EUCHNER ASI-Gateway_safetymonitor_manual_V3_0_eng
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AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits
User manual
Revision date: 2008-10-22
Subject to modifications without notice. Generally, this manual refers to products without mentioning existing patents, utility models, or trademarks.
The absence of any such references does not indicate that a product is patent-free.
?Euchner GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstr. 16
D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 3Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316Table of contents
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits
Symbol catalog...................................................................................111.1Abbreviations. (112)
Product information.......................................................................................122.2
Brief description ............................................................................................132.3
Conformity statement....................................................................................142.4Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000. (143)
Safety standard..............................................................................................153.2
Intended use...................................................................................................153.2.1
Conditions of use..........................................................................................................153.2.2
Residual risks (EN 292-1).............................................................................................153.2.3Areas of application (15)
Organizational requirements........................................................................163.3.1
Traceability of the devices...........................................................................................163.3.3
Safety regulations.........................................................................................................163.3.4
Qualified personnel.......................................................................................................173.3.5Repair.. (17)
3.4Disposal (174)
Spezifications .....................................................................................184.1
Technical data................................................................................................184.1.1
Data sheet 103373.........................................................................................................184.1.2
Data sheet 103267.........................................................................................................204.1.3
Data sheet 103374.........................................................................................................224.1.4Data sheet 103302 (24)
Consideration of failure probability according to IEC 61508....................264.3Scope of delivery. (265)
Dimensions.....................................................................................................275.2Connections (27)
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
5.3Installing in the control cabinet (28)
5.4Removing (28)
5.5Electrical Connection (29)
5.6Commissioning (29)
5.6.1Switching to advanced display mode (29)
5.7Setting the PROFIBUS-DP address 14 (29)
5.7.1Connecting AS-i Slaves (30)
5.8Quick setup (31)
5.8.1Error tracing (32) slaves (32) display (last error) (32)
5.8.2Addressing (33) address 6 to slave currently at address 2 (33)
5.8.3Replacing a defective AS-i Safety Slave (34)
5.8.4Replacing the chip card (35)
5.8.5Local parameter setting of safe AS-i/Gateways and Monitors (36)
5.9Safe configuration using ASIMON 3 G2 (38)
6Maintenance (40)
6.1Checking for safe turn-off (40)
7Electrical connection (41)
7.1Overview of terminals, indicators and operating elements (41)
7.1.1103374, 103302, 103373, 103267 (41)
7.2AS-i bus connection (42)
7.3Information about the device types (42)
7.4AS-i and power supply terminal assignments (42)
7.4.1Electrical connection 103373 (43)
7.4.2Electrical connection 103267 (44)
7.4.3Electrical connection 103374 (45)
7.4.4Electrical connection 103302 (46)
7.5Diagnostics interface (46)
7.5.1103374, 103302, 103373, 103267 (46)
7.6PROFIBUS interface (47)
7.6.1Terminating resistors on the PROFIBUS network (47)
7.7Release circuits (48)
7.7.1Wiring overview of safety monitor (48)
7.7.2Indicators and operating elements (49)
7.7.3LED indicators – master (49)
7.7.4LED indicators - monitor (50)
7.7.5Buttons (51)
8Function and startup of the Safety Monitor (52)
8.1Powering up the device (52)
8.2Configuration of the safety functions (52)
8.2.1Description of configuration using ASIMON 3 G2 software (53)
4Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 5Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/7533168.2.2
Description of configuration using chip card with master configuration ...............538.2.3Configuration using a chip card with complete configuration (54)
Safety-relevant documentation of the application......................................558.4
Diagnostic data..............................................................................................558.4.1Switch-off history. (56)
Password protection .....................................................................................568.5.1
Procedure for configuring and teaching code sequences........................................568.5.2Function of the ESC/Service key (57)
Safe coupling slaves on the AS-i circuits....................................................588.7
Chip card ........................................................................................................588.7.1
Unsafe data....................................................................................................................588.7.1.1
Card unformatted.........................................................................................................588.7.1.2
Data not compatible.....................................................................................................598.7.1.3
