更新时间:2023-09-10 11:54:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载
一. 词义匹配 (共10题,共10分)
1. I judged from the way she replied that she wasn’t very enthusiastic (1分) A.passionate B.anxious C.calm D.professional ☆考生答案:A ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 2. He promised his parents to work hard in the following years. (1分) A.previous B.likely C.coming D.last ☆考生答案:C ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 3. Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions (1分) A.smiles B.actions C.sadness D.feelings ☆考生答案:D ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 4. I should teach my students that science is akin to common sense. (1分) A.similar to B.referred to C.related to D.connected to ☆考生答案:A ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 5. At no time has the country been more flourishing than at present. (1分) A.busy B.poor C.prosperous D.strong ☆考生答案:C ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 6. I was afraid the sickness had sapped my strength. (1分) A.accelerated B.loosened C.increased D.gradually weakened ☆考生答案:D ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 7. Everyone might undergo such changes once in a while. (1分) A.experience B.understand C.experiment D.expect ☆考生答案:A ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 8. Tourism creates many jobs for local people. (1分)
A.gets B.brings C.takes D.finds ☆考生答案:B ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 9. How can I return your kindness of giving me the money? (1分) A.reply B.repay C.recover D.reserve ☆考生答案:C ★考生得分:0 分 评语: 10. The herb medicine eventually cured her diseases. (1分) A.nicely B.apparently C.finally D.naturally ☆考生答案:C ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 二. 词汇语法 (共20题,共20分)
1. He stood there motionless and ________ at the natural beauty of the sea. (1分) A.in wonder B.in doubt C.in question D.in trouble ☆考生答案:A ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 2. We waited until five o’clock, but he did not?________. (1分) A.show off B.show up C.show around D.show on ☆考生答案:B ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 3. Police are investigating the?______ of the explosion. (1分) A.pause B.cause C.excuse D.caution ☆考生答案:A ★考生得分:0 分 评语: 4. The book of J. K. Rowling is sold well whenever it is_______. (1分) A.declared B.released C.relieved D.announced ☆考生答案:B ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 5. So many fantastic ideas! It’s too much for me to _______ all at once. (1分) A.abandon B.absorb C.break D.revolve ☆考生答案:B ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 6. He bought a small _______ in the area, hoping to live the rest of his life there. (1分) A.possession B.land C.property D.wealth ☆考生答案:C ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 7. Some?senior?students?wrote?in?asking?for?information?________?postgraduate?studies.? (1分) A.concern B.concerned C.having concerned D.concerning ☆考生答案:D ★考生得分:1 分 评语: 8. We will?_____ the reform of the financial system under these circumstances. (1分) A.hurry B.rush C.accelerate D.speed
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