2017 牛津译林英语 7B 语法专题七 情态动词和感叹句

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Unit 7 Abilities 语法专题七 情态动词和感叹句

一 核心语法内容梳理

1 情态动词can, could的用法 1)can 的用法

Can表示某人具有某种能力,意思为“能,会”,也表示客观的可能性,是“能够,可能”的意思,后接动词原形,适用于所有人称。 2)could为can的过去式,表示“能,可以”,另外could可用来代替can,表示更为客气委婉的语气,用来提出要求。

2 感叹句的用法



What a clever boy (he is)! 多么聪明的孩子!

2)以how开头的感叹句,how作状语,修饰形容词,副词或动词。如: How blue the sky is! 天空多么蓝啊!


Isn’t it a lovely view? 多美的景色啊!


1 根据句子意思,选用can, could, can’t, couldn’t, may 填空。 1 Last year I ________ row a boat, and now I________, either. 2 Simon ________swim when he was only seven years old.

3 Lucy________ ride a bike half a year ago, but now she________ do it very well. 4 It ________be right. But I am not sure. 5 --Could I use your dictionary, please. --Of course you________. 6 --________I smoke here? --No, you can’t.

7--Who________ it be? --I think it might be Bob.

8 The water in the river is polluted. Tom ________catch any fish in it. 9 --Whose car is this?

--I don’t know. Ask Daniel. He________ know.

10 My little brother ________be a good student because he is very lazy.

Keys: 1-5 couldn’t, can’t; could; could, can; may; can 6-10 Can/May; might; can’t; may; can’t

2 用what, what a, what an, 或how填空 1 __________ beautiful the Tianmu Lake is!

2 __________ wonderful the basketball match is! 3 __________ interesting class it is!

4 __________ good weather!

5__________ lovely that little girl is! 6 __________ delicious the soup is! 7 __________ time flies! 8 __________ strange sound!

Keys: 1-5 How; How; What an; What; How; 6-8 How; How; What a;

3 单选选择

1 Here is my phone number. You _____call me any time you like. A must B can C should D need 2 --Why did you pull the girl?

--You see, traffic was so busy that anything _____happen to her at that moment. A could B should C may D must 3 --_____brave Zhang Hua is!

--Yes. He helped his neighbour, Mrs Sun, out of the fire. A What a B How C How a D What

4 Andy makes few spelling mistakes. _____careful boy he is!

A What B What an C What a D How 5 --Could I have a look at the photo of your family, Sam? --Of course, you______.

A may B can C could D might

6 --That black T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it _____belong to David. He admires him a lot. --No, it _____ be his. He hates black.

A can; can’t B may; needn’t C must; mustn’t D must; can’t 7--____ I know by what time you want the project to be done? --By the day after tomorrow. ____ you finish it on time?

A May; Can B Must; Need C Could; Must D Need; Would 8 --Bob, Where is Linda?

--She ______ be in the library. But I am not sure. A must B may C need D has to

9 ____ role she played in the movie! That’s why she has a lot of fans.

A How interesting B How an interesting C What interesting D What an interesting 10 ___ sunshine! Shall we take a walk in the garden?

A What a beautiful B What beautiful C How a beautiful D How beautiful 11 The little girl is playing ______ piano so well. A a B an C the D / 12 ______ big fish they are!

A What B how C What a D How a

13 She said she ______ dance quite will when she was five. A might B could C must D can

14 --Mr Smith must have been to your home this morning. --No, he _____, because he didn’t know my address. A couldn’t B can’t C mustn’t D may not 15 _____ music she is playing!

A What nice B What a nice C How nice D How 16 --Dick, ____ I use your e-dictionary?

--Yes, please. _____ you give it to Mike after you use it?

A will; Would B may; Might C can; Could D shall; Should 17 --Please be quiet. Our teacher is coming.

--It _____ be our teacher. She has gone to Beijing. A must B may C can’t D mustn’t

18 --The world top player South Korean Lee lost the game against the computer programme Alphago.

--____ surprising news.

A What a B What C How D How a 19 --____ your brother speak Japanese、

--Yes, he has learnt it in Tokyo for three years. A Should B Must C Can D May

20 I’m good at playing ____ piano and I can also play ____ volleyball well. A the; / B the; the C /; the D /; /

Keys: 1-5 ACBCB 6-10 DABDB 11-15 CABBA 16-20 CCBCA

