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模块一 商务函电常用词汇综合练习

(Lesson 1—Lesson 16)

1. in the hope that 2. establish business relations with 3. establishment of L/C 4. a range of 5. competitive price

6. place an order with sb.for sth. 7. want to buy sth. from sb. 8. satisfy different market needs 9. in compliance with 10. under separate cover 11. covering 12. enquire for sth. 13. enquire about sth. 14. enquire into sth. 15. make enquiries 16. through the courtesy of 17. be given to understand 18. give you a general idea 19. business line 20. be in line of 21. be in line with 22. be out of line with


23. Enclosed please find… 24. in supply 25. be of interest to

26. have our best and prompt attention 27. acknowledge with thanks the receipt 28. state-operated corporation

29. China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) 30. the principle of equality and mutual benefit 31. joint venture

32. Chinese embassy in Washington 33. Commercial Counselor’s Office 34. the import and export 35. trading corporation

36. be indebted for one’s address to sb. 37. be in the market for 38. beneficial trading relations 39. upon receipt of 40. detailed requirements 41. trade in 42. trade with 43.by joint efforts 44. to our mutual advantage 45. for export

46. for your information


47. a steady demand 48. of high quality 49. quantity discount

50. CIF ( Cost, Insurance and Freight ) 51. FOB Free on board 52. CFR Cost and Freight 53. shipping company 54. shipping instruction 55. urgent reply 56. be in urgent need of 57. give you information about 58. as to 59. expand sales 60. trial order 61. trial sale 62. make an offer 63. on offer 64. sales confirmation 65. entertain counter offer 66. entertain a claim 67.entertain an order 68. without delay 69. in stock

70. out of stock / no stock


71. sell off on the high side

73. leave …with only a small profit 74. information indicates that 75. at a price 10% lower than… 76. market level 77. invite your attention to 78. keen competition 79. meet sb. half way 80. make delivery 81. for your reference

81. reference world market price 82. effect shipment 83. effective demand 84. purchase sth from sb 85. purchase confirmation 86. purchase on our own account 87. dispatch the goods 88. consignment goods 89. result in 90. foreign exchange

91. conclude business with sb. 92. in duplicate

93. advising bank


94. shipping advice 95. payment terms/terms of payment 96. pay in advance 97. pay by installments 98. pay on delivery 99. pay on account/credit 100. D/P payment 101. D/A payment 102. D/P or D/A at sight 103. tie up capital/money/wealth 104. execution of order 105. extend accommodation to sb. 106. draw a bill/a cheque/an order 107. take sth. as a precedent 108. responsible for the delay

109. responsible for one’s own profits and losses 110. apply for opening an L/C 111. for one’s account 112. account payable

113. fixed amount 115. in great need

116. stipulated time of shipment 117. brisk trade

118. indicative marks and warning marks


119. advance the shipment 120. inner packing 121. packing instructions 122. in transit 123. on the market 124. cater for

125. make compensation for sb. 's losses 126. do your utmost 127. alternative way

128. in installment 129. time of shipment 130. insurance clause 131. insurance policy 132. insurance agents 133. insurance amount 134. insurance broker 135. insurance coverage 136. cover the insurance with 137. premium rate 138.discharge of the goods

139. premium income... 140. file a claim 141. undertake the risk 142. time-barred


143. enjoy high prestige 144. particular description

145. for 150% of the invoice value 146. sustain loss

147. warehouse to warehouse clause 148. FPA 149. WPA 150. All Risks


模块二 外贸函电中常用介词小结

(Lesson 1—Lesson 16)

with to for of on off from


模块三 常用句子小结 (Lesson 1—Lesson 16)

每个单元至少列出10个常用句子(Unit 1—Unit 5)


模块四 外贸函电常用句子及片段英汉互译

(Lesson 1—Lesson 16)


1. 我公司是拉哥斯市(Lagos)最大的电器用品进口商,主要经营电器用品进口业务。

2. 我们想利用这个机会介绍一下我们的业务范围。

3. 通过双方共同努力,我们终于使贸易与友谊进一步得以促进。 4. 现随函寄去我方的最新商品插图目录,以及你方想要的一些样品。5. 我们愿意与你方建立合作以便扩大市场。 6. 请报给我方最低FOB伦敦价。

7. 我方不能接受你方的条件,因为我方的报盘是很合理的。 8. 在你方订购之前,我们很乐意提供样本以便你们熟悉产品的质地和工艺。

9. 行市上涨,如你们立即确认订货,我们愿意给你方优惠价格。 10. 请向我方发盘,说明包装,规格,可供应的数量及最早的装运期。11. 虽然我们很想和你方交易,但把价格降到你们所说的水平是不可能的,因为我们将无利可图。

12. 我们希望能按比美国同类产品低10%的价格成交。 13. 如你方能在报价上减少2%,我们将立即接受。 14. 我们相信11月15日前可以交货。

15. 由于我方急需,如你方尽早安排发货我们将不胜感激。


16. 由于你方的报价有竞争力而且能让我们接受,我们考虑大量的购买。

17. 近来我们的电子邮件往来促成这笔交易的达成

18. 我们将要装运货物,装船后我们会通知你方船名和开航日期 货物损坏是由于不良包装引起的

19. 通常我们要求付款交单,但鉴于我们长期的友好合作,我们同意 你方提出的承兑交单付款。

20. 如果每次交易涉及的金额不到2,000美元,可以用付款交单方式 支付。

22. 请注意有关信用证已通过伦敦中国银行开出,我们等待你方及时交货。

23. 请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。 24. 由于我们了解到你方良好的资信情况, 我们愿意以电汇方式(T/T)购货。


