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第一单元 翻译概论 巴别塔典故 1.1 翻译的目的 1.2 翻译的分类

Exercise of Foreignizing & Domesticating Translations

To kill two birds with one stone All roads lead to Rome

1.3 翻译史简介 1.4 翻译的标准

1.5 翻译的主体原文——译者——译文”是翻译界公认的三元关系。从这个三元关系可以看出,译者“既是原发语篇的接受者,又是目的语篇的创造者,处于‘上情下达’的中间、核心地位

第二单元 英汉对比 2.1 英汉语言对比

? 试译以下这个简单的句子:

A dialect is known by every linguist in this room.

[参考译文1] 一种方言被这间屋子里的每一个语言学家所懂得。

[参考译文2] 有一种方言这间屋子里的每一个语言学家都懂得。 “主语——谓语”结构转换成汉语的“主 题——评论”结构。 现在请大家通过翻译以下的简单句子熟练掌握这一技巧 1.I would not believe what he said. 2.I did not remember a single point discussed at the meeting. 3.I know Mr. Wang. 4.He is the best singer. 参考译文 1.他的话,我可不信。 2.会上讲了什么,我一点没记住。



2.1.2 形合与意合 试比较以下的英汉句子 1. Even if the monk can run away, his temple cannot run with him.


2. Even if I were to be beaten to death, I will not tell.


3. Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.


4. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?

5. We will not attack unless we are attacked. 人不犯我,我不犯人。


1. As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.

2. My sister was expecting me, so I had to go now.

3. A body in motion remains in motion at a constant speed in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.

4. We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin. 2.1.3 树状与竹状

英语的词组与词组、句子与句子之间结构关系和逻辑联系必须交代得十分清楚。因此英语句子结构呈树状,往往有一主干(复合句中的主句或简单句中的某主要成分),主干上枝蔓横生:句子成分随时可加以修饰,而修饰语中的某成分又可被别的成分修饰。由此往往形成长句。 汉语句子结构呈竹节状,逐节(短语或小句)展开。汉语的句子可以在同一施事或主题语之下按逻辑顺序铺陈,虽然小句间有逗号隔开,但语句的联系仍是紧密的。这样,汉译时经常由英语的树状转化为汉语的竹节状。 例如:The boy, who was crying as if his heart

would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry because he had had no food for two days. [参考译文] 男孩哭得心都快碎了,当我

问及他时,他说饿极了,有两天没吃了。 特别注意句子的主干和连接部分的翻译 1. The moon is so far from the earth that even

if huge trees were growing on the mountains and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have been invented.

2. Upon his death in 1826, Jefferson was buried under a stone which described him as he had wished to be remembered as the author of the Declaration on Independence and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and the father of the University of Virginia. 参考译文

1. 月球离地球非常遥远,即使那边山上长着大树,有大象在跑来跑去,我们用已经发明的最高倍率的望远镜也不能看到它们。

2. 1826年杰斐逊逝世。按他生前遗愿,在他墓地的石碑上刻着:独立宣言和弗吉尼亚州信教自由法令的作者,弗吉尼亚大学创建人之墓。

2.1.4 静态与动态

英语每个句子中只能使用一个限定式动词(Finite verb),唯一例外形式是并列句动词谓语;而汉语中却存在着“连动式”和“兼语式”,





请翻译以下几条标识语 1. Admittance Free 2. Out of Bounds

3. No Admittance Except on Business 4. Danger of Death – High Voltage! 再翻译以下几个句子,看怎样变原文的“静”为译文的“动”。

5. Party officials worked long hour on meagre food, in old caves, by dim lamps. 6. What film will be on this evening?

7. He walked around the house with a gun. 8. A study of that letter leaves us in no doubt

as to the motives behind it.

