山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

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山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

Key to the Exercises of Book One

Unit One

Part One Reading Text

I. 1. N 2. NG 3. N 4. Y 5. NG, 6. NG, 7. Y 9. poverty, hunger and hopelessness. 10. mending; healed II. DBACC

III. 1. L; 2. N; 3. I ; 4. K ; 5. H ; 6. D; 7. F ; 8. B; 9. E ; 10. A

IV. 1.He was the most celebrated troublemaker in his town.

2. Teachers didn’t want to have him again the following year.

3. T. J. joined them and showed himself.

4. They objected to it. 5. Yes, he did.

V. 1. was the most celebrated troublemaker

2. moving on; moving up 3. go ahead, impress me

4. made a lot of sense 5. crucial beginning

Part Two Reading Skills (无需答案) Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 DBBDA Passage 2 ABDBC Passage 3 CBADA

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.NG 2.Y 3. N 4.N 5.N 6.N 7. Y

8. as far as Dad had ever been able to go in expressing his love

9. put his arms around him and tell him he loved him.

10. he wanted to save money and supplied the whole family.)


III.1.His father never hugged him and said his love loudly.

2.He didn’t believe his father love him in his mind.

3.Earn more money and gave his families a better life.

4.Hard and dangerous. 5.His love was so deep.

Unit Two

Part One Reading Text

Ⅰ. 1.Y 2.N 3.NG 4.N 5.Y 6.N 7.Y

8. hanging out with ―bad seeds‖ 9. was supposed to 10. understanding of the nature of friendship Ⅱ. BCCDA

Ⅲ. 1. I; 2. O; 3. A; 4. E; 5. K; 6. G; 7. F; 8. H; 9. C; 10. N

Ⅳ. 1. No, he didn’t.

2. Yes, because they provided each other with enough company.

3. He would advise them that some activities may be dangerous.

4. They loved to shop and eat.

5. He thought that they were much more sincere and loyal.

Ⅴ. 1. figured out 2. stuck her head 3. associate with

4. based only on 5. condescend to

Part Two Reading Skills

1. paper 2. small 3. get 4. funny 5. suppose

6. shock 7. single 8. expensive 9. maybe 10. folks

山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 BBCBD Passage 2 CDBBB Passage 3 CBCDD

Part Four Home Reading

Ⅰ. 1.N 2.NG 3.N 4.N 5.Y 6.NG 7.Y

8. footnotes and references 9. quickly and expertly

10. his great humor and love for the art


Ⅲ. 1. Approximately six foot nine inches.

2. The Horoscope as Identity. 3. They are astrology, music and cooking.

4. It is a container of awareness and of mutuality.

5. To thank his friends and spread the joy of harvest.

Unit Three

Part One Reading Text

I. 1.N 2. NG 3. Y 4. NG 5. Y 6. N 7. N

8. the authorities that employ them, themselves 9. benefits, disastrous effects

10. make the technological assessment of foreseeable benefits and harmful effect

II. 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.A

III.1.C 2.H 3.K 4.I 5. M 6. N 7.F 8. A 9.O 10.D

IV.1. how far scientists should be responsible to society.

2. scientists should be responsible for the results of their work.

3. to turn out to be something with adverse effects.

4.public opinions about social values and goals more important .

5. to take-and–pay for-measures against the unwanted side-effects.

V. 1. free from 2. apply to 3. short of 4. was responsible for 5. as a whole

Part Two Reading Skills

1. sea / ocean 2. gun 3. book 4. language 5. died

6. win 7. warm 8. die 9. snow; fire 10. vehicle; fast

Part Three Reading Practice

Keys Passage1 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A Passage2 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D

Passage3 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.N 2. Y 3. N 4. N 5. Y 6.Y 7. NG

