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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986


Part Ⅰ Listening comprehension (20 points)(略) Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Directions: In this section there are four passages. Each of them is followed by some questions. For each question

there are four suggested answers marked A),B),C),and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage.

By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder (奎蛇). In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all.

Most people regard snake bites as a fatal (致命的) misfortune, but not all bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs (外行人) heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery (手术) and other unnecessary measures.

All snakes have small teeth, so that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally, or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out of the wa6y as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.

The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.

Very few people actually die from snake bites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness.

21. Adders are most likely to be found _______.

A) in wider parts of Britain and Ireland B) in Scotland but nowhere else C) on wild land through Britain D) in the countryside in England 22. If you are with someone who is bitten by an adder, you should ______.

A) try to catch the snake B) not treat the bite yourself

C) not worry too much about the victim D) operate him as soon as possible 23. We are told that adders _______.

A) normally friendly towards people B) unlikely to bite except in self-defense C) likely to attack people whenever they see them D) not afraid of human beings 24. If an adder hears you approaching, it will usually ______.

A) move out of your path B) take no notice of you at all

C) disappear very quickly D) wait until you are close and then attack 25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A) Adders are more likely to attack children than adults. B) The adder prefers to bite a person with a heavy body.

C)The danger of adder bites is different from person to person. D)In most cases adder bites are more serious than other illnesses.

Questions 26-30 are based on the following passages.

Only the government can ensure that the American people have clean air and pure water. Congress must pass laws to stop manufacturers from polluting the air and water with the waste from their factories.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986

Unless anti-pollution standards are enforced for all, companies that care about a clean environment will go out of business. For example, if Automobile Company X spends money to put an air-pollution control device on their automobiles, their cars will be more expensive than the cars produced by another company. People who don’t have the extra money or who don’t care about pollution will not buy the more expensive cars. Automobile Company X will go bankrupt (破产); that is, it won’t make enough money to pay its workers and to buy materials. It will then go out of business. Of course, no automobile company will make itself go bankrupt on purpose, and the pollution of the land and air and water will go on.

But if the government says that all automobile manufacturers must make cars with air-pollution control devices, the cost of all manufacturers will be equal. So the government cannot let companies decide whether or not they want to stop pollution. The government must force manufacturers to clean up the environment by setting anti-pollution standards for everyone.

26. If a company cares about a clean environment while others don’t, it will have to _______.

A) change the anti-pollution standards for its products B) sell its products at a more expensive price C) buy materials at a higher price D) pay more money to its workers 27. The writer gives the example of Automobile Company X to show that _______. A) manufacturers will not take care of pollution control on their own will B) few manufacturers are aware of the importance of air-pollution control C) air-pollution control devices are more expensive than other devices D) people like to buy cars that are equipped with pollution control devices 28. According to the writer, anti-pollution standards ensure that ______.

A) no manufacturer will go bankrupt for spending money on pollution control B) less money will be spent in buying pollution control devices C) manufacturers know how to control pollution more effectively D)all manufacturers have to take measures to control pollution 29. The purpose of this passage is _______.

A) to describe how a company can go bankrupt

B) to emphasize the urgent need of cleaning up the environment

C) to stress the importance of the government’s role In preventing pollution D) to tell how difficult it is to keep the environment free from air-pollution 30. What can be inferred from thin passage?

A) Companies have not been given an equal chance to develop their business.

B) A company will go bankrupt if its cars have to be installed with pollution control devices. C) The US government has not set up standards on pollution control for car producers. D) It is necessary to persuade producers to take effective pollution control measure.

Questions 31-35 are based on the following passages.

Large-scale production in a large market brings advantages: mass production helps to reduce the manufacturing costs of consumer goods and the single market also makes it easier to specialize. Together, these two considerations improve businesses’ chance of making profit.

Within the single market, the Community (欧共体) is making clearly strict European industrial standards which help European industry compete with imported products and conquer new markets, as well as making high-quality products available to the consumer.

The European commission’s competition policy serves to ensure that the common interest prevails over individual business interests. At the same time, it is flexible enough to allow co-operation between small firms.

Business are being encouraged to operate outside the country in which they are based by measures designed to

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 ensure that they are no longer taxed twice for doing so. The days when taxes are an obstacle to Europe-wide business operation will soon be gone.

