
更新时间:2024-06-26 14:44:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. My wife and I will invite guests to dinner this weekend.


2. Many college students worked as volunteers during the world cup .

在世界杯期间, 许多大学生做志愿者.

3. China is still a developing country while the United States is one of the most developed countries.


4. People who lived in New Orleans were forced to leave their homes because of the hurricane.

因为飓风,住在新奥尔良人被迫离开他们的家园 5. The view from the top of the skyscraper at night was beautiful.


6. Peter Pan is a cartoon character that lives in children’s imagination.

彼得·潘在孩子的想像中是一个卡通人物。 7. The more he practiced basketball ,the more he improved.


8. In order to protect the environment, all the factories must meet noise control and water disposal standards.

为了保护环境,所有的工厂必须满足控制噪声和水处理的标准。 9. Don’t throw the bag away , we can reuse it.

别把袋子扔掉了,我们能够重复使用它。 10. The old man gave away all his money before he died .

在他死前, 这位老人捐赠了他所有的钱。

11. Many girls enjoy online shopping because it is more convenient than the traditional way of shopping. 许多女孩子喜欢网上购物,因为它是比传统的方法更方便购物。 12. We are seeking a qualified manager for our branch in Nanjing.

我们为南京的分公司正在寻找一位合格的经理 13. The waiter served the yogurt with brown sugar and honey.

这个服务员把酸奶端上并伴有红糖和蜂蜜。 14. The tour of the ancient city will surely be exciting.


15. For several times the doctor suggested that he quit smoking.


16. He was the only one who survived the terrible car accident. 他是唯一个在那场可怕的车祸中幸存下来。 17. Please give us detailed directions before we begin to operate this new machine.


18. she was heartbroken because the court barred her from seeing her own child.


19. john responded quickly to the medicine and recovered in a few days.

约翰对药迅速作出反应并在几天之后康复。 20. As spring approaches, the weather becomes warmer.


21. The company has expanded its business to many countries.


22. The scenery that is unique to the small town attracts a lot of tourists.



23. These goods should not be priced high although they are of top quality.

这些货物尽管他们是最高的质量,也不应该定价很高。 24. The newly planted vines took hold quickly.


25. Li Gang is going to list his advantages over other applicants.


26. I have no say in this issue without any investigation.

在没有经过任何调查之下,对于这个问题我没有任何的发言权。 27. Mr. Smith was determined to save his son’s life at all costs. 史密斯先生下定决心不惜一切代价要救他儿子的生命。 28. He was overjoyed because his wife gave birth to twin girls last week.

他非常兴奋,因为他的妻子上星期生下一对双胞胎女儿。 29. In spite of heavy traffic , he managed to get to the school on time.


30. As a college student, I prefer to do something creative and significant.


31. Everybody is happy to be with her because her laughter cheers everybody up.

每个人都很高兴与她在一起,因为她的笑声使每一个人愉快。 32. I don’t feel like going to bed with a lot of work undone. 在没完成这些工作,我不喜欢上床睡觉。

33. His colleagues assured the old scientist that they would do all they could to carry out the plan.

他的同事向这个资深科学家保证,他们会完成这个计划。 34. The eagle spread its wings and flew away.


35. The coach gave him a push that sent him into the water.

教练推了他一把,他落到水里。 二、翻译

1、 The professor raised his voice hold the students attention. 这个教授提高音量去吸引学生的注意力。

2、 If someone calls in,please ask him to leave me a message。


3、 总体而言,生活习惯因人而异。(on the whole )

On the whole ,living habits vary from person to person。 4、 这一项目牵涉到多个机构。(get involved in ) Many organizations got involved in this project。 5、 令我失望的是他不接我的电话。

To my disappointment , he didn’t answer my phone . 6、 警方立即采取了有效的措施。

The police took effective measures immediately。 7、 There is no time Please do it light now 没有时间了,请立刻做好他。

