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云东校区高一I英语学案月考分析 编号21

班级----姓名------组别-----编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12.10.4

一. Learning aim(学习目标): 明确考题方向,确定学习方法

总结自己前一阶段学习中出现的问题并加以解决 二. Learning procedures(导学过程):

I. 命题覆盖面:Modules 1-4出现过的知识点以及语法项目。 命题原则:学什么,练什么;练什么,考什么------打好基础 II.【反思】单项选择: 题号 我的失误主要在 努力方向 词汇、短语记忆 题 句型题 时态题 其他 完形填空方法指导:【导读 导思】 1) 迅速通读全文,了解文章的大意。

2) 结合文后的备选答案,本着先易后难的原则初步作出选择。

3) 抓住上下文的信息词和信息句,主要从语意入手,语法选择亦应注意。


题型 题号 我的失误主要在 努力方向 文章大意题 上下文信息词句把 握题 固定搭配题 词汇知识题 阅读理解:

1) 题材:题材多种多样,大都贴近学生生活,时代气息浓. 2) 题型:主旨大意,细节理解,推理判断,词义猜测,观点态度.

方法指导:skim和 scan相结合。但主要依靠平时的积累,即知识能力(智力因素)和应试的心理素质(非智力因素)相结合。 考点分布 题号 我的失误主要在 努力

方向 主旨大意题 猜词题 推断题 细节题 知识准备应加强以下训练:

1) 养成良好的阅读习惯:宽视幅阅读、快速默读、眼脑同时活动、将整体的阅读和理解放在首位。切忌指读、笔读、出声、摇头 2) 熟练掌握已学过的单词、词组、句型及其搭配。 3) 学会根据上下文猜词的能力。 4) 平时加强训练,扩大知识面,通晓一些热门科技话题、跨文化差异等知识。

短文改错: 我的失误主要在 努力方向 短文大意 词汇知识 语法结构 规范程度 上下文照应

书面表达: 我的失误主要在 努力方向 审题 分层次 语言流畅程度 过渡语 标点符号 卷面整洁 我奋斗目标:

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---1 编号22

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 4

Period 1 Reading and vocabulary

一 Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Learn something about Australia.

2. Grasp the main idea and learn about the details of the text. 3. Know about how to describe a long distance. 二 Learning procedures(导学过程): Task 1: Pre-reading下列句子,并试着翻译

1) a box of matches______________________ 2 )a tennis match______________________

3) I was his match at tennis. 打网球我和他难分伯仲。 4) He is no match for you.

5) Match the words in the box with / to the pictures. 6) He matched his shooting skill against the expert’s. 7) No one can match her in knowledge of classical music. 辨析match, suit, fit suit fit match 多指合乎需要,口味,条多指大小,尺寸合适,引申多指色调,形状,性质,大件,地位等。也指衣服的为“吻合,协调,合身” 小等方面的搭配 款式,花样,颜色适合。 【导练】:1.用match, suit, fit填空。 (1)I’m ready to my strength against yours. (2)No dish _________ all tastes. 众口难调。

(3) My new evening dress ________me quite well(很合我身)

Task 2: While-Reading

Skimming: Read the text quickly and match the main ideas with the paragraphs. Para. 1 The scenery of the journey Para. 2 Camels

Para. 3 The activities I did on the train

Para. 4 General information about the journey Para. 5 The fate of the camels

Para. 6 The origin of the train’s name

Scanning: Read the passage again and then fill in the blanks. And pay attention to how to describe a ride experience. Who When

Where(starting point/destination) What How Food the first few Scenery hundred kilometers after that suddenly Task 3: Read the text carefully and choose the best answers according to the text. 1. According to the text, we can know that ______. A. it was sunny during Alice Thomson’s journey B. the fields were covered with red sand all the way C. the travel lasted 36 hours

D. Alice Thompson and her friend travelled from Alice Springs to Sydney 2. On the train, Alice Thompson could see all the scenes EXCEPT ______. A. desert and dark red soil

B. abandoned farms and the shining sun C. shining stars against the night sky D. diamonds beside the railway

3. Alice Thompson ______ on the train.

A. didn’t like to talk to other passengers B. sometimes learned Chinese C. only read books during the day D. always watched the night sky 4. Which of the following about the Ghan train is NOT true? A. It was a very comfortable train to travel on.

B. The name of the train had something to do with some camels. C. Travelers could enjoy beautiful scenery all the way.

D. The passengers on the train were so nice that the author sometimes talked to them. 5. What can we infer from the text about the camels?

A. The camels used to play an important part in people’s travelling a long distance. B. Camels were slower than horses, which was the reason why they were shot.

C. The government built a new railway line, so they didn’t need the camels any more. D. The camels were not used to the hot weather and sand 三 测标练习:Finish Exercise 4 on page 24.

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---2 编号23

班级____姓名________ 组别 Language points (I)

____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 4 一 Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Master distance, scenery, abandoned 2. what和how感叹句型;

二 Learning procedures(导学过程):

1. Read the text and be more familiar with the text. 2. Language study

Task 1: distance 课文原句________________________________ _______________________________________

distance (词性及意思)_______________________

读下面的句子,归纳distance的几个常见短语及意思: The sound of the motorbike disappeared in the distance. Seen from a distance, the mountain looks like a lion. His sister stood at a distance to see what he would do.

If you are too selfish, your friends may keep you at a distance.

拓展:distant (词性及意思)_________________________ Task 2: Recently I had my first ride on a long-distance train. And what a ride! (1)划线句子是__________句。 感叹句构成:

What 主语+谓语!

How 主语+谓语!

Task 3:We got on in Sydney and we got off in Alice Springs, right in the middle of Australia, more than four thousand kilometers away. 分析此句。

Task 4: scenery 课文原句__________________________


scenery, sight, view重点有所不同:




From the top of the mountain I had a wonderful ________of the city. The__________as one travels by boat along the Yellow River is very beautiful.

We are going to London for the weekend to see the _________. Task 5: abandoned课文原句_______________________________ ____________________________________________ (1)分析此句。

(2)abandoned (词性及意思)_______________________ 这是一个位于海边的废置的工厂。

__________________________________________________ 人们发现那辆损坏的汽车被扔在河边。

The _________(break) car was found ________ by the riverside. 拓展:abandon _________________________

三 Summary(小结)


1. The faces of four famous American president on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a ______ of 60 miles.

