
更新时间:2023-11-24 14:47:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1. Mary lives in the room, the door of _____ opens east.

2. The engineer with _____ my father is talking has just come from abroad. 3. He lives in a hotel, _____ is only five minutes’ walk from here. 4. Is there anything _____ I can do for you?

5. The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _____are known to us. 6. This is the reason _____ they are all against the plan.

7. It was not until late in the evening _____ the traveler found a hotel. 8. I didn’t like the way _____ she spoke to me. 9. This is _____ I can do for you right now.

10. It was at our college library _____ I borrowed the novel. 12. All _____ is needed is a supply of oil.

13. The foreign guests, most of _____ were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the airport. 14. On the train I saw a student _____ I thought was your sister. 16. Is this college _____ they went to last year?

17. Is this the university _____ you visited last time? 18. I’d like to tell you _____ I saw in the exhibition.

19. I hope that the little _____ I have been able to do has been of some use. 20. Who _______ has common sense will do such a thing?

21 The bike and its rider _____ had knocked down the boy were taken to the police. 22. Put the letter ______ he can find it easily. 23. This is the very letter _____ I am looking for .

24. Tom didn’t attend the meeting, ________ we expected. 25. I will give you such information _______ will help you. 26. This is the best hotel in the city ____ I know.

28. This is the third week _____ the dustmen haven’t come for the rubbish. 29. He is the only one of the students who _________( know) the truth.

33. “Thirty-nine Steps” is one of the most exciting films ____are directed by Alfred Hotchcock. 35. Those _____ were not fit for their work could not see the beautiful clothes.

36. The children themselves were calm enough; _____ the parents that got into a panic. 37. It is many years _____ we met last in London. 38. She’ll be on the same train _____ I am on today.

40. Is there anyone in your class _____ family is in the city?

41. He hasn’t got enough money with _____ he can buy the computer. 42. Winter is the time of year _____ the days are short and nights are long. 43. Football, _____ is a very interesting game, is played all over the world. 1.____he does has nothing to do with me. 3. Energy is ____makes thing work..

4. Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. 5. This is ___the shenzhou V Spaceship landed.

7. The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ____he would die of the disease. 8. The order came ___the soldiers ____( leave)the small village the next morning. 9. ___is no possibility ____Bob can win the first prize in the match.

10. The question came up at the meeting_____ we had enough money for our research. 11. Is _____he said really true?

12.____the meeting should last two days or three days doesn’t matter. 13. It worried her a bit _____her hair was turning gray.

14. _____more countries can use natural energy in the future remains to be seen. 15.____he will go to work in a mountain village surprises all of us. 16. ____you don’t like him is none of my business.

17.____all the inventions have in common is ____they have succeeded. 18. ____appeared to me that he enjoyed the food very much. 19. It is widely believed ______ smoking can cause cancer.

20. ____caused the accident is still a complete mystery. 21. ____he always serves the people very well is known. 22.____has passed the test will get a prize .

23.Is____ true that the famous scientist will give us a lecture next week? 24.It has not been decided ___ they will leave for New York. 27___ gets home first is to cook the supper.

28___ moved us most was___ he liked after the old man for more than twenty years. 29.___ you did it is not known to all. 30.___ you do should be well done.

31. The reason I plan to go is___ she will be disappointed if I don’t. 33. The teacher said that light___( travel) faster than sound. 34.. It is still a question___ will win.

35. If you know___ it was that write A Tale of Two Cities, raise your hand.

36. In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state. 37. Thinking___ you know___ in fact you don’t is a terrible mistake.

38. Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just___ worries the public. 39. Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?

40.___ David says sounds right to Helen. That’s why she has made up her mind to leave with him___ happens. 41. That is___ I was born and grew up.

42.___ she was invited to the ball made her very happy. 43.___ we are doing has never been done before. 44.---Have you found your book yet?

---No, I’m not sure___ I could have left it.

45. The doctor couldn’t answer the question___ the patient could survive that night. 46. I firmly believe___ he said at the meeting was right.

47.---What were you trying to prove to the police? ---___ I was last night. 48. I think, though I could be mistaken, __ he liked me.

49. At the meeting, we discussed___ we should employ more workers. 50. After___ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

1. _____ is known to the world, China’s Liu Xiang became the first Asian in history to win the men’s 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games.

3. I don’t know the reason _____ you were absent from the meeting, but I am sure that someone will tell me the reason _____ you haven’t told me.

4. When she came back from abroad, Lucy told us about the cities and the people _____ she had visited. 5. Because of the traffic jam _____ I was caught in, I was late for the meeting.

6. There are three things __ make Sydney famous ,its beautiful harbor, the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. 7. The painter lived more than a decade in Europe, _____ he could be in close touch with other artists.

9. The humans are destroying nature day by day, _____ of course, will cause severe punishment from it sooner or later. 10. He knew the files could be of help to _____ took over the job.

11. _____ China got the second place in the 2004 Olympic Games made the whole nation very excited. 12. An idea occurred to me _____ I might turn to my English teacher for help.

14. The thick smoke covered the whole city. It was _____ a great black blanket had been thrown over it. 15. Word came from Mr. Smith _____ he could arrive on the following Saturday.

16. It was the belief _____ Alex Haley could find his “root” in Africa _____ made him decide to go to Gambia. 17. I believe _____ you’ve done your best and _____ things will improve very soon.

18. _____ was known to them that Bob had broken his promise _____ he would give them a rise.

20. I have been keeping the portrait _____ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my childhood in Paris. 22. --- Would you like a cigarette? --- No. It’s several years _____ I gave up smoking.

23. My favorite room is the tidy study with a fireplace, _____ we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside. 24. It is an interesting story and one can’t put it down _____ one has finished reading it.

25. --- Will you go to Mary’s birthday party? --- No. _____ invited, I can’t go. I’ll be too busy then.

26. Actually, girls can be _____ they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, an astronaut, or a general manager.

29. To my delight, there was my purse in the back seat of the taxi, _____ the driver couldn’t possibly have seen it before.