Card empty...................................................................................................................598.7.1.4
Data compatible...........................................................................................................598.7.1.5
Data in the device and on the chip card identical.........................................................598.7.1.6
Data in the device and on the chip card not identical...................................................598.7.1.7
Safe data......................................................................................................................608.7.1.8
Data incompatible ........................................................................................................608.7.1.9
Data compatible...........................................................................................................618.7.1.10
Complete configuration................................................................................................618.7.1.11
Data on the chip card and in the device are identical ..................................................618.7.1.12
Data not identical .........................................................................................................628.7.1.13
Operating the chip card from the menu........................................................................628.7.2Working with multiple memory banks (629)
Operation in advanced display mod.................................................649.1
Navigating through the advanced display mode........................................689.3
PROFIBUS (main menu)................................................................................699.3.1
PROFIBUS ADRESSE (PROFIBUS Station Address).................................................699.3.2PROFIBUS STATUS (69)
QUICK SETUP ................................................................................................709.5
AS-I SAFETY...................................................................................................719.5.1
TEACH CODES..............................................................................................................729.5.1.1
TEACH CODES – COMPLETE ...................................................................................729.5.1.2
SINGLE SLAVE ...........................................................................................................749.5.1.3
COUPLING SLAVE......................................................................................................759.5.1.4
INPUT CODE SEQ......................................................................................................769.5.2
SAFE OUTPUT CH (channels for the release circuits)..............................................769.5.3
SAFE COUPLING (optional menu)...............................................................................779.5.4
START/STOP (changing the Monitor mode)...............................................................779.5.5
CLEAR SAFE CFG (delete safe configuration)...........................................................789.5.6
PIN (changing the PIN).................................................................................................789.5.7
SAFE CHIPCARD...........................................................................................................799.5.7.1
VIEW BANK X CONFIG (view active bank).................................................................809.5.7.2
CARD –>MONITOR (copy card data to the Monitor)...................................................819.5.7.3
MONITOR –>CARD (copy Monitor data to the chip card)...........................................829.5.7.4
CLEAR CODES (delete code sequences)...................................................................849.5.7.5
CLEAR SAFE CARD....................................................................................................859.5.8
PROTECT (protect safe configuration).......................................................................869.5.9SAFETY SUBST VAL (Substitute values for input data from safe slaves).. (86)
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
9.6.1AS-I CIRCUIT (Selecting the AS-i circuit) (88)
9.6.2SAFETY SLAVES (safety oriented slaves) (88)
9.6.3INT MON (internal monitor) (89) (Diagnostics for the internal monitor) (89) DIAGNOSIS (Last diagnostics for the internal monitor) (90) CONFIG (92)
9.6.4EXT SAFETY MON (external monitor) (92) (Diagnosis for the external monitor) (93) DIAGNOSIS (Last diagnostics for the internal monitor) (94) CONFIG (Configuration for the external monitor) (95)
9.6.6DELTA LIST (98)
9.6.7LCS (History of the slaves which have triggered a configuration error) (98)
9.6.9LPF (List of Peripheral Faults) (99)
9.6.10FLAGS (100)
9.6.11ACTUAL CONFIG (actual slave configuration) (102)
9.6.12AS-I MASTER (Info) (103)
9.7SLAVE ADR TOOL (Slaveadressierungstool) (103)
9.8TEST (Test tools for slaves) (105)
9.8.1BINARY INPUTS (105)
9.8.3ANALOG INPUTS (106)
9.8.5PARAMETER (108)
9.9SETUP (configuration of the AS-i network) (108)
9.9.1AS-I CIRCUIT (109)
9.9.3STORE ACTUAL (store currently detected configuration) (109)
9.9.4FORCE OFFLINE (Switch AS-i Master to offline operation) (110)
9.9.5AUTO ADDR ENABLE (enable automatic address) (110)
9.9.6AS-I ADDRESS (AS-i address assistant) (110)
9.9.7AS-I CONTROL (Optional) (111) INFO (Status of the control program) (111) RUN (start or stop the control program) (112) FLAGS (control program flag memory) (112)
9.9.8LOS (list of offline slaves) (113)
9.9.9CHIPCARD (113)
9.9.10Language (menu language) (114)
9.9.11FACTORY RESET (factory default settings) (114)
9.10DISPLAY CONTRAST (set display contrast) (114)
10Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters (116)
10.1List of corrupted AS-i Slaves (LCS) (116)
10.2Protocol analysis: Counters for corrupted data telegrams (116)
10.3Offline Phase for Configuration Errors (117)
10.4Functions of the AS-i Fault Detector (117)
10.4.1Duplicate address detection (117)
10.4.2Earth/Ground Fault Detector (118)
