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Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears Story time 我尝试略

我交流1. (1)A (2)B (3)A2. 略3. too hard, too soft, just right4. 略

我运用1. (1)A beautiful house. (2)Yes, it is. (3)There is some soup on the table. (4)There are three beds in the room. (5)Why is Goldilocks afraid?

2. (1)forest, house (2)beautiful (3)hungry (4)room (5)bears, in front of 3. (1)hard (2)soft (3)beside (4)between (5)in front of (6)help 4. (1)There is a house. (2)What a beautiful house. (3)She is hungry and thirsty. (4)Goldilocks is in the house.

5. forest, beautiful house, house, hungry, thirsty, some soup, cold, too, just right, three beds, afraid, three, in front of 脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试略

我交流1. 略2. (1)B (2)A

我运用1. (1)There is some soup on the table (2)This is too sweet 2. (2)are, in front of (2)This, too hot脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试略 我交流略

我运用1. (1)B (2)A2. (1)is, on (2)There, table (3)water, too hot 3. (1)A (2)A (3)B脱口秀略 Sound time & Culture time

我尝试1. 略2. 受欢迎的,西方国家3. 略 我交流1~2 略

3. (1)C (2)A (3)B (4)E (5)D

我运用1. (1)√ (2) √ (3) √ (4)× (5) × (6) √2. A C E F;B D 脱口秀略 Cartoon time

我尝试1. 略2. (1)B (2)A (3)E (4)D (5)C

我交流1. (1)isn’t (2)aren’t (3)can’t2. (1)C (2)A (3)C3. 略 我运用1. (1)B (2)A (3)A (4)B

2. (1)un, 饥饿的 (2)ween, 在……中间 (3)e, 帮助 (4)ea, 确实 (5)oo, 房间 (6)ra, 害怕的 (7)ou, 表兄妹,堂兄妹 (8)s, d在……旁边

3. (1)A I’m hungry (2)C There aren’t any cakes here.(3)B You can have some cakes.



Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略 我交流略

我运用1. (1)√ (2) × (3) √ (4) × (5) √ (6) √ 2. are, on, are, under, is, beside, are, beside, is, on

3. (1)A (2)A (3)C (4)A (5)B (6)C脱口秀略 Unit 1单元测试 口试部分 略 听力部分

一、1~5 B A B A A 6~10 A A B B A二、1 3 2 4 5三、1~5 A A A B B 四、1. in front of 2. house, bears 3. beside 4. There, between 5. too hot 笔试部分

一、1. between 2. in front of 3. beside 4. house 5. room 6. hard 二、1~5 B B B D B三、1~4 √×√×

四、1. 在森林里 2. a house 3. 一个漂亮的洋娃娃 4. in front of her 5. 刚刚好 6. in the room 7. 帮帮我 8. beside him 9. 我害怕。 10. between them 五、1~5 B A A C B 6~10 B C B A B六、1~5 C D B E A 七、1. What a beautiful house!2. This coffee is too hot

3. There is a pen between the books4. You can have some cakes. 5. There aren’t any cakes here. 八、1. is, dog 2. There are, on

九、1~3 ×√× 4. There are two. 5. Yes, I do

Unit 2 A new student Story time

我尝试1. 略2. C B A G D E F H3. 略

我交流1. (1)A (2)A (3)B2. (1) × (2) √ (3) × (4) ×3. 略 我运用1. 略

2. student, show, around, classrooms, computer rooms, library, table tennis, music room, first, second floor, are, third floor

3. (1)How many, are (2)Are, Yes, is (3)any, Yes, are脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试1. 略

2. (1)is not (2)It’s (3)They’re (4)are not3. first, second, third 我交流1. 略

2. (1)are, are (2)Is, isn’t (3)Are, any, aren’t (4)any, are (5)is some

我运用1. (1)Yes, there is. (2)There are two. (3)any, Yes, there are. (4)second (5)Is there a TV in the room? (6)How many rooms are there in the house? 2. 略脱口秀略