8.than before anism development 10. stream life

II. 1. B 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C

III. 1. Acid rain 2. 25%

3. They carried out a new type of laboratory experiment

4. They maintained their weight better in winter

5. No environmental variables limit organism development

IV. 1. as well as 2. with regards to 3. contribute to 4. is made of 5. Put out

Unit Four

Part One Reading Text

I. 1.N 2.Y 3.NG 4.N 5.N 6.Y 7.Y

8. his attitude, his speech and his look 9. learn a trade


山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

10. humble and respectful to Whites


III. 1.C; 2. F; 3. E; 4. K; 5. A; 6. M; 7. O; 8. H; 9. B; 10. I

IV. 1. quit 2. in disgust 3. take your time 4.behave yourself 5.It looks as if

V. 1.He thought Dick was impatient and can’t keep a job.

2. He shouldn’t be in a hurry in finding a job.

3. Yes. Dick thought Mr. Crane really treated him well.

4. To learn a trade and make something of himself.

5. No, he wouldn’t take the job like sweeping the floors.

Part Two Reading Skills

1.But; for 2.In addition to; Furthermore 3.However; but

4.Although; For example 5.Although; Also; In addition; on the other hand

6.On the contrary; However; for instance 7.but; For example; on the other hand

8.First; next; finally 9.However; in other words 10.first; second; third Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 BBADD Passage 2 CBCAC Passage 3 ADBDC

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. N 5. NG 6. Y 7. N

8. a sign of success 9. show respect 10. participated in


III.1. come up with 2. Whatever I say 3. was granted 4. used to 5. As hard as he worked

Unit Five

Part One Reading Text

I. 1.N 2. N 3. Y 4. NG 5. Y 6. Y 7. NG

8. make their acquaintance 9. a gigantic rose-tree 10.walked up and down


III. 1.J ; 2. M ; 3. F; 4. H; 5. L; 6. K; 7. I; 8. A; 9. D; 10. B

IV. 1. The carriage of the couple had broken down on the way of traveling, so they had been forced to pass the night in a little house by the road-side.

2. The Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.

3. The love buried in Conte’s heart.

4. A beautiful, slim, talkative old man, — tall and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although he was at the age of eighty the following year; the last of his family, and he never gets married,

5. The origin of the rose tree in the couple’s garden with a sad love story about a Conte. (no definite one)

V. 1.take it for granted 2. faded (away) in the distance 3. local news 4. takes an interest in collecting stamps 5. provide accommodation

Part Two Reading Skills

Exercise A

1. With the repetition of the word ―prim‖ or ―primly‖, it succeeds in reinforcing the depiction of Mr. Fleagle as ―very former, rigid and hopeless out of date‖.

2. The three-time repetition of the words ―don’t you see‖ reflects the excitement and delightedness of Mr. Fleagle after reading my excellent writing.

3. The sentence ―I mow your lawn.‖ repeated by Tony can show his spirit of determination to get the job, never giving up.

山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

Exercise B .This issue is of greatest importance it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever.(important) consumption is partially a function of the steady improvement in the standard of living.(increase) .In these areas which are separated from the rest of the country, there does not seem to be a great concern with conserving natural

resources. (separated) government control is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel. (control) functional system, perhaps we can become less dependent on fossil fuels such as oil and coal. (invent )

Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 B D C C A Passage 2 D B A B D Passage 3 B D D D D

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.Y 2. N 3. NG 4. Y 5. N 6. N 7.N

8. sacrifice 9. blend in with 10. dozing off


Ⅲ. 1. November. 2. Worms, flies, crickets and filed mice. 3.No, he didn’t. He thought she was still pretty.

4.fears and anxieties 5.not death but redemption

Unit Six

Part One Reading Text

I. 1.N 2.Y 3.NG 4.Y 5.N 6.Y 7. Y

8. victims of extreme mistreatment 9. accustomed

10. concepts of arrival and departure


III. 1. A; 2. B; 3. M ; 4. D ; 5. E ; 6. L; 7. O ; 8. H; 9. I ; 10. J

IV. 1.How are the elaborate tasks?

2. Mother's impending departure.

3. To get responses from caretakers. 4. No. 5. After extensive training.

V. 1. accustomed 2. responses 3. making faces 4. communication 5. advantage

Part Two Reading Skills

A. 1.

himself ------ the foreign research scholar

he ------ the foreign research scholar

that ------ the university system

each other ------ the visiting professor and his students

him ------ the foreign professor

This ------ how to make creative use of foreign faculty, especially at smaller



they ------ science and technology

this ------ try to ensure that the changes science and technology make are in

山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

the right directions.

them ------ informed decisions

it ------ the public

it ------ science

This distrust ------ the public’s distrust of science


themselves ------ civilizations

this ------ the sick joke


that ------ supposing I’m beautiful


that ------ your coming to New York, seeing me and making your decision.

