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The One Where Monica Gets A New Roommate 六人行 第1季 第01集 莫妮卡的新室友 There's nothing to tell. It's just some guy I work with. 没什么好说的! 他不过是我的同事! You're going out with the guy. 少来了,你和那个人一起出去! There has to be something wrong with him. 和你交往的男人一定有问题! All right,Joey. Be nice. 打住,乔伊,嘴下留德

So does he have a hump and a hairpiece? 他驼背?既驼背又带假发? Wait,does he eat chalk? 慢着,他吃粉笔吗? I don't want her to go through what I did with Carl. Okay,everybody relax. This is not even a date.

我只是不想你重蹈我和卡尔的覆辙 各位别急, 这不算约会

It's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex. 我们不过是出去吃晚餐 而且不做爱 Sounds like a date to me. 听起来好像是说我的约会

I'm in high school,in the cafeteria.. 记得中学时代的梦, 我站在自助餐厅 and I realize I'm totally naked. 突然发现自己全身赤裸 I've had that dream. 我做过那样的梦

Then I look down and I realize there is a phone.. 我低头一看, 看见有一支电话? there. 在那儿

Instead of That's right! 而不是?? 没错

Never had that one. 我没做过那样的梦 All of a sudden,the phone starts to ring. 突然,那个电话响了

What do I do? Everyone starts looking at me. 我不知道该怎么办,大家都看着我 They weren't looking at you before? 之前他们就不看着你?! Finally,I figure I'd better answer it. 最后,我觉得应该接这个电话 And it turns out it's my mother. 发现是我妈妈打来的,

Which is very,very weird because she never calls me. 这十分怪 因为?.她从来不打电话给我! Hi. 嘿

He says,\ 这家伙说“你好”的时候,我总想杀了我自己 You okay? 你还好吧?

I feel like someone pulled my intestine out of my mouth.. 感觉好像某人伸手抓住我的小肠,从我的嘴里拉出来

and tied it around my neck. Cookie? 再在我的脖子上打结? 要饼干吗? Carol moved her stuff out today. 卡萝今天搬走了她的东西

Let me get you some coffee. Thanks. 我给你拿咖啡. 谢谢

No,don't! Stop cleansing my aura. 不,不要! 不要清理我的灵气!

Just leave my aura alone,okay? Fine,be murky. 不要管我的灵气,好吗? 好呀! 继续痛苦吧!

I'll be fine. I hope she'll be happy. No,you don't. 我很好,好吧? 我希望她开心. 不,你并不希望

No,I don't. To hell with her. She left me! 是的,不希望! 去她的,她离开了我! You never knew she was a lesbian? 你从来不知道她是女同性恋? No! Okay? 不知道!! 行了吧?!

Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 为什么每个人老是提它? She didn't know. How should I know? 她都不知道,我怎么会知道?

Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian. 有时候我希望我是女同性恋? Did I say that out loud? 我大声说出来啦?

I told Mom and Dad last night. They took it pretty well. 还好

Oh,really? 噢,真的吗?


So that hysterical phone call from a woman sobbing.. 那我凌晨三点接到一个女人打来的可笑电话抽泣着说

I'll never have grandchildren, was what? A wrong number? “我不会有孙子了,我不会有孙子了.”是怎么回事?打错电话啦? Sorry.


Look,you're feeling a lot of pain right now. 没事的,罗斯,瞧. 你现在感到很痛苦 You're angry. You're hurting. 你很生气.你感到伤心 Can I tell you what the answer is? 我告诉你答案是什么? Strip joints! 脱衣舞俱乐部!

Hey,you're single. Have some hormones. 别这样,你单身了!有需求的! But I don't want to be single,okay?我不想单身,好吗?

I just want to be married again. 我只想?.再次结婚! And I just want a million dollars! 而我只想要100万美金!

Rachel? Oh,Monica! Thank God! 瑞秋?! 噢,上帝,莫妮卡,你好,感谢上帝!

I went to your building.. 我刚到你那里去,而你不在,

and a guy with a hammer said you'd be here,and you are. 那个拿着大锤子的家伙说你可能在这里,你真在这里,你真在这里!