Fun time 我尝试略 我交流略

我运用1. (1)computer (2)music (3)playground (4)art


2. (1)My house is on the second floor.(2)How many books are there in the bookcase? (3)Are there any computers in the computer room?脱口秀略 Sound time & Culture time 我尝试略

我交流1~2 略3. A B C D

我运用1. (1) √ (2)× (3) √ (4) × (5) √ (6) ×2. 略脱口秀略 Cartoon time 我尝试略

我交流1. (1)A (2)B (3)B2~3 略

我运用1. 略2. (1)B (2)A (3)A3. 1 4 2 3脱口秀略

Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略 我交流略 我运用

1. (1)u, e学生 (2)a s, o o教室 (3)e, o第二 (4)o停止 (5)o, u, e r电脑 (6)i r第一 (7)i r第三 (8)o o楼层

2. (1)A How many classrooms are there in the school? (2)D It’s on the second floor.

(3)B Are there any computers in the computer room?

(4)F Let’s go and play!(5)E Stop, Sam!It’s too high!脱口秀略 Unit 2 单元测试 口试部分 略 听力部分

一、1~6 B B A C B C二、3 1 2 5 6 4三、1~4 A A B A 四、1. student 2. classroom, second 3. computers 4. any 笔试部分

一、1~6 ×√××√√二、1~5 B A A A C 6~8 B A A

三、1. a new student 2. How many classrooms 3. two computer rooms 4. on the third floor 5. have a look 6. 带她参观 7. 在第一层楼 8. 你太重了。 9. 在操场 10. 在秋千上 四、1. There aren’t any bananas on the table.

2. How many students are there in the classroom?

3. My house in on the second floor.4. Let’s have a look. 5. Can you show him around? 五、1~5 C D B A E

六、1. Are, any, there are 2. many, are there, There are four 3. Is, Yes, there is 七、 1. on 2. on 3. in 4. under 5. at 6. for

八、 1. There are three. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, it is. 4. B 5. A

Unit 3 Our animal friends Story time

我尝试1. 略2. fish, dog, rabbit, parrot3. 略

4. Nancy-fish Mike-dog Liu Tao-rabbit Su Hai-parrot



我运用1. 略2. (1)B (2)C (3)D (4)A

3. (1)elephant, has, ears, big, has, feet (2)has, panda, small, cute, feet 4. (1)fish, swim, have, tails(2)dog, white, four, tail, run, jump

(3)rabbit, red, long, run(4)parrot, yellow green, mouth, talk, fly脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试略

我交流1. 略2. (1)Do, have, eyes, they don’t (2)Does, have, legs, it does 我运用1. (1)B (2)F, A, E (3)C (4)G, H

2. (1)Nancy has two dogs.(2)Do they have an animal friend?

(3)Does Jim have a yellow cup?No, he doesn’t.(4)My animal friend has two big eyes. 脱口秀略 Fun time

我尝试1. S1: Yes, I do. S2: it does, it doesn’t2. B C D A 我交流略 我运用

1. (1)一双翅膀 (2)一条长尾巴 (3)long ear (4)big eyes

2. whose, has, eyes, Does, tail, doesn’t, looks, like, can, run, can脱口秀略 Sound time & Culture time 我尝试略

我交流1. 略2. 橡皮鸭,晴朗的天气,出来3. 略 我运用1. 略2. (1)√ (2)× (3) × (4) × (5) × (6) ×脱口秀略 Cartoon time

我尝试1. 略2. (1)B (2)E (3)C (4)F (5)A (6)D 我交流1. (1)B (2)C (3)B2~3 略 我运用

1. (1)Yes, they do. (2)Yes, it can. (3)It has eight legs. (4)Yes, it does. 2. (1)We have a new friend. (2)Give it a cake. (3)It likes your fingers. 3. (1)√ (2)× (3) × (4) ×脱口秀略 Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略 我交流略

