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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world.  Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces——Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions——Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.  Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these inpidual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC——1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368——1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.  The Great Wall is pided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the piding line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storin
g grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a

hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.  A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications.  There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.  Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)  Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.  Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(
1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid i

mages of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.  As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the inpidual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.  Notes:  1. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的泰姬陵  2. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园  3. Sanskrit 梵语  4. Uigur 维吾尔语 来源:考试大-导游资格考试
来源:考试大 【考试大:天下考生的良师益友】 2006年7月6日

Situated in the western outskirts of Haidian District, the Summer Palace is 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from central Beijing. Having the largest royal park and being well preserved, it was designated, in 1960 by the State Council, as a Key Cultural Relics Protection Site of China. Containing examples of the ancient arts, it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions. The Summer Palace is the archetypal Chinese garden, and is ranked amongst the most noted and classical gardens of the world. In 1998, it was listed as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.  Constructed in the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), during the succeeding reign of feudal emperors; it was extended continuously. By the time of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment. Originally called "Qingyi Garden" (Garden of Clear Ripples), it was know as one of the famous "three hills and five gardens" (Longevity Hill, Jade Spring Mountain, and Fragrant Hill; Garden of Clear Ripples, Garden of Everlasting Spring, Garden of Perfection and Brightness, Garden of Tranquility and Brightness, and Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure). Like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the Anglo-French allied force and was destroyed by fire. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to Summer Palace (Yihe
yuan). She spent most of her later years there, dealing with state affairs and entertaining. In 1900, it suffered again, being ransacked by the

Eight-Power Allied Force. After the success of the 1911 Revolution, it was opened to the public.  Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, The Summer Palace occupies an area of 294 hectares (726.5 acres), three quarters of which is water. Guided by nature, artists designed the gardens exquisitely so that visitors would see marvelous views and be amazed by perfect examples of refined craftwork using the finest materials.  Centered on the Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) the Summer Palace consists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, and corridors. The Summer Palace can be pided into four parts: the court area, front-hill area, front-lake area, and rear-hill and back-lake area.  Front-Hill Area: this area is the most magnificent area in the Summer Palace with the most constructions. Its layout is quite distinctive because of the central axis from the yard of Kunming Lake to the hilltop, on which important buildings are positioned including Gate of Dispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling Clouds, Hall of Moral Glory, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the Hall of the Sea of Wisdom, etc.  Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area: although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape, with dense green trees, and winding paths. Visitors can feel a rare tranquility, and elegance. This area includes scenic spots such as Garden of Harmonious Interest and Suzhou Market Street.  Court Area: this is where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu met officials, conducted state affairs and rested. Entering the East Palace Gate, visitors may see the main palace buildings: the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity served as the office of the Emperor, the Hall of Jade Ripples where Guangxu lived, the Hall of Joyful Longevity, Cixi‘s residence, the Hall of Virtue and Harmony where Cixi was entertained.  Front Lake Area: covering a larger part of the Summer Palace, opens up the vista of the lake. A breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water. In this comfortable area there are the Eastern and Western Banks, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Nanhu Island, and so on. On the western bank float six distinct bridges amongst which the Jade-Belt Bridge is the most beautiful.  颐和园  颐和园是我国现存最完好、规模最宏大的古代园林。位于北京市海淀区境内,距天安门20余公里,占地290公顷。  颐和园原为封建帝王的行宫和花园,远在金贞元元年 (1153年)即在这里修建“西山八院”之一的“金山行宫

清水秀,富丽堂皇。咸丰十年(1860年),英法联军疯狂抢劫并焚烧了园内大部分建筑,除宝云阁(俗称“铜亭”)智慧海、多宝 琉璃塔幸存外,珍宝被洗劫一空,建筑夷为一片废墟。光绪十四年(1888年)慈待太后挪用海军经费3000万两白银,在清漪园的废墟上兴建起颐和园。光绪二十六年(1900年)颐和园又遭八国联军的野蛮破坏,后慈禧又动用巨款重新修复。数百年来,这里一直是封建帝王、皇室的享乐之地,解放辟为公园。1961年国务院公布颐和园为全国重点文物保护单位。  颐和园包括万寿山、昆明湖两大部分,园内山水秀美,建筑宏伟。全园有各式建筑3000余间,园内布局可分为政治、生活、游览三个区域。政治活动区,以仁寿段为中心,是过去慈禧太后和光绪皇帝办理朝事、会见朝臣、使节的地方。生活居住区,以玉澜堂、宜芸馆、乐寿堂为主体,是慈禧、光绪及后妃居住之地。风景游览区,以万寿山前山、后山、后湖、昆明湖为主, 是全园的主要组成部分。  在世界古典园林中享有盛誉的颐和园,布局和谐,浑然一体。在高60米的万寿山前山的中央,纵向自低而高排列着排 云门、排云股、德辉殿、佛香阁、智慧海等一组建筑,依山而立, 步步高升,气派宏伟。以高大的佛香阁为主体,形成了全园的中心线。沿昆明湖北岸横向而建的长廊,长728米,共273间, 像一条彩带横跨于万寿山前,连结着东面前山建筑群。长廊中有精美柁画 14000多幅,素有“画廊”之美称。位于颐和园东北角,万寿山东麓的谐趣园,具有浓重的江南园林特色,被誉为 “园中之园”。  占全园总面积四分之三的昆明湖,湖水清澈碧绿,景色宜人。在广阔的湖面上,有三个小岛点缀,其主要景物是西堤、西堤六桥、东堤、南湖岛、十七孔桥等。湖岸建有廓如亭、知春亭、凤凰墩等秀美建筑,其中位于湖西北岸的清晏舫(石访)中西合璧,精巧华丽,是园中著名的水上建筑。后山后湖,林茂竹青,景色幽雅,到处是松林曲径,小桥流水,风格与前山迥然不同。山脚下的苏州河,曲折蜿蜒,时狭时阔,颇具江南特色。在岸边的树丛中建有多宝琉璃塔。后山还有一座仿西藏建筑——香岩宗印之阁,造型奇特。苏州街原为宫内的民间买卖街,现已修复并向游人开放。拥山抱水,绚丽多姿的颐和园,体现了我国造园艺术的高超水平。 来源:考试
来源:考试大 【考试大:天下考生的良师益友】 2006年7月6日