Can I get you some coffee? Decaf. 你想点咖啡吗? 无咖啡因的

Everybody,this is Rachel,a Lincoln High survivor. 好了,各位,这位是瑞秋,另一个林肯高中的幸存者

This is everybody. Chandler and Phoebe.. 这就是各位啦 这是钱德,菲比 Joey. Remember my brother,Ross? 乔伊. 还有,你还记得我哥哥罗斯吗?

Sure! 当然,你好! 你好

You want to tell us now,or are we waiting for four wet bridesmaids? 那你现在可以告诉我们了吗,还是再等等四位湿漉的伴娘?

Well,it started about a half hour before the wedding. 好吧,大概在婚礼前半个小时. I was in the room with all the presents..我在礼品间里 and I was looking at this really gorgeous Limoges gravy boat. 是个非常好看的船形卤肉盘

When all of a sudden 然后,突然

Sweet 'N Low? 有代糖(既甜又低热量)吗?

I realized I was more turned on by this gravy boat than Barry. 对贝瑞更有冲动!

I got freaked out,and it hit me:


我发现我对这个船形卤肉盘 比我正看着那个船形卤肉盘. 那

How much Barry looks like Mr. Potato Head. 贝瑞看起来多象土豆头先生呀 I always knew he looked familiar,but.. 我总是觉得他眼熟,但是?

I had to get out of there,and I started wondering.. 不管怎么说,我必须离开那里,我在想 Why am I doing this, and \“我为什么这样做,我为谁这样做?” I didn't know where to go,and I know we've drifted apart.. 我不知道该去哪里,而且我知道我和


but you're the only person I know here.但你是我这个城市里唯一认识的人

Who wasn't invited to the wedding. I hoped that wouldn't be an issue. 也是没被邀请参加婚礼的人 噢,我不希望提起这件事?.

I guess he bought her the pipe organ,and she's really not happy about it. 我猜他给她买了个管风琴,而她很不喜欢那个 Tuna or egg salad! Decide!


I'll have whatever Christina's having. “克莉丝汀吃什么我吃什么.” Daddy,I just I can't marry him. 爸爸,我只是?不能嫁给他! I'm sorry. I just don't love him.



Well,it matters to me! 这对我很有关系! If I let go of my hair,my head will fall off.

She should not be wearing those pants.噢,她真不应该穿那条裤子 Push her down the stairs! 我说把她推下楼

Push her! Push her down the stairs! 把她推下楼!把她推下楼! 把她推下楼! Come on,Daddy,listen! 爸爸,听我说!

All my life,everyone's always told me,\这就好像,在我一生中,所有人都告诉我,“你是鞋子!”

You're a shoe! “你是鞋子,你是鞋子,你是鞋子!”

What if I don't want to be a shoe? 然后今天,我不这么认为了,对我自己说,'如果我不想成为鞋子呢?

What if I want to be a purse? 如果我想成为一个包? Or a hat? 或一顶帽?

No,I don't want you to buy me a hat! 不,我不是让你给我买帽子 It's a metaphor,Daddy! 这是个比喻,爸爸!

You can see where he'd have trouble. 你能发现他哪里有麻烦了 Look,Daddy,it's my life. 爸爸,这是我的生活

Well,maybe I'll just stay here with Monica. 也许我可以和莫妮卡住在一起

I guess we've established she's staying with Monica. 我猜我们已经确定 她和莫妮卡住在一起了?

Well,maybe that's my decision. 也许那是我的决定 Maybe I don't need your money. 也许我不需要你的钱 Wait! I said maybe! 等等!我说也许!! Just breathe. That's it. 呼吸,呼吸,对啦

Try to think of nice,calm things. 只想着一些让你镇定的好东西?

Raindrops on roses And whiskers on kittens 玫瑰上的雨滴 还有猫的胡须(《音乐之声》的插曲) Doorbells and sleigh bells And something with mittens


La la la something And noodles with string 啦啦啦,还有一些面条? I'm all better now. 我现在好多了

I helped. 我帮上忙啦!

This is probably for the best. 瞧,这也许是最好的?

