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Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity

Was Einstein a Space Alien?By Tony Phiffips

Lead-in a space alien: 外星人 What will occur to you whenever the phrase “a space alien” is mentioned?

Lead-inThey come from outer space.


They have unusual appearances.

Lead-inThey have super power.

Lead-in In our daily life, some people are described as a space alien, because of their unusual appearance or abilities. Describe the following pictures by saying “Maybe he/she is a space alien, because …” E.g. Maybe he is

a space alien, because he runs extremely fast.

Lead-in Maybe he is a space alien, because he looks extremely eccentric(古怪的). Maybe she is a space alien, because she eats huge meals.

Lead-in Maybe he is a space alien, because he swims extremely fast.

Maybe he is a space alien, because he looks odd(古怪的 and he plays football extremely well.

Was Einstein a Space Alien? What about… Einstein? Why did the author raise this question?or

Teaching Plan Global Reading Detailed Reading Debate Summary Further Information

Global Reading 1. Read the text quickly and answer the question: “What impression has Einstein in the text made on you?”

Global Reading 2. Read the text again carefully and (1)divide the text into 4 parts; Part 1Paragraph 1~3

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

(2)report the main idea of each part in 1-2 sentences; (3)report what you have learned about Einstein in each part.

Detailed Reading Vocabulary Sentences Structure

Vocabulary What remarkable about 1905 is that a single person authored all five papers… Remarkable adj striking他生病的整个阶段都表现出非凡的忍耐力 He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness

Vocabulary Relations were strained. 1) make a situation or relationship more difficult 该事件使得两国关系趋于紧张。 The incident has strained relations between the two countries. 2) stretch tightly by pulling 负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。 Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point. Collocation: strain every nerve 尽力

strain one’s muscles 绷住劲

Sentences He didn’t resist being told what to do, not so much, but he hated being told what was true. Not so much->Not extremely He didn’t extremely resist being told what to do, but he hated being told what was true.

Structure That didn’t slow him down. Slow …down: exert a negative effect on the development of sth/sb Exercise: 压力总能让人放慢脚步,so try to relax yourself whenever you feel stressful. Pressure are always able to slow one down

DebateImagination vs. knowledge is a constant battle that is still being fought. Einstein used to say “Imagination is more important than knowledge” while some other experts attach more importance to knowledge. What’s your opini

on? Divide the class into two groups and have a debate on it, one group arguing for the importance of imagination over knowledge and the other against it.

Summary What have we learned today? 1. content of the text The text is about…(who) Einstein is a…(job, what kind of person) The factors contributing to Einstein’s achievements are…(e.g. great concentration) The conclusion is… 2. vocabulary: strain, remarkable… 3. structure: slow… down

Further InformationThe theory of special relativity狭义相对论理论 In 1905 Albert Einstein published his paper on the Special Theory of Relativity, which, as is well known, is concerned with the characteristics of space, time and matter when a mass possesses a constant velocity in Pseudo-Euclidean SpaceTime.

Homework Prepare a small presentation on The theory of special relativity Finish all the exercise in Unit 4 in your textbook