In addition to creating a favorable business environment, the community’s industrial policy is also concerned with developing specific strategies. The objective is to carry out long-term plans to develop industries such as the electronics industry, information technology, biotechnology (生物技术) and textiles. These measures, at national and community level, will influence the quality of products, the technology used to manufacture them, the training the workforce receives, and the development of new outlets. In short, a whole range of instruments will be created to protect the future of European technology.

These projects will require extra funding at Community level for training, research and development and communications networks. The extra Community funding will be used as rationally as possible in a way which maximizes the benefit to European industry.

31. The European Community has found ______. A) a single market to carry out mass production

B) the Community market to produce high quality goods C) a large market to increase business with other countries D) a new market to make it easier to get profits

32. We can infer from the passage that the community’s general policy ______.

A) helps the small firms to do business flexibly B) encourages big firms to conquer the small ones C) emphasizes the interest of the Community as a whole D) brings the customer more imported goods 33. One of the main changes in the market in Europe is that _______.

A) there are more home produced goods that imported goods on the market B) companies only have to pay one tax when operating in a member country C) there are no more Europe-wide business operations

D) small companies are allowed to combine into larger ones

34. The European Community has adopted some special measures to _______. A) make long-term development of industries possible B) place some industries before other industries C) open new markets in other countries

D) enable new technology to be used in manufacturing

35. which of the following is likely to be the title of the passage?

A) Advantages of a Single Large-scale Market B) Development of European Industries C) Imports and Exports of European Community D) Policies of European Community Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: In this section there are 45 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there four choices marked

A),B),C),and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

36. He climbed up into the tree and ____ all the fruit within reach.

A) picked B) fetched C) took D) held 37. Ask her to come and see me when she _____ her work.

A) will finish B) finishes C) has finished D) had finished 38. Owing to the thick fog, Flight 675 had to be _____.

A) taken off B) put off C) given off D) set off 39. By the time we got home, I _____all about the man’s rudeness.

A) had forgotten B) forgot C) was forgetting D) should have forgotten 40. This place, originally a small town, has been _____ a modern capital city.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 A) transported to B) transformed into C) transmitted from D) transferred to 41. Most people don’t want to get _____ in police investigation. A) put B) treated C) fitted D) involved

42. This book will be of great ______ to you in your studies. A) effect B) value C) appreciation D) sincerity

43. Talk between the two sides ______ no results and they decided not to continue. A) settled B) dragged C) protested D) yielded 44. The criminal escaped from prison but was ______ caught again. A) frightfully B) rarely C) casually D) subsequently 45. His unhappiness is a ______ of his mistaken marriage.

A) contrast B) replacement C) reflection D) detection 46. He planned to steal the money but his ______ was soon discovered. A) prospect B) suspension C)scheme D) resource 47. When he was ten years old, the Second World War ______. A) broke off B) broke out C) broke up D) broke down

48. Ten years ago, he was ______ by a woman, who has always been regarding him as her own son. A) adopted B) adapted C) adjusted D) admitted

49. Education, as well as one’s social experience, can ______ change in one’s belief. A) turn to B) bring out C)bring over D) turn on

50. We must take his hard work ______ when discussing his achievements. A) in mind B) into account C) for granted D) for sure

51. The committee ______ a conclusion after four days of heated discussion. A) achieved B) attained C) arrived D) reached 52. Were you ______ in the heavy shower yesterday? A) arrested B) spread C) offended D) caught

53. Barbara _______ in doing it again though she had failed more than a dozen times. A) assisted B) consisted C) persisted D)insisted

54. They have developed a technique which is ______ to those used in most factories. A) advanced B) advantageous C) improved D) superior 55. On his way home, he was injured in a car ______. A) blow B) crash C) shock D) hit

56. For maintenance, please _______ page 17 of the operation manual. A)find out B) rest on C) point at D) refer to 57. We arranged to meet at the station but she didn’t ______. A) turn in B) turn up C) turn over D) turn out

58. The teacher demanded that her students ______ on time for every class. A) were B)be C)to be D) must be

59. ________ you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me? A) For B) Unless C) Since D) Though

60.The roof ______ under the weight of the heavy snow last night. A) settled B) dropped C) squeezed D) collapsed

