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英语部分: 33、On the way I noticed that the pavement ______from side to side the road heaved up and down. A. bounced B. hopped C. swayed D. darted

34、The story of Ruth ______ for me the unbridgeable difference,rather than the similarity ,between her situation and wise. A. fascinate B. cherishes C. embodies D. illuminates

35、This wealth will continue to ______ with the share price until he decides to cash in the options. A. flap B. obscure C. flatimate D. slap

36、You are not excepted to import anything too _____ though,so frustrations in this respect are kept to a minimum. A. intriguing B. obscure C. dubious D. indefinite

37、The police department is appealing for any information that may be ______ to this inquiry. A. pertinent B. acute C. persistent

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D. appropriate 38、No action will be ______ the mythmaker during the review period,which could take up to four months.

A. taken away B. taken against C. taken back D. taken off

39、The study provides data on the social _____ of interaction and contributes to our understanding of moral judgments. A. intuition B. motivation C. cognition D. incentive

40、Though our results need replication ,this suggests that our results may be applicable to women attempting to ________ naturally. A. contrive B. conserve C. convert D. conceive

41、Moreover ,the suffer from a ______ of books,and from pedagogical methods that rely on the monofination of class lectures. A. minimum B. scarity C. minority D. scattering 42、Trealves continued bet the opportunities to discuss and resolve them were improved by regular and closer ________. A. corporation B. concession C. collaboration D. commission 43、Many governments thus _______ financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money ,both of which are inflationary. A. fall to B. call on C. bring up D. resort to

44、Modernism may well have been _______ from public view ,but to the determined specialist it was still correctly available. A. purged B. unertimed C. minimized D. omitted

45、Is it really news that a couple _______ separation should be arguing shout the custody of their

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A. on the grounds of B. on the strength of C. on the threshold of D. on the brisk of

46、This substantial representative of League’ work drew the attention of at least two ______ reviewers. A. intricate B. exgalnite C. eminent D. subtle

47、Investors who _____ money based on market also may not be as diversified as they thought. A. allocate B. expedite C. retain D. deliver

48、The president could could use his constitutional powers to more troops about at his _______ A. plea

B. discretion C. obligation D. deposition

For years ,I’ve avoided chicken like the plague. Alarming articles about food safety and inhumane raising practices (some in this magazine) put me off, and so did the plain fact that chicken had lost its 49 .The grainy and muscular yet succulent meat of my childhood had turned to wet cardboard. The specter of a real plague striking chickens in this country ——the H5N1 form of avain influenza, which in the past two years had led to the death or slaughter of 140 million birds

in Asia-made me 50 recently into heirloom breeds of chicken and their chances of 51 if (or when, some say) avain flu is carried into North America.

Good-tasting, carefully raised chickens have been nearly impossible to find unless you live near a farmer who subscribes to the pasturing methods long 52 by Joel Salatin, the chicken guru, or near a hobbyist who can bear to part with a beautiful bird like one of the Araucanas popularized by Martha Stewart (who even got a line of paints out her flock’s eggs). But now ,dedicated and small-scale farmers are raising strong and healthy chickens for meat, and it is just becoming 53 to chefs and home cooks hungry 54 chicken that tastes like chicken.

Pasture-raised chickens eat grass and peck for bugs 55 standing in miserably cramped pens : they spend the daylight hours outdoors. Their meat tastes so good it’s hard to believe you’re eating chicken and not some special game bird. The dark meat is much darker, because the birds have actually exercised: all of the meat has sinew and taste. The fat is a deep gold rather than an anemic yellow. Real chicken could 56 be called “the other red meat.” 49. A flavor B seasonlog C tenderness D odor

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50. A look up B look out C look after D look into 51 . A sacrifice B survival C tolerance D retruval 52. A advocated B restrained C retarded D abstained 53.A adequate B addictive C available D ample 54.A of B with C about D for

55.A other than B more than C rather than D better than 56.A practically B approximately C conversely D incidentally

The hundreds of lakes studding the Adirondack landscape appear to most people as Scenic breaks in the forest cover, tubs full of game fish ,or arenas for testing their muscles or motorboats. While I too earvel at their beauty and enjoy eating their fish and stretching ay teadons peddling across them. I appreciate Adirondack lakes in another, more peculiar way . I see them as video cameras, permanently embedded in the landscape ,passively recording changes in vegetation and environment over thousands of years.

Each spring , flower-dust storms roll throngh the air, depositing a yellow film of pollen on lake surface. Wind gusts and rivulets carry needies and seeds from nearby forests into the lakes. Much of the pollen and plant debris sinks and becomes entombed in the mud on the lake bottoms. As the mud accumulates, each year’s crop of pollen and plant litter is preserved.