A. length B. distance C. way D. space

2. The ______ of the Yangtze Three Gorges is really more than beautiful. A. scenery B. scene C. view D. sights

3. ______ terrible weather we’ve been having these days! A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 4. After a 2-day search, the police found a car ______ in the river.

A. to be abandoned B. being abandoned C. abandoned D. abandoning 5. Put the table _______ a distance _______ two meters from the door. A. at; of B. in; at C. in; of D. from; in

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---3 编号24

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 4 一 Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Master be short for, not … any more 2. Master the use of until 3. Complete the exercises.

二 Learning procedures(导学过程):

1. Read the text and be more familiar with the text. 2. Language study

Task 1: be short for课文原句______________________________ _________________________________________________________

be short forEg:WTO is short for World Trade Organization. 意思是―……的缩写‖文中是―Ghan 是Afghanistan的缩写‖。 中国是中华人民共和国的简称。 ——————————————————————————————

与be short for相似的另一个短语是be short of,但它的意思是―不足, 短缺‖。The village is short of water. 拓展:

for short______________ in short________________ be short of____________ to be short_____________

Task 2: The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s. (1)关于Until的用法:

He waited until 12 o’clock.


He waited until the train disappeared in the distance.

He didn’t get up until 12 o’clock. 否定句 He didn’t get up until his mother returned. 肯定句:主句谓语动词是延续性动词,直到??为止


(2)the 1920s_________________

表示“在某个世纪的某个年代”通常用___________________ “在某人几十岁时”______________________

Task 3: not … any more课文原句______________________________ _________________________________________________________【导思】not…any moreno longer / not … any longer, no more / not … any more表示―不再‖。Why doesn’t she speak to me any more? 都含有

―不再‖的意思,但它们的用法却不相同。no longer / not … any longer

延续性动词连用,如强调时间和动作的延续,常与表示状态的动词和He’s no longer living here. = He doesn’t live here any longer. live, wait, stay, be 等。常用现在时。如: no more / not … any more

果,因此常与名词或瞬间动词如则强调数量、次数上不再增加,强调动作终止的结hear, see, leave等连用。常用将来时或过去时。如:

【导练】Li Lei wanted no more money from his parents.


He said he would go there no more.

=_________________________________________________ 课后练习(回应目标,自我检测)

1. He is said to ____ to his country because a new president comes into power.

A. be allowed to return B. allow to return

C. allow returning D. be allowed returning 2. She _____ there until her son walked out of sight.

A. stood B. went C. goes D. stands 3. In _____ , he went to college.

A. his thirty B. his thirties C. the thirty D. the thirties 4. The lawyer listened with full attention, _____ to miss any point. A. not trying B. trying not C. to try not D. not to try

5. You can't have this football back _____ you promise not to kick it at my cat again,\

A. because B. since C. when D. until

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---4 编号25

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 7


I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: V-ed form; 2. To enable Ss to use the V-ed form. II. Learning procedures(导学过程)

Step 1 Revision (导读)

(1)Ask two Ss to retell the passage.(复述课文)

(2)to find the –ed forms from the textbook.(找出文中v-ed) Step 2 Grammar I(导思)

1. Do you know why they should use –ed form?(为什么用ed形式呢?)

(指导:a 一张被用过的纸 b。我把这张纸扔掉了。这样连个句子你能用一句话把它说出来吗?)

2. Can you explain the Grammar 1 on page24 by themselves?

3. Where to put the –ed form? (-ed形式出现在句子中的什么位置?他们有不同的地方吗?) (1) Polluted air and water are harmful to people’s health. (2) This is the book recommended by our teacher. (3) Trained students won the match.

Students trained by Mr. Gao won the match. (4) This is the finished homework. This is the homework finished by Li Kang.

4. Can you find the differences in the following sentences?(能找出他们的差别吗?)


(1) The woman disturbing the other workers is called Christina. The woman disturbed by the other workers is called Christina. (2) I hadn’t met the man interviewing me before I came here.

I hadn’t met the man interviewed by the boss before I came here.

5. Grammar II Please finish Activity 2 on page 26.

6. Summary(总结-ed的用法)

7. Exercise.(导练) Multiple Choices

1. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _______.

A. has grown B. is growing C. grew D. had grown

2. The telephone ______ four times in the last hour and each time it ______ for my roommate.

A. has rung, was B. has been ringing, is C. had rung, has been D. rang, has been 3. – Did you notice Jack was not at work today? – I ______ with the manager. Or I’d have noticed. A. talked B. had been talking C. am talking D. have been talking 4. The man was knocked down by a car which _____ at 150 kilometres an hour. A. ran B. had been running C. was running D. had run 5. – I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so angry with you. – You _______ angry but that’s OK. A. have been B. are C. had been D. were 6. Prices of daily goods ______ on the Internet can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 7. Mr. Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. tired, bored D. tiring, boring 8. Most of the people ______ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 9. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ______ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 10. An _______ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitedly 11. – By the way, when did you get your bedroom ______? – Last week. A. to paint B. painted C. painting D. to be painted

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---4 编号25

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 7


I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: V-ed form; 2. To enable Ss to use the V-ed form. II. Learning procedures(导学过程)

Step 1 Revision (导读)

(1)Ask two Ss to retell the passage.(复述课文)

(2)to find the –ed forms from the textbook.(找出文中v-ed) Step 2 Grammar I(导思)

2. Do you know why they should use –ed form?(为什么用ed形式呢?)

(指导:a 一张被用过的纸 b。我把这张纸扔掉了。这样连个句子你能用一句话把它说出来吗?)

I threw the used paper away

2. Can you explain the Grammar 1 on page24 by yourselves?

3. Where to put the –ed form? (-ed形式出现在句子中的什么位置?他们有不同的地方吗?) (1) Polluted air and water are harmful to people’s health. (2) This is the book recommended by our teacher. (3) Trained students won the match.

Students trained by Mr. Gao won the match. (4) This is the finished homework. This is the homework finished by Li Kang.

Generally speaking, a single –ed form used as attribute, we should put it in front of the nouns. Otherwise we should put it behind the nouns. That is to say, if it is followed by a phrase, it should be put behind the nouns.

4. Can you find the differences in the following sentences?(能找出他们的差别吗?)


(1) The woman disturbing the other workers is called Christina. The woman disturbed by the other workers is called Christina. (2) I hadn’t met the man interviewing me before I came here.