Independence. Controlling your life. The whole hat thing. 独立了,把握自己的生活. 就像你说的“帽子”的事情

You can always come to Joey. 还有,你还需要什么,你可以来找乔伊

Me and Chandler live across the hall. He's away a lot. 我和钱德就住在对面. 而且他经常不在 Stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day. 乔伊,不要再勾引她了! 今天是她结婚的日子! Like there's a rule,or something? 怎么啦,难道这还有什么规定吗? I got it. 我来

Please don't do that again. It's a horrible sound. 请不要再这么干,那是很讨厌的声音 It's Paul. 我是保罗

Oh,God,is it 6:30? Buzz him in.


Who's Paul? Paul,the wine guy? 谁是保罗? 保罗,调酒师,保罗? Maybe. 也许是吧

Your \等等,你今晚的“不是真正约会” 是和调酒师保罗?

He finally asked you out? Yes!

他终于约你出去啦? 是的!

It's a \噢,真是个可以载入日记的时刻

Rach,I can cancel. Please,go,I'll be fine. 瑞秋,等等,我可以取消?. 不,别,你去吧,没什么的!

Ross,are you okay? Do you want me to stay? 罗斯,你还好吧? 你希望我留下来吗? That'd be good. 那会很好的?

Really? Go on! It's Paul,the wine guy! 真的? 不,去吧! 那可是调酒师保罗! Does he sell it,drink it? 那是什么意思? 他卖酒,喝酒 Or he just complains a lot? 还是抱怨酒? Hi,come in! Paul,this is.. 进来,保罗,这是.

everybody. Everybody,this is Paul. 大家,各位,这是保罗

The wine guy. I didn't catch your name. Paul? 你好! 保罗! 对不起,我没听清楚你的名字.保罗,是吗?

I'll be right back. I've just gotta go 好啦,我就?.我就回来,我要??. A wandering? 闲逛? Change. 换衣服!

Sit down. Two seconds. 好了,坐会儿. 很快就好

I just pulled out four eyelashes. That can't be good. 噢,我刚拔掉四根睫毛. 不是个好兆头 Hey,Paul,here's a tip. 你好,保罗! 告诉你个小秘密

She really likes it when you rub her neck in the same spot.. 她很喜欢你来回在同一个地方揉她的脖子

until it starts to get red. 重复来重复去,直到变红为止 Shut up,Joey! 闭嘴,乔伊!

What are you up to tonight? 那么瑞秋,你今晚?打算干什么? I was supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon.. 我本来应该到阿鲁巴度蜜月 so,nothing.


Right. You're not even getting your honeymoon. 是呀,你都没办法过蜜月 Although,Aruba. This time of year? 不过,阿鲁巴,这个时候?? Talk about your.. 你可以谈论下. big lizards. 大蜥蜴

If you don't want to be alone tonight.. 不管怎样,如果今晚你觉得寂寞的话

Joey and Chandler are helping me with my furniture. 乔伊和钱德要过来帮我组装我的新家具 We're very excited about it. 是呀,而且我们为此感到兴奋

Thanks. But I'm just going to hang out here. 谢谢了,不过我想今晚还是呆在这里吧

It's been a long day. Oh,sure. 今天可真是漫长. 是呀,没错 Phoebe,wanna help? 嘿,菲比,你要来帮忙吗?

I wish I could,but I don't want to. 噢,我希望我能,但是我不想

Love is sweet as summer showers Love is a wondrous work of art 爱情就像夏日冲凉一样甜美,爱情是无以伦比的艺术品

But your love Oh,your love,your love 但是,你的爱呀,你的爱,你的爱? Is like a giant pigeon 就好像一只巨大的鸽子? Crapping on my heart 在我心中排泄 Thank you.



I'm supposed to attach a bracket y thing to the side things.. 我应该把支架固定在侧面 using a bunch of these little worm guys.

I have no bracket y thing. I see no worm guys whatsoever.. 我没有支架,没有看到螺纹蜗轮 and I cannot feel my legs. 而且..我的腿麻了

We got a bookcase. It's beautiful. 我想我们弄好书架了. 看起来不错 What's this? 那是什么?