9. The very first sight of her made him fall in love with her.

2.2 英汉文化对比 2.2.1 文化心理

中国人看到或使用“红(色)”一词时,经常跟喜庆、欢乐、荣耀、革命之类的意义 西方人对red一词的联想除了有喜庆、欢乐的一面之外,却也有暴力、流血的一面 中文有“红人”一词,而西方人却不具备这种感情色彩,在他们的思维中,a faired hair girl(金发女郎)必会受到上司的青睐,故而常用它比喻受宠的人。

在汉语言中,妻子有外遇,戏称给丈夫戴了绿帽子,若按字面直译为green cap西方人是无法理解的,这在英语中叫a cuckold。 2.2.2 文化价值


后来,文艺复兴(Renaissance)、工业革命(Industrial Revolution)、启蒙运动(Enlightenment Movement)、宗教改革(Religious Reform)以及美国的独立战争(American Independent War)唤醒了资产阶级对于自由、平等、民主思想的追求,个人至上的思想深入人心

“耕读传家”成为理想的家庭模式。“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”是中国文人的追求 中国文化的精神基础是伦理的而不是宗教的

2.2.3 风俗习惯


2.3 英汉思维对比 2.3.1 思维方式


英语民族传统上以自然为认知对象在语言上的体现就是主客观严格区分,大量使用被动句。 2.3.2 正反与虚实


I have read your articles, but I expect to meet an older man.

[原译] 我读过你的文章,我料想会见到一个年纪更大的人。

[改译] 我读过你的文章,但没料想你会这样年轻。

A seaman knows that the sea is all-powerful and can, under certain circumstances, destroy man and the product of his brain and hand, the ship.

[译文] 水手们都知道,大海的威力是势不可挡的;在某些情况下,它能把人及人所制造的船只统统摧毁掉。(正说反译)

“Mine! Mine!” They would shout at the pretty rainbows that are down to the earth, seeming never very far away.

[译文] 他们会冲着那从天际弯弯地挂向地面的,看来好像伸手可及的美丽彩虹大声呼喊:“哎呀!哎呀!”(反说正译)

? 需要注意的是,正说反译和反说正


? He was not displeased with her

honesty?it took a certain amount of experience in life, an courage, to want to do it quite that way.

[译文1] 他倒是喜欢她这么直来直去……有点生活经验、又有点胆量的人才敢这么做。

[译文2] 他对于她的直率没有感到不快……有点生活经验、又有点胆量的人才敢这么做。

虚实转换是指词汇抽象概念与具体意义的相互转换。 请看下面的例子

? Wisdom prepares for the worst; but

folly leaves the worst for the day it comes.

[译文] 聪明人防患于未然,愚蠢者临渴掘井。

[分析] 抽象名词wisdom, folly对于习惯于抽象思维的英美读者来说,词义明确,措辞简练;

但对于习惯于具象思维的中国读者来说将这些抽象名词所表达的抽象概念具体化。 Because of the circuitous and directional flow of waterways, railways often have energy advantage over barges.

【1] 由于水流的弯曲和具有方向性,铁路比驳船更具有节能优势。

[译文2] 由于河道迂回曲折且水流具有方向性,铁路运输对于水运而言,常常具有节能优势。

1. Memory, as time goes on, is a selective thing.

2. The subversion attempts proved predictably futile.

3. The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.

4. We believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.

5. It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.

6. The custom-made object, now restricted to the rich, will be within everyone’s reach. 7. In the end things will mend.

8. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach. 9. These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.

10.Rockets have found application for the exploration of the Universe.

2.3.3 褒贬与曲直 请看下面的例句

? The irony is that Mrs. Gandhi

presides over a nation with a highly promising long-term potential but which is saddled with equally difficult current problems.

[译文1] 具有讽刺意味的是,甘地夫人掌管的国家,从长远的观点来看,是一个大有希望的国家,但在目前却具有难以克服的困难。

[译文2] 颇为耐人寻味的是,从长远的观点来看,甘地夫人掌管的国家是大有希望的,但目前却有着难以克服的困难。 [分析] 通读全句,这里的irony并没有“具有


She was vexed by the persistent ringing of the phone.

[译文1] 她被执著的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。

[译文2] 她被没完没了的电话铃声搞得心烦意乱。

All the inventors have a restless mind. [译文1] 所有的发明家都生性好动。

[译文2] 所有的发明家都有一个思想活跃的头脑。

1. He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 2. He lied to me and made me the tool of his wicked deeds.

3. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it.

4. The film actress appeared in all her glory at the ball.

5. He is always saying the usual polite nothings.

When John was two years old, he was impossible, a typical “Terrible Two”. He was destructive and stubborn.