10.4.3Noise Detector (118)
10.4.4Over-voltage Detector (118)
6Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 7Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/75331611
PROFIBUS DP...................................................................................11911.1
DP telegrams................................................................................................11911.1.1
Configuration DP/V0 (cyclic data).............................................................................12211.1.2.1
I/O Data.........................................................................................................................12511.1.3.1
Process data..............................................................................................................12511.1.3.2
EC-Flags and AS-i detector .......................................................................................12611.1.3.3
AS-i 16bit data...........................................................................................................12711.1.3.4
Command interface....................................................................................................12811.1.4Safety Control/Status..................................................................................................12811.2
DP/V1.............................................................................................................13011.3PROFIBUS . (13012)
System startup using AS-i Control Tools.......................................13112.1Windows software AS-i Control Tools. (13113)
Configuration mit Windows Software ASIMON 3G2 (13514)
Status indication, faults and fault elimination...............................13614.1
Spontaneous display of faults from the safety unit .................................13614.2
Replacing a defective safety-configured AS-i slave.................................13714.3
Replacing a defective AS-i Safety Monitor................................................13814.4Forget the password? What do I do now? (13815)
Glossary: As-i terms (14016)
Accessories ......................................................................................14516.1
AS-i Safety at Work......................................................................................14516.1.1AS-i Safety Monitor Generation II (14517)
Appendix: Example for startup on a Siemens S7..........................14617.1
Hardware configuration...............................................................................14617.1.1
Electrical connection for AS-i....................................................................................14617.1.2Electrical connection for PROFIBUS DP...................................................................14717.2
SIMATIC Step Configuration.......................................................................14717.2.1
Configuration of the Hardware ..................................................................................14717.2.2
Insert AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor......................15017.2.3
Configuring AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor in-/output.................................................................................................................15317.2.4
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor parameters.............15617.2.4.1
General DP parameters.............................................................................................15817.2.4.2
Device-specific parameters........................................................................................15817.2.4.3
Hex parameterizing....................................................................................................16217.2.5SIMATIC Step7 blocks (162)
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Table of contents
17.2.6Variable table VAT_ASI_IO (163) flags byte 0, input bits 7 - 4 (165) flags byte 0, output bits 7-4 (165)
17.2.7System behavior on AS-i Config Error (167)
18Appendix: example of a bidirectional safety coupling (172)
19Reference List (174)
19.1Manual: “ASIMON3G2 Configuration Software“ (174)
19.2Sources (174)
20Your opinion is important to us! (175)
8Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Declaration of Conformity Array Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 9
Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
10Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Declaration of Conformity
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Symbol catalog
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 11Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/7533161.
Symbol catalog 1.1Abbreviations
This symbol indicates important information.
This symbol warns of a potential failure. Non-compliance may lead to interruptions of the device, the connected peripheral systems, or plant, potentially leading to total mal-
This symbol warns of an imminent danger. Non-compliance may lead to personal inju-
ries that could be fatal or result in material damages and destruction.
AS-interface (actuator sensor interface)AOPD
Active opto-electronic protective device CRC
Cyclic redundancy check I/O
Input/output EDM
External device monitoring EMC
Electromagnetic compliance ESD
Electrostatic discharge PELV
Protective extra-low voltage PFD
Probability of failure on demand PLC
Programmable logic control Information!
Additional information can be found in section
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG
Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Product information
This system manual applies to the following Euchner GmbH + Co. KG equipment:The AS-i/Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor combines an AS-i 3.0 PROFI-BUS Gateway with a Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits. The product offers the full functionality of an AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway and an AS-i Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits.
The safety unit provides 4 inputs which can be defined as either EDM or as START inputs.
