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- 初二上学期英语重点推荐度:
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Unit 1 How often do you exercise?
Section A 一、词组
多久一次 how often 网上冲浪 surf the Internet 至于;关于 as for 中学 high school 去滑滑板 go skateboarding 在周末 on weekends 几乎不曾 hardly ever 去看电影 go to the movies 三或四次 three or four times 二、句子
1. 周末你经常干什么?What do you usually do on weekends? 2. 我经常踢足球。I often play soccer.
3. 他们在周末干什么?What do they do on weekends? 4. 他们经常去看电影。They often go to the movies. 5. 他在周末干什么?What does he do on weekends? 6. 他有时看电视。He sometimes watches TV. 7. 你多长时间购物一次?How often do you shop? 8. 我一个月购物一次。I shop once a month.
9. 程多长时间看一次电视?How often does Cheng watch TV? 10. 他一周看两次电视。He watches TV twice a week.
Section B 一、词组
对...有好处 be good for 垃圾食品 junk food 饮食习惯 eating habit 尽力做某事 try to do sth 帮助某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth 照顾;照看 look after 当然 of course
喝牛奶 drink milk 放学回家 come home from school 二、句子
1. 我妈妈想让我喝牛奶。My mother wants me to drink milk. 2. 你每天睡几个小时?How many hours do you sleep every night? 3. 健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。 My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 4. 我从不喝咖啡。I never drink coffee.
5. 我的饮食习惯很好。My eating habits are pretty good.
Unit 2 What’s the matter?
Section A 一、词组
患感冒 have a cold 嗓子痛 sore throat 发烧 have a fever 背痛 sore back 看牙医 see a dentist 躺下 lie down 一个好主意 a good idea 两天前 two days ago 头痛 have a headache 加蜂蜜的热茶 hot tea with honey 二、句子
1. 你怎么了?What’s the matter with you?
2. 你应该喝很多水。You should drink lots of water. 3. 我感觉不是很好。I am not feeling very well. 4. 你应该躺下休息。You should lie down and rest. 5. 我希望你很快好起来。I hope you feel better soon.
Section B 一、词组
紧张的 stressed out 感觉疲惫 get tired 保持健康 keep healthy 此刻,现在 at the moment 中药 Chinese medicine 太多 too much 去参加聚会 go to the party 平衡的膳食 a balanced diet 不能睡觉 can’t sleep 健康的生活方式 a healthy lifestyle 二、句子
1. 我很渴,我想喝水。I am thirsty. I want to drink some water. 2. 你应该早点上床睡觉。You should go to bed early. 3. 每个人有时会很累。Every one gets tired sometimes. 4. 你应该锻炼去保持健康。You should exercise to keep healthy. 5. 有一个健康的生活方式很简单。It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle. 6. 当你累了,你不应该学习。You shouldn’t study when you are tired. 7. 也许,你有太多的作业。Maybe you have too much homework. 8. 喝牛奶对你有好处。It’s good for you to drink milk.
Drinking milk is good for you.
Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?
Section A 一、词组
去野营 go camping 在家休息 relax at home
和朋友一起过 spend time with friends 看望我的奶奶 visit my grandma 在周一 on Monday 回到学校 get back to school 去远足 go hiking 玩得高兴 have a good time 寄给我一张明信片 send me a postcard 呆一个星期 stay for a week 给我看你的照片 show me your photos 下周 next week
和父母一起去 go with my parents 临时照顾我的妹妹 babysit my sister 二、句子
1. 你假期将要做什么?What are you doing for vacation? 2. 我要去西藏呆一周。I’m going to Tibet for a week. 3. 她假期将要做什么?What is she doing for vacation? 4. 她要去露营。She is going camping.
5. 你将要什么时候去?When are you going? 6. 我要12号去。I’m going on the 12th. 7. 听起来很有趣。That sounds interesting.
8. 他将要呆多长时间?How long is he staying?