Lying at the center
of Beijing, the Forbidden City, called Gu Gong, in Chinese, was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace

Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world‘s largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters, while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is pided into two parts. The southern section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world wide.Construction of the palace complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years later in 1420. It was said that a million workers including one hundred thousand artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried from Fangshan, a suburb of Beijing. It was said a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from faraway provinces. Ancient Chinese people displayed their very considerable skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the grand red city wall for example. It has an 8.6 meters wide base reducing to 6.66 meters wide at the top. The angular shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it. The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family, it is the dominant color in the Forbidden City. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles; decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange, the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black represented water then and could extinguish fire.Nowadays, the Forbidden City, or the Palace Museum is open to tourists from
home and abroad. Splendid painted decoration on these royal architectural wonders, the grand and deluxe halls, with their surprisingly magnifice

nt treasures will certainly satisfy "modern civilians".  明清两代皇帝居住的宫城叫做紫禁城。紫禁城有两座,一在北京,一在南京。南京紫禁城是明太祖朱元璋和建文帝朱允 4位皇帝和清代10位皇帝。他们在这里君临天下,统治中国491年,将近五个世纪。  这座故宫为什么称为紫禁城呢?原来,中国古代天文学说,根据对太空天体的长期观察,认为紫微星垣居于中天,位置永恒不变,是天帝所居。因而,把天帝所居的天宫谓之紫宫,有“紫微正中”之说。  封建皇帝自称是天帝的儿子,是真龙天子;而他们所居住的皇宫,被比喻为天上的紫宫。他们更希望自己身居紫宫,可以施政以德,四方归化,八面来朝,这到江山永固,以维护长期统治的目的。  明清两代的皇帝,出于维护他们自己的权威和尊严以及考虑自身的安全,所修建的皇宫,既富丽堂皇,又森严壁垒。这座城池,不仅宫殿重重,楼阁栉比,并围以10米多高的城墙和52米宽的护城河,而且哨岗林立,戒备森严。平民百姓不用说观赏一下楼台殿阁,就是看一看门额殿角,也是绝对不允许的。  明清皇帝及其眷属居住的皇宫,除了为他们服务的宫女、太监、侍卫之外,只有被召见的官员以及被特许的人员才能进入。这里是外人不能逾越雷池一步禁区。因此,明清两代的皇宫,既喻为紫宫,又是禁地,故旧称紫禁城。  北京紫禁城占地面积724250平方米,还没把护城河和护城河与城墙的绿化带计算在内。宫殿房屋建筑面积为155000平立米。紫禁城是一座长方形的城池,南北长961米,东西宽753米,四周有高10米多的城墙围绕,城墙的外沿周长为3428米(城墙外有宽52米的护城河,是护卫紫禁城的重要设施)。城墙四边各有一门,南为午门,北为神武门,东为东华门,西为西华门。城墙的四角有四座设计精巧的角楼。  北京紫禁城筹建于明成祖永乐(公元1404年~公元1424年)五年,兴建于永乐十五年至十八年。整个营造工程由侯爵陈圭督造,具体负责是规划师吴中。紫禁城位于都城正中,中轴线穿过皇城正中,也就是穿过紫禁城中三大殿、三大宫。紫禁城正门为正南门午门,午门是宫城中最高的门座,朝中大赦、献俘等重大仪式都在午门举行。其北门为神武门,东门为
东华门,西门为西华门。  紫禁城作为明清两代的宫城,也分为外朝、内廷两个部分。外朝是皇帝办公的地方。举凡国家的重大活动和各种礼仪,都在外朝举行。外朝由天安门——端门——午门——太和殿——中和殿——保和殿组成的中轴线和中轴线两旁的殿阁廊庑组成。内廷是皇帝后妃生活的地方,包括中轴线上的乾清宫

、交泰殿、坤宁宫、御花园和两旁的东西六宫等宫殿群组成。 来源:考试大-导