61. One of the techniques in reading a passage is to read it _____ a whole. A) as B) for C) to D) in

62. The company would need another ten thousand dollars ______ they could buy some nes equipment. A) in which B) at which C) by which D) with which 63. It’s important that he ______ the final examination next week.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 A) pass B) would pass C) passes D) will pass

64. _______ by her child, the mother entered a supermarket to buy some soft drink. A) Having followed B) Having been following C) Following D) Followed

65. It was not until she came back from Tokyo last night ______ she gave me the telephone call. A) and B) when C) since D) that

66. I remember ______ the book last month. It was very interesting. A) read B) reading C) to read D) to have read

67. ______ I sympathize with you, I am afraid there is little I can do to help you. A) When B) If C) Though D) Because

68. The reason I plan to go is ______ my wife will be disappointed if I don’t. A) when B) why C) which D) that

69. The Brown are now in Seattle. But we should keep ______ with them. A) touch B) at touch C) in touch D)on touch 70. Tokyo has a larger population than ______ in the world.

A) any city B) any cities C) any other city D) all the cities 71. If I ______ the answer, I would have let you know about it.

A) knew B) had known C) would know D) would have known

72. ______ the interruption, he was able to finish his exercise before the class was over. A) Instead of B) In case of C) In spite of D) In sight of

73. Decisions have been made to cut ______ company expenses to a desirable level. A) down B) off C) out D) away

74. If we had accepted the plan he proposed, we ______ so much difficulty at present. A) would not have had B) could not have had C) could not have D) would not have 75. James Cook, ______ , also discovered the Hawaiian Islands. A) exploring the South Sea B) explored South Sea

C) who explored the South Sea D) that he explored the South Sea 76. Your information has made the ______ of the problem possible. A) solution B) possession C) resolution D) instruction 77. Her educational ______ contributed greatly to her promotion.

A) situation B) environment C) background D) surroundings

78. Who else except a millionaire () could ______ to use such an expensive car? A) offer B) afford C) provide D) devote 79. I want to the tailor’s to ______ the other day.

A) make a suit B) have a suit be made C) have made a suit D) have a suit made 80. It is a long time ______ I saw him last.

A) that B) when C) since D)as Part Ⅳ Cloze (20 points)

Directions: In this part there is a passage with 20 blanks in it. On the right side of each blank there are four choices

marked A),B),C),and D). You are required to identify the ONE choice that best fits into the blank. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Swimming has become an important sports activity because it is a form of exercise that promotes health. 81 activities except long distance walking offer 82 a general health to the body. It is an important competitive sport for 83 people train hard and practice carefully, developing strength and patience 84 they do so. It is 85 an ideal pastime (业余活动). Girl and boys enjoy their trips to river or lake; the adult enjoys 86 in the sea on a holiday ; and even the aged and weak can swim when other 87 of pastime and exercise are 88 their energy. Then too, the 89 swimmer may well be the means of helping to save life. In fact, swimming has so many 90 as an activity that one can

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986

One big reason why the question is being 88 is the fact that an alarming number of young people who graduate 89 the school systems are unable to 90 simple,everyday tasks,such as reading a newspaper, 91 out a job application or balancing a checkbook.These people are 92 ―functionally illiterate(文盲)‖ by experts on the subject, 93 estimate that one out of five adults in the United States falls in this section. 94 a mastery of everyday skills,it is extremely difficult 95 these people to comprehend and deal with the 96 of society.And as our language becomes more technical and the law more complex,life in 97 can only become more difficult.

Of course,efforts are being 98 to correct the problem as various agencies and colleges try to reach these people.But they are difficult to reach.Many are embarrassed 99 the situation and prefer to live withrather 100 correct the problem.

81.A)of B)at C)in D)by 82.A)where B)how C)who D)why 83.A)mainly B)completely C)fully D)definitely 84.A)time B)way C)case D)view 85.A)place B)part C)turn D)effect 86.A)for B)with C)in D)along 87.A)purpose B)objective C)interest D)benefit 88.A)picked B)lifted C)raised D)grasped 89.A)to B)from C)with D)of 90.A)make B)direct C)manage D)handle 91.A)filling B)putting C)taking D)handing 92.A)referred B)considered C)treated D)looked 93.A)which B)what C)who D)as 94.A)Beside B)Beyond C)Till D)Without 95.A)for B)with C)by D)at 96.A)duties B)demands C)works D)loads 97.A)rule B)common C)general D)ordinary 98.A)given B)mentioned C)attached D)made 99.A)by B)to C)in D)after 100.A)as B)than C)or D)but

Part V Writing (25 minutes)


For this part you are required to write a poster.You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese.Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet.