[译文1] 约翰两岁时变得异常调皮,是个不折不扣的“第二号可怕人物”。他固执,常常损坏东西。

[译文2] 约翰两岁时变得异常调皮,是个不折不扣的“两岁魔王”。他固执,常常损坏东西。

[分析] 译文1的“第二号可怕人物”不知所云,英语的Terrible Two来自于典故,当然译文没必要全部解释,如译文2那样用“魔王”来体现也可。

6. With determination, with luck, and with the help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.

7. The Universe is not rich enough to buy the vote of an honest man.

8. It seems that a very difficult decision now faces him.

9. Anger and bitterness covered upon me for weeks.

2.3.4 直率与含蓄

? I am very happy to receive your

message of greetings.

? The two sides found it beneficial to

have this opportunity to present to one another their views on a variety of issues.

[译文] 接到你的贺信,我十分愿意。 [译文] 现在有机会互相介绍彼此对各种问题的观点,对此,双方认为是有利的。 2.3.5 客体与主体


例如:American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson.

Memoranda were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed. 试翻译以下几个句子,尽量符合汉语的表达习惯。

1. An idea suddenly struck me.

2. American English owes a great deal to Noah Webster, an American lexicographer and writer.

3. Her good work and obedience have pleased her teacher.

2.3.6 逻辑与感悟

? 让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界。 Let the other people of the rest of the world know China. Let China make close contact with the rest of the world. 2.3.7 抽象与具体 英语常用大量的抽象名词来表达实的概念。如The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments. (= No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。) ? No one is satisfied with his favoritism

in his work.

[译文1] 没有人对他在工作中的偏爱感到满意。

[译文2] 对他在工作中表现出来的徇私作风谁都感到不满意。

? Any discourtesy shown to Chinese

persons by any official of the Government will be cause for immediate dismissal.

[译文1] 任何政府官员对华人的不敬都将构成直接被开除的原因。

[译文2] 任何政府官员,如果对中国人有任何粗暴行为,必须立即予以开除。 译文1按照原文的结构直译,但是不符合汉语的思维习惯,译文2从“官员”入手,比较符合汉语的语言和思维习惯。

1. A son, a job and housekeeping forced romance out.

2. But there had been too much publicity about my case.

3. The complexity of the human situation and the injustice of the social order demand far more fundamental changes in the basic structure of society itself than some politicians are willing to admit in their speeches.

2.3.8 整体与局部






? The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs, even to run electric motors, is almost unbelievable. [译文1] 鱼能发出其电量足以点亮小灯泡, 甚至能开动马达的想法简直是令人难以相信的。 [译文2] 鱼能发电,其电量足以点亮小灯泡,甚至能开动马达,这种想法简直是令人难以相信的。 The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. [译文1] 由于距离远和交通工具缺乏所造成的农村社会的隔绝由于通讯工具的不足而变得更加严重。 [译文2] 因为距离远,交通工具缺乏,使农村社会与外界隔绝。这种隔绝,由于通讯工具的不足,而变得更加严重。 注意整体与局部的关系

1. They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.

2. Incidentally, I hope to get better medical treatment in these countries than I can possibly get here in the United States.

3. The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.

4. She sat with her hands cupping her chin, staring at a corner of the kitchen. 2.3.9 分析与综合

综合型的思维方式使得汉语重意合 分析型的思维方式使得英语重形合,词形变化明显,语法形式多样,组词造句多用连词、关系词、分词、动名词及不定式等。


There are several reasons why Kissinger no longer appears to be the magician the world press had made him out to be, an illusion which he failed to discourage because, as he would admit himself, he has a tendency toward megalomania. [译文1] 有几个原因可以说明为什么基辛格不再看起来像全世界报界渲染得那样是个魔术师,他不愿打破这样的幻觉,因为,他自己承认,他有一种自大狂的倾向。 [译文2] 全世界报界曾经把基辛格渲染成魔术师般的人物,他也没有阻止人们制造这种错误印象,因为正如他自己愿意承认的,他有一种自大狂的倾向。现在他不再像是这样的人物了,这有几个原因。 请翻译以下的句子 1. He had a sound feeling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrases.