The AS-i PROFIBUS gateways are designed to connect AS-i systems to an up-per-level PROFIBUS network. The gateways act as a master for AS-i and as a slave on PROFIBUS.
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway single master with inte-grated safety monitor for 2 AS-i circuits (1 master, RS 232 diagnostic interface)
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway single master with inte-grated safety monitor/decoupling coil for 2 AS-i circuits (1 master, RS 232 diagnostic interface)
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated safety monitor for 2 AS-i circuits
(double master, RS 232 diagnostic interface
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated safety monitor for 2 AS-i circuits
(double master in version "1 power supply, 1 gateway for 2 AS-i circuits", RS 232 diagnostic interface)
Tab. 2-1.
Functions of the device
1 m a s t e r
2 m a s t e r
O S S D s
A S -i
M a s t e r , p o w e r s u p p l y
D i a g n o s t i c i n t e r f a c e
S e m i c o n d u c t o r o u t p u t s
S a W o u t p u t s
S a f e t y r e l a y s
1033731621RS 2322162103267
1621N RS 23221621033741622
RS 232
2N RS 232
Tab. 2-2.
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 13Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316All AS-i functions can be used cyclically as well as acyclically via PROFIBUS DP/V1.
For the cyclical data transfer up to 32 bytes of I/O data can be transferred as bi-nary data for one AS-i network. Additionally, analog signals and all available com-mands of the new AS-i specification can be transferred via the command channel through PROFIBUS.
On the serial PROFIBUS Master AS-i Control Tools can be used to monitor the AS-i data online via PROFIBUS DP/V1.
2.2Brief description
The actuator-sensor interface (AS-i) has established itself as a system for net-working primarily binary sensors and actuators at the lowest level of the automa-tion hierarchy. The high number of installed systems, the ease of use and the reli-able operating behaviour also make the AS-i interesting in the area of machine safety.
The safety AS-i system is intended for safety applications up to Category 4/SIL 3. Mixed operation of standard components and safe components is possible.The AS-i/Gateway with safety monitor monitors within an AS-i system the safe slaves which have been assigned according to the configuration specified by the user with the configuration software. In the event of a stop request or a defect, the AS-i/Gateway with safety monitor switches off the system in protective operation mode with a maximum reaction time of 40ms. Caption 2 master:The device is a double master OSSDs:number of release circuits 16:safety unit generates 16 independent switching signals AS-i:number of AS-i circuits 2:safety unit functions with two equal AS-i circuits
Master, power supply:1:The unit contains one AS-i Master.
The device monitor is in a second AS-i circuit
1N:The unit contains one AS-i Master. The unit also contains a
power supply coupler for the second AS-i circuit. The device
monitor is in a second AS-i circuit.
2:The unit contains two AS-i Masters.
2N:The unit contains two AS-i Masters and power supply couplers.
Diagnostic interface:type of the diagnostic port
Semiconductor outputs:number of semiconductor outputs
SaW outputs:number of SaW outputs
Safety relays:number of safety relays
Tab. 2-3.
14Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Abb. 2-1. Safe and standard components in an AS-i network
Multiple AS-i Safety Monitors can be used within an AS-i system. In this way, a safe slave can be monitored by multiple AS-i Safety Monitors.
2.3Conformity statement
The AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor has been devel-oped and manufactured in accordance with the applicable european standards and directives.2.4Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2000The manufacturer of the product possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
AS-i power
supply unit Protective photoelectric
sensor Standard
Standard module
Protective photoelectric
light barrier
Safety emergency
shutdown switches Safety module
Safety position switch
The corresponding conformity statement can be found at the very beginning of this system manual.
The current certificate can be viewed in internet:
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 15Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/7533163.
Safety 3.1Safety standard
The AS-I Safety Monitor has been developed, manufactured, tested and submit-ted for type testing in accordance with the safety standards prevailing at the time of testing. The safety requirements per Category 4 in accordance with EN 954-1and Performance Level “e” in accordance with EN ISO 13 849-1 are met by all devices.
Following a risk analysis you can sue the AS-I Safety Monitor in accordance with its safety category as a shut-down protection device for protecting hazardous are-as.