I hadn’t met the man interviewed by the boss before I came here. (1)那个正在打扰别的工作人员的女人叫Christina。

那个被别的工作人员打扰的女人叫Christina。 (2)在我来这之前,我从未见过面试我的这个男人。 在我来这之前,我从未见过被老板面试的这个男人

5. Grammar II Please finish Activity 2 on page 26.

6. Summary(总结-ed的用法)

Generally speaking, a single –ed form used as attribute, we should put it in front of the nouns. Otherwise we should put it behind the nouns. That is to say, if it is followed by a phrase, it should be put behind the nouns. The –ed forms not only can be used as adjectives, but also can be used in past tense when we use past tense, It should have the past time, such as recently, during the day, one night, a long time ago, and so on.

7. Exercise.(导练) Multiple Choices

1. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _______.

A. has grown B. is growing C. grew D. had grown

2. The telephone ______ four times in the last hour and each time it ______ for my roommate.

A. has rung, was B. has been ringing, is C. had rung, has been D. rang, has been 3. – Did you notice Jack was not at work today? – I ______ with the manager. Or I’d have noticed. A. talked B. had been talking C. am talking D. have been talking 4. The man was knocked down by a car which _____ at 150 kilometres an hour. A. ran B. had been running C. was running D. had run 5. – I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so angry with you. – You _______ angry but that’s OK. A. have been B. are C. had been D. were 6. Prices of daily goods ______ on the Internet can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 7. Mr. Smith, ______ of the ______ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired, boring B. tiring, bored C. tired, bored D. tiring, boring 8. Most of the people ______ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 9. The murderer was brought in, with his hands ______ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 10. An _______ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star. A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitedly 11. – By the way, when did you get your bedroom ______? – Last week. A. to paint B. painted C. painting D. to be painted


云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---5 编号26

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10

Function, Cultural Corner

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. To let Ss know how to be polite.

2. Get Ss to know something about Maglev. II. Learning procedures(导学过程) Step 1 Function (Being polite)

Task1. what expressions could you use to change the conversation? Can you act your conversation out?(指导:找出不礼貌的表达,用礼貌的方式改完后小组表演)

Eg: Ticket inspector: Excuse me, could I see your ticket? Passenger: Pardon?

Ticket inspector: Would you mind showing me your ticket?

Passenger: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.??

Step 2 Cultural Corner

Task 2 Read the passage and answer the following questions.

(1)Have you heard the fastest train in the world? Do you know what is it?

(2) What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train?

Task 3. Can you find some advantages of traveling on a Maglev train?

Task 4 Can you translate the passage? I’am sure you can do it. (oral practice)

Task 5 Language points

(1)1 means n. _______________________

The quickest means of travel is by plane.

All possible means have been tried.____________________ 拓展by no means _____________ by means of ________________ by all means _____________

汉译英:她不穷,其实她很富裕。_______________________________________ (2) Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. Task 6: 根据例句总结refer to的意思。

She referred to the man several times during the speech. Even as a boy her referred to his sister as Jane.

If you want to know his telephone number, you may refer to the telephone directory. I have examined all the reports referring to the event.

(3) Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes. at a speed of___________

at the speed of light/sound_________

拓展:speed up _________ speed by _________

Task 7 Now match the verbs with the means of transport on page 21. get on get off get into get out (of) ride drive take off land

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---5 编号26

班级____姓名________组别____编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10

Function, Cultural Corner

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. To let Ss know how to be polite.

2. Get Ss to know something about Maglev. II. Learning procedures(导学过程) Step 1 Function (Being polite)

Task1. what expressions could you use to change the conversation? Can you act your conversation out?(指导:找出不礼貌的表达,用礼貌的方式改完后小组表演)

Eg: Ticket inspector: Excuse me, could I see your ticket? Passenger: Pardon?

Ticket inspector: Would you mind showing me your ticket? Passenger: I’m sorry, I don’t understand.

Ticket inspector: Would you mind if I saw your ticket? Passenger: Oh, here you are.

Ticket inspector: I’m very sorry but this is an old ticket. Passenger: Pardon?

Ticket inspector: The fact is that it’s out of date. It’s a month old. Passenger: Oh, sorry, that’s the ticket I used last week. Ticket inspector: Where’s your ticket? Passenger: Here it is. Ticket inspector: Right.

Step 2 Cultural Corner

Task 2 Read the passage and answer the following questions.

(1)Have you heard the fastest train in the world? Do you know what is it? Suggested answers:

Maglev is the fastest train in the world. It can travel at a speed over 400 kilometers per hour.

(2) What are the main differences between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train?

Suggested answers:

It is faster ,less noisy and uses less energy.

Task 3. Can you find some advantages of traveling on a Maglev train? Suggested answers:

You travel very quickly and quietly .The train uses less energy. Task 4 Can you translate the passage? I’am sure you can do it. (oral practice)

Task 5 ask 5 Language points

(1)1 means n. _______________________ The quickest means of travel is by plane.

All possible means have been tried.____________________ 拓展by no means _____________ by means of ________________ by all means _____________

汉译英:她不穷,其实她很富裕。_______________________________________ (2) Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. Task 6: 根据例句总结refer to的意思。

She referred to the man several times during the speech. Even as a boy her referred to his sister as Jane.

If you want to know his telephone number, you may refer to the telephone directory. I have examined all the reports referring to the event.

(3) Travelling at a speed of over 400 kilometers per hour, the train can complete the 30-kilometre journey in eight minutes.

at a speed of___________ at the speed of light/sound_________ 拓展:speed up _________ speed by _________ get on plane, motorbike, ship, ferry, bicycle, train, tram, bus get off plane, motorbike, ship, ferry, bicycle, train, tram, bus get into taxi, helicopter get out (of) taxi, helicopter ride bicycle, motorbike drive train, taxi, bus take off plane, helicopter land plane, helicopter 云东校区高一I级部英语学案 编号27

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10


I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1、 了解七选五的解题方法 2、 实例验证方法

II.Learning procedures:



基本步骤:1、通读全文,了解文章大意。 2、通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词。 3、根据


题型结构分析: 1. 如果问题设在段首


认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句 (2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等。

着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段。 (3)段落间的过渡句。

这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。 2. 如果问题设在段尾

(1).空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。 (2.)通常是结论,概括性语句

注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词。Therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。 (3.)与前文是转折或对比关系

此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立,对比关系。 (4.)与前文是并列或排比关系

在这种情况下,通常是该段落要求补全说明本段主题的其他细节,因此,根据段落一致性原则,在原文和选项中找到相关的特征词,通常选项中会出现表示并列或递进关系的关联词或与前文类似的句式结构,或出现同义词等其他线索。 (5.)所选答案是引出下一段的内容





1. The Colosseum in Rome was built during the time of the Roman Empire, in the first century A.D.__71___It is a popular tourist attraction today.

