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1. The traditional dividing line in America between \A. the Mississippi river. B. the Appalachians. C. the Rocky Mountains. D. the Hudson river.

2. Which part m America is the earliest to be found and taken over by early settler A. The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain. B. The Appalachians and their foothills. C. The interior lowlands. D.The Cordillera.

3. Which is the largest racial group in the whole population of U.S. A? A. Hispanics. B. American Indians. C. Non-Hispanics white. D. Asian Americans.

4. Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is ________. A. Latinos/Hispanics B. Asian Americans C. Native Americans D. African Americans

5._______ has the world's oldest written constitution and political party. A.America B.Canada C.England D.Australia 6. As to roles of American president, which is NOT precisely defined in the U.! Constitution?

A. He is the head of the state.

B.He is the chief executive of the U. S. .

C.He is the commander in chief of the aimed forces. D. He is the head of his political party.

7. The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved I A. The New Deal B. World War n

C. New energy sources D. Technological changes 8. In the United States, how many years does primary education require? A. Four years. B. Five years. C. Six years. D. Seven years. 9. Most college students in the United States are in _______.

A. private institutions B. city-funded universities C .high-tuition universities D .public institutions

10.The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are as fol- lows EXCEPT _______.

A.the United States State Courts B.the United States District Courts C.the United States Courts of Appeal D.the United States Supreme Court

11. All states of America are governed by the common law EXCEPT _______.

A. Louisiana B.Washington C.California D .New York 12 .Of the fifty states of America, how many states now have the death penalty as punishment?

A.37. B.38. C.39. D.40. 13. The four major regions of the United States are _______.

A.Northeast B. South C. Midwest D.West E. North A.ABCD. B.ACDE. C.BCDE. D.ABCE. 14 .Which region's cultural character was shaped largely by Puritan spirit?

A. The Middle-Atlantic Region. B. The New England Region.

C. The Pennsylvanian Region. D. The Mormon Region. 15._____ is the latest state in terms of size and population in America. A. California B. Indiana

C. Kansas D. Massachusetts 16. Which of the following is NOT in Middle-Atlantic Region?

A.Broadway. B. The Statue of liberty. C.Time Square. D.Bible Belt.

17. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of American characters? A. Ambition. B. Individualism. C. Consideration. D. Self-reliance. 18. Which of the following is NOT America's newspaper?

A. Wall Street Journal. B.USA Today.

C. Guardian. D. The Milwaukee Journal. 19. Which of the following are U. S. News and Cable network?

a.ABC b.NBC c.BBC d.ABA A.ab B.bc C.cd D.ad 20.\

A. American films B. American forest industry

C. Christians in the U. S. A D. American advertising industry 21. The most important and largest river in the United States of America is

A. the Ohio River B. the Colorado River C. the Missouri River D. the Mississippi River

22. The north-eastern part of the United States-New England enjoys a ___climate.

A. northern and oceanic type of B. typical continental C. very cold D. fairly warns 23. To the west of mainland America lies the

A. Atlantic Ocean B. Pacific Ocean C. Indian Ocean D. Arctic Ocean 24. Detroit, a U. S. city bordering Lake Erie, is famous for its

A. automobile industry B. textile industry C. iron and steel industry D. aircraft industry 25. The natives of the continent of America are the

A. Canadians B. Indians C. Mexicans D. Hispanics 26. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in

A. Britain

B. Britain and U. S. A C. the United States

D. all the English-speaking countries

27. is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A. Washington D. C. B. Los Angeles C. San Francisco D. New York City

28. Which of the following minority groups enjoys the worst social and economic conditions? A. Blacks. B. Hispanics.

C. Indians. D. Asian Americans. 29. Which of the following is NOT in New York City?

A. Wall Street. B. Fifth Avenue. C. Broadway Street. D. Niagara Falls. 30. Washington D. C. is named

A. after the U. S. President George Washington B. after Christopher Columbus

C. after both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D. after none of them

31. The U. S. Congress has the power to make these laws except of _-

A. defense B. citizenship and naturalization C. marriage D. the regulation of foreign trade 32. American and British English are two of the English language.