I would have to say that is an L shaped bracket. 我认为那应该是个L型支架

Which goes where? I have no idea. 它应该安在哪里? 我完全?没有主意 Done with the bookcase. All finished. 搞定书架了! 完工了! This was Carol's favorite beer. 这是卡萝最喜欢的啤酒 She always drank it out of the can. I should have known.


Start with that,we're out of here. Please don't spoil all this fun. 你要是再开始那些话,我们就走了 不要把快乐搞砸了

Let me ask you. 罗斯,问你一个问题 She got the furniture,the stereo,the good TV. 她得到家具,音响,电视 What did you get? 你得到了什么?

You guys. You got screwed. 你们呀. 天呀. 你被坑了. 上帝!

Oh,my God. I know. I'm such an idiot. 我的老天! 我知道,我是个笨蛋

I should've known when she went to the dentist five times a week. 当她一礼拜见4,5次牙医,我就该知道了

I mean,how clean can teeth get? 谁的牙齿需要这么干净呀?

My brother's going through that. 我哥哥正在克服这种事呢,他糟透了 How did you get over it? 你是怎么克服的?

He might accidentally break something valuable of hers. 西

Say her Leg? 比如她的? ?腿?

That's one way of doing it. I went for the watch. 那是一个办法! 我砸了她的表 You actually broke her watch? 你真的砸了她的表?

The worst I ever did was shred my old boyfriend's favorite towel. 把我男友最喜欢的浴巾撕烂了 Steer clear of you. That's right.

消除痛苦. 没错



Barry,I'm sorry. I am so sorry. 贝瑞,对不起,对不起

You probably think it's about making love with your socks on,but it isn't. 你可能认为和那天你穿袜子做爱有关,但不是的

You like him. I want her. He likes you. 你喜欢他,我要她,他喜欢你

Really? Yeah. 真的? 没错

If we put our heads together,between the two of us... 我想只要我们一起想办法 ...we can break them up.就能让他们分开

I' m sorry. I can't believe I did this. 真是抱歉没想到我会这样

I couldn't stop laughing at your Norman Mailer story. 你的诺曼?梅勒(美国著名作家)的故事让我笑得嘴巴合不拢

Waiter? One more plate of chicken wings over here. 服务生,再来一盘鸡翅 Here's the thing. We're different. 我们是不同类型的人 I'm bing,bing,bing. You' re boom,boom,boom. Oh,my God! I' m so sorry! Are you okay? 你没事吧

It's just my lens. It's my lens. 没事,只是我的隐形眼镜 I'll be right back. 我马上回来

I hit her in the eye! In the eye! 我打中她的眼睛,眼睛

This is the worst breakup in the history of the world! 这是有史以来世上最糟糕的分手 Oh,my God! 我的天

How many have you had? I don't know. A million! 你到底喝了几杯? 我也不知道,一百万杯?

Chandler,easy,easy. Go to your happy place. 钱德,放轻松 快回到你的快乐天堂 l' m fine,l' m fine. All right. 我没事的? 好吧

l' m not fine. Here she is. Wait here,okay? Breathe. 不好,她回来了 在这儿等着,深呼吸 How do you do that? It's like a gift. 你是怎么办到的? 我有天赋 We should always break up together. 我每次分手都该找你 I'd like that! 我乐意之至

The clothes are clean. That's the important part. 你已把衣服洗净了 这是最重要的 I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now. 大概吧?只是衣服都成了睡衣 I'm sorry. Excuse me. We had this cart. 抱歉,推车本来是我们的

I had a 24 inch waist. You lose things. 我的腰围本来是24寸 你丢东西了 Now,come on. Get out of my way. 让开,别挡道 I' m sorry. Maybe I wasn't being clear. This was our cart. 的

抱歉,或许我没说清楚 这车是我们


我就好像丁丁丁 你就好像梆梆梆

There weren't clothes in it! 这上面没有衣服

Hey,hey,hey,hey! Quit making up rules! 你又再乱编规定了 Let go! Come on,it's my cart. 放手,车是我的 Listen,Mitzi,if you want it... 好吧,想用这辆车 ...you' re gonna have to take me with it!


Yes! Did you see that? You were incredible. 我赢了,看见没? 你真是太神奇了 A brand new woman,ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们,一位脱胎换骨的新女性 Thank you. I could not have done this without you. More clothes in the dryer? 烘干机里还有衣服?