Words for reference:奥运会 Olympic games 相声 quick talks

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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office.

B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In the restaurant.

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line though the center.

Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D]

1. A) It was put off. C) No decision was made. B) It was a success. D) It lasted for 2 hours. 2. A) To send him to a hospital. C) To teach him a good lesson. B) To find a new job for him. D) To help him stop smoking heavily. 3. A) He is nice. C) He gets angry easily. B) He is terrible D) He is always blaming. 4. A) Borrowing a book. C) Going to the library. B) Turning off the TV. D) Repairing the light. 5. A) She was asking the way. C) She was getting off a bus. B) She was a police officer. D) She was in the 5# Avenue. 6. A) Type a letter. C) Make a phone call. B) Write an email. D) Finish her report. 7. A) once a day. C) twice a day. B) once a week. D) twice a week. 8. A) make a reservation. C) deal with a problem. B) cancel an appointment. D) ask for a phone number. 9. A) From the company. C) From the newspaper. B) From the woman. D) From a TV commercial. 10. A) Give the man some change. C) Talk to the manger herself B) Call the manger D) Change a new product for the man Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage one

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) To express thankfulness C) To make an announcement B) To welcome visitors. D) To give a presentation 12. A) the beautiful scenery C) the rich natural resources B) the large population. D) the fast economic development 13. A) Tomorrow C) Next week B) The day after tomorrow D) Next month

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A) An introduction of a new product. C) A discussion of sales. 家中父母吃苦受累盼的是捷报频传 灯下学子沤心沥血想的是金榜题名 47

2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 B) A training program. D) A report of the latest news. 15. A) The sales has dropped to 30 million. B) The sales dropped to 40 million. C) The sales were at 50 million. D) The sales has risen 25%.

16. A) To do some research and develop new product. B) To find the market share of other companies. C) To develop new market in other countries. D) To increase the company’s sales.

Passage Three

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 17. A) Take a bus trip. C) Rent a car. B) Ride a bicycle. D) Book the travel service. 18. A) Visit some museums. C) Find out the way. B) Travel to some big cities. D) Contact an agent.

19. A) $45 a day. B) $45 a week. C) $55 a day. D) $55 a week. 20. A) Pay for the rent. C) Hire a driver. B) Sign an agreement. D) Check the car.

PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

First Great Western provides a convenient and accurate ticket selling service. We start a legal contract with us when you purchase a ticket and travel with us; these are available at our staffed stations or from our Customer Services Teams. Tickets for traveling on our services can be purchased by a variety of methods whose details are given below.

You can buy a full range of tickets from First Great Western ticket offices. When buying a ticket we promise to give you detailed information and to sell you the most appropriate ticket for your journey.

Ticket selling(出售) machines, most of which accept both cash and credit cards, will be available at many First Great Western stations offering a wide range of tickets for services travelling from that station.

Tickets for travel on First Great Western services or elsewhere on the National Rail network may be purchased in advance online at www.firstgreatwewstern,co.uk. Tickets purchased online can be posted to you, or collected at many stations through ticket selling machines.

When journeys start at stations where there is no ticketing facility available, it is your responsibility to pay your fare to the on-board staff who are able to issue the normal range of tickets.

If you are travelling in a group of 10 or more people you should contact our group booking service on 08457 000 125. Not only will our staff be able to direct you to trains with sufficient seats, you may enjoy a discount on your ticket.

21. The information provided in the passage is for people who travel by_______. A) plane B) train C) ship D) bus

22. When you buy a ticket, the agent promises to give you fair information on tickets to help you ________. A) get the most appropriate ticket

B) purchase a ticket in advance online C) pay the right fair to the on-board staff

D) collect the ticket from the ticket selling machine

23. How can you get your ticket if you have booked it online? _________. A) From the booking office in a railway station. B) By visiting the website of First Great Western. C) From a ticket agent. D) By mail delivery.

24. When can you buy a ticket direct from the on-board staff? _________. A) When you start from a station with no ticketing service. B) When the tickets are all sold out in the booking office. C) When you travel in a group of ten or more people. D) When you travel on a train with sufficient seats.

