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教学内容 Lesson 1 Planting trees. 课型 新授课 1、能听懂、会说本课的单词,做到发音准确,语调自然,了解词义。 2、通过本单元的学习,能较熟练地运用一般将来时态表达打算做事情及其回答方式。 3、通过自然拼读法的学习,掌握字母组合“ch”和“tch”的发音规则,并能灵活地运用所学规律拼读单词。 教学目标 (知识技能、过程与方法、4、能理解歌曲大意和演唱,有一定的情绪体验,并能在教师的引导情感态度下仿编歌曲。 价值观) 5、能基本读懂本科Read and say 部分的阅读资料,培养学生通过阅读获取信息的能力。 6、通过植树活动,培养学生从小树立保护大自然,保护环境的意识。 1、新学短语的正确发音和应用。 2、比较熟练的应用“be going to”的句型 教学重、难点 3、较熟练地掌握自然拼读法,并能做到举一反三。 4、能较自然地表演对话和演唱歌曲。 5、能基本读懂read and say 部分的阅读材料。 教学准备 本课词组卡片;work in pairs中有关单词卡片,含有字母组合ch 和tch的单词卡片, 录音机等。 第一课时 1、Work in pairs 2、listen and priactise. 3、Read and say 第二课时 1、listen and number 教学时数 2、listen and sing: The spring. 第三课时 1、Let’s talk 2、完成workbook中的circle the correct answers. 3、look, listen and say: ch, tch 4、完成workbook 中的listen, put the words in the correct group and say. 教学过程 教案预设 预期目标 教师教学活动 第一课时 Step 1 1.Greetings. T:Good morning ,class. Nice to see you again. 2. Talking about the vacations. Step 2. Work in pairs. Good morning, Ms An. Nice to see you ,too. Talking about vacations. the 学生学习活动 复习前几册所学过的动词及Read: do my homework 动词词组,引出新句型:be Fly a kite, play going to?及其问答方式 badminton, sing, swim, dance, have breakfast, draw, read a book, have lunch, go skating. Show a new sentence: Listen and repeat. What are you going to do? Practice in pairs. I am going to ? Practice in groups. Step 3 listen and practice. Listen and practice. Step4 Read and say. T:Spring is coming. It’s Ss:I can see a mountain. time to plant trees. Boys and girls , look at the picture. What can you see in the picture? Ss: Plant trees. T: How to make it beautiful? Step 5 work Workbook Write (T)or (F) 第二课时 Step 1 . Greetings and review. T: Hello,boys and girls. 1) Review the phrases. 2) Ask and answer questions. Do the work. Ss:Hello, Ms An. S1:I’m going to? T:what are you going to do? S2S3: We’re going to ? T:What are you going to do? Ss:They are going to? T:What are they going to Practise in three. do? Let Ss pactise in three. Learn the new words. Step2 Listen and practise. Tecach new pharse Plant tree, dig a hole, water flowers. Step3 listen and number 1. look and read. 2. Check them out. 1. let them look and read 3. Listen and number. the pictures. 2. Check them out. 3. Let them listen and number. Step4. Listen and sing. Learn the new words. 1. show the new words:shine,move,flow, Answer the questions. sun,breeze,river. 2. play the recorde,let them listen and answer 1) what season is the song about? Sing and practise in 2) What are the moving pairs. and flowing? 3、let them sing in pairs. 第三课时 Step1.Greetings and Listen and read review. Step2.Let’s talk. Class,what season is it Think over and answer the now? ?. Do the exercises. questions. T:Three questions for you. 1. what season is it now? 2. what are the going to Look, listen and say. do? 3. Do the children know how to plant trees? Step3, Look ,listen and say. China , cherry, peach. Watch, catch?. 板书设计 教学反思
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