9. 你假期将要去哪儿?Where are you going for vacation? 10. 你将要和谁一起去?Who are you going with? Section B 一、词组
去观光 go sightseeing 散步 take walks 去钓鱼 go fishing 度假 take a vacation 做些不同的事情 do something different 在晚上 at night
多睡觉 sleep a lot 需要放松 need to relax 租录像带 rent videos 骑自行车 go bike riding
计划做某事 plan to something 一个令人激动的假期 an exciting vacation 二、句子
1. 那儿的天气怎么样?How is the weather there? 2. 那里是什么样的?What’s it like there?
3. 我总是在欧洲度假。I always take vacations in Europe.
4. 这次我想做些不同的事情。This time I want to do something different. 5. 我希望我能忘记所有的问题。I hope I can forget all my problems. 6. 我问了她关于她的计划。I asked her about her plans.
7. 我刚刚完成我的上一部电影。I just finished making my last movie. 8. 她将要周二出发去香港。She’s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday.
Unit 4 How do you get to school?
Section A
到学校 get to school
乘地铁 take the subway / by subway 骑自行车到车站 ride the bike to the bus station 坐火车 take the train / by train
走到学校 walk to school / go to school on foot 动身去学校 leave for school
带他去学校 take him to school
从你家到学校 from your home to school 离学校十公里 10 kilometers from school 坐公共汽车 take the bus / by bus
多远 how far 二、句子
1. 你怎么上学?我骑自行车。 How do you get to school? I ride my bike.
2. 他怎样上学?他走着去。 How does he get to school? He walks to school.
3. 这得花多长时间? 大约四十分。 How long does it take? It takes about forty minutes. 4. 从你家到学校有多远? How far is it from your home to school?
5. 你从家到学校花多长时间? How long does it take you to get from home to school? 6. 步行25分钟。 It takes about twenty-five minutes to walk.
Section B
地铁站 subway station 认为 think of
在校车上 on the school bus 坐火车去上学 take the train to school
决定于 depend on 坐船去学校 go to school by boat/take a boat to school 有趣的多 a lot more fun 不是所有的学生 not all students 与···不同 be different from
最流行的交通方式 the most popular way of transportation
别的学生 other students 少量的学生 a small number of students 看··· look at
1. 你住得离学校有多远?How far do you live from school?
2. 他生病住院。He’s ill in hospital.
3. 让我看看你的地图。Let me look at your map.
4. 你认为你们城市的交通怎样?What do you think of the transportation in your city? 5. 我怎么能到那儿呢?How do I get there?
Unit 5 Can you come to my party?
Section A 一、词组
为了考试学习 study for a test 去看病 go to the doctor
上钢琴课 have a piano lesson 帮助我的父母 help my parents 拜访我的姑姑 visit my aunt 去听音乐会 go to the concert
在周三 on Wednesday 来参加我的聚会 come to my party 必须,不得不 have to 二、句子
1. 你能来参加我的聚会吗?Can you come to my party? 2. 当然,我非常乐意。Sure, I’d love to. 3. 对不起我不能。我必须帮我妈妈做事。
I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to help my mom. 4. 她能去看电影吗?Can she go to the movies?
5. 不,她不能,她要踢足球。No, she can’t. She’s playing soccer. 6. 他能去参加棒球比赛吗?Can he go to the baseball game? 7. 不,他不能,他必须学习。No, he can’t. He has to study. 8. 他们能去听音乐会吗?Can they go to the concert? 9. 不,他们不能。他们打算去参加聚会。
No, they can’t. They are going to a party.
Section B 一、词组
后天the day after tomorrow 下周 next week
在学习/工作日on weekdays 一整天the whole day
在周二晚上on Tuesday night 和我打网球play tennis with me 在上午9点 at 9:00 am 在晚上in the evening 在夜里at night 加入你们join you 本周末this weekend 保持安静keep quiet 讨论科学报告discuss the science report 下次next time 二、句子
1. 今天什么日期?What’s today?
2. 今天是14号,星期一。It’s Monday the 14th. 3. 来加入我们吧!Come and join us! 4. 谢谢你的邀请。Thanks for asking. 5. 也许改日可以。Maybe another time. 6. 晚上10点前我都有空。I’m free till 10:00 pm
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