25. What is the advantage for passengers who travel in a group of ten or more? _____. A) They may buy the tickets direct from the on-board staff. B) They will not pay for booking service.

C) They may get a discount. D) They can pay in cash.

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These days more and more people are working in joint ventures or doing business with foreign companies. It’s not just language that can be a problem. Cultural issues can also cause a breakdown in communication. Here are some simple tips to help you improve your cross-cultural communication skills: 1. Slow Down

Even when there is a common language, slow down, speak clearly and ensure your pronunciation is understandable.

2. Separate Questions

Try not to ask double questions such as, ―Do you want to go on or shall we stop here?‖ Let your listener answer one question at a time.

3. Avoid Negative Questions

Many cross-cultural communication misunderstandings have been caused by the use of negative questions and answers. For example, the response to ―Are you not coming?‖ may be ―yes‖, meaning ―No, I am not coming.‖ 4. Write it down

If you are unsure whether something has been understood, write it down and check. 5. Be Supportive

Giving encouragement to those who do not really speak your language gives them confidence, support and a trust in you.

6. Be Aware

Cross-cultural communication is dealing with people from other cultures in a way that should reduce misunderstandings and increase your potential to create strong cross-cultural relationships. The above tips should be seen as a starting point to greater cross-cultural awareness.

26. The tips suggested in the passage are mainly about how to______. A) avoid asking double questions B) create cross-cultural relationships

C) understand cross-cultural communication D) improve cross-cultural communication skills

27. In cross-cultural communication people are advised to speak clearly and_______. A) loudly B) quietly C) slowly D) quickly 28. Negative questions should be avoided because_________. A) they may cause misunderstandings in communication B) one question should have one answer at one time C) there are no such questions in some cultures D) they are difficult to answer in some cultures

29. What are you advised to do if you are not sure whether you correctly understand something? ________. A) Write down what you have heard and check B) Encourage the listener to remind you.

C) Ask a double question to confirm. D) Repeat what you have said.

30. According to the last paragraph, what is essential for cross-cultural communication? ________. A) Being aware of your own potential.

B) Trying to reduce cultural misunderstandings.

C) Dreaming with more people from other countries.

D) Establishing a good relationship with people from other cultures.

When choosing a bank, it’s all too easy to be attracted to the bank’s beautiful promises. But what lies behind these promises is more important. The most reliable banks are always those with the most solid character, and in this you’ll find Standard Chartered (渣打银行) to be the best choice for your international banking needs.

Our special skill and knowledge is reflected in the fact that we have been established for more than 130 years, with a proven record that assures your interests will be well-protected.

You’ll find that Standard Chartered offers a big variety of highly personal services. We have experienced bank officers, to help you grow and vary your investments.

Within our network, we offer you a choice of popular destinations, such as Hong Kong, India, London, Singapore, and a number of other locations- whichever suit your needs. You can deal directly with the country where you wish to have an account. Or you can contact your local branch for assistance. Either way, you are assured of absolute confidentiality(隐秘).

Contact any of the Personal Banking International Centers listed below. We’ll send you a brochure that describes

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 our products, services and key destinations in more detail.

At Standard Chartered Personal Banking International, we think our solid, reliable personality is the key to helping you protect, vary and grow your wealth.

31. The first sentence of the passage actually means that, when choosing a bank, people tend to ______. A) be attracted to its choices of services B) rely too much on their banking needs C) believe its beautiful promises D) accept whatever it offers

32. Standard Chartered is considered the most reliable bank for _____. A) its solid character B) its beautiful promises C) its international banking services D) its special skill and knowledge

33. What does ―a proven record (Line 2, Para.2)‖ most probably refers to? ________. A) A satisfactory record of banking services B) A well-organized accounting system C) A list of skillful investment experts D) A series of profitable interest rates

34. Standard Chartered Promises its customers _________. A) to enjoy high interest rates B) to open an account wherever they like C) to keep their personal information as confidential D) to contact the Personal Banking International Centers for them

35. The Personal Banking International Centers will send out a brochure which gives the details of _______. A) the history of the bank B) the banking services offered C) the proven record of the bank D) the information of the local branches

Most Hong Kong students aged 12 to 25 spend less than an hour a week studying online. However, it is claimed that e-learning (网上学习) may not be as popular among teenagers as commonly supposed.

It a survey by the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association, 55% of 785 young people in Hong Kong said they did not like e-learning.

