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限时:120分钟 满分:120分 题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总 分 听力部分(20分)


1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________5.________

二、听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A.She had a fever. B.She had a cold. C.She cut herself. 7.A.Eating an apple. B.Doing the housework. C.Watching TV. 8.A.Talk with Tom. B.Argue with Tom. C.Call Tom for the book. 9.A.In the library. B.In the classroom. C.At home.

10.A.Sweep the floor. B.Do her homework. C.Have her dinner.

三、听两段长对话, 根据所听内容选择正确的答案(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11和12小题。 11.Who is going shopping tomorrow?

A.The boy. B.The boy's mother. C.The boy's friends.

12.What does the boy need to do first?

A.Finish his homework. B.Clean the living room. C.Buy some snacks.


13.What's wrong with Bob? A.He has a toothache. B.His arms hurt. C.His leg is broken.

14.What does the woman advise Bob to do?

A.Have a cup of tea.

B.Go to hospital. C.Color fewer boxes.

15.What is the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

A.Guide and tourist. B.Husband and wife. C.Doctor and patient.

四、听一段独白,根据所听内容完成表格(每小题1分,共5分) From About Problems Mrs. Hand Some problems about her (16)________ Jessica aged 16. *Reads (17)________ on the Internet. *Talks to friends and (18)________ on the Internet. *Has no interest in (19)________. *Does not listen to her (20)________. 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

21.When the old woman woke up, she found ________ in the hospital.

A.himself B.herself C.myself D.itself

22.You look very tired. I don't think you ________ go to work today.

A.shouldn't B.should C.mustn't D.can't

23.The people here met a lot of difficulties, but they never ________ hope.

A.picked up B.gave up C.looked for D.waited for

24.My old neighbor Charles felt ________ after his children moved out.

A.lonely B.boring C.happily D.angrily

25.At times, parents find it difficult ________ with their children.

A.talk B.talked C.talking D.to talk

26.My parents are out. I have to ________ my baby brother.

A.look at B.look out C.look for D.take care of 27.Could you ________ the window? I feel a little cold.

A.please not to open B.please not open C.not please to open D.not please to close

28.________ children there are in a family,________ their life will be.

A.The less; the better B.The fewer; the better C.Fewer; richer D.More; poorer

29.The company ________ Sam a good job, but he didn't like it.

A.provided B.offered C.passed D.introduced

30.Nowadays schools should care for the full ______of a student's talents.

A.satisfaction B.development C.communication D.preparation

31.It's necessary for us ________ to our parents when we have problems.

A.to talk B.talking C.talk D.talked

32.When Tom got my home, my family ________ dinner.

A.were having B.having C.is having D.are having

33.I met a friend of mine ________ I was walking in the park.

A.before B.while C.after D.if

34.At last he ________studying hard was very important. He decided to study harder.

A.received B.said C.asked D.realized 35.—Could you please clean your room?

—________. A.That's all right B.Yes, please C.Yes, sure D.Yes, I do 六、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分)


Sara was sitting on the sofa and thinking about her birthday party. Because of the terrible storm, her ______36 decided to have the party the next weekend. Sara didn't understand why. They didn't live near the ocean.

“Sara, you can't sit there all day, ” her mother said. “We'll have your party next weekend.”

“It's ______37! My birthday is today, not next weekend!”Sara______38 . She wanted to watch anything that wasn't about the storm. ______39 almost every station was talking about it. “This storm is ruining (毁灭) everything. I can't ______40 watchmy favorite shows.”

Her mother sat down next to her. “The storm is ruining a lot. Look at that. Those people are trying to______41 their houses. Could you imagine if we lost our home?”

Sara looked at what was happening on the TV. The storm did look bad. She knew she'd be really sad if her family lost their______42 .

“What's going to happen to all those people? Will ______43 be OK?” asked Sara.

“Usually when there's a big storm like this, people raise money and give away (捐赠) food and other things to the homeless families. Some people even help rebuild houses.”

“I want to help too, ” said Sara. “Maybe I could ______44 my birthday money to them.Those people will need it more than me.”