I'm fine. I'm fine. Are you sure? 我没事,我没事 你确定 Are you sure you' re okay? Yeah. 你确定你没事 是的 Does it still hurt? Yeah. 还疼吗? 是的

What a neat idea! All your clothes match. I' m gonna do this. 真是聪明,衣服颜色都很配 我


How'd it go? Excellent! 嘿,怎么样啦? 很好!

We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves. 我们拆散那一对 并将他们占为已有

What a beautiful story. 真是美丽动人的故事

I'm fine,by the way. I'm sorry. 顺便说一下我没事. 对不起没注意

Where's Chandler? He needed time to grieve. 钱德在哪儿? 他需要一点时间疗伤 I' m free! I' m free! 我自由了?我自由了? That ought to do it. 他应该这么做

Oh,look! There's Joey's picture! 你们看,是乔伊的照片 This is so exciting! 真是令人兴奋

You can spot someone who's never seen his plays. 某人

你总是能看见 从未在自己作品中出现的

Notice,no fear. No sense of impending doom. 注意力强,无畏无惧

The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. 三号男演员不能让维克.夏皮罗演

We came on the wrong night.看来我们来错时间了啊.

I can't believe I forgot a magazine. 不敢相信我居然把杂志忘了

Come on,this might be good. I don't know. 这样也许更好一些 我不知道

The exclamation point scares me. It's not just Freud,it's Freud! 标题上的惊叹号让我害怕 这不只是弗洛伊德,而是弗洛伊德! Magic is about to happen! Well,Eva... 伊娃


...we've done some excellent work here. 你今天的表现不错 And I would have to say... 我得说??

...your problem is quite clear. ??你的问题相当清楚 All you want is a tinkle 你只是想要一个风铃 What you envy's a schwang 你讨厌流行的东西

A thing through which you can tinkle 听它发出清脆的声音 To play with or simply let hang 拨弄着它,或是挂在那边 The One With the Butt 六人行 第1季 第06集 屁股 丹尼尔?E?汉克出品 新音乐剧《弗洛伊德》

I feel violated. 我感觉自己受到冒犯了

Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off... 还有谁感觉想剥他们的皮 ...to have something else to do? 或者做点其他的事情? Ross,10:00. 罗斯,十点钟

Is it? It feels like 2. 是吗?感觉像是两点

No,10:00! What? 不,十点钟 什么? There's a beautiful woman at 8,9,10:00! 一位美女在8,9,10点钟方向 Hello! 喂!

She's amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat,bald men. 她太美了 她让我的梦中情人变得有如矮胖的秃子

Go over. She's not with anyone. 过去啊,她旁边没人

And what would my opening line be? Excuse me.... 对,我该用什么开场白? 打扰了,啦啦啦啦之类的

Come on,she's a person. You can do it. 拜托,她只是个人,你可以的 Could she be more out of my league? Back me up. 后盾吧

请告诉我,我配得上她吗? 罗斯,做我的

He couldn't get a woman like that in a million years. 他这副德行一百万年都别想得到这种美

You always see these beautiful women with \ 货

You could be one of those guys. 你也可以成为其中之一 You could do that. You think? 没错,你能办到 你也认为? Absolutely! 是的.

I can't believe I'm considering this.没想到我竟有这种念头

l' m very aware of my tongue. Come on. 我一向谨言慎行 快去 Here goes. 我上了

Stand back,everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel. All right,I can do this. 好的,我能做到的



Yes? Hi. 怎么? 嗨.

Okay,next word would be... 下个字是? ... Chandler. ?钱德

Chandler is my name and.... 我叫钱德 Hi! 嗨

Yes,you said that. 我知道,你说过

Yes! Yes,I did. But what I didn't say.... 对,我说过 但我没说我想说... What I wanted to say was... 我想说的是??

...would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night. 安 Chandler?


I didn't know you could dance! You were in a play! 想不到你会跳舞 你演戏了 What'd you think? 感觉如何?

I didn't know you could dance! You were in a play! 想不到你会跳舞 你演戏了 It wasn't that bad. I was the lead. 拜托,没那么糟吧 我是主角 It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head.