―E-learning is not a very good system because it is so troublesome (麻烦的), ‖ said Patrick, 17-year-old, recalling how his online homework disappeared because of a technical problem.

Patrick also said some classmates give their account numbers and passwords (密码) to others so they could help them finish their online homework.

Self-discipline (自律) is also necessary. In the survey, 34.3% of the teenagers said lack of self-discipline made it difficult for them to learn more from the Internet.

But the teenagers also discovered some advantages in e-learning.

About 41 percent of the teenagers said they work together with other Internet users in order to discuss their problems

Registered social worker Yuen Hin-sing said the effectiveness of e-learning is still not yet well supported by research data.

He called for more resources to study the effectiveness of online learning.(199)

36. According to the passage, more than half of the teenagers in the survey _____. A) get used to e-learning online. B) do not like e-learning online. C) find e-learning online easy to handle. D) help each other finish their online homework.

37. Because of a technical trouble, Patrick once had his online homework _______. A) completed B) undone C) copied D) lost

38. Some teenagers give their account numbers and passwords to their classmates to ask them to _______. A) help finish homework. B) solve technical problems. C) spend more time learning online. D) find more learning resources online.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 C)it costs too much money for people to stay in a hotel D)cities have become short of land for building large hotels. 25.This passage is trying to tell us about .

A)motorists’ troubles in parking their cars in cities B)The reason why a new kind of hotel is getting popular C)which place is better for people to stay for the night D)how to find a place to park your car when traveling Passage Two:Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

Union Carbide faced a serious international public relations problem in December 1984 when a gas leak at its plant in India killed more than 2500 residents of Bhopal and caused another 50,000 to be treated for gas

poisoning.Time magazine reported,―There is no way to put a price tag on the damage done to Union Carbide’s image in 38 countries,where it has factories,and the 130 nations in which it sells products.‖

But Union Carbide was abl to generate a level of public respect in the days immediatelyfollwing the disaster.The corporation chairman,Warren M.Anderson,flew to India within hours of the accident.Serving as the company’s chief spokesman on the disaster,he made himself available to hundreds of reporters clamoring (喧闹) for

information.Reporters were impressed with his open manner and found him believable when he said the disaster was Union Carbide’s highest priority.

To back up his statements,Anderson promised $1 million in immediate relief funds for victims and their families.In addition,he offered a team of technical experts to the Indian government investigating the disaster and volunteered (自愿) to close some of the company’s plants around the world.

Contributing to Union Carbide’s reliability in the crisis was the company’s reputation for safety concerns.All this activity – quick action,genuine concern,openness with the press,Anderson,as a central spokesperson,and the company’s past record of legal responsibility- illustrated the basic concepts of effective crisis communication on an international level.

26.What was the serious problem faced by Union Carbide in December 1984? A)A gas leak at its Indian plant poisoned thousands of people. B)Thousands of its workers were killed in a gas leak accident.

C)An accident caused the death of about 2500 Union Carbide’s employees. D)Many of its factories had to be closed because of frequent accidents.

27.According to Time magazine,the damage done by the accident to Union Carbide’s image was . A)local B)national C)worldwide D)regional 28.Warren M.Anderson successfully made reporters believe that .

A)he was serious in handling the accident B)he had done his best to make up the lost C)he was open to their suggestions and opinions D)he could settle the matter quite effectively 29.Warren M.Anderson let the public know that the disaster was the corporation’s . A)biggest loss B)first concern C)saddest lesson D)heaviest blow 30.We can learn that the passage mainly aims to give .

A)a detailed description of a dangerous gas leak B)a fair account of the big loss of an international company C)a vivid image of a respected corporation leader D)a good example of effective treatment of a serious crisis Passage Three:Questions 31 to35 are based on the following passage:

Even though a student may not have much money,eating to stay mentally and physically active and able to concentrate need not be a problem.

This student eating guide aims to give you the confidence to eat nutritiously(有营养地),cheaply and enjoyably whatever your cooking skills are.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986

So what is a healthy diet?Healthy eating is not just avoiding less healthy foods-it is eating foods that are positively good for our health.

Here are five steps to healthy eating.

1.Have regular meals.Feed your brain nutritiously on a regular basis and it is more likely to work efficiently. 2.Aim to eat a third of our food as starchy(含淀粉的)food,e.g. bread,rice,potatoes-all relatively cheap and nutritious.