Her mother smiled. “I ______45you, Sara. Helping others is a great way to weather (经受住)the storm.” 36.A.friends B.classmates C.parents D.teachers 37.A.different B.great C.exciting D.usual 38.A.went to the movies B.turned on the TV

C.listened to the radio D.went to school 39.A.Or B.And C.But D.Though 40.A.even B.just C.often D.never 41.A.count B.save C.push D.clean 42.A.food B.money C.home D.clothes 43.A.we B.you C.they D.he 44.A.send B.pay C.lend D.borrow 45.A.am interested in B.am proud of(以……自豪)

C.am sorry for D.be full of 七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


Frank is a student. He likes playing with his phone very much. And he keeps the phone with him at all times. His dad thinks he is addicted(上瘾的) to his phone. But Frank doesn't think so. They write to each other. Dear Frank, You've heard the warnings. It's reported that fifty percent of the teenagers depend on their phones too much. I think you have this problem too. That's why I think you should give up your phone. Not forever, just for a week. I'm warned that you are developing some bad habits. You keep your phone with you all the time—you even check the basketball scores at the dinner table. It's not a good idea to use your phone while you are doing homework. You can't put your heart into your homework at all. And you may make more mistakes when you can't fully put your heart into it. There are many good reasons to take a break from your phone. Have a try! So what do you say? Are you ready to give up using your phone? Love, Dad Dear Dad, I know you think I depend on my phone too much. But I'm just using technology to help my life to be better. My phone helps me in many ways. Do you remember that time when the car broke down? I sent a message to tell you that I was going to be late. If I didn't, you would be worried about me. My phone helps me with my homework too. I can look up anything in a second. It's really hard to be successful today if you don't have a phone. Social media, games, and apps might seem silly to you, but they help me to keep in touch with my friends. I promise to cut back my phone use, and I won't use it at the dinner table any more. But giving it up for a week would be a mistake and it wouldn't change anything in the long term. Love, Frank 46.How long does Frank's dad advise him to give up his phone? A.For a week. B.For a month. C.For a year. D.Forever.

47.How many teenagers are addicted to the phones according to the passage?

A.Thirty percent. B.Forty percent. C.Fifty percent. D.Sixty percent. 48.What does Frank think of social media, games, and apps?

A.They make him smart. B.They make him relaxed.

C.They help him make lots of money.

D.They help him keep in touch with his friends.

49.According to the passage, Frank promises to ________.

A.use it at the dinner table B.use it at home C.spend less time on it D.give it up forever 50.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Frank thinks it is a waste of time to use phones.

B.Frank sometimes uses his phone to look up something. C.All teenagers depend on their phones too much.

D.Frank's dad thinks it's OK to check basketball scores at the dinner table.


Jack Green is 75 years old. He is not in good condition. “I think I'm ill, ” he tells his wife, “I feel awful. I've got a headache and I don't feel like eating.”

“You've put on a lot of weight recently. You should see the doctor, ” his wife says, “and ask him how to lose weight. It's not good for your health.”

“OK, ” says Jack. He goes to see a doctor.

The doctor checks his heart and weighs him. Then he says, “You are too heavy. You need to do some exercise to lose about 30 kilograms. Run two miles a day for the next 100 days. Then call and tell me your weight.”

A week later, the doctor receives a call from Jack. “Doctor, I run two miles every day and I feel much better. But I have a new problem.”

“What's that?” asks the doctor.

“I'm 14 miles away from home, and I can't find my way back.” 51.Why does Jack feel awful?

A.Because he is in good condition. B.Because he has a headache. C.Because he feels like eating. D.Because he works hard.

52.Who suggests that Jack should see a doctor?

A.His wife kilograms. B.His son kilograms.

C.His daughter kilograms. D.His mother kilograms.

53.According to the doctor, how many kilograms should Jack lose?

A.About thirteen. B.About a hundred. C.About thirty. D.About fourteen.

54.What's Jack's new problem?

A.He forgets how many miles to run. B.He can't find his way back home. C.He runs for such a long time. D.He loses a lot of weight.

55.The passage is probably from a ________.

A.letter B.poster C.report D.storybook


What should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt? Here are some steps you should follow. But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救)if the wound is serious.

Broken bones(骨头):Take away clothing from the wound. Use an ice pack. Don't move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

Animal bites(咬伤):Wash the bite area with soap and water. Pack the wound with a clean cloth if it is bleeding. If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital. Make sure you remember what kind of animal it is so the doctor can find the right way to treat him or her at once.

Fainting(昏厥):Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little. Don't move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall. Make sure he or she can breathe and let in fresh air. Clean the person's face with a cool cloth.

Nosebleeds:Have the person sit up with his or her head tilted(倾斜)forward a little. Do not have the person

tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing. Pinch(捏)the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.

56.What should we do first when an animal bite happens?

A.Put an ice pack on the wound.

B.Wash the bite area with soap and water. C.Try to stop the bleeding with a clean cloth. D.Take the hurt person to the hospital.

57.When dealing with the problems of ________, we shouldn't move the hurt.

A.broken bones and animal bites B.animal bites and nosebleeds C.broken bones and fainting D.fainting and nosebleeds

58.Which of the following is not right when a boy's nose bleeds?