2. Somebody lied, if he said my life is a happy little tale, or he told you I’m just an ordinary guy in the world.

3. The theory is of great importance that the hotter the body is, the more energy it radiates. 第三单元 词汇翻译 3.1 判断词义


? What you have always wanted until

now has been a set, steady, constant purpose. I therefore exhort you to persevere in a thorough determination to do whatever you have to do as well as you can do it. I was not so old as you are now when I first had to win my food, and do this out of this determination, and I have never slackened in it since. 例子中的wanted是一个多义词,在此处作为及物动词用。根据《英汉大词典》,want作及物动词的释义包括:1.要;想要;希望;2. 缺少,缺乏;3. (主英)需要;4. 想见,要求(某人)到来,想与(某人)谈话,想用(某人);5.缉拿,追捕;6. 感到缺少;7. <口>(后接不定式)应该。分析7个可供选择的释义,可以判断得出第二项释义是wanted在此处的最恰当的含义。 sanction做单数用时意为“认可、批准、支持”,只有复数形式才表示“制裁”。例如: ? Official sanction has not yet been given.


? The British and the French imposed

sanctions on Italy in 1935.




? He took charge of his failing father

and after a time obtained permission for his sister to live with him. Her malady frequently returned, but always with due warning, when brother and sister would be seen walking together to the asylum, both weeping bitterly.

? 文中failing常见的意思是“失败的”,

但是此处failing father是否就是“失败的父亲”之意呢?分析句子的语法结构可看出,failing father是took charge of的宾语,而took charge of在这里是“看管,照顾”的意思,“看管失败的父亲”似乎意思上不太合逻辑,因此,failing不是作“失败的”解,而是指“衰败的”,在这里可适当调整翻译成“风烛残年的”


? 通过对句子的句法分析来判断词语含义在翻译长句时尤其常用。例如: ? Few expected to see so large a man: he is gigantic, a six feet four at least; few expected to see so old a person; his hair appears to have kept silvery record over fifty years; and then there was a notion in the minds of many that there must be something dashing and ―fast‖ in his appearance, whereas his costume was perfectly plain, the expression of his face grave and earnest, his address perfectly unaffected and such as we might expect to meet with in a well-bred man somewhat advanced in years. [参考译文]很少人预料见到如此高大的一,身高至少也有六呎四吋。他的”的样子,但是,相反的是他衣着十分他具有我们可能遇到的年高德劭者

? 由此可见,分析句子、句群的语法关系能够帮助把握原文作者的思维逻辑,从而能够准确判断词语的意 父亲,且在一段时间之后,获准自精神病院中将他的姐姐接回与他同住。复发,所幸皆有征兆,此时人们见到他们姐弟二人相偕走向精神病院,双双泣不成声。 个人:他身材魁梧很少人预料见到年纪如此大的一个人,头发看起来已花白了五十多年。此外,在很多人的心目中,他的外表必定有些时髦和“放荡朴素,面部的表情严肃而诚挚,他的演讲十分自然,的特征。义,选择贴切的表达形式。 3.1.3通过分析上下文逻辑关系、篇章的整体效果等来判断词义

? 奥斯丁的名篇《傲慢与偏见》开篇


? Why, my dear, you must know, Mrs.

Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England; that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week. [参考译文1]哦,亲爱的,你得知道,朗格太太说,租尼日斐花园的是个阔少爷,他是英格兰北部的人;听说他星期一那天,乘着一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意,当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;他要在米迦勒节以前搬进来,打算下个周末先叫几个佣人来住。

[参考译文2]嗨,亲爱的,你可要知道,朗太太说,租内瑟菲德庄园的是英格兰北边来的一个年轻人,有大笔家当;说他星期一坐了一辆驷马轿车来看了房子,一看就十分中意,马上跟莫里斯先生租妥,说要在米迦勒节以前就搬进去,而且他的几个佣人下个周末就要先住进去了。 3.2 选择用词


I write this note today because your going away is much upon my mind, and because I want you to have a few parting words from me to think of now and then at quiet times. I need not tell you that I love you dearly, and am very, very sorry in my heart to part with you.




? It is my comfort and my sincere

conviction that you are going to try the life for which you are best fitted. I think its freedom and wildness more suited to you than any experiment in a study or office would ever have been; and without that training, you could have followed no other suitable occupation.