8、 The table I bought was not very good ,but at least it was cheap。 这个桌子我买的不是很好,但至少它很便宜。


9、 这位商人为中国的经济发展做出了贡献。(contribute to)

The businessman contributes to the development of China‘s economy。 10、 我可以在哪里捐赠食物和衣服。(give away)

Where can I give away food and clothing。 11、 他没有回答出我的问题。(fail to )

He failed to answer my question。 12、 他远不是一名好老师(far from )

He is far from a good teacher。 13、 超过60%的学龄儿童家中拥有电脑。(access to )

More than 60% of school-age children have access to computer in their home 。 14、 她与他的心情并不合拍,(in tune with )

She was not in tune with his moods。

15、 与小城镇相比,大城市的生活要繁忙得多。(in comparison) In comparison with the town , the city’s life is more busy . 16、 这一原则适用与生活的各个方面,(in every area)

This principle can be applied in every area of life . 17、 价格高只是暂时的现象。

High prices is only temporary . 18、 他在学业与能力两方面都取得了进步。 He made progress in both academy and ability 19、 星期天我总是上午学英语、下午学数学、晚上学历史。

On Sunday , l always study English in the morning ,Math in the afternoon ,History in the evening 20、 家长们担心那些出版物将对青少年有跗面影响。(have…effect on)

Parents are worried that those publications will have a negative effect on teenagers。 21、 你是赞成还是反对这一计划?

Are you for or against with this plan? 22、 昨天下午他乘飞机离开了香港。

Yesterday afternoon he left Hongkong by plane 23、 这家公司由于经营管理不善已经负债一百万美元了。(in the red ) This company is one million dollars in the red due to poor management。 24、 每个人都有保护环境的责任。(Have the responsibility of…)

Everyone has the responsibility of protecting the environment. 25、 After bargaining with the owner, they finally bought the house at a reasonable price. 店主讨价还价后,他们终于买的房子是合理的。

26、 David and Jane are going get divorced because they can‘t reach an agreement in many aspects 大卫和珍将要离婚了,因为他们在很多方面不能达成一致。 27、 Charlie managed to keep his small shop going during the depression . 查理在经济不景气的时候成功的使他的商店经营下去。

28、 The scientists are still working on exploring new methods of reaching on ten space.


29、 In the past,women had no say in the choice of their mates。 在过去,妇女在选择伴侣上是没有发言权的。

30、 如果我是你,我宁可选择海南而不是上海去度寒假。(choose…over…) If I were you ,I would choose Hainan over Shanghai to spend winter holiday。


31、 红军在长征的过程中经历了艰难险阻。(in the process)

The Red Army experienced a lot of difficulties and dangers in the process of the Long march。 32、 这为大学毕业生更希望能在外国公司找到一份工作。(prefer rather to )

This college gradate prefers rather to get a job a foreign company。 33、 看者这些照片,我不禁想起了我的童年时代。

Looking at these photos,I con not help thinking of my childhood。 34、 我不介意你在这吸烟。

I don‘t mind your smoking here。

35、 整整一周时间他都在忍受着压痛的折磨。(endure,all through) He has been enduring the toothache all through the week 36、 很多小区 的车道(driveway)晚上经常被用作停车场。(serve as) The driveways in many residential districts often serve as parking lots at night . 三、 短语

Debt n. 债务;借款;罪过a sum of money一笔钱 that sb .owes v. 感恩;亏欠;负债

Handle n. 柄;把手;手感;口实vt. 买卖;处理;操作;触摸; 运用manage ,deal with ;operate vi. 运转;动手术;起作用vt. 操作;经营;对…开刀;引起

Cash 现款,现金vt. 将…兑现;支付现款money in coins硬币 or notes票据;注释,说明 Up-and-coming adj. 积极进取的,很有前途的;日见重要的 promising有希望的,有前途的 Eliminate vt. 消除;排除remove移动 ,get rid of摆脱,除去 Betterment n. 改良;改善,改进;涨价improvement改进,改善