26.请在外包装刷上我方公司开头字母和订单号。 27. 货物用木箱装, 衬以塑料。

28. 每件机器装入塑料袋中或者用防水纸包裹装入箱内。 29. 开往你地的轮船非常稀少,我们很难在直达轮上订到舱位。 30. 我们通常按发票金额的110%来投保。


1. We specialize in the exportation of Chinese textile products such as Textiles Knitwear of Ladies’ Men’s Children’s and Youth fashion Sportswear and Jeans. We can also design and produce equipment and machines for textile. Our products are excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

2. In our trade with customers in the Asian-African countries we always adhere to the principle of equality mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. It is our hope by joint efforts to promote both business and friendship to our mutual advantage.

3. We are given to understand that you are able to supply large quantities at attractive prices. For your information there is a steady demand here for Chinese toys of high quality. Sales are not particularly high but good prices can be obtained for fashionable designs.

4. Casual shoes of high quality are popular. We believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the types mentioned. If your price is competitive we will consider placing an order for 5,000 pairs with you. We are looking forward to your urgent reply.

5. We telexed you this morning offering you 30 metric tons of polished rice at US$2,400 per metric ton and 20 metric tons of soybeans at US$2,800 per metric ton, CFR Cairo, for shipment during July—August 2006. This offer is valid, subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 June 2006.


6. We like the way in which you have handled our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. Information indicates that the Japanese goods are being sold at a price approximately 10% lower than what you quoted. We wonder if you could reduce your prices to that level.

7. We note that you can supply these items from stock and hope you will make delivery by the end of November. Our company will reserve the right to cancel this order or reject the goods for any delay in shipment.

8. In view of our long business relationship and the small amount involved in this transaction, we hope you will extend us an easier payment terms as an exception, i.e. payment by D/A. Your accommodation would be conducive to the future business and facilitates us promoting your products in our market.

9. As there is a brisk demand for the goods, you are requested to deliver the shipment as stipulated in your offer. When making marks, please note that the measurement and weight of each case should be stenciled clearly for easy identification on the cases with the case number in a triangle, as shown below.

10. As the sales season is rapidly approaching and the demand at our end is heavy, any delay in shipment will involve us in no small difficulty. If the goods cannot be on the market on time to cater for the end-users’ satisfaction, every effort we made before is meaningless.


模块五 函电拟写 (Lesson 1—Lesson 16)

1. Complete the following letter in English: Dear Sir,

我们作为毛衣主要进口商15年,and are planning to 扩大业务 to our neighboring countries, from the clients 我们收到了许多有关毛衣的询价。We are considering the possibility of 与你方建立业务关系 if possible. 盼望贵方尽早回复。

2. Translate the following offer into English:

云杉牌(“Spruce” brand)男式衬衫,65%涤纶(decron),35%棉,长袖,长领,一个胸口袋,各种颜色,各种尺寸,每件用塑料袋装,6件装一个盒子,每10打装一个木箱,共1000打,每打7.5英镑,含佣价5%,科威特(Kuwait)成本、保险费加运费价,装船期10-11月,付款凭保兑的不可撤消信用证,装船前一个月内到达卖方,有效期至装船后15天。

3. Write a routine order letter, using the information below: 1) 对上次的原色布料供货表示满意。 2) 要求再次订货:

商品货号 数量 价格 9715 100,000码 1.5 美元(码) 9716 150,000码 1.2美元(码)


9623 120,000码 1.4美元(码) 3) 要求对方接到订货信后三周内装运,最迟不能晚于9月30 日,因为顾客急需这批货物。 4) 计划用D/P即期方式付款。

4. Write a letter

You have concluded a transaction of Nokia cell phones with a Korean

businessman on FOB basis. Now write a letter to give shipping instruction and packing details as follows: a. b. c.

已经向中国远洋运输公司(China Ocean Shipping Company)订妥舱位。 装船的具体事宜移交给轮船公司代理,请与他们接洽。


单号和件号。 d.

5. Translate the following letter into English: 敬启者:


请注意上述货物必须在31前到达我方港口。保险须按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险,额外的保险费由我方负担。 我方等候你方的装船通知。




5. You have concluded the transaction with your partner and would discuss the packing instructions. The following information is given about the goods and packing. Please try to write a letter to clarify the packing instructions. Name of the commodity: Dolphin Beach Towel D149 (picture is shown below)

Specifications: A cotton towel featuring Bottlenose Dolphins. 30" wide x 60" high Price: $15.99

Packing: The towel was packed in a zip-lock style reusable clear plastic package, with a cardboard insert covering the front and back of the package. The towel was neatly folded inside, and the color of the towel was clearly visible Shipping marks: gross weight, net weight and tare weight will be included in a diamond and “Made in China” is to be stenciled as well. Notes:

Mark the outside of each shipping carton with S/C Number (s)

Mark the total number of cartons shipped on the outside of cartons

(example: 1 of 6, 2 of 6, etc.).

7. Write a letter including the following: a. b. c. d.

no news of shipment

in urgent need of the machines impossible to extend L/C again L/C expires on 20th August



Expectation of shipping advice

8. Write a letter

Miss Liao Wen is the manager of Ganjiang Potteries Ltd. who finalized business with RTB Ornaments Ltd for 150 pieces Tea sets. Write a letter as Liao Wen to ask the seller to cover insurance against additional risks (breakage) for these fragile goods.