这次我在轮唱中出现 至少??愿意与我约会吗? 谢谢,晚


You're right. We saw your head. 对没错 我们有看见你的头 How about that accent? 这德国口音怎么样? Yeah. All of your W's were V's. She said yes! 她答应了?


Awful play,man! 好烂的戏,伙计,烂

Her name's Aurora. She's ltalian and she pronounces my name \意大利 她叫我“钱德呃呃呃”

I like that better. 我喜欢她这样称呼我 The usher gave me this. 领座员要我把它交给你 What is it? The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency.


这是什么? 艾斯黛雷纳德经纪公司

An agency left its card. They wanna sign me!经纪公司拿名片给我 或许他们想和我签约

Based on this play? 因为这场戏? Based on this play! 因为这一场戏!

Look! There's a note on the back. 瞧!背面有字

Loved your work. Call me a sap. 喜欢你的工作.请叫我挖墙脚的 She was obviously very moved! 显然她非常的动人

You should call her fairly quickly. 你应该马上打电话给她 Yeah! As soon as possible! Come in! 请进


嗨,我来找艾斯黛雷纳德的. 等等,让我看看她在不在??

Hi. I'm here to see Estelle Leonard. Just a moment,let me see if she's in. Hello. 你好.

You' re Estelle? I know... 你是艾斯黛? 我知道?? ...you weren't expecting someone so fantastically beautiful.

??你在期待 一位美丽动人的


Love lump. T ake a load off already,darling. Sit already. 笨小伙.放下负担 亲爱的,坐下来 I can't tell you how excited I am to be here. 我无法用语言表述 到这里来我有多么兴奋

Why not? 为什么?

What I meant was You don't mind if I eat,do you? 我的意思是说 你不介意我边吃边听吧 Joey... 乔伊

...sweetheart,let me ask you a question. ??让我问你一个问题

Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle? 你看过\西雅图未眠夜\这部电影吗? Wow! Do you represent those actors? No. But you know the end,where they' re happy?

喔!你要我扮演那些演员 不是.


That's gonna be you and me. 那将是你和我的结局

You mean you wanna sign me? 你是说你准备和我签约

No,I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out. 不,我要到帝国大厦顶楼去亲热.

Of course I wanna sign you! 我当然是要签你啊!

Miss Leonard,I'm so Oh,boy. 小姐,我实在是 噢,小伙子 Ride them,cowboy. l' m sorry! 坐在那里,牛仔. 对不起! 三维立体画

I don't see it! 我看不到

T ry to look through it. Unfocus your eyes. 试着穿透过去 让你的眼睛离焦. Focus? There's nothing to focus on. 集中?没有什么东西可以集中眼力 It's the Statue of Liberty! Right! 是自由女神 对啦

Where's the Statue of Liberty? There. 自由女神在哪里? 那里. I can't not see it now. 现在我看不到了

Hey,kids! 嗨,小子!

Come here. Do you see anything here? 到这里来.你在这里看到什么了吗? lt looks like a boat. A boat. 看起来像一只船 一只船. Right in front of the Statue of Liberty. 正好在自由女神前面 It's been seven seconds,and you haven't asked me how my date went. 了 竟没人问我的约会如何?


How was your date,Chandler? 你的约会如何,钱德呃呃呃? It was unbelievable! 真是令人难以置信

I've never met anyone like her. She's had an amazing life! 我没见过像她那样的人 她的生活真是太令人称羡了

She was in the Israeli army. 她穿过以色列阵地

None of the bullets hit the engine,so we made it to the border. 幸好子弹没打中引擎 我们才能越过边界

But just barely,and l.... 真是有惊无险

I've been talking about myself all night long. I'm sorry. 我整晚都在谈我自己,抱歉 What about you? T ell me a story. 你呢?说来听听嘛 All right,once... 有一回...

... I got on the subway. 我搭地铁

And it was at night... 是在晚上

...and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn. ...那晚我搭地铁到布鲁克林区

Just for the hell of it. 仅为了无聊

We talked until 2:00. It was perfect. 我们一直谈到两点,那真是个美好的夜晚 More or less. 可以这么说