A plain man of the people, and extraordinary fortune attended him. He offered no shining qualities at the first encounter; he did not offend by superiority. He had a face and manner which disarmed suspicion, which inspired confidence, which confirmed good will. He was a man without vices. He had a strong sense of duty, which it was very easy for him to obey. Then, he had what farmers call a long head; was excellent in working out the sum for himself; in arguing his case and convincing you fairly and firmly. 他是一位平凡的人,但生逢其时(但有不平凡的际遇)。初次见面,人们看不出他有什么才华。他不会以优越惹人不快(盛气凌人)。他的容貌与举止消除(人们对他的)猜疑,激发(人们对他的)信心,而且肯定他的善意。他是一位行为端正的人。他具有强烈的责任感,(尽忠职守),对他来说易如反掌。他有着农夫们所谓的“长头”(即深具远见),擅长于找出问题的症结,他辩才无碍,使人们对他的论点坚信不疑。 3.2.3要慎用文言词和方言

? 请看Francis Bacon所作 Of Studies


Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is

in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment, and disposition of business. For expert men can exe-cute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best, from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of a scholar.

? You couldn’t expect her to throw her

arms round’ee, an’ to kiss and to coll’ee at once) (collar)

[参考译文]你总不能指望她一下子就抱着你又亲又啃吧? 3.3 变换用词


The weather of summer is hot, while winter is cold and dreary. Both of these seasons are not for us to study. In the time of autumn, cold winds which are not at all pleasant generally blow. But spring has none of these drawbacks; the flowers bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly. The weather is mild and the air is balmy. In fact, this season seems full of good things and better fitted to be the time for doing something.

3.3.2通过转译实现变化用词 ? 转译,包括把英语名词翻译成汉语的动词、形容词或者副词;把英语的形容词翻译成汉语的副词、动词或者名词;把英语的副词翻译成汉语的名词、动词或者形容词;把英语动词翻译成汉语的名词或者副词;把英语介词翻译成汉语的动词等。转换词性,就增加了词汇选择的可能性,从而达到丰富用词,增加译文的文采。 The Presidency is an eighteen-century invention up against the problems of the late twentieth; it has never been as

all-powerful as a generation of civics texts made it seem, and it has been further reduced by the reaction—some say overreaction—to its Empire Period under Johnson and Nixon.


? She tries to calm her daughter with a

faint smile and gentle caress of her hair.

[参考译文]她淡淡地微笑着,温柔地爱抚着女儿的头发,让她平静下来。 用本节所学技巧翻译下列句子

1. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current.

2. The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance.

3. We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.

4. He had the kindness to show me the way. 5. I had the fortune to become a teacher.

6. This little present is a token of our friendship.

7. While no one questioned his word, he was never a financial success.

8. The railway bridge is still under construction.

9. His suggestion is that we should set out before 8 o’clock. 3.4词语搭配

3.4.1并列关系的词语搭配 ? 首先,表示不同等级的词语不能并列,因为它们有包含与被包含的关系。 ? The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a simpler nature. A little cottage nestling amidst the wayside trees, the blue smoke curling up against the green, and a bower of roses round the door; or perhaps a village street of which the name has been long forgotten, with its rambling old inn, and, a little distance away, the hoary, grey church-tower in its township of tombstone—there are the pictures of old England that are carried away to other climes. 3.4.2偏正关系的词语搭配 从词义的搭配上看,偏正关系就是修饰与被修饰的关系,修饰语对中心语起限制或者修饰的作用,修饰语在意义上必须能与中心语配合,否则就不合情理 We have achieved much because we have built on each other’s successes. We have been open to new partnerships, to new projects, to new ideas, and to new horizons. And above all, we have joined together as a Pacific community, turning a great ocean into a bridge, not a barrier, between nations.

? “浩瀚的海洋”更能体现原语的气势,显得形象具体。 汉语修饰词习惯放在中心词之前,而英语则在很多情况下把较长的修饰语放在中心词之后 The list of candidates being talked about in Washington and on Wall Street is half what it was before the Nov. 2 election, when prominent Democrats such as former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin were considered hot prospects had Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry won the White House.

