) 2屈服值(dyn/cm) 粘度(mPa.s) 9,000 896 6,620 8,240 636 6,960 Ulrez 20与ETD2020使用性能对比测试总结
? 透明度:
? 所有测试中,Ultrez 20透明度较好. ? 粘度:
? 大多数测试中,Ultrez 20粘度较高. ? 屈服值: ? 二者相当.
? 外观的美感,平滑:
? Ultrez 20制得的凝胶,乳液平滑,有光泽. ? 应用的广泛度:
? 能应用于凝胶,奶液,膏霜,香波,沐浴露,且性能出色. 有关法规方面的情况
? INCL命名: 丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物(Acrylates/C10-30
alkyl acrylate crosspolymer)
? 注册:美国,欧洲,日本,加拿大,韩国,中国,澳大利亚,菲律宾. ? 符合EU Cosmetics Directive 76/768. ? 日本INCL命名: 已按要求申请得到.
性质 分散润湿时间(分钟) 分散液粘度,3hr(mPa.s) (Brookfield RVT,20rpm@25℃) 粘度. PH5.8-6.3(mPa.s) (Brookfield RVT,20rpm@25℃) 含盐时粘度,PH7.3-7.8(mPa.s) Brookfield RVT,20rpm@25℃) 透明度. PH5.8-6.3(%透光率) (420nm波长) 残留溶剂:乙酸乙酯+环已烷(%) 重金属:Pb,As,Hg,Sb(ppm) - - - - 0.45 10 每一批次 每20批次 干燥失重/含湿率(%) - - 2.0 每10批次 SA-004 SA-009 SA-012 1.0 90 100 每一批次 485-D 1.0 4,000 - 每一批次 SA-016 1.0 47,000 67,000 每一批次 SA-051a 活性物(%) 3.0 3.0 最小值 - 3,500 最大值 10 - 测试频次 每一批次 每一批次 测试方法编号 ANLAB.076 ANLAB.075 水温对润湿时间的影响-0.5wt%: 推荐分散温度: 25-50℃(注意: 若在60-70℃分
散Ultrez 20,会出现为分散好的大颗粒.
水温对润湿时间的影响-3.0wt%: 推荐分散温度: 25-50℃
聚合物浓度对分散液粘度的关系: 分散液粘度随聚合物浓度的加大而加大.
PH对粘度的影响(Carbopol聚合物-0.5wt%, NaOH-18wt%): 粘度先是随PH的加大而
PH对屈服值的影响: (Carbopol聚合物-0.5wt%, NaOH-18wt%): 屈服值先是随PH
PH对透明度的影响: PH在5-11的较宽范围内透明度均处于较高值,而在PH<5和PH>11时则透明度下降明显.
含维生素胶囊的透明沐浴凝胶(Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer)—U20-0001 INCL命名 Wt% 47.85 商品名(供应商) A 1. 去离子水 2. 丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交联聚合物) 3. 月桂基醚硫酸钠(2mol,26%) 4. 月桂基醚硫酸铵(2mol,25%) 5. NaOH(18%) B 6. 去离子水 7. 椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱,椰油酸单乙醇胺酰胺(34%) 8. 聚季胺盐-39(10%) C 9. 去离子水 10. EDTA二钠盐 D 11. 二羟甲基二甲基乙内酰脲(DMDM Hydantoin) 12. NaOH(18%) 13. 维生素E醋酸酯,维生素A棕榈酸酯,羟丙基甲基纤维素,群青 14. 维生素E醋酸酯,丙基甲基纤维素,氢氧化绿铬 15. 维生素E醋酸酯,丙基甲基纤维素,氧化铁 1.00 24.00 10.00 1.00(q.s.to PH~4.8) 9.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.05 0.20 0.60(q.s.to PH5.8) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Carbopol Ultrez 20 Polymer(Noveon,Inc) Standapol ES-2(Cognis) Standapol EA-2(Cognis) Mackam BC-39(Mclntyre) Merquat Plus 3330(Nalco) Protacide NA2 EDTA(Protameen) Protacide DMDMH(Protameen) Unispheres UEA-509 (lnduchem/Lipo C.Amenrica) Unispheres AGE-527 (lnduchem/Lipo C.Amenrica) Unispheres YE-501 (lnduchem/Lipo C.Amenrica) 外观: 悬浮彩色粒珠,稠厚的透明液体. PH: 5.7-6.0
粘度(mPa.s): 4,000-6,500
屈服值(dyn/cm): 250-450 浊度(NTU): 15-25
稳定性: 通过”3个月,45℃”的试验.通过5个轮次的循环实验. Carbopol Ultrez 20聚合物的活性物含量(%): 1.0 表面活性剂含量(%): 9.8 制备:
1. 将Carbopol Ultrez 20聚合物撒向去离子水的水面,待U20完全润湿,然后开
2. 缓慢搅拌下,依次加入Standapol ES-2和EA-2. 3. 加入NaOH部分中和至PH4.8.