我运用1. (1)There is (2)There are (3)have (4)has

2. have, are, There is, cow, horse, dog, chickens, dog, four legs, It, run 脱口秀略

Unit 3 单元测试 口试部分 略 听力部分

一、1~5 A B C A B二、1 2 5 4 3三、1~4 A A B A


四、1. A/B 2~4 A A A五、1. One, the other 2. have 3. Give, please 4. arms, legs 笔试部分

一、ear, tail, body, legs

二、1. 一个硬硬的身体 2. 一条长尾巴 3. 会飞会讲话 4. 一张小嘴

5. two long legs 6. big eyes

三、1. B 2. E, A, D 3. C 4. F, G 5. H四、1~5 A C B B A 6~8 C A A 五、whose, has, eyes, Does, tail, does, can, run, can

六、1. Nancy’s dog has two big ears.2. Do we have an animal friend? 3. Does Mr Green have a blue ruler?No, he doesn’t. 4. My animal friend has two big eyes. 七、1~5××××√ Unit 4 单元测试 口语部分 略 听力部分

一、1~5 B A B A A 6~10 A C C B C二、1~6 √×√××× 三、1~4 C B C C四、likes, stories, has, lot, sings, dances 笔试部分 一、1~5 ××√××

二、1. has many books 2. playing the piano 3. likes playing football 4. 看电影 5.冰面上的一个洞

三、1~5 C B B C B 6~10 B A C B C

四、1. What do you like doing in summer?2. I don’t like reading stories.

3. He also likes playing table tennis.4. I am not good at skating, but I can swim well. 5. What does ken like doing? He likes playing basketball. 五、1~5 D C E A B

六、1. does, doing, likes playing basketball 2. day, Thursday, football, What 3. do, like doing, like playing table

七、 1~3×√× 4. Yes, he does. 5. He likes skating in winter.

Unit 4 Hobbies

Story time我尝试略我交流 1. read, sing, play the piano, watch films, draw, dance 2. (1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4) × 3. Tim: draw

Liu Tao: play basketball, play table tennis

Yang Ling: read stories, play the piano Su Hai: dance, swim


Su Yang: watch films, swim

我运用1. Mike likes playing basketball and football. He

can play basketball well, but he is not good at football.

He likes drawing too. He usually draws in the park with his brother Tim.

2. (1)D (2)E (3)A (4)F (5)B (6)C (7)G 3. (1)reading books (2)playing, piano (3)likes skating (4)good at swimming 4. (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)B 5. (1)I like playing football. (2)I am not good at singing. 脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试略 我交流1. 略

2. (1)C (2)C (3)C (4)C (5)C 3. (1)D (2)E (3)B (4)A (5)C 4. (1)does, doing, running (2)Does, doesn’t, likes singing 我运用

1. (1)D (2)E (3)A (4)F (5)B 2. (2)playing (3)singing (4)drawing

(5)dancing (6)skating (7)swimming (8)running 3. (1)Yang Ling is good at reading. (2)Is there a music room in our school? (3)What do you like doing? (4)I don’t like reading stories. 脱口秀略 Fun time 我尝试

1. (1)They like playing football (2)They like swimming. (3)She likes shopping.

(4)His hobby is playing the piano.


(5)He likes fishing.

(6)His hobby is playing basketball.2. 略 我交流1. 略

2. (1)喜欢购物 (2)喜欢在河里游泳 (3)打桌球 (4)看卡通电影

3. (1)C (2)B (3)D (4)A 我运用

1. (1)basketball, table tennis, tennis (2)dance, skate, draw, run, swim (3)Maths, Chinese, PE, Music, Art Science 2. I: play tennis Ben: play football Jim: play football

Helen: play tennis, play the piano

3. who, hobby, our, you, your, read, an, dance, story 脱口秀 略

Sound time & Song time 我尝试 1~2 略

3. (1)C (2)A (3)E (4)B 我交流 1. 略

2. (1)√ (2)× (3) √ (4) × (5) × (6) √ 3~4略 我运用

1. (1)climbing (2)skating (3)playing (4)doesn’t like swimming

2. (1)like climbing (2)don’t like (3)also (4)likes swimming.

3. (1)We all like climbing very much. (2)What do you like doing?

(3)What does Mike like doing?He likes drawing. 脱口秀略 Cartoon time

我尝试1~2 略3. C A E D B


我交流(1)D (2)E (3)B (4)C (5)A

2. (1)Yes, he does. (2)There is a hole in the ice. (3)No, he doesn’t.