A. It could seat about 50,000 people, who went to see fights between animals and people. B. The country used to depend on agriculture. C. Italy has several islands off the coast.

2. Today, the economy of Italy is stronger than in the past. 72 Today, manufacturing and tourism are the main sources of income.

A. Italy has several islands off the coast.

B. The northern part of the country is the main manufacturing center. C. The country used to depend on agriculture.

3. 71 The celebration takes place during the month of April and has existed since April 1996 A. National Poetry Month is a month-long celebration of poetry.

B. The Academy calls for donations from the public in order to further its mission of bringing more awareness to the art poetry.

C. Poetry readings, workshops, special events, and festivals are held throughout the United States.

4. _54 You should all sit down somewhere together with lots of pieces of paper and write down every name you can think up.

A. Invite a designer to join you.

B. Use a bright thick pen to make a special design. C. Then you need to pick a name for your club. 5. 74 Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.

A. It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online. B. Everyone was new to the network once.

C. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.

6. People follow confidence, and most popular people are confident or at least pretend to be. 74 . A. The majority of popular people know how to dress well

B. Walk , talk, and act with confidence and people will begin to treat you with more respect. C. Most popular people want to talk to others about themselves.

7. The first thing you need to come up with is an idea for your club. _52_ Pets, clothes, pop music or dancing groups, sports, making things? The list is endless.

A. Invite a designer to join you. B. What are you interest in? C. Then you need to pick a name for your club.

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班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10


II. Learning aims(学习目标):

1、 了解七选五的解题方法 2、 实例验证方法

II.Learning procedures:


① 开篇首句是全文的主题句或本段的主题句,概括完全文或本段后选取一句概括性较强的句子;② 段落首句往往是本段的小标题;小标题后的空格是对小标题的解释;

③ 段落中间的空格是起承上启下的作用的,在概括上文后再联系下句选取答案。

④ 上文如果是表示:危害性、严重性、必要性、重要性的句子,那么下句就从表示:进一步解释;因果关系;建议呼吁中选择答案。如下文仍然在解释那就选取进一步解释或表示因果关系;如没有了就在建议呼吁中选择答案。

⑤ 段落末句往往是总结性的话。总结本段后再定答案;要注意段落首尾句的呼应:首尾句可能互为答案。

⑥ 如一个空格就是一段,那就特别注意上段与下段的连接,一定要等了解了下段后再定答案。往往是表示转折的句子是答案。

⑦ 文章末句的空格是对全文的总结。要么概括性极强,要么就是建议呼吁。 【关于七选五的做题方法】








1.复现是七选五基本的做题方法2.寻找复现词的位置(选项中、空前后) 3.逆序做题) 4.专有名词是重要的做题线索

5.引号词或引号句或引号段是重要的做题线索6.注意段首和段尾句的呼应 7.数字、年代、时间是天然的排序工具

8.代词是最重要的做题线索 9. 冠词也是重要的排序线索 10.逻辑关系词也是重要的做题线索 ①并列关系:and or also

1.74 Hundreds of thousands were stuck. Some had no place to stay except the airport. Others tried to make their way by train, bus, boat or car. A. Last week’s eruption cost time and money for travelers.

B. Other businesses that depend on air travel, including hotels and vacation places, also suffered.

C. An American stuck in London, already one of the world’s highest priced cities, found that her hotel had doubled its prices.

2. ___ .Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. A. You must write your notes on separate paper. B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.

3. _____Therefore, when a secondary school educator meets with parents for a conference, it is typically because the student in question is struggling either academically, behaviorally, or both.

A. Having another individual there can have a calming influence on the situation.

B. Many schools do not require yearly parent teacher conferences after elementary school for all students.

C. You will be faced with a situation where the parent becomes upset at the conference. 4. Although the Athens Games are over, 71 A. We definitely need something better in 2008.

B. Chinese teenagers’ passion for the Olympic has not faded C. We are sure Beijing will surprise the whole world. 5. 71 Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

A. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something beautiful to hear. B. Everyone was new to the network once.

C. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

6. Other students worry people’s bad habits, 75 , might be the weak point of Beijing 2008. A. Beijing is the best place to host it.

B. Chinese teenagers’ passion for the Olympic has not faded C. such as spitting on the ground

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---6 编号29

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10

(7) solution to key to

Vocabulary& Reading and Speaking

一 Learning aims(学习目标): 1. learn the polite expressions on P25

2. Grasp experience, frighten, time, out of 的相关短语 二 Learning procedures(导学过程):

Task 1:Can you find out the meanings of the following phrases? It is out of date. It's a month old. out of date _______________________

up to date ______________ to date ______________ up-to-date ______________ out-of-date _____________ date from/back to _________

拓展:Can you write down the meanings ? out of order out of control out of reach out of sight out of danger out of respect out of place out of work/a job out of shape out of season out of breath out of question out of balance

out of fashion

Task 2:Can you finish the task after reading about the people's childhood memories

on page 26.

I can remember my first visit to the zoo.

pay a visit to ... _____________ be on a visit to ... _____________

你知道类似的介词to和名词的搭配的意义吗? (1) journey / trip / voyage / visit / excursion / visitor to sp

(2) road / way to entrance to approach to (3) guide to

(4) opposition / objection to (5) stranger to (6) danger to

Task 4: Can you find out the meanings of “Not at all” through the examples?

A:Thanks for helping me. B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. A:thank you very much.

B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. A:Are you busy? B:Not at all.

A:Is it difficult to study English? B:Not at all.

拓展:at all__________ in all __________ above all_______ after all________

Task 5: Absolutely! 表示_________________ ---Don't you agree? ---Oh, absolutely!

