PEP小学英语五年级上册第五单元B部分Let's talk

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第五单元B部分Let’s talk教案

Unit 5 There are a big bed

B Let’s talk

松山五小 姜瑞华


1、本部分学习的核心句型:There are so many pictures here. There are so many plants here,too. 教材通过Sarah和Mike 参观张鹏家客厅的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。

2、本部分的教学目标:学生能够理解对话大意;能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话并进行角色扮演;能够在情景中运用句型T here are ---描述某处有某物;能够在语境中理解以下新词和词组的意思并正确发音:grandparent, their, house, flower, lots of。 教学步骤:

Step1 Warm up

1、Sing a song and answer the following question: T:What’s in the bedroom?

S: There is a ---.


(PPT)Show the picture of ZhangPeng’s bedroom: T: Talk about it, what’s in the bedroom?

S: There is a ---.

T: There are so many things in his bedroom. What about the living room?

Step2 New concept

1、Let’s try

T: What’s in the living room? Listen and tick. S: Some pictures.

T: There are some pictures. What else is in the living room?

Can you guess?

S: There is / are --- .

2、Let’s talk

(1)T: Now, listen What else is in the living room?

S: There are so many plants.

T: They are grandmother’s plants. His grandmother has a garden,where is the garden? Listen and answer again.

S: It’s in front of their house.

T: What’s in the garden? Listen and answer.

S: There are lots of flowers.

(2)Listen and repeat

T: Open your books,turn to Page51,listen carefully. Listen and read it.

(3) Show the picture of Zhang Peng’s living room:

Ss talk about the picture: What else do you see in it?

Learn and practise: There are/ is ---.

(4)Show the picture of Zhang Peng’s garden, learn new words: grandparents, in front of, their house, flowers, lots of.

(5) Practise in groups.

(6)Fill in the blanks accordancing the dialogue.

3、Expand and consolidate:

Show a picture of living room and a picture of bedroom, Ss talk about one of the two pictures in their groups of four.

A: This is ---.

B: There is/ are ---.

C: There is/are ---.

D: It’s --- (nice/ big/ dirty ---)

4、Moral education

Custom makes all things easy.

(有个好习惯, 事事皆不难。)

Please Clean your room everyday!


(1)、Talk about your bedroom with your friends.

(2)、Tidy up your room and describe it t0 your parents.整理并向父母描述自己的房间。

