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Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproof Agent
液体混凝土无机铝盐防水剂是以无机铝盐为主体的多种无机盐类复合制成的熔液。把它渗入混凝土、水泥砂浆中,即可配制成具有防渗、防漏、防潮功能的防水砂浆,抹在建筑结构表面形成刚性永久防水层。 二、使用范围:
运用于屋面、卫生间、地下室、水池、水塔、仓库、桥梁、隧道、水渠、堤坝、人防工程的表层防渗防漏防潮。 三、防水机理:
混凝土、水泥砂浆在硬化过程中,由于水分蒸发留下许多毛细通道和也隙,水的渗透就是通过这些毛细通道和孔隙进行的,无机铝防水剂掺入水泥砂浆后,即与水泥中的水化生成物发生化字反应,生成氢氧化铝和氢氧化铁等不溶于水的胶体物质,同时还能与水泥中的水化铝酸钙作用,生成具有一定膨胀性的复盐硫铝酸钙晶体。这些胶体和晶体物质堵塞和填充了水泥砂浆在硬化过程中形成的毛细通道和孔隙,从而提高了水泥砂浆防水层的密实性,达到防水抗渗的目的。 四、技术指标:
1 、外观:褐黄色透明液体,有微量杂质及沉淀物。
2 、液体混凝土无机铝盐防水剂掺量占水泥重量5-15% 时的水泥砂浆性能指标:
项目 Item 体积安定性 Consistency
指标 Index 合格 in Pass test 项目 Item 抗拉强度 Tensile strength 指标 Index 提高率≥ 30% Increased ≥ 2
volume 凝结时间 Setting time 初凝≥ 50 分钟 Initial settin g ≥ 50min 粘结力 30% ≥ 1 0 ㎏ / ㎝ 2 终凝≤ 4 小时 Final settin g Coagulation power ≥ 1 0 ㎏ / ㎝ ≤ 4hr 2 提高率≥ 150% Increased ≥ 150% 提高率≥ 20% Increased ≥ 20% 耐高温 + 11 0 ℃ Thermal stability + 11 0 ℃ (up to) 耐寒冷 -4 0 ℃ Cryogenic tolerance -4 0 ℃ 不透水性 Unpermeability 抗压强度 Compressive strength 3 、耐候性能试验:
试板在氙灯气候试验机中进行 300 小时试验,未出现裂纹、疏松、脱落、离层等老化现象,防水面层完好,与原始试板无差异。 五、包装、贮存、保质期:
液体混凝土无机铝盐防水剂用塑料桶封盖包装。每桶净重 50 ㎏± 1 ㎏。 产品应贮存在温度低于 40 ℃ 的通风干燥仓库内,桶口向上,不得靠近火源和热源,以防塑料桶老化变形。产品保质期为五年。在五年内无明显变色和干缩现象。 六、配料要求:
1 、水泥:使硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥,标号不低于 32.5MPa 。不同品种不同标号的水泥不能混合使用。 2 、砂:采用中砂、质量符合水泥砂浆用砂要求。 3 、水:用洁净的淡水(饮用水) 七、施工工艺: 1 、清理基层:
把基层表面的油污、灰尘、杂物等清洁干净。对光滑的基层表面还需进行凿毛处理,麻面率不得小于 75% ,。然后用水湿润基层。
2 、刷结合层:
在已凿毛和干净湿润的基层上,用刷子均匀刷一道稀粘状的水泥防水剂素浆(配合比为水泥:水:液体混凝土无机铝盐防水剂 =1 : 2.20 : 0.10 )作结合层。以提高防水砂浆与基层的粘合力。厚度以 2 ㎜左右为宜。
3 、抹第一层防水砂浆(找平层):
在结合层未干之前必须及时抹第一层防水砂浆(配合比为水泥:中砂:水:液体混凝土无机铝盐防水剂 =1 : 2.5 : 0.35 : 0.15 )作找平层,厚度以 10 ㎜左右为宜。擀光压实后,用木抹搓出麻面。 4 、抹第二层防水砂浆:
在找平层初凝后,应及时抹第二层防水砂浆,其配合比和厚度均与第一层防水砂浆相同,用铁抹子反复压平压光。 5 、潮湿养护:
查询登陆“百度”或其他搜索引擎输入“海岩兴业”进入官网即可,本文由北京海岩兴业混凝土外加剂有限公司独家诠释,版权所有:北京海岩兴业混凝土外加剂有限公司,网址:www.chinalingjun.com 。 1 、 Uses
Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproofr Agent is a solution made by compounding various inorganic salts with inorganic aluminum salt as the main component. When it is mixed into cement mortar, it can form an unpermeable, leakproof and moisture resistant mortar which can be applied on the surface of building constructions to give a right permanent waterproof layer. 2 、 Scope of use
The Agent can be used on surfaces of roof top, and in toilet, underground basement, water pool, water tower. Warehouse, bridge,
tunnel. Sewerage. Dam and air defence constructions etc. for the purpose to keep them from damage caused leaking water permeation and moisture effect.