---They are just silly. ---Absolutely! I couldn't agree more. Task 6: She can’t remember events from a long time ago. Event在下面句子中的意思分别为:

My sister’s wedding is a big event for our family. _________ The next event will be the high jump. _________


1. You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _____. A. date B. shape C. order D. balance 2. ---Sorry, I made a mistake again.

---_____. Practice more and you’ll succeed.

A. Never mind B. Certainly C. Not at all D. Don’t mention it 3. Work hard and you will secceed ______.

A. in time B. on time C. in no time D. at no time 4. The word “out” in the sentence “You’re out.” Means ______.

A. out of order B. out of control C. out of sight D. out of date

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---6 编号29

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10

(12) solution to ??的解决办法 key to ??的关键 Vocabulary& Reading and Speaking

I. Learning aims(学习目标): 1. learn the polite expressions 2. Grasp the useful phrases. II. Learning procedures(导学过程):

Task 1:Can you find out the meanings of the following phrases? It is out of date. It's a month old. out of date _______________________

up to date ______________ to date ______________ up-to-date ______________ out-of-date _____________ date from/back to _________

拓展:Can you write down the meanings ? out of order out of control out of reach out of sight out of danger out of respect out of place out of work/a job out of shape out of season out of breath out of question out of balance

out of fashion

Task 2:Can you finish the task after reading about the people's childhood memories

on page 26.

I can remember my first visit to the zoo.

pay a visit to ... _____________ be on a visit to ... _____________


journey / trip / voyage / visit / excursion / visitor to sp到某地的旅行/拜访/远足/拜访者

road / way to 通向…的路 entrance to…的入口 (exit from) approach to通向…的近路,入门;途径

(8) guide to…的指南

(9) opposition / objection to对…的反对 (10) stranger to对??陌生,不习惯 (11) danger to对…的损害

Task 4: Can you find out the meanings of “Not at all” through the examples?

A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助我。 B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。 A:thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

B:Not at all. It was the least I could do. 不用谢,这是我应该做的。 A:Are you busy? 你忙吗? B:Not at all. 一点不忙。

A:Is it difficult to study English? 英语难学吗? B:Not at all. 一点不难。 拓展:at all, in all, above all, after all

Task 5: Absolutely! 表示_________________ ---Don't you agree? ---Oh, absolutely!

---They are just silly. ---Absolutely! I couldn't agree more. Task 6: She can’t remember events from a long time ago. (p. 28) Event在下面句子中的意思分别为:

My sister’s wedding is a big event for our family. _________ The next event will be the high jump. _________


1. You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of _b____. A. date B. shape C. order D. balance 2. ---Sorry, I made a mistake again.

---___c__. Practice more and you’ll succeed.

A. Never mind B. Certainly C. Not at all D. Don’t mention it 3. Work hard and you will secceed ___a___.

A. in time B. on time C. in no time D. at no time 4. The word “out” in the sentence “You’re out.” Means __d____.

A. out of order B. out of control C. out of sight D. out of date

云东校区高一I级部英语学案Module3---7 编号30

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10 Writing

I. Learning aims(学习目标):

1. Know how to write an article about your childhood.

2. Read Harry Porter’s first train ride, write a passage about your own first train ride II. Learning procedures(导学过程):

Task 1. Let’s list out the main content by answering the following questions.

1) Where and when did you go? 2) How did you travel there? 3) Who did you go with?

4) What did you do there and what did you see there? 5) Did you enjoy the trip or journey?

Task 2. Read Harry Porter’s first train ride.

Harry Potter’s first ride on a Train

During the day, the train went through those great green forests. It was so fascinating! And then, I met Ron. First, We talked with each other and soon we began to eat lots of strange snacks. It was really amusing to make friends with Ron! At midday, Ron and I met Hermione for the first time. Oh, she was so clever! We had a lot of fun.

At about midnight, we were told to get off the train and at the same time had to get on a boat to Hogwarts. I couldn’t wait to see Hogwarts. At last, we saw Hogwarts. That was a moment that I could never forget all through my life. About half an hour later, we finally came to Hogwarts. What a ride!

Can you answer the same questions above?

1) Where and when did Harry Potter go? 2) How did Harry Potter travel there? 3) Who did Harry Potter go with?

4) What did Harry Potter do there and what did Harry Potter see there? 5) Did Harry Potter enjoy the trip or journey?

Task 3: Let’s finish our writing.

_________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 小组组员互评 字 迹 整 洁 得 分(25) 优 点 缺 点 好 中 差 好 中 差

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I. Learning aims(学习目标): 1. Master the skills of listening 2. Learn about the question styles. II. Learning procedures(导学过程): Task 1. 听力测试的题型



Task 2. 了解听力材料特点

(1)听力材料属于口语语体,在结构上不如书面语完整、严谨 (2)表现形式上有停顿、犹豫、重复、自我纠正、语序颠倒等交际策略 (3)听力材料题材广泛,内容真实,贴近生活 Task 3. 答题技巧

发卷前 (1)稳定情绪,集中精力


发卷后 快速浏览,预测话题( a找关键词b对比选项不同c联系上下题目) 听 中 1. 边听边记,强化记忆。

2. 注意暗示重点的信号词。

听 后 找准信息 确定答案 学会放弃

影响听力的因素:词汇量 知识面 文化差异 紧张急躁情绪 注 意: 听全, 找准信息


正确答案往往是听力原文中的同义表达 训练抗干扰能力 训练反应速度

如果紧张请深呼吸;保证充足睡眠,休息好才能注意力高度集中;不受考场任何情况的干扰;听完快速准确涂卡慎修改 ★题型分类及答题技巧 1.时间、价格、数字及计算

这类试题涉及的时间主要有钟点、日期等;涉及的数字主要有时间、距离、房号、电话号码、数量等及它们之间的数字计算。 提问方式一般是:

When...? At what time...? On which day...? How many hours...?

What is sb.'s house number? What is sb.'s telephone number? How long...?等。

例1:When does the train leave? A. At 6:15 B. At 6:25 C. At 6:50 M: I'm afraid we'll miss the train. What time is it now? W: It's 6:15. There are ten minutes left. Let's hurry. 2. 地点、方向


1.对话中涉及到几个地点或方向,试题就某一个地点或方向提问: Where...? 2.对话发生在未明说的某一特定地点,要求考生根据话题、对话内容判断其地点。 where did the conversation take place? (问题)Where probably are the two speakers?