A.Let his head not tilt back.

B.Let his head tilt forward a little. C.Let him sit up.

D.Pinch his nose for less than 10 minutes.

59.Which part of a magazine may the passage come from?

A.Lifestyle. B.Health. C.Sports. D.Education. 60.What's the main idea of the passage?

A.First aid for some accidental wounds. B.Steps of looking for medical care. C.Advice on ways not to get hurt. D.Ways to ask for help in getting hurt. 八、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分) A)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词

61.His father is r________ his bike, because it doesn't work. 62.I found it difficult to fall a________ last night. 63.They went to the beach i________ of climbing mountains. 64.If you have problems, you should c________with your parents or teachers. 65.Can you l________ your English book to me? I left mine at home. B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词

66.What he said is ________ (believe), and nobody believes him. 67.All of us hope to have a ________ (peace) world.

68.We all enjoy the ________ (beautiful) of nature and the countryside.

69.Stay away from junk food, please. It's bad for us, ________ (especial) for children.

70.So many climbers like taking risks because they want to challenge ________ (they) in the face of difficulties. 九、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)

根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话恢复完整 A:Hi, Linda. You look sad. __________________71?

B:Well, I love music, but my mother doesn't allow me to listen to it. A:______________________72?

B:Because she thinks listening to music is not good for my study.

A:________________________73. I also love music. It makes me relaxed and helps me study better. B:Right. Music brings me much, too. But how can I solve my problem? Can you give me some advice?

A:Of course. ________________________74? B: No, I don't often talk with her. We often argue.

A:I think communicating with each other is a better way. You can have a good talk with your mother. B:________________________75. Thanks for your advice. 十、选词填空(每小题1分,共10分)


A.food B.save C.important D.under E.lyingF.anything G.it H.fire I.because of J.backK.waste L.refused Some years ago, a big fire burned(燃烧) down a large part of a city. Lots of houses were broken. A rich lady was hurrying(匆忙) through the crowd of people, trying to ________76 a box of valuable(有价值的) things from the fire. After running out of the ______77, she met a little boy in the street. She called him and said, “Take this box, my boy, and do not part with ______78 until I see you again. I will reward(回报)you well.”

The boy took the box, and the lady turned______79 to look for something else. Just then many people came rushing between the lady and the boy, and they couldn't see each other.

That night, the lady lived in a friend's home outside the city. The next day she looked for the boy everywhere, but she couldn't hear______80of him. There were some very ______81 letters and all her treasures in the box. The lady was very upset ______82 losing them.

But on the following night, someone found the boy ______83 on the ground with the box at a corner. He had been there for a long time without ______84. The boy was almost dead with hunger(饥饿), but he never thought of leaving the box.

Of course the lady was going to give the boy some money, but he______85. The lady trusted (相信)him, and he wouldn't let her down. It is the spirit that turns the boy into a hero. 十一、书面表达(15分)

很多父母希望孩子将时间都花在学习上,以便有个美好的未来。假如你是图中的学生,你对父母的这种做法是怎么认识的?请用英语写一篇作文。 提示:1.对图画进行简单描述。

2.对父母的这一做法,作出评判,并进行合理的批驳。 3.给出自己的想法。


Yesterday afternoon, I went home after school. _________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________



一、1.Jack was cleaning the house with his parents at this time last Sunday.

2.Tom goes to see the doctor because he has a sore throat. 3.Bob likes to take the school bus to school every morning. 4.Mike was helping his brother cook dinner at 6:00 p. m. 5.Dave was sleeping when the rainstorm came last night. 二、6.M: What's the matter, Li Ping?

W: I cut myself when I was cutting tomatoes yesterday. Q: What's the matter with Li Ping?

7.M: Hi, Linda. Could you help me with the housework?

W: Sure. Wait a minute. I'm eating an apple now. M: OK.

Q: What's Linda doing now?

8.W: Dad, Tom borrowed my storybook, but he didn't give it back to me.

M: Why don't you call him and ask him for it, Lisa? Q: What is Dad's advice?

9.M: Do you know John had a fight with Mike an hour ago?

W: No. I don't. I went to the library just now.

Q: Where was the girl while John and Mike were fighting? 10.W: Dad, could I watch TV after dinner?

M: No, you should do your homework first. Q: What should the girl do first?

三、Text 1

M: Could I invite my friends to my birthday party on Saturday, Mom? W: Certainly, dear. That sounds fun.

M: Could I borrow some money from you? W: Why do you need money?

M: Because I need to buy some snacks.

W: Well, I'm going shopping tomorrow. I can buy them for you. M: That's great. Thank you, Mom.