3 、 Mechanism of waterproof action.
During setting of the mortar, numerous capillary channels and orifices may be formed in its network due to evaporation of water present in the mortar. When “Inorganic ALUMINUM Salt Waterproof Agent” is mixed into the cement mortar, it reacts with the hydrated component of the mortar to form insoluble colloidal aluminum hydroxide and iron hydroxide and .at the same time, react with the hydrated calcium aluminate in the cement to form crystalline calcium aluminum sulfate complex with expandable properties. These colloidal and orifices and increase the compactness of the crystal lattice of the waterproof layer of the concrete to attain its unpermeable leak proof property. 4 、 Technical indexes
( 1 ) Appearance: Clear brownish yellow liquid with small amount of suspended matter.
( 2 )Properties of mortar with 15% by weight of “Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproof Agent”. ( 3 )Weathering test:
Sample plates were exposed under Xenon lamp irradiation for
300 hours, no cracking, loosing or peeling were observed. The samples remained intact without any sign of aging. 5 、 Pacing, storage and shelf life
“Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproof Agent” is packed in sealed plastic drums of 25±1 ㎏ each, net. It is to be stored in a dry, well ventilated warehouse away from heat and flame to avoid aging and deformation of the container.
Shelf life of the product is 5 years. It can kept for that period with no apparent color change of shrinkage. 6 、 Requirement of concrete material
(1)Cement: Use Portland cement. Silica cement or slag cement not lower than 32.5MPa. Different kinds of cement or cement with different strength should not be used together.
(2)Sand: Use medium size sand as required by conventional mortar. (3)Water: Use clean tap water 7 、 Working procedure: (1)Treatment of the basement
Clear away all the dust, lose fragments and greasy particles from the basement. Roughen its smooth surface with chisel to give a roughened area not less than 75%.Wet the basement with water. (2)Application of the comling layer.
Brush evenly a thin layer of waterproof plain mortar,
preferably to a thickness of 2 ㎜ . To improve the adhesive strength between the first layer and the later waterproof sand mortar layer. Composition of the waterproof plain mortar: cement: water: “Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproof Agent”(1:2.20:0.10) (3)Application of the first waterproof sand mortar layer.(the leveling layer)
It is necessary to apply the first waterproof sand mortar layer to the above combining layer before it dnies up. Composition of the waterproof sand mortar: cement: medium size sand: water: “Inorganic Aluminum Salt Waterproof Agent” 1:2.5:0.35:0.15. Apply to a thickness of about 10 ㎜ , press tight, leveled and noughened with a wood trowel.
(4)Application of second layer of waterproof sand mortar. Immediately after the first layer sets. Apply the second waterproof sand mortar promptly to a thickness same as the first layer. Composition of the mortar is also same with the first layer. Level and press tight repeatedly with an iron trowel until smooth and gloosy. (5)Maintenance
After setting of this last layer, it is essential to maintain by spraying water at least 5 times daily for a period of seven days.
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