A. varieties B. elements C. parts D. forms

33. The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was

A. Thomas Jefferson B. James Monroe

C. James Madison D. Abraham Lincoln

34. Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is

A. Rhode Island B. Virginia C. Texas D. Montana

35. The national flag of the United States is known as

A. the Star-Spangled Banner B. Uncle Sam C. Hot Dog D. Union Jack

36.7he colony that did NOT send representatives to the First Continental Congress


A. Georgia B. Vugirria C. Massachusetts D. Rhode Island

37. The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the

A. contribution a state has made to the ration B. population C. size

D. none of the above

38. The tenn \

A. the Amazon River B. the Mississippi River C. the Nile River D. the Hudson River

39. The statue of liberty was given to American people by as a gift in 1884.

A. France B. Spain C. Italy D. Britain

40. music is perhaps America's greatest contribution to the world of popular music.

A. Blues B. Rock C. Jazz D. Waltz

41. is a special day of love

A. Valentine's Day B. April fool's day C. Halloween D. Easter 42. American national flower is

A. violet B. rose C. lily D. primrose 43. Whose presidential tern is the longest?

A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson C. Abraham Lincoln D. Franklin D. Roosevelt 44. Ernest Hemingway is

A. Englishman B. American C. Dutch D. Denmark 45. John Fitzgerald Kennedy is the president.

A. 35th B. 34th C. 33rd D. 32nd

46. In 1837, the first college-level institution for women, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, opened in to serve the \

A. New England B. Virginia C. Massachusetts D. New York 47 . The capital of Massachusetts is

A. Providence B. Boston C. Montpelier D. Augusta 48. is the dividing line between the South and North.

A. The Hudson River B. The Potomac River C. The Ohio River D. The Missouri River 49. is Washington's largest city.

A. Boise B. Denver C. Tacoma D. Seattle

50. Washington D. C. , the capital of U. S. is situated on the River bank

A. St. Lawrence B. Hudson C. Potomac D. Missouri 51. When did the American Civil War break out?

A.1775. B.1812. C.1861. D.18W . 52. Who prepared the draft of the Declaration of Independence?

A. John Adams. B. Thomas Jefferson. C. Benjamin Franklin. D. John Hancock. 53. In which day is Halloween celebrated?

A.5 November. B.31 October. .C .17 March. D. 25 December.

54. the following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except

A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson C. William Penn D. Benjamiin Franklin 55. The New Deal was started by

A. Franklin Roosevelt B. J. F. Kennedy C. George Washington D. Thomas Jefferson

56. The United States was rated in the world in terms of land area.

A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth 57. The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by

A. teachers B. students

C. headmaster D. boards of education}\ 58. The Bill of Rights consists of

A.10 very short paragraphs in an amendment B.10 amendments adopted in 1787

C.10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791

D. the amendments concerning the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the freedom of religion

59. The United States produces ass much as half of the world's _ A. wheat and rice B. cotton

C. tobacco and vegetable oil D. soybeans and corn

60. Which invention marked the beginning of \A. Newspaper. B. Telegraph. C. Laundry machine. D. Television.

61. The theory of American politics and the American Revolution originated mainly from

A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson C. John Adams D .John Locke 62.The District of Manhattan is in the city of

A. Washington D. C. B.San Francisco C. New York D. Chicago 63. The sears in the Senate are allocated to different states A. according to their population B. according to their size

C. according to their tax paid to federal government D. equally

64. The Rocky Mountains is located in

A. Great Britain B. Australia

C. South Africa D. North America

65. Hollywood, the centre of American movie industry, is closest to which city? A. Los Angeles. B. Chicago.

C. New York. D. Washington.

66. Which of the following is an American newspaper? A. The Guardian. B. Newsweek.

C . The International Herald Tribune. D. The Daily Telegraph. 67. The U.S. is called a \A. its steel industry is highly developed B. it has great influence on the world

C -it is an important economic center of the world D .people from different races live there together 68. The first Puritans came to America on the ship

A. Codpeed B. Susan Constant C. May Flower D. Discovery

69. Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May to honor those, have

A. given their lives for their country B. made great; scientific discoveries

C. won American great reputation in sports

D . donated large amounts of money to the country

70. \A. New Year's Day B. Veteran's Day C. Halloween D. Christmas

71 . The Easter egg and the hare, two of the symbols most frequently associated Easter, are considered to represent

A. vigor and bravery B . fertility and new life C. originality and speed D. happiness and fun

72.Which of the following books is not written by Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens?

A. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn C. Life on the Mississippi D. Leaves of Grass

73. Which of the following books is written by Washington Irving? A. Nature B. The Scarlet Letter C. The Sketch Book D. Farewell to Arms 74. The world-famous Harvard University is in

A. Massachusetts B. New York C. Washington D. C. D. Maine

75. Which of the following statements about American education is wrong? A. Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsory

B. Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals

C. There are more public colleges and universities than the private ones

D. Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor's degree

76. is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment. A. Broadway B. Wall Street C. The Fifth Avenue D. Times Square 77. is not a tourist attraction in the United States. A. Yellowstone National Park B. Grand Canyon C. St. Patrick's Cathedral D. Stonehenge 78. was an actor before he became the President.

A. Ronald Reagan B. Abraham Lincoln

C. Paradise Lost D. Tamburlaine

88. Renaissance, the revival of classical literature and artistic styles in European history, began in northern in the early 14th century and was typified by the universal genius of A. France; William Shakespeare B. Italy; Leonardo Da Vinci C. England; Edmund Spenser D. Germany; Goethe 89. Which one of the following does not belong to Shakespeare? A. Merchant of Venice B. Julius Caesar

C. King Lear D. The Jew of Malta

90. Most of the cost of the health service in Great Britain is funded out of A. National Insurance contributions B. general taxation

C. charges towards the cost of certain items D. land sales

91. In Britain, hospital service is part of the

A. National Health Service B. National Health Sys—tem C. Nursing and Health Studies D. Nurses' Health Studies

92. Women at the age of 60 and men at the age of 65 are entitled to a state retirement

pension, if they have paid __ A. general taxation B. sales tax C. insurance

D. full-rate national insurance contribution

93. In Britain, a family doctor sometimes is called ____.

A. doctor B. optometrist C, general practitioner D. pharmacist 94. Established churches in Britain are A. church of England and Church in Wales B. Church in Wales and Church of Scotland C. The Anglican Churches

D. Church of England and Church of Scotland 95. Where would you find a kirk?

A. in Scotland B. in England C. in Ireland D. in Wales

96. The home of golf is where the game has been played since the 17th century, A. England B. Wales C. Scotland D. Northern Ireland 97.Which sport is known as a major British industry?

A. boxing B. horse racing C. tennis D. soccer 98.Which sport is regarded as typically English?

A. cricket B.snooker C.rugby D. rowing

99. Which one of the following is not the reason for the Beatles so different from other pop groups?

A. They wrote their own songs and music.

B. They had a close relationship with their audience. C. They wrote serious songs.

D.They wrote songs of love, death, old age, poverty and daily life. 100. We may find many of London's theatres in

A. the east end B. the west end

C .Oxford Street D. Trafalgar Square

101. is the most famous festivals of music and other arts held annually throughout Britain.

A. The Edinburgh International Festival of Music and Drama B. The Royal National Eisteddford of Wales C. The Llangollen International Eisteddford

D. Bath Music Festival


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B5.C 6.C 8.D 9.B 10. B

11.C 12. C 13. D 14. D15.D 16-A17C18. C 19. C20. D 21.C22. A 23.C 24.D25.C 26.A27 C 28B 29. C30. B 31.B32. A 33. C 34. D35. A 36. D37A38.C 39.A 40.A 41.B 42. C 43. 44.A45 C 46 D 47 C 48 A 49 D 50 C 51 B 52 A 53 D 54 D 55 B 56 A 57 D 58 A 59 B 60 D 61 C 62. B 63. C 64. D65. C 66. A 67. B 68. B69.D70. C 71.A72. B73. B 74. C 75.A 76 B77. A 78. C 79.A 80. B 81. B82. A 84. C 85. C 86. B 87. A 88. B 89. D 90. B 91.A 92. D 93. C94.D 95.A 96. C 97.B98.A99. C 100. B 101 A


1.D不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上 万个小岛组成。大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。爱 尔兰不属于此。






7.A英国的政体是君主立宪制。国王(女王)是国家元首,但政府的首领为首才 8.D英国的第二大城市伯明翰位于英格兰中部平原,是国际化大城市,也是;




