Fossil fuels

更新时间:2023-12-06 20:00:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


Fossil fuels

Ⅰ.Goals:1.To let students know the forming process of

the three fossil fuels.

2.To let students know how the fossil fuels

are expoited.

3.To let students understand the importance

of the fossil fuels.

Ⅱ.New words and expressions

renewable[ri'nju:?bl] 可持续的

extraction[iks'tr?k??n] 取出,抽出 seep[si:p] 渗出,漏 porous['p?:r?s] 可渗透的

horizontal[,h?ri'z?ntl] 地平线的,地表的 seam[si:m] 矿层 shaft[?ɑ:ft] 矿井

quarry['kw?ri] 露天矿场

erosion [i'r?u??n] 侵蚀,腐蚀 sponge[sp?nd?] 海绵 drill[dril] 钻机 vegetation[,ved?i'tei??n] 植被 sediment['sedim?nt] 沉淀物 crush[kr??] 弄皱

flatten['fl?tn] 弄平 crude[kru:d] 天然 silt[silt] 被淤塞

Ⅲ.Warming up

1. What do you think the oil is like underground?

2. Have you ever watched the coal carefully?

3. Do you know the West-East Natural Gas Transmission



The three fossil fuels are important sources of industrial chemicals.Coal is used to make coal tar.Coal tar is used to make nylon.Coal itself is used as a form of carbon for smelting iron.Petroleum is a source of a






plastics.Methane is the source of hydrogen used for making ammonia,which is used to make fertilisers. 1. How many kinds of uses does the coal have? 2. Which fossil fuel can be used to make fertilisers? Ⅴ.Pre-reading

1. Talk about the present situation of fossil fuels.

2. Have you ever been to a coal mine?Briefly describe the things you’ve seen and heard. Ⅵ.Reading

1. Coal,oil and gas are the three major energy resources for human beings.

2. Much dead vegetation and sediments collected on top of the half-rotted trees.And the crushed and flattened half-rotted trees formed coal.

3. Oil formed under the seas.The organism’s dead bodies did’nt rot away completely when they mixed with the sand and silt on the sea bed.They were crushed by the sediments.The remains became petroleum or crude oil. 4. Gas was formed from the half-decayed remains of plants,animals and bacteria.It is often found in mall amounts,because it can easily leak away through tiny spaces in rocks.

5. Oil moves through porous rocks underground,until it gets trapped by non-porous rocks above it. 6. If gas is trapped in the same place with oil,the oil may be under pressure and will surge up out of the drilled shaft.But often the oil has to be pumped put.A detergent solution will help to pump out the oil.

7. Natural gas does not need to be pumped out of the ground.It will come out under its own pressure. Ⅶ.Grammar and expressions

gush out 喷涌 surge up 汹涌 open-cast mine 露天煤矿 leak away 渗漏 Ⅷ.Post-reading

1.Why are coal,oil and gas called fossil fuels? 2.What are the two main uses of fossil fuels? 3.Why are large amounts of fossil fuels no longer being found?

Ⅸ.1.Coal is not explosive,but many mining disasters

have involved explosions.What caused these explosions?

2.Britain’s main oil field is under the North

Sea.What problems does this give to the companies trying to extract the oil?Try to find out how some of these problems have been solved.