4. 将B相各组分混合后,将其加入A相中. 5. 加入已经混合溶解的C相,搅拌至均匀. 6. 加入DMDMhydantoin. 7. 加入NaOH中和至PH5.8.
8. 缓慢搅拌下,加入Unispheres.
二合一香波(Carbopol Ultrez 20聚合物和提取物)—U20-0002 A 1.去离子水 2.丙烯酸酯/C10-30烷基丙烯酸酯交INCL命名 Wt% 40.919 0.85 商品名(供应商) Carbopol Ultrez 20
3. 在另外一容器内,混合B相各组分,加热至75℃,搅拌均匀后加入主搅拌釜(500rpm). 4. 在另外一容器内,混合C相各组分,然后加入主搅拌釜,搅拌至均匀(约~10分钟). 5. Homogenize with用Ultra Turrax(注:制造商: lka)均质器(或类似均质器)以22,000rpm均质45分钟,然后开始冷却.(注意: 均质时间取决于均质器类型和料液量,均质时间不要过长,以免造成粘度丧失).
6. 用NaOH中和至PH6.0.因粘度上升,可提高搅拌速度(500-1500rpm).搅拌至均匀. 7. 待主搅拌釜冷至<45℃时,加入Phenonip. 8. 依次加入其余各个配方组分,搅拌至均匀.
Carbopol AQUA SF-1
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 Polymer 卡波SF-1
1. INCI Name: Acrylates Copolymer 2. INCI名称:丙烯酸类聚合物 3. CAS号:68083-14-7
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 2010-01-21 10:19
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 Polymer 卡波SF-1 1. INCI Name: Acrylates Copolymer
INCI名称:丙烯酸类聚合物, CAS号:68083-14-7 2. As Supplied
2.1 Appearanc: milky, white liquid
外观:乳白色至白色液体 2.2 Odor:mild acrylic
2.3 Total Solids (by weight): 30%
总固体:≥30.0% 2.4 Specific Gravity: 1.05
相对密度:1.05g/ml±0.01 2.5 pH: 3
2.6 Viscosity(Brookfield LV at 60 rpm ) :10 mPa.s
粘度(LV转子,60转速):≥10 mPa.s
2.7 Residual Ethyl Acrylate (total, ppm) < 1.0
2.8 1% Active Polymer in Water, pH 7.5
Viscosity( Brookfield RVT at 20 rpm) 4,500 mPa.s 粘度(RVT转子,20r/min):4,500 mPa.s Viscosity (0.2 wt% NaCl) 700 mPa.s 粘度(0.2%氯化钠溶液):700 mPa.s Turbidity 35 NTU 混浊度:35 NTU
3 Shelf Life: 36 months
------摘自Lubrizol Advanced Materials Asia 路博润(收购了诺誉)产品数据表
INCL: 丙烯酸共聚物交联的丙烯酸共聚物 聚合方式: 乳液聚合. 物理性质:
外观: 白色乳状液. 粘度(mPa.s): 10 聚合物的含量,%: 30 密度: 1.05g/ml PH: 3.0
残余单体(总量): <20ppm
1%活性物在水中.PH7.5 粘度,mPa.s: 4500
粘度0.2%NaCl,mPa.s: 700 浊度(NTU): 35
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 Polymer
INCI Name: Acrylates Copolymer
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 polymer is a lightly cross-linked acrylate copolymer. It is a novel, liquid, acrylic rheology modifier designed to suspend, stabilize, thicken, and enhance the appearance of surfactant-based personal cleansing products and soap-based cleansing
Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer is a cost-effective and easy-to-use product that provides numerous benefits.