10. B君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,「




12. C英国最长的河是塞文河,全一长355公里,美国最长的河是密西西比河,


13. D英国大选每5年举行一次。

14. D英国教育制度经过几百年的改一革,石_}当的完善和复杂,同时又具有相当G


15.D 1812年6月,关国向英国宣战,其真实用总在于夺取加拿大。成为第--U

英之战。三国都卷人战争。 16-A英国最长的河是塞文河。

17. C《上帝拯救女王》是英国的国歌。

18. C艾格伯国王于829年统一英格兰建立王权。

19. C 115,88年英国舰队摧毁西班牙无敌舰队,从而树立了海上霸权。20. D Big Ben是英国著名的??大本钟”。


end mid the e

22. A 1066年,威廉大帝率诺曼底军队远征英格兰,大获全胜。这是外族浸略;



.D英国历史最悠久的日报是《泰晤士报》。.C泰晤士河位于英格兰。 i.A工业革命最早从英国开始。

!. C 1979年撒切尔夫人成为英国第一任女首相。她提出的政策被称为“撒切尔

主义”。其内容包括国有工业私有化,采用货币主义政策以控制通货膨胀,削弱工会的影响,加强市场因素在经济中的作用,将公有住房卖给民众,强调法律和秩序。在一定程度上讲,她的计划是成功的。她领导英国经济度过了一段最繁华的时期之一。 XB英国拥有其海军核力量与其海上一贯的霸主地位是密切相关的。29. C《观察家报》创刊于1791年,是英国创刊最早的星期日日报。

30. B据说Big Ben得名于它在1859年修建时候的建造者Benjamin Hair31.B威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫

32. A英国最大的海军基地是普茨茅斯。

33. C英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。34. D多伦多属于加拿大,与英国无关。

35. A路透社创建于伦敦。

36. D伦敦塔是1078年为防止罗马人侵由威廉大帝修建的。37. A英国民族的前身是安格鲁萨克森人。

38. C格拉斯格是苏格兰最大的城市和经济中心。39.A英国小孩5_16岁的教育是免费的。 40. A工业革命起源于英国。 41.B本尼维斯山为英国最高峰

42. C提起英国,很多人会使用名字\或.i British\,但这往往会惹

恼苏格兰人,威尔士人以及北爱尔兰人。从政治角度来讲,\Britain and Northern Ireland'?或“the Urtited Kingdom/UK\是英国正确的叫法。\British Isles”则是地理意义上的名字,包括GreatBritain,the whole of Ireland(Northern anal Southern),the Channel Islandswid the Isle of Man这些岛屿。

43. B现在,英国移民主要集中在伦敦及英格兰心脏地带的一些城市和城镇,诸如

Slou以、,Leicester, Wolverhampton, Bircnir,彭imn, Luton, Bradford, Coventry,Be(ford和Readir%等等

4=1. A英国儿一个世纪以来地势一直在缓慢地倾斜,表现为西北部在J漫慢上升,而东



62. B英国的下院议会成员中有人去世、退休或辞职时,就要进行补缺选举。63. C在英国,部长们是由首相推荐,女王加以任命的。 64. D下议院共有651名议员。

65. C撒切尔夫人,丘吉尔和梅杰都曾经做过英国首相;而纳尔逊(1758-1805),英

国海军统帅,因作战负伤,右眼失明,失去右臂。后任地中海舰队司令,在特拉法尔加角海战中大败法国一西班牙联合舰队,本人受重伤阵一亡,称号Vis-count Nelson. 66. A在英国,按照传统,多数党的领导人由君主任命为首相,首相从本党内部挑

选一些领导人担任各部部长职位。 67. B托利党是英国保守党的前身。

68. B在英国,在下院中赢得第二席位的政党为反对党,它也有它自己的领导和影

子内阁(shadow cabinet).


70. C正如20世纪40年代被看作是国有化的时代一样,20世纪80年代被看作是,私有化的时代。包括英国石油、航空、钢铁、电讯在内的几乎40%的国有公




72. B第一台蒸汽机是Momas Newcomer在17世纪末设计的,后来苏格兰发明家


73. B工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。

74. C在二战之前,英国作为-1-业革命的始发地,享有世界工厂的美誉;英国生产


75.A在英国,小麦和大麦是两种非常重要的粮食作物。76. B英国已废除对谋杀罪的死刑。 77. A在英国和威尔士,对刑事案件的上诉可由高级刑事法院,高级法院和上诉法