3.Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.They are good to people’s health.

4.Cut down on fat.Chosse such meat as chicken.Try low fat milk and avoid fried food. 5.Eat less sugar.Try to reduce the number of times you eat sweets,chocolate,etc.

It is the diet as a whole that is important.Variety helps to ensure a nutritional(营养的)balance.There are no―bad foods‖but there are ―bad diets‖.

31.Where do you think the passage is taken from?

A)A travel handbook for college students. B)An eating guide for students at college. C)A company’s web page about its products. D)An advertisement of a particular kind of food. 32.Which of the following is the main topic of this passage?

A)Students don’t usually eat nutritiously but enjoyably at college. B)Students are usually skilled in cooking their own meals. C)Students are unable to eat good foods for lack of money. D)Students are able to eat nutritiously,cheaply and enjoyably. 33.It is implied in the passage that .

A)sugar is harmful to people’s health B)fried food is not good for people’s health C)students usually eat a lot of fat D)people usually eat too much starchy food 34.Which of the following eating habits is not considered healthy? A)Eating plenty of sugar. B)Taking low fat milk. C)Having one’s meals regularly. D)Eating plenty of fruit. 35.To keep a nutritional balance,people should .

A)avoid fat all the time B)eat as many potatoes as possible C)have a variety of foods D)never eat sweets or chocolate Passage Four:Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

To conserve is to save and protect,to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.Our forefathers(祖先)had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials;most of them,even until very recently,had the foolish idea that the treasures were ―limitless‖and ―inexhaustible(不竭的)‖.Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature,and which means that ,as in a living body,an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the other parts.

Fifty years ago,nature study was not part of the school work;scientific forestry(林业)was a new idea;timber(木材)was still cheap because it could be bought in any quantity from distant woodlands;soil destruction and river floods were not national problems.Nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper land use;even the word―conservation‖ had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986

For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us,we must now set about correcting the mistakes of our forefathers.Conservation should,therefore,be made a part of everyone’s dally life.To know about the water table in the ground is just as important to us a basic knowledge.We need to know why all water resources need to the protected for maintaining plant life and why the running currents of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea.We meed to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them.We need to know the importance of big,mature trees,because living space for most of man’s fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic volume above the earth.In brief,it should be our goal to restore as much of original beauty of nature as we can. 36.In the writer’s opinion,our ancestors .

A)didn’t know how to take full advantage of raw materials B)didn’t have the slightest idea of environmental protection C)didn’t know how to control the growth of human population D)didn’t understand the importance of improving the nature 37.The writer compares nature to a living body in order to show that . A)nature is ever changing and never remains at the same state B)both nature and man are actually complicated and delicate systems C)the damage to one part of it will affect the condition of other parts D)it is necessary to protect nature as well as human beings

38.To keep ourselves away from the mistakes of our forefathers,the writer points our that . A)conservation should become everybody’s daily practice B)more trees should be planted than those we cut down C)scientific forestry should be a basic knowledge to people D)school courses should include protection of environment

39.The sentence“we need to know why?the running current of streams and rivers must be made to yield their full benefit to the soil‖(lines 3-6,Para.3)indicates that . A)too much of our water resources have been wasted today B)it is hard to prevent running currents from escaping to the sea C)we haven’t yet fully made use of streams and rivers

D)plant life depends heavily on the way we take control of our water resource 40.What is the writer’s attitude towards the current situation in treating natural resources? A)Hopeful. B)Negative. C)Doubtful. D)Worried.

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes)

41.―Sorry,there are no tickets for tomorrow’s show,‖the ticket officer replied.

A)applicable B)accessible C)considerable D)available 42.John frequently attempts to escape being fined whenever he traffic regulations. A)breaks B)is breaking C)will break D)broke 43.The manager promised to keep me of how the experiment was going on.

A)to inform B)informing C)being informed D)informed 44. better equipment and more funds,we could have done the experiment better. A)For B)Like C)With D)To

家中父母吃苦受累盼的是捷报频传 灯下学子沤心沥血想的是金榜题名 43

2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 45.Mobile phones have been proved to with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety. A)disturb B)interfere C)trouble D)harm 46.Only by a complete understanding of the web hope for people to grasp its full potential. A)can there be B)be there can C)can be there D)there can be 47.The advantage of a supermarket lies in the fact that it can meet the needs of customers. A)multiple B)different C)alterative D)scattered 48.As to the election,please give your vote to you think you can trust. A)who B)whom C)one D)whoever 49.The task was tough,but we managed to fulfill it satisfactorily.

