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I. Understanding terms (20%)

Directions: Match each of the terms in Column A with its corresponding definition or explanation in Column B. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET II.

1. low-context culture A. a culture in which information is

contained in the verbal code, and the message is stated clearly and explicitly without depending on the context of the communication or the participants

2. the Spir-Whorf B. a type of cultural change that results hypothesis from continuous firsthand contact

between two distinct cultural groups

study of how people use, 3. ethnocentrism C. the

structure, interpret, and understand time

4. power distance D. a hypothesis first advanced by two

American linguists, which holds that the structure of a language affects the ways in which its speakers are able to conceptualize their world, i.e. their world view

5. acculturation E. the belief that one’s own culture is the

best and all other cultures are inferior.

degree to which the culture 6. chroxemics F. the

accepts the unequal distribution of power

7. cultural pattern G. a circumstance in which a new

component of identity is incompatible with an existing one

troublesome feelings such as 8. identity conflict H. the

depression, loneliness, confusion, inadequacy, hostility, frustration, and tension, caused by the loss of familiar cues from the home culture

9. uncertainty I. the norms, values, and beliefs related avoidance

to the toleration of ambiguity

conditions that contribute to the 10. culture shock J. the

way in which a people perceive and think about the world, and the manner in which they live in that world.

Column A Column B

II. Term translation(20%)

Section A:

Directions Write the English equivalents of the following. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET II. 1. 低情景依赖型文化 2. 文化内涵 3. 刻板印象 4. 跨文化身份 5. 亚文化

Section B:

Directions Write the Chinese equivalents of the following. Write your answers on ANSWER SHEET II. 1. proxemics 2. individualism 3. euphemism

4. past-oriented culture 5. acculturation strategy

Part III True or False (20%)

Directions: Mark A if the statement is True; mark B if it is False. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.

1. The iceberg model of culture implies that it is very difficult to understand a culture thoroughly.

2. Culture is innate as soon as a person is born.

3. People may sometimes get confused about his or her cultural identity.

4. Scholars prefer the term subculture to co-culture in describing a culture which exists within a dominant culture.

5. A person could be a member of several different subgroups at the same time. 6. Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes your experiences and guides your behavior toward a particular group of people.

7. Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. They are the innermost “skin of the onion.”

8. Ethnocentrism is the belief that somebody else’s cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal

and nonverbal communication, is better than our own.

9. People in the United States place a greater emphasis on history and do not like change as compared with people of Asian and Latin cultures.

10. Companies should avoid sending female employees to the Middle East, as in Arab countries men may refuse to work with women.

11. In short, intercultural communication competence requires sufficient awareness knowledge, motivations, and skills. Each of these components alone is sufficient to achieve intercultural communication competence. 12. People in various cultures have basically similar values.

13. People from cultures that follow the monochromic time system tend to do one thing at a time.

14. In the U.S., a handshake should be firm, while an Asian handshake is usually gentle.

15. Processes of reasoning and problem solving are the same in all cultures. 16. Attitude toward time and use of space convey nonverbal messages in

intercultural encounters.

17. When in another culture, an appropriate caution would be to watch the behavior of the persons you are talking with and match their style. 18. It is generally advocated that Germany uses high-context language.

19. Knowing cultural variations in the use of silence is helpful when conversing with persons in another culture.

20. Although oral communication varies from culture to culture, non-verbal communication is almost always interpreted the same in each culture.

Part IV Blank Filling (10%)

Directions: Fill in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank given below. Each choice in the Word Bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words more than once. After you have decided on your choice, mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet. Word Bank A) establish B) communication C) material D) environment E) extent F) express G) messages H) similar I) influence J) symbols

Communication is central to our existence. It is through ____1____ that we learn who we are, and what the world around us is like. To a large ____2____, our identity as both individual and cultural being is shaped through communication. Through this, we explore the world around us, and ____3____ bonds, networks, and relationships with other people. Communication permits us to ____4____ our thoughts and feelings to others, and to satisfy our emotional and ____5____ needs. As we learn to communicate better, we begin to achieve some measure of control over events that affect us and those around us.

There are three basic aspects to communication: our individual personality, the culture we operate in, and the physical ____6____ that surrounds us. Each of these aspects has a(n) ____7____ on what and how we communicate.

Communication is transactional. Each person encodes and sends messages, and in turn receives and decodes ____8____. The coding and decoding process is primarily culture-based and involves a diverse set of elements, including words, gestures, ____9____, values, etc.

Whether a communication is successful or not depends greatly on the circumstances. The key is whether the participants have some ____10____ cultural background, knowledge, and experiences. In cross-cultural situations, this shared area may be very small.

(Adapted from Hu Chao: Intercultural Communication )

Part V Situational Dialogues (10%)

1. Tina: Wow, look at all the things on sales. ____________ Andrew: Yes. Look, this shirt is 50% off.

Tina: And look at these shoes. They are 30% off the normal price.

A. I’d like to buy a shirt.

B. There are some real bargains. C. Are the prices reasonable?

D. These shoes are the same as mine.

2. Customs Officer: _____________ Mrs. Johnson: No, nothing at all.

Customs Officer: No perfume, alcohol or cigarettes? Mrs. Johnson: Well, I have 200 cigarettes; that’s all.

A. Do you have anything in the bag, ma’am? B. Do you have anything to declare, ma’am? C. Do you want to buy something, ma’am? D. Is there anything I can do for you, ma’am?

3. Linda: Hello. I’d like to send this package, please. Clerk: ______________

Linda: First class. How long will that take? Clerk: About three days.

A. How would you like to send it? B. Which class are you in?

C. Where do you want to send it to? D. Which class is it in?

4. James: Could I have my bill, please? Can I pay by credit card or eurocheque?

Receptionist: _____________

James: I’ll pay by credit card, then.

Receptionist: That’s fine. I hope you enjoyed your stay here.

A. Here’s your bill.

B. Sorry, we don’t take credit card. C. You can pay by eurocheque. D. Yes, we take both.

5. Stan: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving my little girl’s life. John: ______________

Stan: I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’ve done. John: I’m just happy I could help.

A. There’s nothing to be afraid of. B. This is a wonderful day.

C. Anybody would have done the same. D. I am glad to save her.

6. Harry: I hear you are going to get married soon.

Ron: That’s right, next June. June 21st. Can you come to the wedding? Harry: Oh! _____________ That’s when we’re away on vacation. Ron: Never mind we’ll send you some wedding cake.