78. C在英国,警察不允许参加工会组织或举行罢工。


力做的复活节鸡蛋,收到礼物后,人们会打开并将巧克力蛋吃掉。 80. B圣诞节是西方最重要的一个节日,英国人通常在圣诞节早上打开他们(


81. B 1605年的火药阴谋案是最著名的天主教阴谋。1605年11月5日,几个!


82. A对苏格兰人来说,最重要的节日不是圣诞节,而是新年。83. D在英国,只要年满17岁就可以开车了。

84. C英国的开放式大学对来自英国和欧盟国家的所有年龄段的成年学生提,


85. C英国的报纸可分为:严肃类,通俗类以及中间市场类报纸。严肃类报纸

是针对那些想对各类公众事件有一个全面了解的读者。 86. B BBC主要靠广告来维持运营、

87. A乔史被誉为英国文艺复兴的奠基人与英国诗歌之父。在他的最伟大的


88. B文艺复兴指的是欧洲历史上古典文学和艺术风格的复苏,开始于14世


89. D莎士比亚作为英国文学史上最伟大的作家,写过《威尼斯商人》、《凯撒》

尔王》等多部戏剧。而“The Jew of Malta and Edm-ard II',则是当时著名剧家和诗人Christopher Marlowe所写。

90. B英国于1948年确立为每个居民提供全面医疗服务的国民保健制度。



92. D在英国,年满60岁的妇女和年满65岁的男子,只要他们付过全额的国


93. C在英国,家庭医生有时也被称作全科医生(GP).




96. C高尔夫球的起源地为苏格兰,在那里,人们从17世纪就开始进行这项运动





99. C甲壳虫乐队又名Beatles, Beat在英文中是“搏击跳动”的意思。甲壳虫乐队 是1960年由约翰·列侬、保罗·麦卡锡、乔治·哈里森、林里·斯达尔组成,他们四个人

中由列侬担任演唱和节奏吉它手,麦卡锡担任演唱和低音吉它手,哈里森为主奏吉它手,斯达尔任架子鼓手。1962年9月乐队发行了第一张唱片,1964年第一季度,乐队的唱片销量高达美国唱片总销量的60%,该年的首次访美成为美国最轰动的事件。甲壳虫乐队以其反上流社会,反正统艺术的锋利而快捷的风格,敢于接触社会敏感问题的内容,在舞台上那种与世俗挑战的举止,与观众的近距离接触,征服了各国青年。他们自己写歌Yri曲,歌曲题材涉及到日常生活的方方面面。 100. B伦敦的很多剧院位于伦敦西区。





1. Maples are always used to symbolize _____.

A. Australia B. America C. England D. Canada 2. Canada was originally one colony of

A. America B. Canada C. England D. New Zealand 3. The official languages in Canada are English and

A. French B. Spanish C. German D. Portuguese4. 4.The capital of Canada is

A. Vancouver B. Ottawa C. Toronto D. Quebec 5 . The largest city in Canada is __

A. Vancouver B. Ottawa C. Toronto D . Montreal6. 6.Which of the following statements about Canada is NOT true?

A. Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia.

B. Canada covers about two fifths of the North American continent. C. Canada and the US share a 6, 378 kilometers of fortified boundary.

D. Canada stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific for almost 0.460 kilometers. 7. Which of the following statements about Canadian population is NOT true? A. Most of Canada is thinly inhabited.

B. Over 85 percent of the land in Canada lass no permanent population.

C. Most people in Canada live in large cities near the border with the U.S. D.Vancouver is the largest city in Canada with a population of over 1.3 million.

8. Which of the following statements about Canadian climate is NOT true? A. The climate throughout Canada is varied

B. Generally speaking, the climate hl Canada is favorable. C. Much of Canada has long and cold winter with deep snow.

D. Early August days in eastern Canada can be as hot acid and humid as in the tropics. 9. Canada is made up of ten provinces and territories.

A. two B. three C. four D. five

10.The European discovery of Canada can be traced back to the end of ___century A. 12th B. 13th C. 14th D. 15th

11.In1608,Samuel de Champlain, the French explorer established his \in what is now --- to lay the roots of French Canada.

A. Quebec City B. Windsor City C. Hamilton City D. Oshawa City

12. In 1763, after the Seven Years' War, the French colony on ____was reorganized as the British province of Quebec.