A. In a classroom. B. In a waiting room. C. At the doctor's (录音)W:I don't feel well. M: What's the trouble?

W: I've got a pain in my stomach and a terrible headache. M: Any cough? W: No.

M: Now, let me take your temperature.

云东校区高一I级部英语学案 编号32

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10

What is the man doing?

A. Playing the piano. B. Typing. C. Making a photocopy.


I. Learning aims(学习目标): 1. Master the skills of listening 2. Learn about the question styles. II. Learning procedures(导学过程): 3.职业、身份与人物关系

这类试题要求考生根据对话内容,判断其中一个人或双方的职业或身份,也可能要求判断对话双方的相互关系。 设题方式有:Who are the speakers?

What is the (possible/probable) relationship between the speakers?

What is the relation between the two speakers?

A.Doctor and patient. B.teacher and student. C.waitress and customer. (录音)W: How do you think of the food in our restaurant?

M:Oh, wonderful. It's quite a long time since I enjoyed myself so much. W:I'm very happy that you enjoyed it. 4.请求、建议、行动、计划

这类试题要求考生根据录音内容判断对话中一个向另一个提出什么请求或建议,他们正在或将要做某事,或计划做某事。 提问方式常见的有:

What did...do? What are/is...doing? What will...be doing? What is sb.'s plan for?等。

(录音) M:…put the paper into the machine, set your margin, put your finger on the keys… 5.目的、原因、结果


常见提问方式有:What is the purpose/aim of...? Why...?等。 6.隐含意思、推理判断

此类试题要求考生从录音内容的字面意思判断出说话者或另一人对某事、某人持何种态度或看法,或要求从录音内容中的某一事实判断出另一事实等。 提问方式一般有:

What do we know about...? What can we learn about...? What is...? What does sb.'s think about...? What is sb.'s problem?等。



What are they talking about ? /

What are the man and the woman talking about?

云东校区高一I级部英语学案 Module3---8 编号33

班级______ 姓名____________ 组别______编制人:张 亮 编制时间:12. 10. 10 I. Learning aims(学习目标):

Review the language points of this module. II. Learning procedures(导学过程):

1. match + A + to/with + B 把…和…搭配起来/调和起来 Let’s speak out

让我们理论联系实践!________________________________________ 让我们言行一致!____________________________________________ 归纳拓展

match+ n. + in/ for + n. 在…与…匹敌,成为…的对手

在诗歌的知识方面没有人能和他匹敌。_________________________________________ match+ n. + against/ with+ n. 使…(和…)交手/比赛

他要和Tom进行射击技巧比赛。_______________________________________________ match+ n. 或 match + adv. (和…)调和、适合、与…相配

他的衣服不适合他的年龄_________________________________________________. 他俩很相配。__________________________________________________ 1. match…to… ____________________________

Something went wrong in matching supply to demand. ____________________________ 2. match up to 比得上:

The hotel didn’t match up to the description on the website. _________________________ 辨析 match / suit/ fit

That doesn’t ______________ your temperament. No dish ______________all tastes.

My new evening dress_____________ me quite well. 2. distance n. 距离,远方,远处

The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a __ __ of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space 归纳拓展

in the distance _____________________ at a distance ______________________

keep one’s distance from _________________________ keep sb. at a distance ____________________________ distant adj. 远的;疏远的;稀疏的;冷淡的 be distant towards sb. ______________________ be distant from _____________________ 3. means n.________________________

There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. There is no means of finding out what happened. She used illegal means to get a passport.


1. by means of sth. 用…的办法

The government helped the victims of the earthquake by every means. He climbed up the tree by means of a ladder.

2. by no means 绝不,一点也不(置于句首时须倒装) By no means is this fight the end of out friendship.

1. Every possible means ______ been tried, and we find only ____ this means can we do it well. A. have; in B. have; by C. has; in D. has; by

2. For him _ __ stage is just ______ means of making a living. A. a ; a B. the ; a C. the; the D. a; the

4. refer to 提到,涉及;说起;参考,查阅;指的是 (referred, referred, referring) We agreed never to refer to the matter again.

refer to sb./ sth. 提到某人、某物;涉及到某人、某物

refer…to…让…参阅/参照;叫(人)去(某处);把…委托/交付给 refer to…as 将…称为… refer to a dictionary 查字典

The president spoke at the business meeting for mearly an hour without his notes. A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on The news that he referred us disappointed.

A. to make B. to making C. to made D. to have made 5. more than 1. 超过 2. 不仅仅 3. 非常 Judging from his appearance, he is more than 40. He is more than our teacher, he is our friend.

Her performance was more than good, it was perfect. 归纳拓展

no more than 仅仅 not more than 至多,不超过 not more … than 不如…, 不比…更

more + adj./ n. + than + adj./ n. 与其说…倒不如说… less + adj. n. + than + adj./ n. 与其说…倒不如说…

He spend very little time at school, perhaps no more than a year in all. This book is no more expensive than that one. 一样便宜

This book is not more expensive than that one.这本书没有那本便宜。 John is more daring than quick-witted.

= Join is less daring than quick-witted. 与其说约翰脑子灵活,不如说他胆大。 He was more frightened than hurt.

= He was less hurt than frightened. 与其说他受伤害,不如说他受了惊吓。 George is more intelligent than aggressive.

= George is less aggressive than intelligent. 与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。 6. spend, cost, take, pay和pay for



他得付二百法郎。__________________________________________________________ 几天后我会给你钱。________________________________________________________ (2)pay for的宾语为―物‖、―事‖,for表示支付的原因。如:

你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。________________________________________________ 别担心钱,我会替你付的。__________________________________________________

(3)spend的主语必须是―人‖,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,其后用on + 名词或用in(可省略)A. since B. when C. as D. that

10. It was not until she got home _______ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. A. when B. that C. where D. before 11. — Did you spend a lot of time looking for the lost child?

— ________. It took us half a month, but luckily we found him. A. My pleasure B. Absolutely C. Not at all D. Don’t mention it

+ 动名词形式,不接不定式。如:

他平时将很多钱用在买书上。________________________________________________ 他花很多钱买一辆新车。____________________________________________________

(4)cost的主语必须是―物‖或―事‖,表示―费用‖、―耗费‖,后接life, money, health, time等,侧重于―花费‖的代价。如:

这本书用了他一美元。______________________________________________________ 乘船到伦敦要用12英磅。___________________________________________________ 做这样的实验要花很多钱。__________________________________________________

注意:cost后不能与具体的时间长度连用,只能与表示抽象概念的时间短语连用。如:some time, much time, ten years of hard work等。

可说It cost him ten years of work. 不可说It cost him ten years to work.