B. 1. John is smoking more now than he used to.

2. John was the winner in 1989, and Bob in 1990.

3. Mary is going to sweep the floor though Alice won’t.

4. He will work hard wherever sent by the Party.

5. John will meet my family tonight and will again tomorrow. Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 BCDBA Passage 2 DCBCB Passage 3 BACAA

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.N 2.N 3.Y 4.NG 5.Y 6.NG 7.Y 8. originally designed

9. a reflection of intelligence 10. take advantage of


III.1.The test has to be something the dog can learn.

2.Dogs are good at learning what we want them to.

3.The right test. 4.Dogs do just fine.

5.The ability to learn things that are important to them.

Unit Seven

Part One Reading Text

I. 1. N 2. Y 3. N 4. NG 5. N 6. N 7. N

8. sign language, signing 9. terror

10. severe smoke inhalation and minor burns on her back and knees.


III. 1. D; 2. L; 3. O ; 4. M ; 5. B ; 6. F; 7. K ; 8.C; 9. I ; 10. E

IV. 1. needed some extra time to prepare for the meeting , beat rush-hour traffic

2. At some point, Wills felt the small step that led to the door.

3. The sprinklers outside of the building spray water into the building.

4. he was pushed back by the spreading smoke in the building

5. severe smoke inhalation , minor burns on her back and knees

V. 1. just in case 2. might have saved her life 3. couldn’t make it

4. announced 5. pick her up

Part Two Reading Skills

1.indecisive 优柔寡断的 2.celebrities 名人 3.lintel 横木

4.pillion 后座 5.sparkle 发光、闪耀 6.groovy 绝妙的 7.futile 无用的

山东石油大学 阅读教程1 答案 Key to the exercises

8.illiterate 文盲的 9.precaution 预防措施 parable 可比较的

Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 DABCD Passage 2 DBDCD Passage 3 DAACD

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.N 2.Y 3.NG 4.N 5.N 6.N 7.NG

8. visual memory for routes

9. would have seen the lunchtime news reports and had assumed the worst

10. suddenly overwhelmed


III. 1. Because they were excited about the voyage.

2. It was just after 9 am on a Friday morning and the traffic should be very busy.

3. The author can remember that moment clearly.

4. Because they must secured the coach by tying ropes to large metal poles they had driven into the bank.

5. always thought about overtaking.

Unit Eight

Part One Reading Text

I. 1. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. NG 5. N, 6. Y, 7. Y

8.manifest 9. film 10. interests


III. 1. L; 2. K; 3.J ; 4. C ; 5. B ; 6. I; 7. A ; 8. G; 9. F ; 10. D

IV. 1. No, because compared with SAT answering the question is more difficult.

2. Confused himself even more..

3. Basically dentistry cares much about personal hygiene.

4. Sleep for a while and woke up early, then problem solved.

5. It doesn't matter what you major in

V. 1. in peace 2. approach the problem 3. commit the rest of my life to

4. venture to 5. amazing Part Two Reading Skills

Exercise A CACBA Exercise B 1), 2), 4), 6), 7)

Part Three Reading Practice

Passage 1 DBCDA Passage 2 BCCAA Passage 3 CACCA

Part Four Home Reading

I. 1.Y 2.Y 3. Y 4.N 5.N 6.Y 7. N

8. a spare-time activity

9. America has raised a generation of part-time students.

10. elaborate


III.1.Because he works a lot and has no time studying.

2.baby-sit, shoveled snow, mowed lawns, and delivered papers etc.

3.to show student-employment is a major reason of educational decline.

4.They imply that she has an unfair advantage over them.