W: Could you please clean the living room? M: I cleaned it yesterday.

W: You need to clean it again for your party. M: OK. But I need to finish my homework first.

W: That's right. After you finish your homework, let's clean the room. Text 2

M: Oh!

W: Bob? What's the matter, dear?

M: My arms hurt.

W: I'm not surprised. Why don't you stop for a moment? Let's have a cup of tea! M: That's a good idea. I think I will.

W: You should ask our son to help you with the heavier boxes. M: Yes. You're probably right. 四、Dear Mr. Smith,

My daughter Jessica is 16 years old. At home, she is very quiet and hardly ever talks to us. She always thinks that we don't understand her. She reads novels on the Internet. She talks to friends on the Internet every day. She likes to make friends on the Internet, and she's not interested in study. I told her that it's not good to spend too much time on the Internet and that it's dangerous to make friends on the Internet. I don't know whether she has made unfriendly friends on the Internet or not. I also told her that she should study hard, but she doesn't listen to me. What should I do?

Worried Mom Mrs. Hand


1~5 CEFAD 6~10 CACAB 11~15 BABAB

16.daughter 17.novels 18.makes friends 19.study 20.mom/mother

五、21.B 点拨:句子主语为she,其反身代词为herself。故选B。


23.B 点拨:本句意为“这里的人们遇到了很多困难,但他们从未放弃希望。”pick up“捡起,拾起”;

give up“放弃”;look for“寻找”;wait for“等待”。故选B。 24.A

25.D 点拨:用固定结构法。本句意为“有时候, 父母发现与他们的孩子交谈是有困难的。” find+ it+ adj.+ to do sth.“发现做某事是……的”,it为形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语。故选D。 26.D 点拨: look at“看”;look out“向外看”;look for“寻找”;而take care of意为“照顾,照看”。只有D项符合题意。

27.B 点拨:Could you please do sth.…?的否定句为Could you please not do sth.…?

28.B 点拨: “the + 比较级,the + 比较级”表示“越……越……”。children为名词child的复数形式,用few的比较级fewer修饰。故选B。

29.B 点拨:由句意可推断出,“公司为萨姆提供了一份好工作”,offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.“为某人提供某物”。故选B。

30.B 点拨:satisfaction“满足”;development“发展”;communication“交流”;preparation“准备”。根据句意可知是学校应该关心学生才能的全面发展。故选B。

31.A 点拨:用固定句式法。It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth. 为固定句型。It为形式主语,不定式短语为真正的主语。故选A。

32.A 点拨:本句意为“当汤姆到我家的时候,我的家人正在吃晚饭。”由句意可知,空格所在句时态为过去进行时,family强调的是家庭成员,因此谓语动词用复数。

33.B 点拨:本句意为“我在公园里散步的时候遇见了我的一个朋友。”while在此引导的是时间状语从句,符合句意,故选B。

34.D 点拨:received“收到”;said“说”;asked“问”;realized“认识到”。空格所在句的句意为“最后,他认识到努力学习非常重要。”故选D。

35.C 点拨:对句型Could you please…?的肯定回答可以用“Yes, sure.”。 六、36.C 点拨:根据第二段中的her mother said. “We'll have your party next weekend.”可知是她妈妈说的“他


37.A 点拨:根据语境,结合第三段中的My birthday is today, not next weekend!可推测,萨拉对派对在下周末举办是不满的,她觉得放在下周末和今天是不同的,故选A。

38.B 点拨:由下文中almost every station was talking about it几乎每个台都在谈论它,可推测萨拉在看电视,turn on the TV打开电视。故选B。

39.C 点拨:根据前文She wanted to watch anything that wasn't about the storm可知,她不想看到关于暴风雨的事,而后文中提到了几乎每个台都在谈论暴风雨,事与愿违,则本空应填表示转折意义的词。故选C。

40.A 点拨:根据前文This storm is ruining (毁灭) everything,结合语境,本空应该选择表示较深的程度的词。故选A。

41.B 点拨:根据后文Could you imagine if we lost our home?这里是萨拉的母亲让她换位思考,则推断人们在挽救家园。故选B。

42.C 点拨:根据空前She knew she'd be really sad和上一题萨拉的母亲提到人们在挽救家园,可推断如果失去了家,萨拉会很伤心。故选C。

43.C 点拨:根据空前What's going to happen to all those people?提到了那些失去家园的人们,可推测萨拉在担心他们。故选C。