A)anyhow B)anyway C)somehow D)somewhat 50.Her shining face suggests that she in good health.

A)has been B)should be C)is D)was 51.The hot weather the milk,because it has an unpleasant taste and smell.

A)must spoil B)must have spoiled C)can spoiled D)should have spoiled 52.People often of English as the language of international communications. A)say B)speak C)tell D)explain 53.If there’s book you’ve really enjoyed ,please recommend it to your friends. A)to read B)reading C)to be read D)being read 54.You can’t compare those two hotels,because they are not in the same . A)form B)class C)band D)case

55.I was there when I was a child.That’s why I know the native language well. A)brought up B)brought in C)brought out D)brought about

56.We should reach the city tomorrow afternoon,but many things may us from getting there. A)protect B)anyhow C)prevent D)discourage 57.It may snow,but I have decided to go out;I don’t mind the bad weather. A)instead B)anyhow C)whatever D)then 58.We the house not because of its style,but of economic considerations.

A)set off B)put away C)gave up D)settle down 59.I really very much appreciate me that great favour yesterday.

A)you to do B)you do C)you doingD)your doing 60.The director insisted that his secretary writing the report by the end of the week. A)finished B)finish C)was to finish D)would finish

61.She is such an intelligent and hard-working girl that social activities never get of her studies. A)in the way B)by the way C)on the way D)out of the way 62.An excellent idea to me about the project when I woke up this morning. A)happened B)occurred C)rose D)reached 63.The office building occupies only a small of the company’s total area. A)possession B)operation C)portion D)expression 64.Whenever you meet with any difficulty,you should never heart. A)lose B)lack C)break D)miss

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2012年江西农业大学专升本培训资料 咨询电话:13407092338 QQ:1038832986 65.It was Sunday again and I was still busy as usual.

A)to work B)having worked C)work D)working 66.We are responsible the care and well-being of all the patients. A)for B)on C)of D)to 67.They heard two loud explosions the building burst into flames. A)till B)since C)once D)before

68.Global communication have made the nation of the world so independent there is no such thing as foreign. A)that B)as C)what D)where 69.We often have difficulty tens of computers being infected by a virus. A)find B)finding C)to have found D)being found 70.Something is worrying me,but I can’t exactly what it is.

A)get over B)reach out C)make sure D)decide on 71.We him for a careless person but we soon found our mistake.

A)took B)regard C)looked D)made 72. we entered the hall,an attendant came up and offered us a list.

A)As long as B)As far as C)As well as D)As soon as 73.There is no other journalist who is as good as him in an on-th-spot report of an event. A)building up B)setting up C)making up D)coming up 74.If I had had a few hours to spare when I am in Manchester,I the Jonases then. A)would have visited B)would visit C)had visited D)would be visiting 75.Don’t place the glass on the fire it will crash.

A)and B)but C)or D)as 76.Never get on or off a bus while it is still motion.

A)on B)in C)at D)by 77.Everybody present at the meeting to even the slightest change of the plan. A)resisted B)disagreed C)objected D)opposed 78. John is in rather poor health,he can hardly resist catching colds. A)Although B)Since C)After D)Until 79.Four people died during an emergency treatment and six people in hospital. A)remain B)keep C)maintain D)reserve 80.It isn’t quite that he will be present at the conference.

A)exact B)sure C)clean D)accurate

Part IV Cloze (15minutes)

In the United States,It is required that all children attend school,public or private,for twelve years.There are exceptions (例外) to this rule,of course,as 81 the case of certain religious or ethnic(种族的)

groups 82 education is only required until the eighth grade.Andthere are some goups of people that see no purpose to an education and ignore this requirement 83 .But formost ,and reasonably so,a twelve-year education is the minimum.In 84 of the complexity(复杂性) of our society and the changes taking 85 ,one would think that a person would need at least twelve years education in order to cope 86 social needs.However,in recent years,a great many people have begun to question the 87 of having required education for twelve years. 家中父母吃苦受累盼的是捷报频传 灯下学子沤心沥血想的是金榜题名 45