Approach n. 接近;方法;途径vt. 接近;着手处理vi. 靠近come到达 nearer较近 Purchase n. 购买;紧握;起重装置vt. 购买;赢得vi. 购买东西buy Habitat n. 栖息地,产地home

Inevitable adj. 必然的,不可避免的unavoidable不可避免的;不能废除的 Poverty n. 贫困;缺少;低劣;困难state情形of being poor贫穷的 Apparently adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上obviously明显地

Expand vt. 扩张;使膨胀;详述vi. 张开,展开;发展become 变成greater较大的 Unfortunately adv. 不幸地unluckily

Regulate vt. 调节,规定;有系统的管理;控制;校准control控制 In the red负债,亏损;赤字in debt负债;欠情

Ponder vt. 仔细考虑;衡量vi. 沉思;考虑think 认为deeply深刻地;在深处;浓浓地

Mate n. 同事;助手,大副;配偶;配对物vt. 使配对;结伴;使一致vi. 成配偶;交配;紧密配合 husband or wife ;a friend


Process vt. 处理;加工n. 过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移vi. 列队前进adj. 经过特殊加工(或处理)的series of actions or operation Decade n. 十年,十年期;十ten years

Establish vt. 建立;安置;创办vi. 植物定植create an organization Procedure n. 步骤;程序,手续way of doing thing Tremendous adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的very great Give birth to产生,造成;生孩子produce

Purchase n. 购买;紧握;起重装置vt. 购买;赢得vi. 购买东西buy

Stare vi. 凝视,盯着看;显眼vt. 凝视,盯着看n. 凝视;注视look for a long time Endure vt. 忍耐;容忍vi. 忍耐;持续 bear with tolerance Unexpected adj. 意外的,想不到的coming without warning

Closet n 壁橱;议事室,密室;小房间 秘密的,私下的;空谈的 把…关在私室中cabinet Alongside 在旁边prep. 在……旁边 side by side with

Recall回想起,记起;召回;取消n. 召回;回忆;撤消remember Assure保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚 say sth . is definitely true

Improve改善,增进;提高…的价值增加;变得更好 increase ;get better Seek寻找;探索;寻求;搜索寻找;探索;搜索look for ;search Conference会议;协商;讨论;[篮]联盟meeting Automobile汽车 car ;motorcar

Decrease减少,减小;减少量reduce ;drop off减少 Recently最近;新近lately ;newly

Pollution 污染sth. bad to environment环境,外界 Recycle使再循环;使…重新利用use sth. again Lessen减少;减轻;变小reduce; make sth. less

Responsibility责任,职责;义务a duty; an obligation义务;职责;债务; a burden负担;责任 Supermarket超级市场a large self-service自选的;顾客自理的retail .零售market

Trial试验;磨炼;审讯;努力act or process处理of testing测验or examining检查;审讯;进行考试 Hobby业余爱好one’s favorite activity 一个最喜欢的活动 Extreme极端 the greatest or highest degree最大的或最高学位


Pursue追赶;继续进行follow ;chase 追逐

Shopping mall大商场,大型购物中心streets or sobered area for shopping Survive幸存;活下来remain 保持alive; live longer than

Operate on对…动手术;对…起作用perform a surgical operation on执行一个手术 Grab攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引grasp suddenly or roughly突然大约掌握 Relatively相对地,比较地;相当地comparatively比较地;相当地

Normal正常的;正规的,标准的the usual state or level 平常的状态或水平


Pursue追赶;继续进行follow ;chase 追逐

Shopping mall大商场,大型购物中心streets or sobered area for shopping Survive幸存;活下来remain 保持alive; live longer than

Operate on对…动手术;对…起作用perform a surgical operation on执行一个手术 Grab攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引grasp suddenly or roughly突然大约掌握 Relatively相对地,比较地;相当地comparatively比较地;相当地

Normal正常的;正规的,标准的the usual state or level 平常的状态或水平