Key Benefits of Carbopol Aqua SF-1 Polymer
Easy-to-Use Liquid Form: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer is supplied as a low viscosity liquid that is easily and quickly incorporated into a formulation. Suspension and Stabilization: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer provides excellent suspending and stabilizing properties in a variety of surfactant-based cleansing products; even low viscosity formulations. Insoluble and
difficult-to-stabilize ingredients such as silicones can be easily co-emulsified and stabilized.
Thickening and Flow Control: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer imparts effective thickening and desirable flow characteristics to shampoos, body washes and other cleansing formulations.
Clear Formulations: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer permits the formulation of high clarity shampoos, body washes and other cleansing products.
pH Flexibility: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer is effective over a wide pH range: from 3.5 to 10.0 (or higher). The polymer displays a unique ability to provide increased suspending, stabilizing and thickening benefits upon acidification after initial neutralization, a phenomenon known as “Back-Acid” thickening.
Surfactant Compatibility: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer is compatible with virtually all commercial nonionic, anionic and amphoteric surfactants as well as with a wide array of popular additives and conditioning agents, such as cationic polymers.
Synergistic Thickening with Salt and Surfactants: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer functions synergistically with salts and surfactants providing options for achieving various suspending, stabilizing and thickening requirements.
Enhanced Pearlization: Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer has the remarkable ability to enhance the visual impact of mica and other pearlizing additives used in surfactant-based systems.
Carbopol? Aqua SF-1 polymer is recommended for anti-bacterial hand soaps
Carbopol? Aqua SF-2 Polymer
INCI Name: Acrylates Crosspolymer-X (proposed)
Enabling low pH, high clarity cleansers with food grade preservative claims.
Due to the increasingly negative perception of paraben and formaldehyde donor type preservatives, the personal care market is shifting toward the use of food grade preservatives like Sodium Benzoate. These natural preservatives require a pH level near 5.0, which sacrifices desired formulation clarity and flow properties when using currently available rheology modifiers. Carbopol? Aqua SF-2 polymer responds to this market trend by offering rheology modification that delivers high clarity and superior suspension in the 4 to 6 pH range. Now formulators can display colorful beads, sparkling pearls, and exfoliating scrubs while also achieving claims of “paraben-free,” “formaldehyde-free,” “preservative-free,” and even “skin neutral pH”.
Key Formulation Benefits
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Elegant rheology with smooth, honey-like flow Very clear surfactant formulations at pH 4 to 6
Ideal for use with food grade preservatives such as Sodium Benzoate and Sorbic Acid
High suspension and stabilization of insoluble ingredients, including silicone, oils, emollients
pH flexibility with “Back-Acid” formulating technique Broad surfactant compatibility Synergistic thickening with salt Enhances pearlescent appearance
Stabilizes high oil-loaded body wash emulsions
Compatible with low levels of cationic conditioning ingredients Easy-to-use liquid form; cold process
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Broad Applications Fit
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Clear bath gels, shampoos and cleansers Pearlescent body washes and shampoos Body scrubs with suspended microcapsules Facial scrubs with exfoliating beads
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Anti-acne facial cleansers with salicylic acid Conditioning shampoos
Today, only the brilliant stand out. Unleash your creativity. Give your product the brilliance it needs to move from shelf to shower. At low pH, with the unmatched clarity, suspension, stabilization and flow properties of Carbopol? Aqua SF-2 polymer, your options are limitless.
Product name : Carbopol Aqua SF-1 Chemical name : Acrylates Copolymer Description :
·Milky, White Polymeric Dispersion in Water ·Contains 30% Active Polymer ·Low Characteristic Odor (Mild Acrylic) Characteristics and Application :
An acrylates copolymer rheology modifier that provides the convenience of a liquid while delivering unique benefits to surfactant-based cleansing products. Designed to impart efficient suspending and stabilizing, as well as thickening properties, to formulations containing high levels of surfactants.
Carbopol Aqua SF-1 polymer is a novel, liquid, acrylic rheology modifier designed to suspend, stabilize, thicken, and enhance the appearance of surfactant-based personal cleansing products. Benefits : ·Easy-to-Use Liquid Form ·Suspension and Stabilization ·Thickening and Flow Control ·Clear Formulations ·pH Flexibility ·Excellent Compatibility ·Synergistic Thickening with Salt ·Stunning Enhancement of Pearlization Uses :
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