Intended use 3.2.1Conditions of use
The AS-I Safety Monitor has been developed as a shut-down protection device for protecting hazardous areas on powered equipment.
3.2.2Residual risks (EN 292-1)
The circuits suggested in this Manual have been tested and verified with the greatest care. The prevailing standards and regulations are met when using the components and wiring shown. Residual risks remain if:
?There are any deviations from the suggested wiring concept which may result
in the connected safety-relevant assemblies or protective devices not being incorporated or only insufficiently incorporated into the safety circuit.
The operator does not follow the prevailing safety regulations for operation, setting and maintenance of the machine. Machine inspection and mainte-nance intervals must be strictly observed.3.2.3Areas of application
The AS-I Safety Monitor, when properly used, enables the operation of sensor-controlled personal protection equipment and additional safety components.
A detailed listing of the values for probability of failure (PFD values) can be found in section
Protection of operating personnel and equipment is not provided is the device is
not used in accordance with its intended use.
Manipulation of and changes to the devices other than expressly described in this
Manual are not permitted.
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
The device also assumes the mandatory E-STOP function (Stop Category 0 or 1)
for all non-manually operated machines, dynamic monitoring of the restart func-
tion and the protection monitoring function.
Examples for use of the AS-I Safety Monitor:
The device is used economically in machines and equipment in which the stand-
ard AS-I bus is the local bus. Using the Safety Monitor as a bus component al-
lows already existing AS-I bus configurations to be easily expanded, and safety
components having the corresponding AS-i Safety at Work interface can be in-
serted without difficulty. If there is no AS-I Safety at Work interface on the safety
component, so-called coupling modules can be used to establish the connection.
Existing AS-I masters and AS-I power supplies can be used as well.
There are no industry-specific restrictions. Some of the key applications are listed
?Machine tools
?Expanded machining centers with multiple control elements and safety sen-sors for wood and metal processing
?Printing and paper processing machines, trimming machines
?Packaging machinery, both stand-alone and as systems
?Food and beverage machinery
?Workpiece and bulk material conveying systems
?Rubber and plastics industry processing machinery
?Automatic assembly and handling equipment
3.3Organizational requirements
All the specifications in this System Manual, in particular the sections “Safety In-
structions” and “Commissioning”, must be strictly observed.
All the safety instructions in the manual “ASIMON3G2 Configuration Software”
must be strictly observed.
Please note the safety rules when configuring the safety functions, see section
the system must be documented in writing and is part of the system documenta-
Keep this System Manual in a safe location where it can be readily accessed. It
should always be available.
3.3.2Traceability of the devices
The ordering party is responsible for ensuring traceability of the devices by serial
3.3.3Safety regulations
Observe the locally prevailing legal regulations and requirements of the trade as-
16Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 17Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/7533163.3.4Qualified personnel
Installation, commissioning and maintenance of the devices are to be performed only by qualified specialists.
Electrical work is to be performed only by electrical technicians.
Setting and changing the device configuration via PC and ASIMON 3G2 configu-ration software are to be performed only by an authorized safety representative. The password for changing a device configuration must be kept under lock and key by the safety representative.
Repairs, in particular opening of the housing, are to be performed only by the manufacturer or by an authorized representative of the manufacturer.
Electronic waste is hazardous waste. Please comply with all local ordinances when disposing this product!
The device does not contain batteries that need to be removed before disposing it.
18Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Spezifications 4.1Technical data
Data sheet 103373
The AS-I power supply for the AS-I components must have isolation per IEC 60742 and be able to handle momentary power interruptions of up to 20 ms. The power supply for the 24 V supply must also have isolation per IEC 60 742 and be able to handle momentary power interruptions of up to 20 ms. The maximum out-
put voltage of the power supply must also be less than 42 V in case of a fault.
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Spezifications Array Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 19
Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
4.1.2Data sheet 103267
20Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Spezifications Array Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances Id.-No.: 103329Issue date - 24.10.2008EUCHNER GmbH + Co. KG 21
Kohlhammerstra?e 16 ? D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 ? Fax. +49/711/753316
EUCHNER ASI-Gateway_safetymonitor_manual_V3_0_eng04-13
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