By plunging a bollow tube into the mud of an Adirondack lake and bauling it up , I can obtain a record of the history of the surrounding forest over the past 10000 years .Because pollen can travel many miles on the wind ,it records the large-scale changes in forest plant fragments, however, provide a record of the trees growing near the lake. By examining the needless and seeds from the mud at six Adirondack lakers. I have been able to reconstruct forest changes at specific altitudes, ranging from 3100 to 4300 feet.

Although vegetation patterns may appear to be permanently engraved on the Adirondack landscape, the lake-mud records lead to a more dynamic perception of the vegetation. Climate change has resulted in nearly continual changes in regional and local forest composition during the past 10000 years . As the climate changed, individual tree specties shifted up and down the mountain slopes. For instance, between 8000 and 4000 years ago, trees now found at lower elevations-while pine, hemlock, yellow birch-grew at altitudes as much as 1000 feet higher, indicating substantially warmer temperatures during that period. Cooling trends over the past 3000 years have led to the disappearance of these trees from higher elevations and increase in sprace pepolations.

Daring the eleration shifts, forest soons(groups of associated species) morenet presrred; distinet soons omergod , peraieted for a while , and more them replaced by new patterns. The characteristic somes we say today , much as the mubmlpine forests dominated by red sprace and bmlsom fir , didn’t exist until 3000 years ago. Before then , red sprace was rare thronghout the region , and foreats of hardwoods and bemlock bordered high-mlevation fir forests. The region experieaced different combinations of annual and seasonal temperatures, ralafail, and humidity, which gave rise to new combinations of tree species.

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Based on the records from lake sediments, global warming would not result in a simple upword shift in the current vegetation socks of the Adiroundacks. Putors climate changes and bitotic responses will probably be at least as comples as those of the past 10000 years. We can expect changes not only in average conditions but also in extremes, much as drocught , and in seasonal distribution of precipitmtion. Changes in the frequency of fires and blowdowns by strong winds could also have a head in resbaping the forests.

Attempting to preserve characteristic Adirondack community types any be unduccnotfal.In the face of climate changes. Because of its size, however, the Adirudack Park Any play a key role in preserving regional biodiversity during the next century . The extensive tracts of undeveloped land connect diverse habitats, prowiding poutes for plant and animal species that will need to adjust their geographic location and form new communities as the climate changes. Elsewhere in the eaitern United States, the landscape has been fragmeeted, and those habitats that have been preserved are isolated, restrieting natural adjustment of communities to large-scale environment change.

57.The main idea of this passage is that ________

A. Adirondack lakes provide a record of man’s pollstion of the environment B. pollen and plant litter have changed over years

C. Adirondack lake mud provides a valuable record of the biatory of surrounding forests. D. undeveloped lakes have a natural attraction for vacationers every year

58.What has led to the change in regional and local farest competition during the past 10000 years?

A. Roman disturbance B. Climate change C. Wind

D. Animal species

59. Which of the following didn’t grow at higher elevation between 8000 and 4000 years ago? A. Yellow birch B. Hemlock C. Spruce D. White pine

60. The elevation shifts results in the disappearance of_______ A. distinct zones

B. characteristic zones C. subaipine forests D. foreat zones

61. The following factors could affect reshaping the forests except ________ A. global warming

B. biotic responses to climate changes C. changes in the frequency of fires D. tourists and animals

62. The Adirondack Park is likely to play a key rule in preserving regional biodiversity during the

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next century due to its _______ A. unique location B. undeveloped land C. size

D. community types

63. Which of the following statements could you infer based on what is said in this passage?______

A. Subalpine forests are likely to disappear over the next century

B. It is important to keep on monitoring climate changes in the Adirondacks during coming years. C. The major value of Adirondack lakes lies in their attraction for tourists. D. Global warming will continue to be a major problem for Adirondack lakes.

64. If the author were delivering these passage orally ,has tone of voice would probably be ________ A. hard B. critical

C. impassioned D. serious

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next century due to its _______ A. unique location B. undeveloped land C. size

D. community types

63. Which of the following statements could you infer based on what is said in this passage?______

A. Subalpine forests are likely to disappear over the next century

B. It is important to keep on monitoring climate changes in the Adirondacks during coming years. C. The major value of Adirondack lakes lies in their attraction for tourists. D. Global warming will continue to be a major problem for Adirondack lakes.

64. If the author were delivering these passage orally ,has tone of voice would probably be ________ A. hard B. critical

C. impassioned D. serious

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