(5)take表示―花费‖时,其主语一般是―一件事‖,有时主语也可是人,说明事情完成―花费了……‖。到邮局用去了我十分钟时间。__________________________________________________ 制片商用了两年时间拍这部新影片。____________________________________________

说明:take…to do sth.句型侧重完成该动作花费的时间,而spend…doing sth.有时并不说明动作的完成。It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小时读完了这本书。 He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他用了一小时读这本书。(是否读完并未说明)


1. Not until I began to work _____ how much time I had wasted.

A. didn’t I realize B. did I realize C. I didn’t realize D. I realize 2. Not until all the fish died in the river _____ how serious the pollution was. A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realized

C. the villagers did realized D. didn’t the villagers realize 3.Not until I began to work ____ how much time I had wasted.

A. didn't I realize B. did I realize C. I didn't realize D. I realized 4. Not until he arrived home _____ he find that this wallet had been stolen. A. did B. would C. when D. that

5. Not until his father was out of prison____ to school.

A. can John go B. John can go C. could John go D. John could go

6.It was about 600 years ago_____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. A. that B. until C. before D. when 8 .It was ___back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go

9 .It wasn’t until nearly a month later _____I received the manager’s reply. (05全国卷I)

12. How did you feel when you saw the ____ children who were ____ to work for the cruel bosses?

A. being abandoned; forced B. abandoned; forcing

C. abandoned; forced D. being abandoned; forcing

13. When we talk with others, we should make ourselves ________ by them. A. understanding B. understand C. to understand D. understood

14. We will meet under the clock at the railway station _____ 7:00 ____ Monday morning. A. at; on B. on; on C. at; at D. on; at

15. The car ________ my uncle had just bought was destroyed in the earthquake. A. who B. which C. on which D. when

16. After school, the students went home happily, ________ and ________ all the way. A. talked; laughing B. to talk; to laugh C. talk; laugh D. talking; laughing

17. Last night when I was watching TV, I ________ a loud noise from Mrs Smith’s house. A. hears B. hearing C. hear D. heard

18. The amount of money ________ for the flooded area in our city was soon collected. A. to need B. needing C. needed D. which needed

19. They are ________ heavy boxes that you can’t carry ________ many at a time. A. so; such B. such; so C. such; such D. so; so

20. — I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my dog? — ________. I’d be happy to. A. Of course B. Yes, I do C. Sorry D. Not at all

21. — Oh, my God! But weren’t you tired of doing so much work in a day? — ________ We were exhausted. A. Is that right? B. Definitely! C. No way! D. Oh, I see.

22. As a student, we should know that in England ____ is measured in miles while in China in kilometers. A. size B. distance C. way D. space

23. It is really a pity to see the ________ river which affects the way people live. A. polluted B. being polluting C. polluting D. have polluted

24. By the end of 2006, the number of animals in the zoo _____ from thirty to more than three hundred.

A. has grown B. had grown C. have grown D. has been grown

25. The problem is ________ millions of people have died of illnesses caused by smoking. A. what B. / C. that D. which

编号33 1. match + A + to/with + B 把…和…搭配起来/调和起来 Let’s speak out 让我们理论联系实践。match practice to theory 让我们言行一致!match one’s actions to one’s words 归纳拓展 match+ n. + in/ for + n. 在…与…匹敌,成为…的对手 No one can match her in knowledge of classical music. match+ n. + against/ with+ n. 使…(和…)交手/比赛 He matched his shooting skill against the expert’s. match+ n. 或 match + adv. (和…)调和、适合、与…相配 辨析 match / suit/ fit Match多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配; suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位等;fit 多指尺寸、形状合适,引申为“吻合”“协调”。 That doesn’t match your temperament. 那与你的气质不称。 No dish suits all tastes. 总口难调。 My new evening dress fits me quite well. 2. distance n. 距离,远方,远处 The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a __B__ of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space in the distance 在远处;在远方 at a distance 在稍远处 keep one’s distance from 与…保持一定距离 keep sb. at a distance 与…保持距离;不予某人接近 distant adj. 远的;疏远的;稀疏的;冷淡的 be distant towards sb. 对...冷淡 be distant from 离…远 3. means n. 方式,手段(单复数同型) There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. There is no means of finding out what happened. She used illegal means to get a passport. 1. by means of sth. 用…的办法 The government helped the victims of the earthquake by every means. He climbed up the tree by means of a ladder. 2. by no means 绝不,一点也不(置于句首时须倒装) By no means is this fight the end of out friendship. 这次争吵绝不会是我们友谊的结束。 4. refer to 提到,涉及;说起;参考,查阅;指的是 (referred, referred, referring) We agreed never to refer to the matter again. refer to sb./ sth. 提到某人、某物;涉及到某人、某物 refer…to…让…参阅/参照;叫(人)去(某处);把…委托/交付给 refer to…as 将…称为… refer to a dictionary 查字典 5. more than 1. 超过 2. 不仅仅 3. 非常 Judging from his appearance, he is more than 40. He is more than our teacher, he is our friend. Her performance was more than good, it was perfect.