3.4.3动宾关系的词语搭配 动宾关系是一种支配与被支配关系。其中的动词是否能支配后面的对象 Never take a mean advantage of any one in any transaction, and never be hard upon people who are in your power. Try to do to others as you would have them do to you,

and do not be discouraged if they fail sometimes. It is much better for you that they should fail in obeying the greatest rule laid down by our Savior than that you should.


take advantage of sb.字典意思为“捉弄某人”, 参考译文1按照字典意思翻译,显然与原文意思不合,此处是动词与宾语的搭配不合情理。而fail文中作不及物动词,后面不需要带宾语,但是翻译成汉语时由于意义的搭配,必须加上宾语。而参考译文2根据原文的思想把take advantage of sb.译为“占任何人便宜”,给fail搭配上宾语,译为“亏待你”,搭配合理,意思完整。 当多个动词同时支配同一个宾语,或一个动词同时支配多个宾语时,要注意动词与宾语的一一搭配,每一个搭配都要合乎情理,避免出现搭配不当的毛病。 3.4.4主谓关系的词语搭配 从语义搭配上看,主谓关系就是陈述与被陈述的关系。主语是陈述的对象,谓语表示陈述的内容,陈述的内容必须与陈述的对象相符 Mouth cancer was once considered to mostly affect older men, but it is now becoming more common in younger people and women. It is possible that binge-drinking and smoking could be helping to fuel rising rates of the disease as these are key risk factors.



[参考译文2] 过去一度认为那些年纪大一些的人更容易患口腔癌,但从目前情况来看,该病在年轻人中正呈现出与日俱增的发展趋势。医生们经研究认为,年轻人过度饮酒和吸烟可能是导致口腔癌在该群体中发病率节节上升的两个“帮凶”。 3.5 特殊词汇翻译 3.5.1 人名地名 音译法是人名地名翻译的基本原则。 3.5.2 俗语俚语

to go to sleep 长眠

to be no more 没有了,不在了 to close one’s eyes 闭眼,瞑目 to log down one’s life 献身 to expire 逝世

to pass away与世长辞 to breathe one’s last 咽气 to go west 命赴黄泉

to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘

? 再如对妇女怀孕的不同表达: She is five months gone. 她怀孕5个月了 to wear the apron high不是围裙系得高高的,而是怀有身孕

to be in a delicate condition 不是处于碰不起的状态,而是怀有身孕的妇女 3.5.3 习语成语

*to be a parrot 鹦鹉学舌;人云亦云 *a sly old fox老奸巨猾的人;老狐狸 *stir up a hornet’s nest 捅了马蜂窝 *fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 * turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻 *to fish for praise 沽名钓誉 *a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟

*like father like son 有其父必有其子 *Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 *To die on one's feet is better than to live

on one's knees. 好死不如赖活。

*Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。 *He who laughs last laughs best. 谁笑到


*Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard. 得寸进尺。

*as strong as a horse 强壮如牛 *bullshit 狗屁,胡说八道

*love me, love my dog 爱屋及乌 *to shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠

*to throw pears before swine 对牛弹琴 *as timid as a rabbit /chicken 胆小如鼠 *goose skin/flash 鸡皮疙瘩

*the black sheep of the family 害群之马 *the goose is cooked 生米已经煮成熟饭 *like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

*Live like cat and dog. 成天吵架。 *monstrous audacity 狗胆包天

* Like begets like. 龙生龙,凤生凤。 *A bull in a china stop 动辄闯祸的粗人 *A damned snobbish 狗眼看人低

* A dog with two tails 非常高兴,兴高采烈

*After a storm comes a calm. 否极泰来。 *He that respects others shall likewise be respected. 敬人者,人恒敬之。

*All good things come to an end. 天下无不散之筵席。

*Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 欲加之罪何患无词。 3.5.4 术语新词 ? 如fire既可作名词,又可作动词。作名词时,在文学的语境可能有“热情、激情”之意,如: His eyes were sparkled with fire. 他的眼睛闪耀着激情之光。 ? 而在科技文献中,fire作动词可以是“点燃、烧制、给(炉子)加燃料”等意思,除此之外,fire还可作“放枪;激动;解雇”等解释。 money bill 金融法案 real estate 房地产

money market 短期资金市场 game management 狩猎管理 treasury bonds 长期国债 time deposit 定期存款 idle loans 呆滞贷款,呆账 good governance 善政廉政 inventory 库存产品