3. B Look out! C Help! A really? 我运用1. 略

2. h e, p救命 h, l, 洞 o l d冷的 w e t湿的 3. (1)playing basketball, well (2)hobbies, likes playing, piano (3)likes singing, dancing 脱口秀略

Checkout time & Ticking time 我尝试略 我交流1. 略

2. play the piano, read stories, play ping-pong, wimming, running, skating, play basketball,dancing 我运用1. (1)√ (2)× (3) × (4) ×

2. D G F A C H E B3. (1)√ (2) × (3) √ (4) × (5) × 脱口秀略

Project 1 An animal school Project 1(A~C) 我尝试1. 略

2. classroom, art room, computer room, library, music room, playground

3. (1)E (2)F (3)A (4)C (5)B (6)D 我交流略 我运用

1. (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)C (5)A 2. F E A B C

3. (1)What a beautiful house. (2)Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty. (3)There is some soup on the table. (4)Are there any chairs?Yes, there are. (5)How many classrooms are there in our school? 4. (1)house, three, room (2)classroom, second (3)computer, third (4)front, her 5. (1)some (2)her (3)any (4)me (5)students (6)me (7)third 6. (1)five apples (2)bird, in


(3)there, music room, there is, on, floor 脱口秀略 Project 1 (D~F) 我尝试1~2 略

3. a foot, an arm, a leg, a tail, sing, draw, dance, read 我交流略

我运用1. (1)√ (2) × (3) × (4) √ 2. (1)B (2)C (3)C (4)A (5)C (6)A (7)A (8)B (9)A (10)B 3.(1) D (2) A (3) B (4) E (5) C 4. (1)has (2)swim (3)have, doesn’t (4)in (5)swim, well

5. (1)I have two animal friends. (2)Does Su Hai have a rabbit? (3)There is a hole in the ice. (4)What do your friends like doing? (5)Let’s go skating this afternoon. 6. have, dog, Does, it does, do, run, jump 7. (1)Yes, I do / No, I don’t. (2)It can ... (3)I like ... (4)Yes, I do / No, I don’t (5)Yes, does. / No, he doesn’t. 脱口秀

期中学业水平检测 口语部分 略 听力部分

一、1~5 A B C A B C二、1~4 A C B C 三、1. classroom, second 2. rooms, house 3. students 4. arms, legs

5. good dancing, singing 笔试部分


二、1. in front of her 2. on the second floor 3. four legs 4. many students

5. good at dancing 6. 在森林里 7. 一个新学生 8. 穿黄色衣服 9. 在我后面 10. 读故事书 三、1. sing, likes 2. Does, have, has 3. do they, like dancing 4. there

四、1~5 C C C A C 6~10 A B B B C


五、1~6 B E D F A C 六、1~5√√××√

Unit 5 What do they do? Story time 我尝试略

我交流1. Mike’s father——teacher Mike’s mother——writer Su Hai’s father——doctor Su Hai’s mother——worker

2. (1)He is a teacher.(2)She is a writer. (3)He is a doctor.(4)She is a worker. 3. (1)teacher, teaches(2)writer, writes (3)doctor, helps(4)worker, makes 我运用1. 略

2. (1)doctor (2)teacher (3)writer (4)worker 3. (1)B (2)A (3)A (4)B 4. teacher, has, doctor, helps 脱口秀略 Grammar time 我尝试

1. I am, You are, He is, Sheis, It is, They are 2. helps, dances, reads,makes, sings, writes, works, takes, teaches, flies 我交流略

我运用1. (1)nurse, helps (2)teacher, has / teaches (3)cook, cooks (4)driver, drives 2. (1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C 脱口秀略

Fun time我尝试略我交流略 我运用

1. (1)帮助病人 (2)做好吃的蛋糕 (3)教许多学生 (4)写故事 (5)开车 2. 略脱口秀略

Sound time & Culture time 我尝试略我交流1. 略2. B3. 略 我运用

1. (1)√ (2)√ (3)√ (4)×