归纳拓展 no more than 仅仅 not more than 至多,不超过 not more … than 不如…, 不比…更 more + adj./ n. + than + adj./ n. 与其说…倒不如说… less + adj. n. + than + adj./ n. 与其说…倒不如说… He spend very little time at school, perhaps no more than a year in all. This book is no more expensive than that one. 一样便宜 This book is not more expensive than that one.这本书没有那本便宜。 John is more daring than quick-witted. = Join is less daring than quick-witted. 与其说约翰脑子灵活,不如说他胆大。 He was more frightened than hurt. = He was less hurt than frightened. 与其说他受伤害,不如说他受了惊吓。 George is more intelligent than aggressive. = George is less aggressive than intelligent. 与其说乔治言行放肆,不如说他聪颖过人。 spend, cost, take, pay和pay for 1)pay的基本意思是―支付‖,作为及物动词,宾语可以是―人‖、―钱‖。如: He paid the taxi and hurried to the station.他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。 They had to pay two hundred francs. 他得付二百法郎。 We’ll pay you in a few days.几天后我会给你钱。 (2)pay for的宾语为―物‖、―事‖,for表示支付的原因。如: You’ll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。 注意:下面两句中pay for的意义不同。 Of course we have to pay for what we buy.当然我们买东西得付钱。 Don’t worry about money; I’ll pay for you.别担心钱,我会替你付的。 (3)spend的主语必须是―人‖,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,其后用on (for) + 名词或用in(可省略)+ 动名词形式,不接不定式。如: (2)He spends much money on books.他平时将很多钱用在买书上。 He spent a lot of money (in) buying a new car.他花很多钱买一辆新车。 Every morning he spends half an hour on English.每天早晨他用半小时读英语。(句中on English可与(in) reading English替换) (4)cost的主语必须是―物‖或―事‖,表示―费用‖、―耗费‖,后接life, money, health, time等,侧重于―花费‖的代价。如: The book cost him one dollar.这本书用了他一美元。 It costs you 12 pounds to go London by ship.乘船到伦敦要用12英磅。 Making experiments like this costs much time and labour.做这样的实验要花很多钱。 注意:cost后不能与具体的时间长度连用,只能与表示抽象概念的时间短语连用。如:some time, much time, ten years of hard work等。可说It cost him ten years of work.不可说It cost him ten years to work. (5)take表示―花费‖时,其主语一般是―一件事‖,有时主语也可以是人,它说明事情完成―花费了……‖。如: 少took me ten minutes to go to the post office.到邮局用去了我十分钟时间。 The producer took two years to make the film.制片商用了两年时间拍这部新影片。 说明:take…to do sth.句型侧重完成该动作花费的时间,而spend…doing sth.有时并不说明动作的完成。如:

It took him an hour to read the book.他用一小时读完了这本书。 He spent an hour (in) reading the book.他用了一小时读这本书。(是否读完并未说明 编号34

1. abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;放纵的 They abandoned all hope of finding the child. 归纳拓展

abandon v. 离弃,放弃(工作、计划);抛弃 abandon sb./ sth. 遗弃某人/某物 abandon doing sth. 放弃做…

abandon oneself to 陷入,沉湎于(某种情感)(to为prep.) He abandoned himself to grief. 他陷入悲痛之中。 with abandon 放纵;尽情

2. take/ have a ride 搭便车 go for a ride 兜风 give sb. a ride 载某人一程 3. 感叹句句型What how

4. journey/ tour/ trip/ travel/ voyage ① journey “旅行”“旅程”。普通用语,指陆地上的远程旅行。 At first I was afraid the long journey would be too much for her. ② tour “周游”、指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览。

We went on a guided tour of Italy that included stops at Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome. ③ trip “旅行”。指来往有定的短距离旅行,强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路程。 I go to work by train, and the trip takes 40 minutes. ④ travel “旅行”。常用复数形式。泛指旅行各地,表示旅行的路途远,时间长。 The travels of Marco Polo is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. ⑤ voyage 指不论路程长短的水上或空中的“游历,旅行”。 He went on a voyage round the world. 5. scenery/ scene/ view/ sight

①scenery U, 表示“自然景色(全称)”,尤指开阔的景色,通常指乡村的整个面貌。 ②scene C, 指“风景,景象”,包括其中的人及其活动;另外,还可指“(发生事件的)现场、地点,(舞台的)场景”。

③view表示“风景,景色”,指从某一位置所看到的scenery的一部分,常用短语get a good view of. ④sight C, 表示“实力,景色,名胜”,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的风景名胜。 Our reporter was the first person on the scene.

You’ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. He lost his sight in an accident.

We passed through the beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District. 6. supply n./ vt. n. C 供给品

Do they get an adequate supply of food? 他们得到足够的食物供给了吗?

(pl.) ―日用品,生活必需品,补给品等”。medical supplies relief supplies office supplies vt. supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to/ for sb. 辨析 supply/ offer/ provide

supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to/ for sb. offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.

provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 7. in the 1920s = in the 1920’s

在某人十几岁、二十几岁、三十几岁 in one’s teens/ twenties/ thirties

“超过…岁”用over/ above; “不到…岁”用under/ below; “大约…岁”用about/ around; “接近…岁”用towards/ near; “正好…岁”用at/ at the age of, 也可用“n. + of + 基数词”。 He is a boy of sixteen.

8. not …any more = no more 不再 not …any longer = no longer 不再 He said, ―I will not go there any more.‖

At last, after a year he could not wait any longer. 9. Would you mind showing me your ticket?

if I saw your ticket?

Would you mind…? 后可接n./ doing 以及if 引导的从句。If从句中要用一般过去时表示虚拟语气。但Do you mind后的if 从句不用过去时态。 Do/ Would you mind…? 的回答:

Certainly not; Not at all; not a bit; No, go ahead.

I’m sorry, but I…; Yes, I do mind; I’m sorry, but you’d better not… Mind sb. doing sth. Mind your own business. 别管闲事。 Keep sth. in mind 记住… Make up one’s mind 下决心… Go/ be out of one’s mind = be crazy 发疯,发狂

10. frighten vt. 使惊恐; vi. 惊恐,害怕,使惊吓 The lawyers frightened the old lady into signing the paper. I’ll be frightened to look out of the airplane window. 归纳拓展

frighten sb. into/ out of doing sth. 吓得某人做(不做)某事

frightened adj. 害怕的,受到惊吓的 be frightened at/ by 对…害怕;被///吓坏的 be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事 be frightened that

frightening adj. 令人恐惧的,可怕的 fright n. 恐惧,害怕

11. exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的 exhausting adj. 使筋疲力尽的 exhaustion n.

1. 疲倦,疲惫 He was pale with exhaustion.

2. 耗尽,枯竭 The exhaustion of natural resources will bring human being disasters. 12. take off 脱(衣服,帽子等);(飞机)起飞;(事业等)腾飞 take off one’s raincoat/ shoes The plane took off on time.

Do-it-yourself began seriously to take off in the 1930s. 归纳拓展

take away 拿走;夺走 take back 收回;带回

take down 拆卸;记下 take for 以为;误认为 take in 吸收;接纳;欺骗 take on 呈现;雇佣

take over 接管;接任 take to 喜欢;沉湎于;开始(从事于) take up 拿起;着手处理;占据

