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翻译中,译者应真实而准确地反映源语言所要表达的思想内容。不过,为得到准确而流畅的译文,译者不必完全拘泥于源语言的形式,而是自如地遣词造句。照搬源语言句子成分、结构、形式而唯恐越雷池一步,不可能翻译出好的译文。另外,世上不存在一个放之四海而皆准的公式可供套用。此处以英汉翻译为例,简单介绍一些基本的技巧,如正译与反译、深化与浅化、添词与减词、并词与拆词等。 (一)正译与反译


在有否定词little, few的句子中,句子的形式虽是肯定的,但在翻译时宜改成否定形式。

1. He has seen little of life. 他不懂什么人情世故。 * 他只懂很少的人情世故。

2. Some little hesitation was caused by the statement of the Romans.

罗马人所提出的理由并未引起人们多大的迟疑。 * 罗马人所提出的理由只引起人们很少的迟疑。

与之相反,英语中有些否定句,在翻译时要改成肯定的句子。 3. He didn’t say much, but every word was to the point. 他说话很少,但每句话都切中要害。 * 他不说很多话,但每说一句都切中要害。

4. She won’t go away until you promise to help her. 她要等你答应帮助以后才肯走。 * 她在你答应帮助以前不肯离开。

有时,在正译或反译时,还需将句子的次序颠倒。 1. 你可以在附近的书店买到这本刚出版的英语教科书。

You can buy this newly-published English textbook in the nearby bookstore.

* This newly-published English textbook is available in the nearby bookstore.

2. 所有的读者都可以进入这座图书馆。

All the readers are allowed to enter the library. All the readers have an access to the library. * The library is accessible to all the readers. * The library is open to all the readers.

在翻译带有动作名词的英语句子时,常需改换表现方法,将动名词译成动词。反之,汉语中的动词,在译成英语时,也可译成动作名词。 1. 他想起这些,生活便增加了乐趣。

The remembrance of these adds zest to his life.

2. The love of parents for their children is perfect and minute.

父母爱其子女是无微不至的。 (二)深化或浅化


有时,需将字面的直译改为地道的目标语言。 1. 这个经济特区的高科技产业正在迅速发展。

Hi-tech sectors are developing rapidly in this special economic zone.

* Hi-tech sectors are booming in this special economic zone.

2. When young, he quitted his home and travelled to the capital, which he reached in a state of almost utter destitution.

青年时代,他背井离乡,徒步来到首都,几乎身无分文。 * 青年时代,他离开了,徒步来到首都,几乎什么都没有。 有时,需将地道的源语言译成通俗的目标语言,甚至直译。 1. 你们家的孩子是吃母乳,还是喝牛奶? Is your baby breast-fed or bottle-fed?

2. He resolved not to throw the apple of discord amongst them.


Apple of discord:不和的种子,是英语中的典故,出自希腊神话。诸女神争夺苹果,以致发生了特洛伊战争。

3. Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge, has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other men.

对科学的探索,对知识的追求,其实际结果就是人类获得了防范天灾人祸的能力。 (三)增减文字



1. Before the night was far advanced, they began to pray for their father.


* 在天色已晚但是夜还不深的时候,他们便开始为他们的父亲祈祷。 2. 改革开放以来,许多自学成才的青年担任了各门的领导职务。 Since the implementation of the reform and open-up policy, many young people who became competent through self-study have taken-up leading posts in various government agencies.


1. 我希望这次会议不要开得太长,太长了只会浪费时间。 I hope that the meeting will not last too long, for it will only waste time.

* I hope that the meeting will not last too long. If it lasts for long, it will only waste time.

2. Some children are clever and deft while others are quite clumsy.



1. Sanctions admittedly pressed harder on some countries than others.

采取制裁措施对某些国家的压力显然要比其他国家大。 2. 他在第一时间提出了一项新设计方案。

At the earliest opportunity he tabled a new design. 有时,还需要根据目标语言的习惯,增加一些词汇。 1. I am looking forward to the holidays. 我盼望着假期的到来。

2. Books are so cheap that every one of us has the best books at his command, as well as the worst.

书非常便宜,所以我们无论是谁,最好的书也好,最次的书也好,都可以随便买到。 (四)转换句法


有时,在不影响原意的前提下,从完整的句子中去掉某些成份。 1. 这位中国女学生说了一声“我是中国人”就悄悄走开了。 After she said “I am from China”, the Chinese girl student went away quietly.

Saying “I am from China”, the Chinese girl student went away quietly.

2. 如查你再向前迈一步,我就开枪了。

If you move one step further, I shall fire the gun. One step further, I fire.

3. Sunday is the day when I am least busy. 星期天我最不忙。

有时,还需将不完整的句子扩充或还原为完整的句子。 1. 依靠科学技术来发展经济,你们就会富裕起来。

If you develop economy with the aid of science and technology, you will become prosperous.

2. Be a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one live

s long in it.

无论是怎样的地方,只要住久了,总会慢慢地喜欢起那个地方的。 汉语的副词常置于句首,而英语则多置于句尾。翻译时,往往需要倒译。

1. He drinks half a bottle of wine with each of his meals. 他每餐都要喝半瓶酒。 2.他虽然有钱,但并不快乐。

He is not happy, though he is rich.


It is requested that every guest should bring a gift with him.

请每位客人出席时自带一份礼物。 (五)英语长句的拆分

与古汉语相反,古英语往往使用长句。百多单词的句子也不罕见。因此,如按英语原文翻译而不能准确流畅地传达原文的思想内容时,需对句子进行拆分。拆句时,可在关系代词处拆,可在副词处拆,可在动词处拆,也可在名词处拆。具体的方式,需视原文的情况而定。 Eventually, more as a last hope than with any real confidence in a result, a sub-committee was formed to try to reconcile differences between them.



The president, in giving to his most powerful and most distinguished rival the greatest place which a president ever has it in his power to bestow, gave an excellent proof of the nobleness of his won spirit.



同样,根据英语句子较长这一特点,在汉译英时应注意适当合并句子。 我感到很不舒服。本来我得了重感冒和喉痛,加上注射了伤寒疫苗,病情更重了。

I was feeling far from well, as a heavy cold and sore throat were reinforced by the consequences of inoculation against typhoid fever.