44.A 点拨:根据前文people raise money and give away (捐赠) food and other things to the homeless families.Some people even help rebuild houses.和I want to help too可知,萨拉得知人们捐钱帮助无家可归的家庭,同时表示自己也想帮助他们。则可推断萨拉想将自己生日的钱捐献给无家可归的人。send sth. to sb.送给某人某物。故选A。 45.B 点拨:根据语境可知,在妈妈得知萨拉想帮助无家可归的人时,内心应该是骄傲的。be interested in对……感兴趣;be proud of为……感到骄傲;be sorry for为……感到抱歉;be full fo充满。故选B。

七、A) 46.A 点拨:细节理解题。由父亲给Frank的信中所说的“Not forever, just for a week.”,可知选A。

47.C 点拨:细节理解题。由父亲给Frank的信中所说的“It's reported that fifty percent of the teenagers depend on their phones too much.”,可知选C。

48.D 点拨:细节理解题。由Frank给父亲的信中所说的“Social media, games, and apps might seem silly to you, but they help me to keep in touch with my friends.”可知,“Frank认为这些都可以帮助他和朋友保持联系”,故选D。

49.C 点拨:理解归纳题。由Frank给父亲的信中所说的“I promise to cut back my phone use, and I won't use it at the dinner table any more.”可推断出,“Frank答应父亲以后尽量在手机上花费更少的时间”,故选C。

50.B 点拨:主旨大意题。由这两份信函的内容可知,“Frank有时使用手机查找一些信息”,故选B。

B)51.B 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的He is not in good condition.和I've got a headache and I don't feel like eating.可知,杰克的身体状况不好,他头疼并且不想吃东西。故选B。

52.A 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“You've put on a lot of weight recently.You should see the doctor,” his wife says,可知,杰克的妻子建议他应该去看医生。故选A。 53.C 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的You need to do some exercise to lose about 30 kilograms.可知,杰克应该减掉大约30千克。故选C。

54.B 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“I'm 14 miles away from home, and I can't find my way back.”可知,杰克离家14英里,找不到回家的路了。故选B。 55.D 点拨:全文讲了一个关于杰克犯迷糊的小故事,所以很可能是来自故事书上的文章,故选D。 C)56.B 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的:Wash the bite area with soap and water. 可知首先是用肥皂水清洗伤口。

57.C 点拨:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的:Don't move the hurt body part while waiting for the

doctor to arrive. 以及第四段中的:Don't move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall.可知选C。

58.D 点拨:细节理解题。定位文章最后一段,根据文中:Have the person sit up with his or her head tilted(倾斜)forward a little. Do not have the person tilt his or her head back…,可以推断出A、B、C三项都正确。D选项,意思是捏住鼻子不超过10分钟,而原文是:Pinch(捏)the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes.“捏住鼻子下部至少10分钟”,所以D选项不正确。

59.B 点拨:推理判断题。本文主要讲急救的相关知识,可以推断出此文可能来自杂志的健康方面的内容。 60.A 点拨:主旨大意题。根据文章内容,可知主要讲了一些关于意外受伤的急救知识。所以选A。 八、A)61.repairing 62.asleep 63.instead 64.communicate


B)66.unbelievable 67.peaceful 68.beauty 69.especially 70.themselves

九、71.What's wrong (with you)/ What's up/ What's the matter / What's the trouble/ What happened

72.Why/ Why doesn't she allow you to listen to music 73.I don't think so/ I disagree / I don't agree(with her) 74.Do you often talk with your mother

75.Sounds good/ That's a good idea/ Good idea/ Great / OK. I will try/ OK, I'll do that 十、76.B 77.H 78.G 79.J 80.F 81.C 82.I 83.E

84.A 85.L 十一、范文:

Yesterday afternoon, I went home after school. I wanted to help my father sweep the floor, but he said, “You needn't do that. Do some reading!” Later when I was watching TV, my mother came and turned off the TV and said, “You shouldn't waste your time. Go to study!”

I know my parents love me and want me to have a good future. But should I spend all the time on my study? There are many other things for me to learn and I want to know more about the outside world, too. As students, it's our duty to study. But that's not the only thing for us to do.


限时:120分钟 满分:120分 题 号 得 分 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总 分 听力部分(20分)







二、听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分) 6.How long has the man worked in the school?

A.For about 8 years. B.For about 9 years. C.Since 2015.

7.How many times has the man been to Beijing?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. 8.When did Nick read the story ATaleofTwoCities?

A.One year ago. B.Two years ago. C.Three years ago.

9.What kind of music does Sally like?

A.Rock music. B.Country music. C.Pop music.

10.How many pages are there in the book?

A.80 pages. B.120 pages. C.200 pages. 三、听两段对话,选出能回答所给问题的最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题 11.What are they going to do together?

A.Have piano lessons. B.Play ping-pong.

